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1、符殷教育符殷教育七年级(上)七年级(上) Units 1-2第二部分第二部分 高频话题写作指导高频话题写作指导结交新朋友结交新朋友2024/8/181符殷教育符殷教育从云南近四年结交新朋友相关话题书面表达的从云南近四年结交新朋友相关话题书面表达的命题来看,此类作文命题的角度以介绍自己的朋友命题来看,此类作文命题的角度以介绍自己的朋友为主。如:为主。如:2012曲靖曲靖的话题为我的朋友。的话题为我的朋友。写作导图写作导图2024/8/182符殷教育符殷教育I have a friendBasic informationAppearanceCharactersbeautiful, handsome

2、, tall/short, fat/thin, strong, long/short hairkind, patient, polite, serious, humorous, friendly, shy, active, brave, honest, clever, outgoing, easy to get on well with, study hard2024/8/183符殷教育符殷教育I have a friendMy opinionon friendshipA friend in need is a friend indeed. Friendship is very importa

3、nt in my life. Necessary, helpful, warm, not lonelyknow each other, the same hobby, help sb. with sth., help each other, with ones help, in trouble, study/play together, discuss difficult questionsThingsbetween us2024/8/184符殷教育符殷教育写作范文详见:写作范文详见: http:/2024/8/185符殷教育符殷教育亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常用句型:常用句型:Friendsh

4、ip is very important in our everyday life.推荐句型:推荐句型:A friend in need is a friend indeed.Friendship is like the rainbow in the sky.2024/8/186符殷教育符殷教育When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand.A friend can bring happiness to us when the sky is gray.When it rains, I think friendship is a

5、 small umbrella.2024/8/187符殷教育符殷教育1.I want to have friends to spend every sunny day.2. To make friends, I am always being friendly to others.3. I think when we are sincerely honest to our friends, we can get the true friendship. 4. We should help our friends when they are in trouble.2024/8/188符殷教育符殷

6、教育5. I would like to make friends with people who are honest.6. We shouldnt leave our friends alone when they need us. (常用词汇见本书(常用词汇见本书“话题词汇分类速记表话题词汇分类速记表”话题话题(一)个人情况)(一)个人情况)2024/8/189符殷教育符殷教育写作模板写作模板I have a good friend朋友的名字朋友的名字 is my best friend. We are in the same school. We have known each oth

7、er for 时间时间. Though he is 外貌外貌, he looks性格性格.2024/8/1810符殷教育符殷教育He 学习情况学习情况 at his lessons. Im not good at 弱的方面弱的方面. He often 怎样对待我怎样对待我. As a result,I got 得到帮助后的结果得到帮助后的结果 during the final exam. I think 对我们之间友谊的认识对我们之间友谊的认识. I will also 如何对待他如何对待他 if he is in trouble. I think 友谊的重要性友谊的重要性.2024/8/18

8、11符殷教育符殷教育典例剖析(典例剖析(20122012曲靖曲靖)I have a/an_提示:提示: 不要总抱怨你没有什么,想想你已经拥有了不要总抱怨你没有什么,想想你已经拥有了什么。一位慈母,一位良师,一位益友,一本好什么。一位慈母,一位良师,一位益友,一本好书,一个宠物,乃至一个梦想,一个计划书,一个宠物,乃至一个梦想,一个计划 珍珍惜眼下的拥有,快乐就在身边。请根据提示,用惜眼下的拥有,快乐就在身边。请根据提示,用英语写一篇短文。英语写一篇短文。2024/8/1812符殷教育符殷教育要求:要求: 1. 请补全所给题目,如:请补全所给题目,如:I have a dream/ a good

9、 friend.词数不少于词数不少于60。 2. 语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。 3. 文中不能使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以文中不能使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以 零分计。零分计。 4. 抄袭试题中阅读部分的,抄袭部分不给分。抄袭试题中阅读部分的,抄袭部分不给分。 2024/8/1813符殷教育符殷教育1. 补充一个完整的题目:补充一个完整的题目:I have a good friend,确定友谊的话题。,确定友谊的话题。2. 从从介绍朋友的基本信息;介绍朋友的基本信息;和朋友之间和朋友之间的事情;的事情;对友谊的认识三个方面陈述。对友谊的认识三个方面陈述。3.

10、 人称应用第一人称,时态应用一般现在时。人称应用第一人称,时态应用一般现在时。4. 词数不少于词数不少于60词,文中不能使用你的真实词,文中不能使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。姓名、校名,否则以零分计。【审题指导审题指导】2024/8/1814符殷教育符殷教育【范文点评范文点评】I have a good friend Li Ming is my best friend. We are in the same school. We have known each other for five years. Though he is not very tall, he looks heal

11、thy and active.此处是从属连词此处是从属连词though引导的让步引导的让步状语从句,既使句状语从句,既使句子读起来连贯通子读起来连贯通顺,由能全面体现顺,由能全面体现人物的特点,是一人物的特点,是一大增分点。大增分点。2024/8/1815符殷教育符殷教育 He works hard athis lessons. Im not good at English. He often helps me with my lessons. As a result,I got good marks during the final exam. be good at,help sb.with

12、 sth的灵活使的灵活使用,使文章内容更丰富。用,使文章内容更丰富。as a result的使用承的使用承上启下,使得文章句式更加上启下,使得文章句式更加丰富,也显示作者对连接词丰富,也显示作者对连接词的掌握和运用水平。的掌握和运用水平。2024/8/1816符殷教育符殷教育I think friendship is very important between us. I will also help him if he is in trouble.I think a friend in Need is a friend indeed.宾语从句的使用显示宾语从句的使用显示作者语言功底深厚,为作者语言功底深厚,为短文增色添彩。短文增色添彩。if条件状语从句显示条件状语从句显示了句型的多样化。了句型的多样化。俗语谚语的应用使得俗语谚语的应用使得语言表达更地道,增加语言表达更地道,增加文章的给分点,使文章文章的给分点,使文章得到升华。得到升华。2024/8/1817



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