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1、Where would you like to visit? 1.Id like to go somewhere +形容词形容词2.I love places where the people are really friendly.3.I hope to +动原动原 some day.4.I d love to visit + 地点地点1.They like places_ the weather is always warm. A. when B. how C. where D. there2.It has to be a place_ we can do lots of outdoor

2、activities. A. when B. that C. there D. where3.Well go out for a picnic_ it rains this Saturday. A. if B. since C. as soon as D. unless( )4. Could you please provide us _ some information about the students health ? Of course, its my pleasure.A. to B. of C. from D. with 解析解析 考查介词考查介词withwith的用法。的用法。

3、 “provide sb. with provide sb. with sthsth. .”意为意为“给某给某人提供某物人提供某物”,为固定短语。故选,为固定短语。故选D D。provide sth for sbprovide sb with sthoffer sth to sboffer sb sth( )3. Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean?Yes, but it needs to go_ the clouds for hours. A. across; through B. through; acrossC. across; across D.

4、through; through 解析解析解析解析 考查介词辨析。考查介词辨析。考查介词辨析。考查介词辨析。acrossacrossacrossacross表示表示表示表示“从物体的表从物体的表从物体的表从物体的表面穿过,越过面穿过,越过面穿过,越过面穿过,越过”; throughthroughthroughthrough表示表示表示表示“从某物的内部穿过从某物的内部穿过从某物的内部穿过从某物的内部穿过”,句中,句中,句中,句中“飞越大西洋飞越大西洋飞越大西洋飞越大西洋”介词要使用介词要使用介词要使用介词要使用 acrossacrossacrossacross;从云层;从云层;从云层;从云层中

5、中中中“穿过穿过穿过穿过”,介词要使用,介词要使用,介词要使用,介词要使用throughthroughthroughthrough。 重点短语重点短语 1 1( (把把) )打扫干净打扫干净2 2无家可归的人无家可归的人3 3让某人高兴让某人高兴4 4分发;发放分发;发放5 5推迟;拖延推迟;拖延6建立;创立;开办建立;创立;开办7(在外貌、性格等方面在外貌、性格等方面)与与(父母等父母等)相像相像8.捐赠,捐赠,9.写下,记录下写下,记录下10.粘贴粘贴11.号召,召集号召,召集12.想出,想起想出,想起13.用完,用尽用完,用尽14.与与相似相似15.修补,修理修补,修理( )1. Han

6、 Han is a popular writer. His new book will _this SeptemberA. come up B. come inC. come out D. come on易错点针对训练 解析解析解析解析 考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。 come upcome upcome upcome up意为意为意为意为“发生发生发生发生”; come income income income in意为意为意为意为“进来进来进来进来”;come out come out come out come out 意为意为意为意为“出版出版出版出版”;co

7、me come come come on on on on 意为意为意为意为“快点快点快点快点”。句意为:韩寒是位受欢迎的作家。他。句意为:韩寒是位受欢迎的作家。他。句意为:韩寒是位受欢迎的作家。他。句意为:韩寒是位受欢迎的作家。他的新书将在九月的新书将在九月的新书将在九月的新书将在九月_。此空应为。此空应为。此空应为。此空应为“出版出版出版出版”,故选,故选,故选,故选C C C C。( )2. Last year was a hard time to my friend Jim, but he didnt_ hope. A. pick up B. use upC. put up D. gi

8、ve up 解析解析解析解析 考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。 pick uppick uppick uppick up意为意为意为意为“捡起;捡起;捡起;捡起;( ( ( (用用用用车车车车) ) ) )接某人接某人接某人接某人”; use upuse upuse upuse up意为意为意为意为“用完用完用完用完”; put upput upput upput up意为意为意为意为“张张张张贴;举起贴;举起贴;举起贴;举起”; give upgive upgive upgive up意为意为意为意为“放弃放弃放弃放弃”。句意为:对我的朋。句意为:对我的朋。句意为:对

9、我的朋。句意为:对我的朋友吉姆来说,去年是个困难时期,但是他没有放弃希望。友吉姆来说,去年是个困难时期,但是他没有放弃希望。友吉姆来说,去年是个困难时期,但是他没有放弃希望。友吉姆来说,去年是个困难时期,但是他没有放弃希望。故选故选故选故选D D D D。3. I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow because it _30% of the final exam.A.sets up B. puts upB.C. uses up D. makes up 解析解析解析解析 考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。set

