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1、 Reading 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2外研初中三年级上册外研初中三年级上册Module 3 Sporting life Unit 2Liu Xiang was trained for gold. 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2Name: Liu XiangSex: _ Place of birth: ShanghaiBirthday: 1983.7.13 Height

2、: _ cmBody weight: 74 kgProject: the high jump, _Male188110 metres hurdlesTalk something about Liu Xiang外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2 1. Choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea. Liu Xiang _. a) was helped by his sports school to become a gold medal winner b) will be encouraged to be a

3、star and not a sporting hero c) has trained for many years, and will continue to win medalsC 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit22. How many parts are there in the passage according to the time?1. Is the passage written in a time order or a place order (顺序顺序)?In a time order.Three parts.2.Read the passage a

4、nd answer the following questions 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2Part1 (Para 1&2)Part2(Para 3&4)Part3(Para 5&6)The past life ofLiu XiangThe future life of Liu XiangThe present life of Liu Xiang3.What does the writer talk about in each part?外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit24.Complete the time line with the n

5、otes. 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2future plans200220011998199319832004born in Shanghai appear in films, adverts etc, record music won an Olympic gold in Athenswon in Switzerland and Koreatraining programme changedhurdling skill noticed started training at a sports school 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2

6、1. As a symbol, what does Liu Xiang represent? Hes a symbol of Chinas international sporting success. (He represents )2. Why does the passage say Liu Xiang is not an overnight success?Because he trained hard for many years.5.Answer the questions.外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit23. What was Liu Xiang advi

7、sed to do in 1998? He was advised to change from high jumping to hurdling.4. What was the special programme set up for in 2001? It was a programme to help youngsportsmen and sportswomen.5. What will he be encouraged to do inthe future?He will be encouraged to go for more gold medals.外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3

8、Unit2M3Unit2n n英语阅读思路与技巧英语阅读思路与技巧英语阅读思路与技巧英语阅读思路与技巧 n n1 1快速浏览全文,掌握大意。快速浏览全文,掌握大意。快速浏览全文,掌握大意。快速浏览全文,掌握大意。n n2 2仔细审题,分析比较选项。仔细审题,分析比较选项。仔细审题,分析比较选项。仔细审题,分析比较选项。n n3 3带着问题复读,捕捉关键信息,解答问题。带着问题复读,捕捉关键信息,解答问题。带着问题复读,捕捉关键信息,解答问题。带着问题复读,捕捉关键信息,解答问题。n n4 4再读全文,校对答案。再读全文,校对答案。再读全文,校对答案。再读全文,校对答案。外研版英语九上外研版英语

9、九上M3Unit2M3Unit2ExerciseLook at your guided learning plan外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit21.Rewrite the notes in Activity 3 in full sentences. Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai in 1983. Writing 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit22.Look at the sentences. n nA special programme helped Liu A special programme helped

10、Liu Xiang.Xiang. n nLiu Xiang was helped by a Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.special programme. n nHis skill at hurdling was noticed by His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.his coach Sun Haiping. n nHis coach Sun Haiping noticed His coach Sun Haiping noticed his sk

11、ill at hurdling. his skill at hurdling. 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2Coach Wang Bilin noticed Zhang Yining. Zhang Yining . 3.Now write sentences about Zhang Yinings training. 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2Wang Bilin asked Zhang Yining to go to Shichahai Sports School. Zhang Yining . Zhang Yinings train

12、ing programme took up a lot of her time. A lot of Zhang Yinings time . Zhang Yinings mother advised her to study as well as train. Zhang Yining . 外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2Join the sentences you wrote in Activity 6 to write a paragraph about Zhang Yining. Use and, although and because. Homework外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2外研版英语九上外研版英语九上M3Unit2M3Unit2



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