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1、MyfirstrideonatrainMyfirstrideonatrainGrammar1-1.Observation&Discussion1.Trained camels carried food and other supplies.2.We saw abandoned farms which were more than a hundred years ago.3.We ate great meals cooked by experts.Are these words past participles of verbs?What part of speech are these wor

2、ds used in the sentences above?What is difference between the first two and the third sentence as to the word order? Why is it that?Grammar 1The -ed form used as attributives.(前前置置/后置)后置)1. 单个的过去分词作前置定语。2. 过去分词短语通常作后置定语。无论过去分词充当前置定语还是后置定语都相当于一个定语从句。ExamplesA.A.及及物物动动词词的的过过去去分分词词具具有有被被动动和和完完成成意意义义。如:

3、 a broken cup 一个破杯子 a wounded soldier 一名伤员B.B.不及物动词具有主动和完成意义不及物动词具有主动和完成意义。如: a grown women 一位成年妇女 an escaped prisoner 一名逃犯Examples如:如:the color TV set produced last year= the color TV set that were produced last year (去年生产的电视机)a letter written to me by my daughter=a letter that was written to me by

4、 my daughter(一封我女儿写给我的信)ExamplesC.C.还还可可表表示示无无时时间间被被动动:只只表表被被动动的的动动作作不不表表示示过过去去的时间。的时间。如:如:The TVs made in China is popular in Russia.The TVs which/that are made in China.D.D.表示与句中谓语动词相应的经常性的动作。表示与句中谓语动词相应的经常性的动作。如:如:He was then a professor respected by all the teachers and students of the college.H

5、e was then a professor that was respected by.(当时他是一个受这所大学里全体师生尊敬的教授。)3. 3. 个个别别单单个个的的过过去去分分词词作作前前置置定定语语或或后后置置定定语语时,表达的含义不同。如时,表达的含义不同。如: :4. 4. 某某些些动动词词的的过过去去分分词词已已转转化化成成了了形形容容词词,表表示示某某人人的的内内心心感感受受,有有时时还还可可以以修修饰饰voice,expression,lookvoice,expression,look等等名名词词,表表示示透透过过某某人人的的声声音音和和表表情情而而显显示示出出某某人人的的内

6、内心感受。如:心感受。如:His amazed expression showed that he was amazed at the news.5. 5. 某某些些动动词词的的过过去去分分词词在在长长期期使使用用中中已已转转化化成成了了形形容容词词,没没有有被被动动和和完完成成的的意意义,只表示状态。如:义,只表示状态。如:well-informed well-knownexperiencd married used given concernede.g:The experienced teacher is respected by all the students.6. 6. 现在分词和过

7、去分词的区别:现在分词和过去分词的区别:(1 1)过过去去分分词词作作定定语语表表示示被被动动且且完完成成;而而现现在在分分词词作作定语表示主动或正在进行;动词不定式表示将来的动作定语表示主动或正在进行;动词不定式表示将来的动作。如:如:boiling water:沸腾的水boiled water:烧开过的水(白开水)falling leaves:正在下落的叶子fallen leaves:已经下落的叶子Do you have something important to do? exercise(一)(一)1. We lived in the house A. told by an old w

8、omen2. We bought a camel B. written by LuXun3. I saw a film C. abandoned by grandfather years ago4. I ate an excellent meat D. trained by an Afghan man 5. I listened to a story E. directed by SteveSpieberg 6. I read two books F. cooked by my mother exercise(二)(二)1. Dont use words, expressions or phr

9、ases_only to people with specific knowledge.A. being knownB. having been knownC. to be known D. known ()2.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures_ in your mind instead of before your eyes.A. to form B. formC. formed ( ) D. having formed3. There was an _look on hi

10、s face when the actress appeared.A. excited () B. excitementC. exciting D. exciedly4. Its wrong for the _countries to control the world.A. develoment B. developing C. developed () D. developScaning readingFind the past tense time expressions:recently.along time ago.during the day.a hundred and fifty

11、 years night.until the 1925.Grammar 2Past Tense Time Expressions1.1.常用的表示过去的时间状语有常用的表示过去的时间状语有: :recently , one night, a long time ago, until the 1920s, in 1920, for many years, just now, at that time, then, last night/week/month/year, in the old days.2.2.表表示示过过去去的的习习惯惯性性、重重复复性性的的动动

12、作作,常常用用一一定的时间状语或频度状语,如:定的时间状语或频度状语,如: A. I played football every week when I was young. B. I used to go shopping during weekdays.Translation1. 上周末,简吃了一顿由外婆做的好饭。2. 昨天晚上,她完成作业后就上床睡觉了。3. 前几天,Robert 去北京出差了。4. 过去玛丽一周来拜访我一次。1. Last week, Jane ate a nice meal(which was) cooked by her grandmoher.2. She went to bed after she finished her homework last night.3. Robert went to Beijing on business a few days ago.4. Mary used to pay a visit to/visit me once a week.Home WorkPage 80 (grammar)结束结束



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