10、 up set up set up set up 意为意为意为意为“建立;搭建建立;搭建建立;搭建建立;搭建”;put up put up put up put up 意为意为意为意为“张贴;举起张贴;举起张贴;举起张贴;举起”;use upuse upuse upuse up意为意为意为意为“用完用完用完用完”; 而而而而make upmake upmake upmake up意为意为意为意为“组成组成组成组成”。由句意。由句意。由句意。由句意“我不得不为明天的我不得不为明天的我不得不为明天的我不得不为明天的数学测试做好准备,因为它占期末考试的数学测试做好准备,因为它占期末考试的数学测试做好

11、准备,因为它占期末考试的数学测试做好准备,因为它占期末考试的30%30%30%30%。”可推断可推断可推断可推断选选选选D D D D。4. When you dont know a word, you can _ in the dictionary. A.look it up B. set it upB.C. give it up D. pick it up 解析解析解析解析 考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。 look uplook uplook uplook up意为意为意为意为“查阅查阅查阅查阅( ( ( (书本书本书本书本) ) ) )”; set upset

12、upset upset up意为意为意为意为“建立建立建立建立”; give upgive upgive upgive up意为意为意为意为“放弃放弃放弃放弃”; pick uppick uppick uppick up意为意为意为意为“捡起捡起捡起捡起”。它们都是动。它们都是动。它们都是动。它们都是动副词组,代词放在中间。根据句意副词组,代词放在中间。根据句意副词组,代词放在中间。根据句意副词组,代词放在中间。根据句意“当你不认识当你不认识当你不认识当你不认识一个词的时候,你可以查阅字典。一个词的时候,你可以查阅字典。一个词的时候,你可以查阅字典。一个词的时候,你可以查阅字典。”故选故选故选

13、故选A A A A。5. _,you guys ! You dont want to miss the train, do you? A. Look up B. Give up C. Hurry up D. Grow up 解析解析 考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。 look uplook up意为意为“查询查询”; give upgive up意为意为“放弃放弃”; hurry uphurry up意为意为“快快点点”; grow upgrow up意为意为“长大长大”,从后面的句子,从后面的句子“你你们不想错过火车们不想错过火车”,说明要让他们快点。,说明要让他们快点。1. The Taiwa

14、n spotted deer, Fan Xing and Dian Dian, _ to the Chinese mainland on April 16, 2011. A. have sent B. were sending C. were sent D. had sent 解析解析 考查被动语态的用法。由句意考查被动语态的用法。由句意“台湾梅花鹿台湾梅花鹿繁星繁星 和和点点点点 在在20112011年年4 4月月1616日被送到中国大陆日被送到中国大陆”可知,此处应用一可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选般过去时的被动语态,故选C C。2. Im glad to find that m

15、any trees_ in our city last year. A. plant B. planted C. were planted D. are planted 解析解析 考查被动语态的用法。由考查被动语态的用法。由last year可推断用一般过去时。可推断用一般过去时。trees和和plant为被动关系,因此,为一般过去时的被为被动关系,因此,为一般过去时的被动语态。句意为:我很高兴地发现去年动语态。句意为:我很高兴地发现去年我们的城市种了许多树。故选我们的城市种了许多树。故选C。3. Who is that little boy in the photo, Oscar? Oh,

16、its me! It _ when I was five years old. A. was taken B. too C. was taking D. is taken 解析解析 考查被动语态的用法。答语中主语考查被动语态的用法。答语中主语itit指指photophoto,与动词,与动词taketake为被动关系,因此用被动语为被动关系,因此用被动语态。由答语句意态。由答语句意 “是在我五岁时拍的。是在我五岁时拍的。”可知,可知,是一般过去时。故用一般过去时的被动语态。故选是一般过去时。故用一般过去时的被动语态。故选A A。4. 2012广东广东 Shanghai is really a m

17、odern city now! Many tall buildings _ everywhere. Acan be seen Bcan seeCshould be seen Dshould see used to do/bebe used to doing=get used to doingbe used forbe used asIt is used for seeing in the dark.It is used as a second language.I used to be afraid of the dark.She is used to staying up late.They

18、 used to study in a group.fall asleep入睡入睡fall in love with爱上爱上fall behind with 落后跟不上落后跟不上fall into落入,陷入落入,陷入I think the telephone was invented before the car.I think 后接的一个分句作后接的一个分句作I think 的宾语,的宾语, 这个分句称为宾语从句。这个分句称为宾语从句。否定句:否定句:I dont think the telephone was invented before the car.2.The emperor no

19、ticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. Notice的用法为:的用法为: notice sth notice sb notice sb doing sth notice sb do sth notice that+从句从句我没有注意到你的父母。我没有注意到你的父母。我注意到他昨天修车了。我注意到他昨天修车了。我注意到有人在房间偷东西。我注意到有人在房间偷东西。I didnt notice your parents.I noticed him repair his car yesterday.I noticed a man stealing something in the room.



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