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1、专题二代词专题二代词-2-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九注意:形容词性物主代词通常用作定语,修饰名词,如:her father她的父亲。“of(介词)+名词性物主代词(或名词所有格)”构成双重所有格,如:a friend of mine我的一个朋友。-3-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九1.指代时间、距离、自然现象等。如:It is half past two now.现在两点半。(指时间)It is 6 miles to the neare

2、st hospital.离最近的医院有六英里。(指距离)It is very cold in the room.房间很冷。(指温度)2.指代前面所提到过的事物、群体、想法、性别不明或性别被认为不重要的人或动物、未指明但谈话双方都明白的事情或情况。如:-4-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九(2016四川)These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyl

3、e offered by the modern French Republic,which brings with it not only necessary state welfare,but also alcoholism,betrayal and even suicide.现在这些当地居民必须使他们传统的自足自给的狩猎生活方式与现代法兰西共和国生活方式保持平衡,因为,随之而来的不仅有必要的社会福利,还有酗酒、背叛甚至是自杀。(it指前面所提到的情况)-5-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九(2014大纲全国)Who

4、s that at the door?It is the milkman.门口那人是谁?是送奶工。(it指代性别不明或性别被认为不重要的人)Ive broken a plate.我打碎了一个盘子。It(=Breaking the plate) doesnt matter.没关系。(it指前面所提到过的事情)-6-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九3.it可以用作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放在后面,真正的主语或宾语往往由从句、动词-ing形式和不定式充当。如:It is said that all of th

5、em have gone to the cinema.据说他们都去看电影了。(2017全国)They live far from the school,and it takes them about an hour and a half to go to work every day.他们住的地方离学校很远,所以每天(从家)去上班要花费一个半小时的时间。-7-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九4.it用在不能直接跟宾语从句的动词(短语),尤其是表示好恶的动词(短语)后面,如:enjoy,like,love,dislike

6、,hate,dont mind,be fond of,feel like,see to后,即这些动词(短语)后面的宾语从句前要加it。如:(2015浙江)How would you like it if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?如果你正在观看你自己喜爱的电视节目,这时有人进入房间,没有询问你的意见就把电视关掉了,你会有什么样的感受? -8-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六

7、考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九(2016天津)I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to carry on a conversation with her.当我在工作时她给我打电话,我很讨厌。因为我总是太忙而无法与她聊下去。5.it的固定结构:make it;get it;see to it that;put it。如:How shall I put it?我该怎么说呢?-9-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九1.it特指上文所

8、提到的同一事物,它所代替的名词常由the,this,that等修饰。one泛指上文提到的同类事物中的一个,不特指,相当于a/an+单数名词;ones泛指上文提到的同类事物的复数名词;the one特指前面的可数名词单数,有时可以用that来代替(尤其是后面有后置定语时);the ones特指上文提到的复数名词,有时可以用those代替,尤其在有后置定语的情况下。that特指前面出现的单数名词或不可数名词,相当于“the+可数名词单数/不可数名词”;that 的复数形式为those,替代可数名词复数,既可指人也可指物。-10-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点

9、一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九Yesterday I lost my pen and I couldnt find it.So I had to buy one.(it指代my pen;one替代a pen)昨天我丢了钢笔而且没找到。所以我不得不再买一支。The books on the desk are better than those/the ones under the desk.(those/the ones替代the books)桌子上的书要比桌子下面的好。Few pleasure can equal that of a cool drink on a hot day.没有

10、什么能比得上在炎热的天气里喝上一杯冷饮那样快乐。(that替代pleasure)(201711浙江,听力)Some aspects of life here are different from those in the United States.这里的生活在某些方面与美国有差别。(those 相当于Some aspects of life)-11-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九2.that和one的主要区别:that既可替代可数名词单数,也可替代不可数名词,常有后置定语,一般不指人,复数形式为those;one只

11、能替代可数名词单数,复数形式为ones。当可数名词前有形容词修饰时,只能用one,不用that。当of短语做可数名词单数的后置定语时,用that,不用one。(2016北京)Universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.大学已屈服于给学生提供如家般的同样环境这一想法。(2015课标全国)When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one,total intake jumps by 14 p

