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1、SAFE WORKINGINCONFINED SPACES受限场地的安全施工受限场地的安全施工 WHAT IS A CONFINED SPACE?受限场地定义受限场地定义Enclosed or partially enclosed space which:-全封闭或部分封闭场地全封闭或部分封闭场地is at atmospheric pressure大气压力大气压力not designed primarily as a place of work非计划内工作场地非计划内工作场地may have restricted entry and exit或许有受限进出口或许有受限进出口the atmosp

2、here may contain harmful contaminants大气中含有害污染物大气中含有害污染物 may have unsafe oxygen levelsmay cause engulfmentCONFINED SPACE EXAMPLES受限场地举例受限场地举例Tank-like structures (eg. silos)罐状结构(如:筒仓)罐状结构(如:筒仓)Boilers and pressure vessels汽锅,高压容器汽锅,高压容器pipes, sewers, shafts and similar structures (eg. Air ducting)管道,下

3、水道以及类似结构(如:气体管道)管道,下水道以及类似结构(如:气体管道)Open pits and sumps (eg. Trenches)敞开的陷井与水坑(如,沟渠)敞开的陷井与水坑(如,沟渠)Any space requiring entry through a small hatchway or access pointMachinery spaces (eg. Boilers)机械放置场地(汽锅)机械放置场地(汽锅)CONFINED SPACE EXAMPLE受限场地举例CONFINED SPACE EXAMPLE受限场地举例DEFINITIONS定义定义 Competent Pers

4、on- A person trained in Confined spaces资质人员-在受限场地接受培训的人员 Stand by Person监护人员监护人员- A person who has been trained & has been delegated to act as a observer。接受过监护培训或从事过监护员工作 Responsible Person- A person that is responsible for the testing and completion of the confined space permit and also signing off

5、SAFE WORKING IN A CONFINED SPACE受限场地安全施工受限场地安全施工Workplace Health & Safety Regulations requires compliance with:National and Project requirements施工现场健康、安全规则的制定遵循国家和项目要求施工现场健康、安全规则的制定遵循国家和项目要求Mandatory强制性规定强制性规定Objective目地目地 - provide for the health & safety of all persons who enter confined spaces by

6、 preventing exposure to hazards which may be experienced & thereby prevent collapse, injury, illness or death arising from exposure to those hazards确保进入受限场地所有人员的健康与安全,避免遭遇各种危险,例如确保进入受限场地所有人员的健康与安全,避免遭遇各种危险,例如崩塌、受伤、疾病、甚至死亡。崩塌、受伤、疾病、甚至死亡。CONFINED SPACE ENTRY受限场地进场受限场地进场Managed under a permit system管理遵

7、循许可系统。管理遵循许可系统。 Entry defined as: Head or major part of body inside a confined spaceTYPES OF HAZARDSOxygen Engulfmentdeficiency / excess缺氧缺氧/吸氧过多吸氧过多Contaminated atmosphere受污染大气受污染大气Equipment设备设备Use of Hazardous Chemicals危险化学用品的使用危险化学用品的使用Manual handling, Falls, slips and trips手工操作,跌落、手工操作,跌落、滑倒、绊倒。

8、滑倒、绊倒。No. of persons entering confined space进场人数进场人数Structural integrityCommunication difficulties / poor lighting沟通不便沟通不便/光光线微弱线微弱Potential energy潜在能量潜在能量Electrical电力电力Fire / Explosion失火失火/爆炸爆炸Noise噪音噪音Thermal 高温高温EXTERNAL HAZARDS外部危险外部危险Welding焊接焊接Grit blasting / Painting磨砂磨砂/油漆油漆Exhaust fumes气体释放

9、气体释放Traffic (Moving Plant)运输(来往设备)运输(来往设备)HAZARDS - PERSONAL FACTORS危险危险-身体健康因素身体健康因素Medical or physical conditions may not restrict ability to work - but in the event of an incident in a confined space, the following may be a factor, particularly if assistance is delayed:医疗条件和身体状况或许不会影响工作。但是,若受限场地发

10、生事故,医疗条件和身体状况或许不会影响工作。但是,若受限场地发生事故,下述病症都极其危险,救护不及时情况将更加严重。下述病症都极其危险,救护不及时情况将更加严重。High blood pressure / Heart disease or disorders高血压/心脏病Asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory ailment哮喘,支气管炎以及其他呼吸类疾病。Claustrophobia, other mental or nervous disorders幽闭恐怖症,其他精神类疾病。Chronic joint pain (back, knees) or o

