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1、英文地质论文写作中常见的问题英文地质论文写作中常见的问题池国祥池国祥里贾纳大学地质系里贾纳大学地质系University of Regina1Importance of Publication- Scientific records- Communication with international community- Contribution to scientific advancement- Social-economic impacts- Career development-写作过程也是科研的一部分:激发思维,推敲研究结果的意义。写作过程也是科研的一部分:激发思维,推敲研究结果的意

2、义。-审稿和修改过程对科研有促进作用。审稿和修改过程对科研有促进作用。2英文地质论文写作的常见问题英文地质论文写作的常见问题结构及格式问题结构及格式问题语法和用词问题语法和用词问题其它问题其它问题投稿注意问题投稿注意问题3科技论文写作的主要问题是论文结构及格式问题,而不是英文问题。科技论文写作的主要问题是论文结构及格式问题,而不是英文问题。结构好而英文不好的论文很容易修改,而结构不好的论文则很难改。结构好而英文不好的论文很容易修改,而结构不好的论文则很难改。4Highlight 只说做了什么,没说发现什么只说做了什么,没说发现什么-Detailed petrographic work carr

3、ied out-Important constraint on U mineralization recognized-Xenotime coeval with uraninite in Athabasca Basin-Onset of U mineralization related to volcanism and brine formation5引言的核心是引言的核心是 What Why How不要把研究结果在前言里讲出来6没有分清目的没有分清目的 (purposes) 和目标和目标 (objectives)This paper aims to carry out detailed fi

4、eld, petrographic, stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies of the Poplar Mountain gold deposit.This paper aims to understand the mineralization conditions and processes of the Poplar Mountain gold deposit, through detailed field, petrographic, stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies.7空洞的文献总结空洞

5、的文献总结Empty Review: The sedimentary and stratigraphy of the Viking Formation have been studied by Smith (1978) and Walker et al. (1990). Little work has been done on diagenesis, except a stable isotope study by Lee (1998). The petroleum system has been evaluated by Cook (1989), .Informative Review: T

6、he Viking Formation has been interpreted to have formed in a wave-dominated shoreface and transitional zones (Smith, 1978; Walker et al., 1990). A diagenetic study of calcite cements by Lee (1998) yielded d18O of -18 to -15%o (PDB), which were interpreted to indicate8参考文献的引用不恰当参考文献的引用不恰当有些地区前人已做了大量工

7、作。但这不意味这你要引用所有工作。引用有些地区前人已做了大量工作。但这不意味这你要引用所有工作。引用什么和不引用什么要得当。什么和不引用什么要得当。引用要放在恰当的地方。引用某文(或图)等于告诉读者引用要放在恰当的地方。引用某文(或图)等于告诉读者“请看请看”。要把要把 Credit 给该给的人。给该给的人。9Cite references in chronological orderThere are a number of previous studies in this field (Smith, 1999; Andes et al., 2001; Sun et al., 1988).T

8、here are a number of previous studies in this field (Andes et al., 2001; Smith, 1999; Sun et al., 1988).There are a number of previous studies in this field (Sun et al., 1988; Smith, 1999; Andes et al., 2001).10For first author of the the same name, the order of listing references is single-author f

9、irst, two-author second, and multi-author last (in chronological order)Li, S., 2011, Li, S., Anderson, K. and Wang, L., 2000, .Li, S. and Baker, A., 2003, .Li, S., Wang, N. and Zhu, C., 1989, .Li, S., 2011, Li, S. and Baker, A., 2003, .Li, S., Wang, N. and Zhu, C., 1989, .Li, S., Anderson, K. and Wa

10、ng, L., 2000, .11区域地质背景没有根据本文的内容进行取舍区域地质背景没有根据本文的内容进行取舍区域地质背景的介绍是很有讲究的。不能千篇一律地描述所有的地质背区域地质背景的介绍是很有讲究的。不能千篇一律地描述所有的地质背景,要根据本文的重点有所侧重。景,要根据本文的重点有所侧重。12现象或数据的描述与解释混杂在一起现象或数据的描述与解释混杂在一起We have detected high concentrations of CO2 in the fluid, which is most likely derived from the mantle. However, some c

11、rustal CO2 has also been detected, as reflected by its carbon isotope composition. The ores are characterized by laminated structures, which are likely of syngenetic origin The syngenetic structures are commonly found in all the deposits in the study area, suggesting that these deposits are probably

12、 of SEDEX type. 13缺乏详细的地质描述缺乏详细的地质描述14缺乏详细的岩相学描述缺乏详细的岩相学描述15把前人或自己已发表的数据列在结果部分把前人或自己已发表的数据列在结果部分Data sourcesLiang et al. 2008Liang et al. 2008Zhu et al. 2011This studyThis studyThis studyThis study16展示数据的图表出现在讨论部分展示数据的图表出现在讨论部分17展示数据的图表出现在讨论部分展示数据的图表出现在讨论部分185. Discussion5.1. Ages of mineralization5

