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1、名词性从句详解ppt语序问题语序问题关联词的区分关联词的区分拓展拓展巩固巩固练习练习种类种类种类主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句1.Thephotographswillshowyou_.A.whatdoesourvillagelooklikeB.whatourvillagelookslikeC.howdoesourvillagelooklikeD.howourvillagelookslike2.You can hardly imagine _when he heard the news . A. how he was excited B. how was h

2、e excited C. how excited he was D. he was how excited语序问题语序问题 3.Heasked_foraviolin.A.didIpayhowmuchB.IpaidhowmuchC.howmuchdidIpayD.howmuchIpaid4.Icouldntunderstand_withme.A.thematterwaswhatB.whatthematterwasC.whatwasthematterD.thatwasthematter结论:结论:名词性从句应选用名词性从句应选用陈述句陈述句语序。语序。关联词名词性从句的连接词名词性从句的连接词一、

3、主语从句(一般位于句首)一、主语从句(一般位于句首)1.连词that(无词义,不作成分,不能省略);whether(是否),不用if.Thathewillcomeandhelpusiscertain.Whetherwewillsucceedisstillaquestion.注意注意: : 已确定的事由已确定的事由 that that 引导引导; ; 没决定的事由没决定的事由 whether whether 引导引导. . 3.连连接接副副词词when(ever), where(ever), why,how(ever),howlong,howoften,howsoon,howfar,howman

4、y/much等等.When the test will be given is not yetdecided.Howmuchwecanspendmustbeagreedon.2.连接代词连接代词what,whatever,who(m),whoever,whose,which,whichever等等.Whatwasmostimportanttoher,shetoldme,washerfamily.Whoseticketthisishasnotbeenfoundout.1._ I cant understand is why he has changed his mind.2._ the eart

5、h is round is known to us all.归纳:WhatThat连连词词_在在从从句句中中不不作作成成分分,不不含含有有疑疑问问意意义义,而而_在在从从句中作成分,常含有疑问意义。句中作成分,常含有疑问意义。thatwhat1._youdontlikehimisnoneofmybusiness.2.A.WhatB.WhoC.ThatD.Whether2._hesaidatthemeetingastonishedeverybodypresent.A.WhatB.ThatC.ThefactD.Thematter3._wecantgetseemsbetterthan_wehave.

6、A.What;whatB.What;thatC.That;thatD.That;what1.主语从句通常被看作一个整体主语从句通常被看作一个整体,主句的谓语动词用主句的谓语动词用 单数形式单数形式. That they will come is certain.That they will come is certain.2.由由who, whoever引引导导的的主主语语从从句句,主主句句谓谓语语动动词词的单复数要视从句中的单复数而定的单复数要视从句中的单复数而定. Whoever say that are to be punished.Whoever say that are to be

7、punished. Who he is doesnt concern me. Who he is doesnt concern me.3.What 引引导导主主语语从从句句时时,主主句句谓谓语语动动词词的的单单复复数数由由表表语的单复数决定语的单复数决定. What he wants are these books.What he wants are these books. What he wants is some water. What he wants is some water.主语从句的主谓一致二二. . 宾语从句宾语从句1.由连词that引导,(vt.后的)that常可省略。 W

8、e believe (that) he is honest. I told him (that) I would come back soon.注:多个并列的宾语从句,只有第一个宾从的 that可省; 有插入语时不能省略that. He said (that) he had finished reading this novel and that he would borrow another one. We decided, in view of(考虑到) his special circumstances, that we would admit him for a probationar

9、y (试用的) period. 当that 引导的从句作复合宾语的第一个 成分时,需用先行词it 作形式宾语,把从句放到句末,that 不能省略。We consider it possible that he is ill.I feel it a pity that she cant come.I heard it said that he had gone to Australia.He made it clear that he objected to the plan.2. 2. 由由wh-wh-疑问词引导。疑问词引导。 We fully understood what he meant

10、. Go and ask why he was late yesterday. Please tell me which is mine. I asked how he was getting on. We will choose whoever is fit. Whatever he does he does well. He asked me whether or not I was busy.1. 1. 介词后的宾语从句介词后的宾语从句. . Everything depends on whether it is fine tomorrow.2. whetheror not的宾语从句的宾