11、ther mobility problems慢性关节炎(背部,膝关节)Vision impairment视力受损Lack of sense of smell嗅觉不灵敏HAZARD IDENTIFICATION PROCESS危险鉴定步骤危险鉴定步骤Identify confined space to be worked on确认施工的受限场地确认施工的受限场地Identify work to be done确认执行的工作确认执行的工作Identify if any work can be done outside the space (reduced time = reduced exposu

12、re)确认是否有工作可以在受限场地外完成(减少时间确认是否有工作可以在受限场地外完成(减少时间=减少暴露)减少暴露)Identify different work methods that may be used (select method with the least hazards)确认不同工作方法(选择最安全的方法)确认不同工作方法(选择最安全的方法)Identify ALL hazards likely to be encountered确认可能遇到的所有危险确认可能遇到的所有危险Identify site procedures for emergency / rescue确认急救确

13、认急救/救护的现场程序。救护的现场程序。HAZARD CONTROL PROCESS危险控制步骤危险控制步骤Hierarchy of Control控制层次控制层次EliminationSubstitutionIsolation隔离隔离Engineering ControlsAdministrative Controls管理控制管理控制Personal Protective Equipment个人劳保用品个人劳保用品RISK ASSESSMENTAssess:评估评估Risk of engulfmentAccess and Egress进口与出口Ventilation通风Oxygen leve

14、ls氧气指数Flammable materials易燃物Toxic materials有毒物品Heat / humidity高温/湿度Other factors其他因素Requirement for monitoring监测要求Control measures to ensure safe atmosphere安全大气测量控制Energy sources to be isolated隔离能量源Requirement for standby对监护人员的要求Ensure JSA is completed as well确保完整的安全施工分析。确保完整的安全施工分析。ISOLATIONAll pot

15、entially hazardous services normally connected to prevent introduction of contaminantsPhysical break in pipeworkRemoval of sectionSpadesBlindsEnergy source of equipment that if started may pose a riskIsolation PermitAppropriate locks, chains & tagsPERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT个人劳保用品个人劳保用品In addition

16、 to normal site PPE:Hard HatSafety footwearLong clothing (fully covering arms & legs)Eye protectionGlovesany additional / specialised PPE identified through the risk assessment must be specified on the PermitPERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTProtective ClothingDisposable overallsImpervious (gas tight) su

17、itsEye ProtectionFace shieldMono-gogglesSpecial glovesRespiratory protectionCanister typesAirline breathing apparatusSelf contained breathing apparatusHarness & LanyardCONFINED SPACE PERMIT SYSTEM受限场地进场许可系统受限场地进场许可系统Training培训培训Permit Form许可形式许可形式Testing & Checking测试与检验测试与检验Recording记录记录Personal Ide

18、ntification身份证身份证At the CSPC confined spaces are registered / numbered and must be signs posted在在CSPC已注册或编号的受限场地必须注明已注册或编号的受限场地必须注明CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT受限场地进场许可受限场地进场许可Permit FormDescribes the confined spacePrescribes actions to taken before entryLists precautions to be observed on entry列出入场需防

19、备事项Authority for entry (signed)未经许可,不得入内Record of compliance入场记录Permit required for each separate confined space每个受限场地都要求入场许可每个受限场地都要求入场许可Must be visible at entry point必须在入口处接受必须在入口处接受检查。检查。Valid for times & dates stated on permit providing all conditions remain the same as at the time of the origin

20、al testing May also require an excavation permit或许也或许也要求挖掘许可证要求挖掘许可证CONFINED SPACES PERMITSCONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT受限场地进场许可受限场地进场许可Read & Understand the Permit解读许可证解读许可证Ensure all isolations have been satisfactorily done确保做好隔离工作Ensure confined space is ready to work on (opened, cleaned, ventilate

21、d etc.)确保受限场地适于施工(整洁,通风等等)Ensure atmospheric testing has been recorded确保记录大气测试Ensure permit is signed确认有效入场许可证If unsure about any detail - ask for permit to be re-checked.有任何不清楚的细节有任何不清楚的细节可以要求重新检查许可证可以要求重新检查许可证Once job is complete ensure permit is returned for cancellation完工之后确保回收所有入场许可证完工之后确保回收所有入

22、场许可证Permit, entry log and risk assessments must be kept on file for 5 years (by law)许可证,进场记录,以及危险评估必须存档5年(根据法律)ATMOSPHERIC TESTING大气检验大气检验Gas testing equipment used on this site is set up to record:Oxygen level (must be at atmospheric 19.5%-23.5%)氧气含量(19.5%-23.5%)Flammable / Combustible level (5%)易燃

