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1、复复习习一般现在时一般现在时定义:表示经常性、反复定义:表示经常性、反复性、习惯性动作或现在存性、习惯性动作或现在存在的状态。在的状态。cats eat ratsthe earth travels around the sunMichael Jackson is AmericanThingsarealwaystrueThings are true nowit is busyhe needs helpThings that we do regularlythey sometimes sleep during the classhe often plays basketball after cla


3、e否定构成否定构成:dont+动原动原doesnt+动原动原youdontalwaysdosomeexercise.hedoesntswimintheriver.一般疑问构成及简答:一般疑问构成及简答:Do+主语主语+动原动原+其它?其它?Yes,Ido.doyouworkhere?Does+主语主语+动原动原+其它?其它?No,hedoesnt.doesheswimintheriver特殊疑问举例特殊疑问举例:WhatdoyouoftendoonSundays?Wheredoeshelive? readreadsbringbringscook cooksusesuse动词的第三人称单数构成动

4、词的第三人称单数构成1直接在动词后面加直接在动词后面加s2以以sh,ch,s,x和和o结尾的动词加结尾的动词加esmisswatchfinishfixgoteachmisseswatchesfinishesfixesgoesteaches5.不规则动词不规则动词have3.以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的,把结尾的,把y改成改成ies4.以元音字母加以元音字母加y结尾的动词,直接加结尾的动词,直接加sflystudysayplayfliesstudiessaysplayshasReview一般现在时一用下列单词的适当形式填空1.We often_(play) in the playground

5、.2.He _(get) up at six oclock.3._you _(brush) your teeth every morning?4.What_(do) he usually_(do) after school?5.Danny _(study) English, Chinese, maths, science and Art at school.playgetsDobrushdoesdostudies6.Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister.7.At eight at night, she _(watch) TV with

6、 his parents.8._ Mike_(read) English every day?9.How many lessons_your classmates_(have) on Monday?10.What time_his mother_(do) the housework?goeswatchesDoesreaddohavedoesdo二改句子1.Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答)2.I have many books.(改为否定句)3.Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis (

7、改为否定句)4.She lives in a small town near New York.(改为一般疑问句)Yes,I do.I dont have many books.Gao Shans sister doesnt like playing table tennis.Does she live in a small town near New York?5.I watch TV every day.(改为一般疑问句)6.We have four lessons.(否定句)7.Nancy doesnt run fast (肯定句)8.My dog runs fast.否定句:一般疑问句

8、:9.Mike has two letters for him.一般疑问句:否定句:Do you watch TV every day?We dont have four lessons.Nancy runs fast.My dog doesnt run fast.Does your dog run fast?Does Mike have two letters for him?Mike doesnt have two letters for him.10.SuYangusuallywashessomeclothesonSaturday.否定句否定句:一般疑问句一般疑问句:划线提问划线提问:1

9、1.Tomdoeshishomeworkathome.否定句否定句:一般疑问句一般疑问句:划线提问划线提问:WhatdoesTomdoathome?Does Tom do his homework at home? Tom doesnt do his homework at home.Su Yang doesnt usually wash any clothes on Saturday. Does Su Yang usually wash any clothes on Saturday?What does Su Yang usually do on Saturday? 1.Doyourmoth

10、eroftencooksupper?2.Mikedoesntdoesherlessonswell.3.Doeshestudieshard?5.Healwaysthinkofothers.Doesdostudythinks二二 改错改错1. Nowadays, a large of number of women, especially those from the the coutryside, _in the clothing industry.A is working B works C work D worked 2.Light_faster than sound.A travel B

11、travels C is traveling3.My teacher said light _faster than sound.A travel B travels C is traveling一般现在时表将来一般现在时表将来1.下列动词 leave, start, come, go, arrive, begin, return, take place等的一般现在时表将来,这主要用来表示在时间上已经确定或安排好的事情.(以train等为主语)eg.1 The train leaves at six tomorrow morning 2 -When does the bus start? -I

12、t starts in ten minutes.3. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026_off at 12:15A takes B took C will be taken Dhas taken1. The final exam_next week.A take place B takes place C will take place D is taken place2. The train _ London at six and_at Birmingham at eight.A will leave, arrives B leaves

13、, arrivesC leaves, will arrive D will leave, will arrive2.在时间或条件状语从句中在时间或条件状语从句中(when,before,until,assoomas,if,unless等等)用一般现在时表示将来用一般现在时表示将来,而主句中的谓语而主句中的谓语动词仍用将来时动词仍用将来时(或情态动词或情态动词+动词原形动词原形或者用祈使句或者用祈使句)eg.1 When Bill comes (不是will come ), ask him to wait for me. 2 Ill write to you as soon as I arriv

14、e there.1.-What would you do if it _tomorrow? -We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready.A rain B rains C will rain D is raining2. Send my regards (问候) to lovely wife when you_home.A wrote B will write C have written D write3. The house could fall down soon if no one _some quick repair