13、.2. Sources of ore-forming components5.3. Ore precipitation mechanisms5.4. Ore genesis矿床类型不等于矿床成因矿床类型不等于矿床成因:Ore genesis: Based on the geological and geochemical characteristics, this mineral deposit is considered to be a MVT deposit. 把矿床成因和矿床类型混肴把矿床成因和矿床类型混肴19讨论部分没有与引言呼应,没有以事实为依据讨论部分没有与引言呼应,没有以事实为依

14、据Introduction: This paper aims to understand the mineralization conditions and processes of the Poplar Mountain gold deposit, through detailed field, petrographic, stable isotope and fluid inclusions studies.Discussion: In this section we will focus on the origins of gold deposits in southwestern Ne

15、w Brunswick, especially on the role that crustal evolution may have played in mineralization.20讨论部分把在引言部分说过的话又说一遍讨论部分把在引言部分说过的话又说一遍Introduction: The origin of the Poplar Mountain gold deposit has not been well understood. Some researchers believe it formed from magmatic fluids, whereas others though

16、t .Discussion: The origin of the Poplar Mountain gold deposit has not been well understood. Some researchers believe it formed from magmatic fluids, whereas others thought .21讨论部分与结果部分小标题重复讨论部分与结果部分小标题重复2. Results2.1 Oxygen isotopes2.2 Carbon isotopes2.3 Fluid inclusions3. Discussion3.1 Oxygen isoto

17、pes3.2 Carbon isotopes3.3 Fluid inclusions3. Discussion3.1 Sources of mineralizing fluids3.2 Ore precipitation mechanisms22图例说明没有直接标在图例旁边图例说明没有直接标在图例旁边23参考文献格式没按要求参考文献格式没按要求-作者没列全-错字太多-名字缩写不统一-期刊名称缩写或不缩写不统一-卷号及页码格式不统一-多余的空格24英文地质论文写作的常见问题英文地质论文写作的常见问题结构及格式问题结构及格式问题语法和用词问题语法和用词问题其它问题其它问题投稿注意问题投稿注意问题2

18、5“The” 的用与不用的用与不用Jinding deposit is a large Zn-Pb deposit. There are many Sn deposits in the southern Hunan. The Jinding deposit is a large Zn-Pb deposit. There are many Sn deposits in southern Hunan. There are many Sn deposits in the southern Hunan area. 26“the”, “a” 及复数的使用及复数的使用-要根据上下文而定要根据上下文而定-“

19、The” 含有含有“那个那个”或或“那些那些”的意思的意思27没有必要的副词没有必要的副词VeryDefinitelyObviouslyExtremely Strongly28放在句子前面,可有可无的的副词放在句子前面,可有可无的的副词Basically, Actually, If fact, 29不客观的肯定语气不客观的肯定语气The deposit must have been formed from fluid mixing. The deposit may have been formed from fluid mixing. The deposit was likely formed

20、 from fluid mixing. 30不可数名词不能用复数不可数名词不能用复数This conclusion is supported by many evidences. This conclusion is supported by several lines of evidence. Researches, equipments, 31Zircon and zirconsWater and watersWork and works有些词可当可数名词或不可数名词,但意思不同有些词可当可数名词或不可数名词,但意思不同32“-” 与与“ ”的区别的区别-Fault-controlled-

21、cm-sized-Regional-scale-Ice-melting-1020 cm-quartzpyrite assemblage-NESW trending-Figs. ac 33-The Huanglong Formation-The Huanglong and Qiziqiao formationsFormation 还是 formation?-The Huanglong formation-The Huanglong and Qiziqiao Formations34有些中文专业词汇可译为多个含义不同的英文词汇有些中文专业词汇可译为多个含义不同的英文词汇成矿:成矿:Metallog

22、eny; Mineralization测试:测试:Test; Analysis指示:指示:Indicate; Suggest根据:根据:According to; Based on包含:包含:Contain; Include勘探:勘探:Prospecting; Exploration区:区: District; Area带:带: Belt; Zone矿体:矿体:Ore body; Orebody特征:特征:Features; Characteristics35不要用不同的名词描写同一个东西或地方不要用不同的名词描写同一个东西或地方The Shizishan orefield is locate

23、d in the Lower Yangtze metallogenic belt. There are numerious Mesozoic granitic intrusions in the Shizishan district. Different types of mineralization occur in the Shizishan area . The Shizishan deposit is interpreted to have formed from . 36“between and ” 和和 “from to ” 的区别的区别25333644555677888990Th

24、e Th values are between 25o and 90oC.The Th values range from 25o to 90oC.37空间副词和时间副词空间副词和时间副词Often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally 等表示时间概念的词不能用来描述地质现象出现的普遍性或偶然性。正确的用词应该是 commonly, generally, locally, in places, 等等。Gold often occurs in fractures in quartz, but sometimes it occurs as inclusions