23、气体(小于5%)Carbon Monoxide level (30p.p.m.)一氧化碳(小于30P.P.M)Hydrogen Sulphide level (10p.p.m.)硫化氢硫化氢(小于小于10P.P.M)If the above conditions are not met - permit will not be issued如果没有达到上述条件如果没有达到上述条件-将不得签发许可证将不得签发许可证.WARNING警告警告Tests & checks performed only indicate:检测与核查应该在指示下执行检测与核查应该在指示下执行At the time of

24、testing the results noted on the form were obtained检测期间检测期间,必须将检测结果登记在表格上必须将检测结果登记在表格上Conditions & precautions prescribed were met or in place条件和规定的预防措施相符条件和规定的预防措施相符BE AWARE THAT CONDITIONS MAY CHANGE必须意识到条件随时变化必须意识到条件随时变化ENTRY PROCESS进场程序进场程序Read & understand the permit, risk assessment & JHA解读许可证

25、解读许可证,危险评估以及安全施工分析危险评估以及安全施工分析.Ensure conditions set down are complied withCheck Stand by person is present (if specified)确定监护人员在场确定监护人员在场Print & sign your name on the ENTRY LOG SHEET (each time you enter / exit the space)入场或离场必须签名入场或离场必须签名Work to conditions set down on permitENTRY PROCESS进场步骤进场步骤If

26、 you suspect conditions have changed or you smell unusual odours:当你觉察到条件变化或有不寻常的预感时当你觉察到条件变化或有不寻常的预感时Stop work & warn others停止施工停止施工,并警告其他人并警告其他人Leave the confined space immediately & report to your supervisor立刻离开受限场地并通知你的主管立刻离开受限场地并通知你的主管Place a sentry / barricade设立岗哨或路障设立岗哨或路障Do not re-enter until

27、 confined space has been re-checked & tested在重新检查受限场地之前不得进入场内在重新检查受限场地之前不得进入场内STAND by PERSON监护人员监护人员(IF SPECIFIED)Must be trained in Confined Space Safety必须接受受限场地安全培训必须接受受限场地安全培训Must be present at entry point at all times必须在入口处执岗必须在入口处执岗Must be relieved by another trained watch before leaving their

28、 post离开岗位之后必须由另一位受训人员接替上岗离开岗位之后必须由另一位受训人员接替上岗Must ensure all persons have left the confined space before leaving their post必须在确定所有受限人员离开受限场地才能离开岗位必须在确定所有受限人员离开受限场地才能离开岗位STAND by PERSON监护人员监护人员DUTIES职责职责Monitor activities inside space监护场内行动监护场内行动Call for assistance (if required)寻求援助寻求援助Check details

29、of Permit检查许可证检查许可证Be alert to changing conditions (inside & out) 对现场内外环境的变化保持高度警惕对现场内外环境的变化保持高度警惕Maintain Entry Log Sheet 管理入场记录管理入场记录Understand all emergency & alarm procedures 熟知所有急救及警报程序熟知所有急救及警报程序Maintain good housekeeping 保持文明施工保持文明施工Check gear & tools for soundnessIn an emergency ensure all p

30、ersons accounted for (verify with Entry Log STAND by PERSON监护人员监护人员If breathing apparatus is specified on the permit Stand by Person must be trained in BA (to understand the precautions involved with BA)It is a good idea if Stand by Person is trained in First Aid (they are the first person someone w

31、ill come into contact with when they exit the confined space)NO PERSON MAY ENTER A CONFINED SPACE UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN TRAINED (Stand by Person / Responsible Person to check)Stand by Person监护人员监护人员EMERGENCY ACTIONS紧急措施紧急措施If a person collapses in a Confined Space, the Stand by Person must raise the

32、 alarm如果有人在受限场地发生事故,监护员必须拉响警报。如果有人在受限场地发生事故,监护员必须拉响警报。DO NOT attempt rescue禁止现场救助禁止现场救助It usually takes more than one person to carry out a rescue通常一人以上才可救助Would be rescuers too often become casualtiesMay not be trained in Confined Space Rescue救助者或许没有受过现场急救培训Needed to direct Emergency Team to locati

33、on应该直接送往当地急救处COMMUNICATIONS联系联系Maintain communication between the Stand by Person & those inside the confined space:保持监护员和进入受限场地施工人员之间的联系保持监护员和进入受限场地施工人员之间的联系Where direct observation is not possible, another method is to be used (Radio, voice, hand signals, lifeline signals, etc.)在无法直接观测的工作场地,可以采用其他

