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1、Double L站长素材 SC.CHINAZ.COMTeam Work In AlibabaLOGOJack ma said that Modern peoples competition is no longer a persons competition, but a team competition. From just getting started lake garden, to now riverside park, Alibaba in constant to grow. This is a how Mr Ma? What kind of Alibaba? Mr Ma is an

2、 excellent entrepreneur, but even so, he is always in said not I can do, but Alibabas group bring me aura. Alibabas performance, Alibabas team, Aibabas overall, makes me out somebody else want to listen to the speech. We must understand, you do not because of you, but your team, your former team, yo

3、u todays team, your team make you speak to someone. Not because you can do, not because I work, but the team capable. LOGO现代人的竞争不再是一个人的竞争,而是一个团队的竞争。从刚开始创业的“湖畔花园”,到如今的“滨江园区”,阿里巴巴在不断地走向壮大。这是个怎么样的马云?怎样的阿里巴巴?马云是优秀的企业家,但尽管如此,他自己却始终在说“不是我能干,而是阿里巴巴的集团给我带来的光环。阿里巴巴的业绩,阿里巴巴的团队,阿里巴巴的整体,使得我出去讲话人家要听。这个我们一定要懂,你能干

4、不是因为你,而是你的团队,你以前的团队,你今天的团队,你的团队使你讲话有人听。不是因为你能干,不是因为我能干,而是团队能干。” LOGOEnterprise Culture Six KeyCustomer First : The customer is food and clothing parents Teamwork : Sharing, ordinary people do extraordinary share Embrace Change : Welcome change, dares to innovate Integrity :Honest, words and deeds fo

5、rthright Passion :Optimistic, never give up Dedication :Professional clinging, keep improving LOGO阿里巴巴企业文化阿里巴巴企业文化 “ “六脉神剑六脉神剑” 客户第一客户第一:客户是衣食父母; 团队合作团队合作:共享共担,平凡人做非凡事; 拥抱变拥抱变化:迎接变化,勇于创新; 诚信诚信:诚实正直,言行坦荡; 激情激情:乐观向上,永不放弃; 敬业敬业:专业执着,精益求精。LOGOLets have a look at Aibabas team concept One One 共享共担,平凡人做非凡事

6、 A team of people should do share the achievements, and take responsibility, realize the ordinary people do extraordinary thingsLOGOTwo 积极融入团队,乐于接受同事的帮助,配 合团队完成工作 Everyone in the team should be actively into the team, ready to accept the help of colleagues, and cooperate with the team to complete th

7、e work LOGOThree 决策前积极发表建设性意见,充分参与团队讨论;决策后,无论个人是否有异议,必须从言行上完全予以支持 Before the decision, team members should actively voice thire constructive Suggestions and fully participated in group discussions; After the decision, no matter whether individuals object or not, they must be completely support them.

8、LOGOFour 积极主动分享业务知识和经验;主动给予同事必要的帮助;善于利用团队的力量解决问题和困难 team members should actively share business knowledge and experience and actively give necessary help colleagues, and team members should be good at using the power of the team to solve problems and difficultiesLOGOFive善于和不同类型的同事合作,不将个人喜好带入工作,充分体现“

9、对事不对人”的原则 Team members should good at cooperating with different types of colleagues, and individuals likes or dislikes can not be brought into the work, fully embodies for things not for people principle.LOGOSix有主人翁意识,积极正面地影响团队,改善团队士气和氛围The team members should have owner consciousness, and have positive effects on team, improve teams morale and atmosphere Double L produce Thank you



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