25、in pyrite.Gold commonly occurs in fractures in quartz, but locally it occurs as inclusions in pyrite.38避免过长或过短的句子避免过长或过短的句子-过长的句子容易造成误解。-过短的句子给人感觉信息量太少,效率太低。-长句短句相结合读起来比较舒服39避免主动句和被动句反复交叉使用避免主动句和被动句反复交叉使用A number of mineral deposits have been discovered in the study area. Many researchers have studi

26、ed the mineralogy and geochemistry of the deposits. However, the origin of the deposits has not been well understood.A number of mineral deposits have been discovered in the study area. Many of them have been studied for mineralogy and geochemistry. However, their origin has not been well understood

27、.40两个句子之间不能用逗号分开两个句子之间不能用逗号分开The Red Lake gold deposit is located in northwestern Ontario, it is well known for its high grade and large tonnage. The Red Lake gold deposit is located in northwestern Ontario; it is well known for its high grade and large tonnage. The Red Lake gold deposit is located

28、in northwestern Ontario, and it is well known for its high grade and large tonnage. 41美式英语与英式英语不可混用美式英语与英式英语不可混用Colour vs colorMetre vs meterCentre vs centerVapour vs vapor42英文地质论文写作的常见问题英文地质论文写作的常见问题结构及格式问题结构及格式问题语法和用词问题语法和用词问题其它问题其它问题投稿注意问题投稿注意问题43不要用阿拉伯数字开始一个句子不要用阿拉伯数字开始一个句子145 fluid inclusions w

29、ere measured for homogenization temperatures, of which 98 were also measured for ice-melting temperature.One hundred and forty-five (145) fluid inclusions were measured for homogenization temperatures, of which 98 were also measured for ice-melting temperature.44数据的小数点用的不对数据的小数点用的不对The homogenizatio

30、n temperatures of the fluid inclusions range from 100.2o to 190.8oC, and the salinities range from 27.88 to 35.69 wt.% NaCl equivalent.The homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions range from 100 to 191oC, and the salinities range from 27.9 to 35.7 wt.% NaCl equivalent.45不要用不要用 1010-6-6 做单

31、位做单位The concentrations of Cu and Zn in the porphyry are 33.8 10-6 and 45.6 10-6, respectively.The concentrations of Cu and Zn in the porphyry are 33.8 ppm and 45.6 ppm, respectively.46英文地质论文写作的常见问题英文地质论文写作的常见问题结构及格式问题结构及格式问题语法和用词问题语法和用词问题其它问题其它问题投稿注意问题投稿注意问题47Submission for Publication- Editor: Why

32、should I publish your paper?- Always have the readers in mind.- Do your homework; do not leave things for reviewers and editor to clean up for you!48尽量避免低级错误尽量避免低级错误-低级错误会被认为是个态度问题,容易引起编辑及审稿人的反感。-投稿前用 Spelling Checker 过一道。-空格不是可有可无的,如 “xxxx(xxx) , xxx”不对,应为 “xxxx (xxx), xxx”。-不要太不把参考文献当回事。49回答审稿人的问题

33、回答审稿人的问题Dear Editor, I have addressed most of the reviewers comments and revised the manuscript accordingly. For details of revision, please see the revised manuscript.Dear Editor, I have addressed all of the reviewers comments and revised the manuscript accordingly. Below is a list of my replies to

34、 each of the reviewers questions.如果不同意审稿人的观点,要说明为什么。50文件格式文件格式-全稿用12号(英文)字体。-全稿用双行距。-正文内不要插图,插表。-图表说明列在参考文献之后。-每张图或表都存成独立文件。不要把几张图放在同一个文件里。51图上的文字不能太小图上的文字不能太小-以打印到纸上能看清为准,而不是在计算机屏幕上能看清为准。-把图设计成最终打印的大小,字体大小至少要在6号(英文)以上。52感谢审稿人及编辑感谢审稿人及编辑在致谢部分不要忘了感谢审稿人和编辑的贡献。具体怎么写要视他们的实际贡献而定。53如何提高英文地质论文写作水平?如何提高英文地质论文写作水平?-多读好文章-花点时间领会别人的写作技巧-要细心,不要重复低级错误54总结总结-英文地质论文写作的最大问题是结构问题英文地质论文写作的最大问题是结构问题-What Why How 是引言的主线是引言的主线-描述与解释混杂在一起是最致命的问题描述与解释混杂在一起是最致命的问题-讨论与引言呼应是基本讨论与引言呼应是基本“套路套路”-常见的语法和用词问题必须认真对待常见的语法和用词问题必须认真对待-注重细节是对审稿人及读者的尊重注重细节是对审稿人及读者的尊重55



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