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1、盾安物业基层员工盾安物业基层员工盾安物业基层员工盾安物业基层员工英语口语培训英语口语培训英语口语培训英语口语培训培训员培训员- -陈春晓陈春晓1培训内容培训内容学习英语口语的重要性学习英语口语的重要性一些日常英语口语一些日常英语口语各个部门的日常英语口语各个部门的日常英语口语2英语口语的重要性英语口语的重要性社会发展的需要社会发展的需要自身发展的需要自身发展的需要3培训内容培训内容学习英语口语的重要性学习英语口语的重要性一些日常英语口语一些日常英语口语各个部门的日常英语口语各个部门的日常英语口语4称谓Mr.XXX Mrs.XXXMr.XXX Mrs.XXXMs.XXX Miss.XXXMs.X

2、XX Miss.XXX Sir Sir, Madam MadamGentlemen LadyGentlemen Lady5星期Monday Monday 星期一星期一 Tuesday Tuesday 星期二星期二 Wednesday Wednesday 星期三星期三 Thursday Thursday 星期四星期四 Friday Friday 星期五星期五 Saturday Saturday 星期六星期六Sunday Sunday 星期日星期日例:例:What day is it today? What day is it today? 今天星期几?今天星期几? Today is Saturd

3、ay. Today is Saturday.今天是星期六。今天是星期六。6月份January January 一月一月February February 二月二月 Mar Mar 三月三月 April April 四月四月May May 五月五月June June 六月六月July July 七月七月 August August 八月八月September September 九月九月October October 十月十月November November 十一月十一月 December December 十二月十二月例:例:What date is it today?What date i

4、s it today? 今天是几今天是几号号? Today is August 13Today is August 13thth. . 今天是今天是8 8月月1313日日71.Good morning1.Good morning,sir/madamsir/madam! 早上好!先生早上好!先生/ /女士!女士!2.How do you do.2.How do you do. 您您好好! !3.Welcome to our company3.Welcome to our company! 欢欢迎光迎光临临我我们们公司!公司!4.Can I help you4.Can I help you? 我能

5、我能帮你帮你吗吗?5.Thank you5.Thank you! 谢谢谢谢你你!6.I am sorry!/Sorry!6.I am sorry!/Sorry! 对对不起!不起!7.Thats all right7.Thats all right! 没关没关系!系!8.Good-bye8.Good-bye! 再再见见!9.You are welcome!9.You are welcome! 不客不客气气礼礼貌貌用用语语81.I see.1.I see.我明白了。我明白了。2.Hold on.2.Hold on.稍等。稍等。3.See you.3.See you.再再见见。4.This way.

6、4.This way.这边请这边请。5.Of course.5.Of course.当当然。然。6.Slow down.6.Slow down.慢点。慢点。7.Watch out.7.Watch out.当当心。心。8.whats up8.whats up?什什么么事?事?9.Let me see.9.Let me see.让让我想想。我想想。10. Dont worry. 10. Dont worry. 别别担心。担心。11.Never mind.11.Never mind.不要不要紧紧。12.No problem.12.No problem.没没问题问题。13.How do you do.

7、13.How do you do.您您好。好。一些常用的英语短语一些常用的英语短语9培训内容培训内容学习英语口语的重要性学习英语口语的重要性一些日常英语口语一些日常英语口语各个部门的日常英语口语各个部门的日常英语口语10秩序维护部日常英语口语秩序维护部日常英语口语1.Welcome to our company!1.Welcome to our company! 欢欢迎光迎光临临我我们们公司公司2.where are you going to2.where are you going to? 您您要去要去哪哪里?里?3.Follow me3.Follow me,please. I will c

8、all one taxi for you.please. I will call one taxi for you. 请请跟我跟我来来,我,我给给你你叫叫辆辆出租出租车车。4.I am sorry4.I am sorry,thats not allowed.thats not allowed. 对对不起,不起,这这是不允是不允许许的。的。5.No entrance/No admittance.5.No entrance/No admittance. 禁止入禁止入内内。6.Excuse me6.Excuse me,you are not allowed to park your car here