15、 work.A has done B is doing C does D had done4. The wet weather will continous tomorrow, when a cold front(冷前锋) _to rrive.A is expected B is expecting C expects D will be expected5. -Do you have problem if you_this job? -well, Im thinking about the salary.A offer B will offer C are offered D will be

16、 offered3. 在动词hope, make sure that, take care that等后eg. I hope they have a nice time next week. 练习: Make sure that the windows_ before you leave the room.A close Bcloses C are closed D will be closed4. 4. 在倒装句中在倒装句中, ,表示动作正在进行表示动作正在进行. .eg. 1 Here comes the bus = The bus is coming 2 There goes the b

17、ell= The bell is ringing现在进行时现在进行时Look!SheiscryingListen!heissinging一一.正在进行正在进行(listen,look及语及语境境)与现在进行时连用的时间状语有与现在进行时连用的时间状语有now,rightnow,atpresent,atthismoment等等1. The telephone _.Would you answer it, please?A ring B is ringing C will ring D rings2. Now watch carefully and see what _in the experim

18、ent.A is happened B happens C is happening D was happeningeg. Im helping my dad on the farm this summer vacation二二. .一段时间内经常进行的动作一段时间内经常进行的动作(暂时的日常活动或习惯),虽然该(暂时的日常活动或习惯),虽然该动作不一定正在进行。动作不一定正在进行。I_now_Guangzhou this week. A am, visit B do,visit C am, visiting D is visitingHe is always failing in the e

19、xam.He is usually working hard三三.进行时与进行时与always,usually,forever,constantly,allthetime,contioually等连用,等连用,表不满,抱怨,或赞赏等情感。表不满,抱怨,或赞赏等情感。现在进行时用法现在进行时用法正在进行正在进行一直进行一直进行与与alwaysalways连用连用Look,theyareplayingfootball.Heiswritinganovelthisyear.Myteacherisalwayssmilinginclass.四. 有些瞬间动词,如cone, go, leave, start

20、, begin, stop, arrive, stay,return与进行时连用表“即将.”,常于将来的时间状语连用。eg.1 Are you staying in America for a week? 2 I am leaving for America next week. 3 I am coming.1.-Are you still busy?-Yes. I_my work, and it wont take longA just finish B am just finishing C have just finished D am just going to finish2.She

21、_always_of others instead of herself. A is,think B is, thinking C will think 巧记动词现在进行时巧记动词现在进行时 动词现在进行时,动词现在进行时, 表示正在发生事。表示正在发生事。 谓语结构要牢记,谓语结构要牢记, be +动词动词-ing。 否定句,很简单,否定句,很简单, be后快将后快将not添。添。 疑问句,也不难,疑问句,也不难, 只需你把只需你把be提前。提前。 何时使用进行时,何时使用进行时, look、listen告诉你。告诉你。 小试牛刀小试牛刀1. The shop _ at 7:30 p.m.

22、on weekends.A. will close B. closes C. closed D. has closed2. If he _ early tomorrow, hell be late.A. doesnt get up B. wont get upC. gets up D. doesnt gets up3. Listen! Xiao Li _ an English song.A. is singing B. sings C. is going to sing D. sang4. The teacher told us in class that the earth _ around

23、 the sun.A. moves B. moved C. is moving D. to move5. Lucy _ silly questions.A. is always asking B. always askC. will always ask D. asks再来再来三道三道6.JimisastudentandinTownHighSchool.A.studiesB.studiedC.hadstudied7.Who?Itsoundslikealittlegirl.A.doescryB.iscryingC.cried8.IfMike_upearlier,hecanfinishthewor

24、kintime.A.getB.willgetC.getsD.isgetting9.Mikewantstoknowif_apicnictomorrow.Yes.Butifit_,wellvisitthemuseuminstead.A.youhave.willrainB.youwillhave.willrainC.youwillhave.rainsD.willyouhave.rains10.Youmaygofishingifyourwork_.A.isdoneB.willbedoneC.hasdoneD.havedoneDont sleep11.Tellhimaboutthenewswhenhe_


26、arninthislessonifnecessary.step 1 : choose who you areYou are anyone if you like,so you can be a person or an animalrelaxing.anyagelifestylesStep2:thinkaboutthethingsyoudoeveryday.Usethevocabularywevelearnedandtherighttense.dangerous boringinteresting busylifestylesinthemorningcouchpotatoyourfriendy

27、ouselfrelaxingin the afternoonin the eveningYou can choose your age and sexa girl ofsix a boy of sixa studentgraduatefrom college/high schoola foreign studenta studentyou can choose subject and tools you like studymusicdoexperimentuse computer in classyou can choose activity you likedancehikewander

28、andfight in the street演员actor/actress 歌手singer模特儿model 导演film maker 电影明星film star 画家painter 主编editot 记者reporter 作家writer 舞者 dancer 飞行员pilot 教师teacher 运动员athlete 律师lawyer 翻译interpreter 医生docter 护士nurse 厨师cook animalsdogcatduckmonkeystep3:Write your article and pay attention to the follow points:1.idea2.words:morethan803.tenseused4.logic(逻辑)逻辑)5.hand-writing



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