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1、中考英语语法专项中考英语语法专项冠词冠词1苍松优选冠词冠词:冠词:a/ an/ thea & an用法区别用法区别a/an & the用法区别用法区别2苍松优选一、a/ an用法与区别 boy umbrella universityaaana/an+单数可数名词:单数可数名词:泛指泛指3苍松优选a & an用法区别用法区别: a 用在以辅音音用在以辅音音标(并非辅音字母)开头的名词标(并非辅音字母)开头的名词前;前;an用在以元音音标(并非元用在以元音音标(并非元音字母)开头的名词前。音字母)开头的名词前。 book student egg apple hour honest boy empt

2、y box useful book one-year-old boy A F R U Saaaaananananananananana4苍松优选二、定冠词the的用法-特指Albert Einstein, the famous physicist.Yao Ming, the famous basketball player. Yellow Riverthe+普通名词普通名词/专有名词专有名词:特指特指听说双听说双方共知方共知the5苍松优选 earth moon sky世界上世界上独一无二独一无二的事物的事物thethethe二、定冠词the的特指用法6苍松优选The rich are ric

3、her; the poor are poorer.the+形容词表示一类人,是泛指,被看做形容词表示一类人,是泛指,被看做复数名词,作主语时,谓语要用复数。复数名词,作主语时,谓语要用复数。7苍松优选特殊记忆1.使用the的情况This is first time Ive come to Beijing.play guitarIll visit Smiths.thethethe1.形容词、副词的最高级、序数词以及形容词、副词的最高级、序数词以及only修饰名词时,前面加修饰名词时,前面加the.2.在乐器、乐团前加在乐器、乐团前加the3. 姓氏前加姓氏前加the:表一家人,姓氏后加表一家人,

4、姓氏后加s8苍松优选A tiger is in a cage.The tiger is sleeping in the cage.thea/an特指特指泛指泛指泛指泛指特指特指泛指泛指:表示一类事物:表示一类事物特指特指:某类事物的具体:某类事物的具体某一个某一个/某一些某一些泛指泛指特指特指三、三、a/ an 与与 the用法区别用法区别9苍松优选四四.零冠词(零冠词(不用冠词)have breakfastMerry Christmasspeak EnglishI love history.play basketball零冠词使用:零冠词使用:三餐节日和修饰,三餐节日和修饰,语言学科和球棋。

5、语言学科和球棋。10苍松优选【典例典例1 1】 Do you know _ girl who is Do you know _ girl who is standing under the tree? standing under the tree? Of course! She is Lucy, my classmate. Of course! She is Lucy, my classmate. A Athe Bthe Ba aC Can Dan D/ / 解析解析 A A句意:你句意:你认识站在站在树下的那个女孩下的那个女孩吗?根据句?根据句意可知意可知这里表特指。故里表特指。故选A A

6、。重难点突破重难点突破11苍松优选【典例典例2 2】 _ Greens are preparing for the _ Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day. coming Thanksgiving Day. A A/ B/ BA AC CAn DAn DThe The 解析解析 D D句意:格林夫句意:格林夫妇正在正在为即将到来的感恩即将到来的感恩节做准做准备。“thethe姓氏的复数形式姓氏的复数形式”表示表示“一家人或者夫一家人或者夫妇二人二人”。12苍松优选【典例典例3 3】 Be careful! There is

7、_ dog lying Be careful! There is _ dog lying on the ground. on the ground. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. A Aa Ba Ban Can Cthe Dthe D/ / 解析解析 A A句意:当心,有一条狗躺在地上。表示泛指且句意:当心,有一条狗躺在地上。表示泛指且dogdog是是辅音音素开音音素开头的的单词,故用,故用a a。13苍松优选【典例典例4 4】 Mr. Smith is _ honest and kind Mr. Smith is _ honest and kind man. man

8、. A Aa Ba Bthe Cthe Can Dan D/ / 解析解析 C C句意:史密斯先生是一个句意:史密斯先生是一个诚实善良的人。表示善良的人。表示泛指且泛指且honesthonest是元音音素开是元音音素开头的的单词。故。故选C C。14苍松优选【典例典例5 5】 People cant live without _ People cant live without _ water. water. Yes, I think so. Yes, I think so. A Aa Ba BananC Cthe Dthe D/ / 解析解析 D Dwaterwater为表示物表示物质的名的

9、名词,其前一般不用冠,其前一般不用冠词。故故选D D。 15苍松优选【典例典例6 6】 It is a good habit to go to _ bed It is a good habit to go to _ bed early and get up early. early and get up early. A Aa Ba BananC Cthe Dthe D/ / 解析解析 D Dgo to bedgo to bed为固定搭配,意固定搭配,意为“上床睡上床睡觉”。故。故选D D。16苍松优选( ()1. This is _ interesting book and its )1.