34、的方法(无线电, 声音,手势,救生信号等等)Stand by Person to have means of communication with Emergency Team监护员必须与急救组织保持联系。监护员必须与急救组织保持联系。SITE EMERGENCY PROCEDURE现场急救程序现场急救程序Gain attention (Emergency Emergency Emergency)引起注意。Give your name报上你的姓名报上你的姓名Give your location (as specified on the Permit)指出事故发生地If possible, id

35、entify what has happened, how many involved, injuries etc.如果可能详细阐述事件发生过程(涉及多少人,多少人受伤等等)如果可能详细阐述事件发生过程(涉及多少人,多少人受伤等等)Identify what help may be requiredConfirm message is understood (ask for it to be read back to you)确保信息清晰易懂AMBULANCECONFINED SPACE EMERGENCIESEnsure rescue plan is in place & ALL perso

36、ns know how to activate plan (if no plan exists or the existing lacks substance, a formal plan must be prepared)Openings for entry/exit must be of adequate size to permit rescue (not obstructed by fittings or equipment) - if not a suitable alternative must be providedDO NOT ENTER in an emergency - w

37、ait for Emergency Team (the spontaneous reaction to rush in & attempt rescue may lead to death or serious injury)CONFINED SPACE EMERGENCIES受限场地紧急事件受限场地紧急事件FIRE火灾火灾Removal of any one element will extinguish fire清理任何可能引起火灾的物品清理任何可能引起火灾的物品Most extinguishers interfere with oxygen content - space will be

38、come oxygen deficientSmoke will affect visibility, toxic fumes may be given off, respiration may be hampered烟雾影响可见度,释放有毒气体,阻碍呼吸烟雾影响可见度,释放有毒气体,阻碍呼吸Ensure fire cannot start - maintain good housekeeping 保持文明施工保持文明施工杜绝火灾杜绝火灾(keep combustibles away from hot work, wet areas down, contain sparks & slag) OX

39、YGEN氧IGNITION点燃FUEL燃料Excavation and Trenching挖掘与挖沟挖掘与挖沟Excavation and Trenching挖掘与挖沟挖掘与挖沟Never Start an excavation without an Excavation Permit只有取得挖掘许可证才可以挖掘只有取得挖掘许可证才可以挖掘Always get an excavation permit before you dig or drive anything into the ground. 未得到挖掘许可证之前不得动土挖掘或下埋设备。Always use barricades to

40、site standards around all excavations to protect employees. Use lights and signs where necessary. 挖掘地点的四周应围上护栏,做为临时防御工事保护施工人员,如果需要还可使用指示灯或标识 Always replace barricades as soon as possible after movement of material or machine through it. 原材料或机器装置运过护栏之后,应该立刻重新安装。Always have safe access, egress and cro

41、ssing points for all excavations. Provide Ladders every 15 meters.所有的挖掘地点都应该设安全进出口,以及交叉路口。每15米都应该置放一座梯子Keep materials well away from the edges of excavation at least 2 m to prevent cave ins or material falling in.材料设备的放置应远离挖掘边缘至少2米,以防崩塌。Excavation and Trenching 挖掘与挖沟挖掘与挖沟Always get an excavation per

42、mit before you dig or drive anything into the ground. 未得到挖掘许可证之前,不得动土挖掘或下埋设备All excavations and trenches one meter or more in depth must be shored, benched (stepped) or sloped to prevent sides collapsing. 所有超过1米深的挖掘或挖沟都必须用支柱,梯状斜坡或斜坡预防崩塌Prevent exhaust gasses from diesel or petrol engines operating n

43、earby from entering the the excavation or the air intakes of compressors or ventilators. Keep clear of all earth moving machinery do not work on embankments or slopes below equipment. Be in a position to be seen by others when working in deep excavations. 在挖掘点底部行走时,应保证不离开其他施工人员的视野范围。Changes in weath

44、er conditions such as rainfall, can cause soil instability- inspect excavations daily for safety. 天气的变化,例如,降雨会引起土质疏松。为了安全起见每天都要检查挖掘点。FINAL WARNINGFailure to follow proper Confined Space Entry procedures may result inDEATH or SERIOUS INJURY不遵循正确的受限场地进场程序,可能导致死亡甚至重不遵循正确的受限场地进场程序,可能导致死亡甚至重伤伤 A breach of the requirements can led to prosecution



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