11、语从句. . I dont know whether or not shell like it. 3. 3. 复合不定式只能用复合不定式只能用whether. . Tell us whether to go or stay here. 但但: : 宾语从句否定时常用宾语从句否定时常用if引导引导. . He asked if you would not go and see him.whether 与与if 有有时时可可以以换换用用,但但下下列列情情况只能用况只能用whether. .另附: 1)、主语从句置于句首Whether she likes the present is not cle

12、ar to me. 2)、表语从句My main problem right now is whether I should ask for an other loan(贷款). 3)、同位语从句Answer my question whether you are coming.4.另附另附:(只用whether 不用if)1. I dont know _ Ill be free tomorrow.2. I dont know _ or not Ill be free tomorrow.3. The question is _ this book is worth writing.4. It

13、depends on _ we will have enough money.5. _ they can do it matters little to us.6.The manager asked me the question _ I would like to be his secretary.7._ you are not free tomorrow , Ill go without you.whether/ifwhetherwhetherwhetherWhetherIf用if 或whether 填空whether三三.表语从句表语从句表语从句的引导词与主语从句和宾语从句相同. (th

14、at引导无意义,不充当成分,不能省;wh-等连接副词引导,根据句意判断)但:1. that引导表语从句时不能省. 2. if不能引导表语从句. 3. seem, appear后可接that引导的从句, 而 look则不可. 这三个词后都可用as if / as though 引导从句.Itseems/appearsthathewaslateforthetrainyesterday.Itseems/appears/looksasifwehavetogohomeonfoot.The news that our team has won the match is true.His delay is

15、due to the fact that the car went wrong halfway.四四.同位语从句同位语从句(that引导,无意义,不充当成分;引导,无意义,不充当成分;wh-等连接副词引导等连接副词引导根据句意判断。)根据句意判断。) 同同位位语语从从句句一一般般跟跟在在名名词词fact,news, fact,news, promise,truth,belief,thought,idea, promise,truth,belief,thought,idea, answer,information,knowledge,doubtanswer,information,knowled

16、ge,doubthope,law,opinion,plan,suggestionhope,law,opinion,plan,suggestion后后面面, , 用以说明或解释前面的名词用以说明或解释前面的名词. .注注:1.1.that 引引导导同同位位语语从从句句与与that 引引导导定定语语从从句句的的区区别别: 引引导导同同位位语语从从句句的的that 无无实实际际意意义义, 不不作作从从句句的的任任何何成成分分, 而而引引导导定定语语从从句句的的that 是从句中的某个成分从句中的某个成分.He told me the news that our team won the match.

17、He told me the news that was very exciting.2. 2. 在在have no idea 之之后后常常用用wh-引引导导同同位位语从句语从句.I have no idea where he has gone.I have no idea when he did it.I have no idea what he did.wh-ever与与nomatterwh-引导引导名词性从句与让步状语从句名词性从句与让步状语从句的比较的比较(Who/what表具体的概念或表特指;表具体的概念或表特指;而而whoever与与whatever表示的是笼统表示的是笼统的概念或



20、ist,urge,order,command,request,require,demand,desire,suggest,advise,propose,recommend等后面的宾语从句中。b.)在名词order,command,request,requirement,demand,desire,suggestion,advice,proposal,recommendation等后面的表语从句或同位语从句中。这类名词性从句中的谓语动词都用这类名词性从句中的谓语动词都用(should)+doeg: I suggest that we (should) go shopping.My suggest

21、ion is that we (should) go shopping.I put forward suggestion that we (should) go shopping.巩固练习巩固练习 1.Thequestionis_thefilmisworthseeingAifBwhatCwhetherDhow2.Oneofthemenheldtheview_thebooksaidwasrightAthatwhatBwhatthatCthatDwhether3.Dr.BlackcomesfromeitherOxfordorCambridge,Icantremember_.AwhereBthere


23、ustbesentC.shouldbesentD.mustgo8.Airistous_wateristofishA.isthatB.whatC.whichD.that宾语从句要注意的几个问题宾语从句要注意的几个问题: 1. 时态呼应(主从句时态保持一致)2. 否定转移: (think, believe, suppose, expect, guess 等). 但一般出现在主句是一般现在时的情况下. I dont think you have met before, have you ?I thought you would not come, so I went there by myself.3. 后面不能直接跟that从句的动词: allow, refuse, let, like, cause, force, admire, celebrate, dislike, hate, love, help, take, forgive 等. 这类次后可用其它形式作宾语. I admire their winning the match. ( (正确正确) ) I admire that they won the match. ( ( 错误错误 ) )结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!36



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