12、ercent.当我们选择一把大勺而不是更小的勺子时,总摄入量就增加了14%。-12-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九指示代词是用来指代或标记人或事物的代词,有this,that,these,those。this,that是单数,these,those是复数。指示代词可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语等。This is what I want to say.这就是我想要说的。That was twenty years ago.那是二十年前的事了。These are not my books.这些不是我的书。Those a

13、re her papers.那些是她的试卷。-13-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九1.both(两者都),either(两者中的任何一个),neither(两者都不)。以上这些词使用范围为两者。John and Mary have both won the prizes.约翰和玛丽都得了奖。(2015福建)The research group produced two reports based on the survey,but neither contained any useful suggestions.这个

14、调查组在调查的基础上提供了两份报告,但是没有一份包含有用的建议。 (2013山东)Ive lived in New York and Chicago,but dont like either of them very much.我曾经在纽约和芝加哥居住过,但是这两个城市我都不是很喜欢。-14-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九2.both与复数名词连用,either与单数名词连用。There are flowers on both sides of the street.街道两旁都有花。There are flowers

15、 on either side of the street.街道的每一边都有花。3.all(所有的,全部的人或物),any(任何一个),none(都不)。以上词使用范围为三者或三者以上。All the students in my class like our teachers.我们班的所有学生都喜欢我们的老师。(2015福建)He was determined that none of his children would be denied an education.他决定他的每个孩子都不会拒绝接受任何教育。-15-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考

16、点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九4.each可指两者,也可指两者以上。They each have a car.他们都有车。-16-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九1.no不能单独使用,相当于not a或not any,做定语修饰可数名词或不可数名词。He has no worry about safety.他一点也不为安全担心。2.none既可以指人,也可以指物,侧重指三者或三者以上的人或物,可与介词of连用,用于回答how many/much引导的疑问句。How many people are there in

17、the room?房间里有多少人?None.没有人。-17-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九3.nobody指人,用于回答who引导的疑问句;nothing指物,用于回答what引导的疑问句。(2015重庆)The meeting will be held in September,but nobody knows the date for sure.这次会议将在9月举行,但没人知道确切的日期。 (2016天津)Nothing like this had ever been done before,and day af

18、ter day I kept coming up with solutions,but none of them worked.像这样的事以前从未做过,日复一日,我不断想出办法,但没有一个起作用。-18-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九1.another既可以单独使用,也可以用于单数名词前,泛指三者或三者以上中的“另外一个人或物”。还可以用于“another+数词+复数名词”中,表示“再,又”。(2016浙江)The answer lies in another effect of gossip:the satisfa

19、ction it gives us.答案在于流言的另一个作用:它给我们带来了满足感。You have to wait for another three weeks.你还得再等三周。2.other 可用作形容词,意思为“别的,其他的”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。You can ask other people to help you.你可以让其他人帮你。-19-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九3.the other指两个人或物中的一个,不能用another,此时other为代词。The old man has two

20、sons.One is a teacher;the other is a doctor.这位老人有两个儿子。一个是老师,另一个是医生。4.the other 后可接可数名词单数也可接复数名词,不接不可数名词。此时other为形容词。On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree.在街道的另一边,有一棵高树。He is taller than the other students in his class.他比班里其他学生都高。-20-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考

21、点九5.others 是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个;其他的”。others不能做定语,表示复数意义,相当于“other+复数名词”;the others相当于“the other+复数名词”,指剩下的全部。(2016北京东城区高三综合练习)They believe this may explain why some of us love some smells and tastes while others hate them.他们相信这也许解释了为什么我们中的一些人喜欢某些气味和味道而其他人不喜欢。Two students in our class failed,but all t

22、he others passed the exam.班里两个学生没及格,但其他学生全部通过了考试。-21-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九everyone/everybody意为“每个人”;someone/somebody意为“某人,有人”,其特殊含义是“有价值的人或者重要的人”;anybody意为“任何人,无论谁”;nobody意为“没有人,无人,谁也不”。everything意为“每个;所有”;something意为“某事/物”;其特殊含义是“大致;左右;有价值的人或者重要的人或者事物”;anything意为“任何