9、.you are not allowed to park your car here. 对对不起,不起,您您的的车车不能停在不能停在这这里。里。7.Please dont smoke here.7.Please dont smoke here. 请请不要在不要在这这抽烟。抽烟。11客服部客服部-大堂前台日常英语口语大堂前台日常英语口语1.Hello1.Hello,this is first floor front desk/Dunan this is first floor front desk/Dunan Property Company Limited.Property Company L

10、imited. 您您好,好,这这里是一里是一楼楼前台前台/ /盾安物盾安物业业。2.Hold on2.Hold on,please.please. 请请稍等。稍等。3.This way3.This way,please.please. 这边请这边请。 4.Please sign in this place4.Please sign in this place. 请请在在这这地方地方签签字。字。5.Where are you going to5.Where are you going to? 您您要去要去哪哪里?里?6.Which floor are you going to6.Which fl

11、oor are you going to? 您您要去要去哪哪一一层层?7.Are these your baggage?7.Are these your baggage? 这这是是您您的行李物品的行李物品吗吗?12客服部客服部-会议接待日常英语口语会议接待日常英语口语1.Hello1.Hello,this is third floor the meeting center.this is third floor the meeting center. 您您好,好,这这里是三里是三楼会楼会议议中心。中心。2.When do you want to have the meeting2.When d

12、o you want to have the meeting? 您您要何要何时时开会开会?3.What to want us to be ready?3.What to want us to be ready? 哪哪些些东东西要我西要我们们准准备备好?好?4.How many people attending the meeting?4.How many people attending the meeting? 多少人多少人参参加加会会议议?5.Welcome to our company5.Welcome to our company! 欢欢迎光迎光临临我我们们公司!公司!6.This w

13、ay6.This way,pleaseplease! 这边请这边请!13工程部日常英语口语工程部日常英语口语1.Hello1.Hello, this is engineering department. this is engineering department. 您您好,好,这这里是工程部。里是工程部。2. Ill send someone to maintenance.2. Ill send someone to maintenance. 我我马马上派人上派人来来给给你你维维修。修。3. Where need maintenance.3. Where need maintenance.?

14、 哪哪里需要里需要维维修?修?4.There is had repaired.4.There is had repaired. 已已经经修好了。修好了。5.Is there any problem else5.Is there any problem else? 还还有其他有其他问题吗问题吗?14结结结结束束束束语语语语一一一一首首首首英英英英文文文文诗诗诗诗Dont be shy, just try!Dont be shy, just try! 不要害羞,不要害羞,尽尽管管尝试尝试! !I enjoy losing face.I enjoy losing face.我喜我喜欢丢欢丢面子。面子

15、。I enjoy being laughed at.I enjoy being laughed at.我喜我喜欢欢被嘲笑。被嘲笑。I enjoyI enjoy making mistakes.making mistakes.我喜我喜欢欢犯犯错误错误。I enjoy learning from my mistakes!I enjoy learning from my mistakes!我我从从我犯的我犯的错误错误里里学学习习。The more mistakes I make, the more progress I make!The more mistakes I make, the more

16、progress I make! 我犯越多的我犯越多的错误错误,我就越,我就越会会进进步!步!Remember, you learn to swim by swimming.Remember, you learn to swim by swimming. 记记住,住,你从你从游泳中游泳中学会学会游泳。游泳。You learn to dance by dancing.You learn to dance by dancing.你从你从跳舞中跳舞中学会学会跳舞。跳舞。You learn to drive by driving.You learn to drive by driving.你从你从驾驶驾驶中中学会学会驾驶驾驶。So you can only learn to speak English by speakingSo you can only learn to speak English by speaking! 所以所以你你只能只能从从讲讲英英语语中中学会学会说说英英语语!15



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