10、This is _ interesting book and its also _ most interesting one Ive ever read.also _ most interesting one Ive ever read.A Aan; a Ban; a Ban; the an; the C Ca; the Da; the D/; the /; the B B句意:句意:这是一本有趣的是一本有趣的书,它也是我曾,它也是我曾经读过的最有趣的的最有趣的书。第一空表示泛指且。第一空表示泛指且interestinginteresting是以元音音素开是以元音音素开头的的单词,故用故用an

11、an;第二空形容;第二空形容词最高最高级前用前用thethe。直击中考直击中考17苍松优选( ()2. He wrote _ song, which turned out to )2. He wrote _ song, which turned out to be rather popular with _ young.be rather popular with _ young.A Aa; a Ba; a Ba; thea; the C Cthe; a Dthe; a D/; the/; theB B句意:他写了一首歌,句意:他写了一首歌,结果非常受年果非常受年轻人人欢迎。第一空表迎。第一空

12、表示泛指;第二空示泛指;第二空“thethe形容形容词”表示一表示一类人。故人。故选B B。18苍松优选( ()3.)3.Whos that young man in the poster? Whos that young man in the poster? Lin Junjie, _ excellent singer.Lin Junjie, _ excellent singer.A Aa Ba Bthe Cthe Can Dan D/ /C C答语句意:答语句意:是是Lin Junjie ,一位优秀的歌手。表示泛指且,一位优秀的歌手。表示泛指且excellentexcellent是以元音音

13、素开头的单词,故用是以元音音素开头的单词,故用anan。19苍松优选( ()4.)4.There is _ interesting book on the There is _ interesting book on the teachers desk.teachers desk.Oh, _ book is Wei Fangs. Oh, _ book is Wei Fangs. A Aan; the Ban; the Bthe; the the; the C Cthe; a Dthe; a Da; the a; the A A20苍松优选( ()5. Life is _ journey. Wh

14、at matters is )5. Life is _ journey. What matters is whom we choose to travel with.whom we choose to travel with.A Aa Ba Ban Can Cthe Dthe D/ /A A句意:生活就是一次旅行,关句意:生活就是一次旅行,关键是我是我们选择与与谁同行。表同行。表示泛指且示泛指且journeyjourney是以是以辅音音素开音音素开头的的单词,故用,故用a a。21苍松优选( ()6. Miss Zhang will go to_ America )6. Miss Zhang

15、will go to_ America for_ important meeting next month.for_ important meeting next month.A Aan; an Ban; an B/; an/; anC C/; a D/; a Dan; thean; theB B句意:下个月句意:下个月张小姐要去美国参加一个重要的会小姐要去美国参加一个重要的会议。AmericaAmerica是是专有名有名词,其前不用任何冠,其前不用任何冠词修修饰, 第二空表示泛第二空表示泛指且指且importantimportant是以元音音素开是以元音音素开头,用不定冠,用不定冠词anan

16、修修饰。22苍松优选( ()7.)7.Tom, Ill invite you to have _ Tom, Ill invite you to have _ lunch after playing _ violin.lunch after playing _ violin.Thank you.Thank you.A Aa; the Ba; the Bthe; thethe; theC C/; / D/; / D/; the/; theD D表示三餐的名表示三餐的名词前不用冠前不用冠词;表示西方;表示西方乐器的名器的名词前用定前用定冠冠词thethe。23苍松优选( ()8. Eric is n

17、ot going to Nanjing by _ )8. Eric is not going to Nanjing by _ plane. Instead, he is taking _ train.plane. Instead, he is taking _ train.A A/; a B/; a Ba; /a; /C Ca; the Da; the Dthe; a the; a A A“byby交通工具交通工具”“take a/an/thetake a/an/the交通工具交通工具”,表示,表示“乘、乘、坐坐”。故。故选A A。24苍松优选( ()9.Please pay attentio

18、n to your spelling. )9.Please pay attention to your spelling. Youve dropped _ Youve dropped _ “h h” and _ and _ “u u” in the in the word word “hourhour”A Aan; an Ban; an Ba; aa; aC Ca; an Da; an Dan; aan; aD Dh h是以元音音素开是以元音音素开头的字母;的字母;u u是是辅音音素开音音素开头的字母,故的字母,故选D D。25苍松优选( ()10.Mike has tried twice,

19、but his father asks )10.Mike has tried twice, but his father asks him to have _ third try.him to have _ third try.A Athe Bthe Ba aC Canother Danother D/ /B B句意:句意:迈克已克已经试了两次了,但是他爸爸叫他再了两次了,但是他爸爸叫他再试第三次。第三次。序数序数词前用不定冠前用不定冠词,表示,表示“又一、再一又一、再一”。故。故选B B。26苍松优选( ()11.We all think Jill is _ taller of the )1

20、1.We all think Jill is _ taller of the two.two.A A/ B/ Ba Ca Can Dan DthetheD D句意:我句意:我们都都认为吉吉尔尔是是这两个人里面比两个人里面比较高的那个。表高的那个。表示特指用定冠示特指用定冠词thethe27苍松优选( ()12.With _ help of his teacher, he )12.With _ help of his teacher, he studied hard and got _ studied hard and got _ “A A” in this test. in this test.A Aa; the Ba; the Bthe; athe; aC Cthe; the Dthe; the Dthe; anthe; anD Dwith the help ofwith the help of为固定短固定短语;第二空表示泛指且字母;第二空表示泛指且字母A A以以元音音素开元音音素开头,前面用,前面用anan,故,故选D D。28苍松优选29苍松优选



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