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1、语法专项-非谓语动词 一、动词不定式(一)构成:1.肯定形式:to + v 2.否定形式:not to + v (二)句法功能: 1.主语: eg: (1) To speak English is not easy for us. =It is not easy for us _ _ English. (2) It is necessary for them to practice more. = _ _ _ is necessary for them. 不定式充当主语时,常常用it代(放到句首),而把真正的不定式放在后面。 2.表语: eg: (3)My work is to clean t

2、he room every day. =To clean the room every day is my work. (4)Your duty is to collect information. 多数情况下,不定式作表语,可转换为作主语。 tospeakTopracticemore+3.宾语:+ eg: (5)He likes to play basketball.+ (6)I want to go fishing with you on weekends.+ 动词不定式只能作某些及物动词的宾语,一般不作介词的宾语。+ want, refuse, wish, need, choose, h

3、ope, agree, try, begin, offer,+ would like to等动词后只能跟不定式作宾语。+4.宾补:+ eg: (7)She asked me not to speak Chinese in an English+ class.+ (8)I heard her cry in the next room just now.+ 在make, let, have, see, hear, watch等使役动词、感官动+词后,不定式省略to。但在变为被动句时应加上to。+ tell, ask, want, allow, get, would, encourage后常跟不定式

4、作宾补。+5.定语:+ eg: (9)Have you anything to say?+ (10)I need a room to live in.+ +不定式作定语,位于中心词之后;若作定语的不定式为不及物动词,且与中心词之间有动宾关系,要在该动词后加上适当的介词(如例10)。+6.状语:+ eg: (11)Im sorry to trouble you.(表原因)+ (12)I went there to study English.(表目的)+ 不定式作状语,其逻辑主语要和句子的主语一致。(三)常见的一些与不带to的不定式连用的词组、句型: 1. Why not + do ? 2. h

5、ad better (not) do 3. would rather do 4. Could/Would/Will you please (not) do?(四)特殊疑问词+不定式 不定式可以和疑问代词(who, whom, whose what, which,) 、疑问副词(when, where, how, why)连用构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。+ eg: (13)Please tell me what to do next.+ (14)I didnt know where to go.二、动名词(一)构成:v+-ing (二)句法功能: 1.主语: eg: (15)

6、 Feeding animals is my job. =My job is feeding animals. (16) Eating too much is bad for your health. 2.宾语: (1)动词的宾语:(17)He likes dancing/singing. (2) 介词的宾语: (18) Cookers are used for cooking. (19) Jim is good at painting. 常见的带动名词作宾语的动词:finish, enjoy, mind, practice, have fun, have trouble/problem, s

7、pend, feel like, have a hard time, be used to, cant stand/help + 3.表语: eg: (20)His hobby is collecting stamps. + =Collecting stamps is his hobby.+ 多数情况下,动名词作表语可转换成作主语。+4.定语:+ eg: (21)She is in the reading room.+ (22)We should improve our teaching methods.+ 动名词作定语只表明它所修饰的词的用途、所属关系等。三、分词(一)构成:1.现在分词:v

8、+-ing 2.过去分词:v+-ed (二)句法功能: 1.定语: eg: (23)Do you know the girl standing under the tree? (24)Please hand in your written exercises. 分词作定语,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的词。+2.状语:+ eg: (25)The students went out of the classroom,+ talking and laughing.+ 分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。+3.表语:+ eg: (26)The boy is too frightened to move.+ 现在

9、分词表示主语的性质、特征;过去分词表示某种状态。+4.补足语:+ eg: (27)Dont keep us waiting for a long time.+ (28)I heard her singing in the classroom.+ (29)Hell have his hair cut after school.+ 现在分词作补足语,被补足的宾语或主语是它的逻辑主语 + (即主动关系);+ 过去分词作补足语,被补足的宾语或主语是它的逻辑宾语+ (即被动关系)。(三)现在分词与过去分词的区别 1.在语态上,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动。 eg: the surprising n

10、ews 令人惊讶的电影 a surprised man 一个受惊吓的人 a moving film 一场感人的电影 the moved people 被感动的人们 2.在时间上,现在分词表示动作正在进行,过去分词表示动作 已经结束。 eg: the developing country 发展中国家 the developed country 发达国家 the rising sun 正在升起的太阳 the risen sun 升起来的太阳(四)have sb. do sth./have sb. doing sth./have sth. done 1. have sb. do sth.“让某人做某

11、事”have可用let, make代替. 不定式往往表示一次性的具体动作,且强调动作已经完成或 尚未发生。+ eg: (30)The soldiers had the boy stand with his back+ to his father.+ 士兵们让这个男孩背对着他的父亲站着。+2.have sb. doing sth.“让某人/某物做某事”,可用keep代+ 替,现在分词(doing)表示的这个动作往往具有持续、进行的+ 意思。+ eg: (31)The two men had their lights burning all night+ long.+ 那两个人让灯通宵亮着。+3.

12、have sth. done “让某人做某事”,即 ask sb. else to do+ sth. 过去分词(done)表示的这个动作由他人(即非主语本身)+ 来完成,含有被动意义且强调动作已经完成。+ eg: (32)The driver had his car washed once a week.+ 那位司机每周叫人洗一次车。+ (33)I had my bike repaired yesterday.+ 昨天我叫人把自行车修了。 四、某些动词或词组后接动名词或不定式的区别stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事 eg: (34)Stop

13、talking, please. (35)Stop to think about it for a moment. remember/forget to do sth.记住/忘了要做某事 remember/forget doing sth.记得/忘了做过某事 eg: (36)I remember posting your letter. (37)Please remember to post my letter. (38)I forgot to bring my homework. (39)I forgot bringing my homework. try to do sth.努力去做某事

14、try doing sth.试着去做某事 eg: (40)He tried speaking English to us. (41)Please try to do better next time.+ go on to do sth. 做完一件事,接着去做另一件事+ go on doing sth. 继续不停地做某事+ eg: (42)Go on to do the other exercise after you finish+ this one.+ (43)Go on doing the exercise after a short rest.+ allow doing sth. 允许做

15、某事+ allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 + eg: (44)We dont allow smoking here.+ (45)We dont allow students to go out on weekdays. Exercises 1.If you feel tired, you may stop _. A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 2.Were in class. Youd better not _. A. talk B. talking C. talked D. to talkBA 3.We

16、 are going for a picnic tomorrow. Ill call Wendy to make sure _. A. why to start B. when to start C. what to start D. which to start 4.Some children are arguing what TV programs_. A. watching B. for watching C. to watch D. will watch 5.I often see my teacher, Mr Zhao, _ books in his office. A. reads B. to read C. is read D. read 6.Shopping with me? -Sorry, I have a lot of clothes _. A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. washing 7.Who was the first one _? A.to reach B.to arrive C.to get to D.to arrive atBCDAB



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