23、事物”;nothing意为“没有”。(2014安徽)You can ask anyone for help.Everyone here is willing to lend you a hand.你可以向任何人求助。这儿的每个人都愿意帮助你。Somebody has parked his car right in front of mine.有人将车子正好停在我的车子前面。-22-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九He was such a fast talker that nobody could understand

24、 him.他讲话很快,没有人能听懂。After winning the singing competition,she thought herself someone in her neighborhood.她赢得歌唱比赛之后,觉得自己是社区里的重要人物了。(201711浙江,听力)Everything is fresher and better tasting than at home.一切东西都比家里的更新鲜,口感更佳。(2016北京)Growing up,I had people telling me I was too slow,though,with an IQ of 150+ at

25、 17,Im anything but stupid.在我成长过程中,人们不断地告诉我,我很迟钝,尽管我一点也不笨,17岁时智商就在150以上。(2014重庆)A smile costs nothing,but gives much.微笑花费不了什么,却给予很多。-23-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九常见搭配:nothing but 只不过anything but绝不;根本不something of 有点儿;在某种程度上是nothing to do with 和没关系for nothing免费;白白地;白费;无缘无故

26、地He is anything but a doctor.他绝不是一名医生。Hes something of a cheat.他某种程度上是个骗子。They will repair the building for the old man for nothing.他们将会为这位老人免费维修楼房。-24-考点二考点二考点三考点三考点四考点四考点五考点五考点六考点六考点一考点一考点八考点八考点七考点七考点九考点九all,both,everyone,everybody,everything以及“every+名词”都表示全部肯定。none,no one,nobody,nothing,neither,n

27、ot any 以及“no+名词”均表示全部否定;但当not 与表示全部肯定的不定代词连用时,不管not的位置在其前还是其后,都表示部分否定。None of them smoke.他们都不吸烟。Such a person cant be found everywhere.(部分否定)这种人并非随处可见。-25-.根据提示或语境完成句子1.(20176浙江)Pahlsson screamed so loudly that her daughter came running from the house.“She thought I had hurt myself (I),”says Pahlsso

28、n.2.(2017全国)However,the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months,more than 25,000 people were using it every day.3.(2016江苏)Chimps(黑猩猩) will cooperate in certain ways,like gathering in war parties to protect their(they) territory.4.(2016浙江)In many ways,the education system i

29、n the US is not very different from that in Canada.5.(2016北京)For the first time,I feel good about myself (me) because Im doing something.-26-6.(2016北京)All around her(she),people were suffering,especially the elderly.7.(2016江苏)He finds that if babies aged 18 months see an unrelated adult with hands f

30、ull trying to open a door,almost all will immediately try to help.8.(2015全国)A few hours earlier,Id been at home in Hong Kong,with its(it) choking smog.9.Julie learned to use her mind and imagination to entertain herself .10.“It is wrong for you to say so!” Yugong replied.11.As a student studying in

31、America,I find that the method of teaching is quite different from that given by Chinese teachers.12.I cant help it if he is always making noise.-27-13.I walked her to the car and opened the car door for her,which won me her big smile and gratitude.I know it is a small thing,but I felt so good insid

32、e for helping her.14.The explosion rocked the lake with such a force that dead fish immediately began to surface.Sam took out a net and started taking them(they) up.15.“One time I asked her,why is my(me) listening comprehension so bad?” Mr.Zuckerberg said.16.It is true that the Internet has changed

33、the way we work and communicate.But we shouldnt depend on it too much.17.I was blessed with a happy childhood,one that most people would want to have.-28-18.The professor spoke highly of me,for what I did was better than that of any other top member on the team.19.(2014江西)When shall I call,in the mo

34、rning or afternoon?Either.Ill be in all day.20.(2014四川)Shed lived in London and Manchester,but she liked neither and moved to Cambridge.-29-.根据短文内容,填上适当的代词(每空一词)My friend Henry and I always walk home together after school,for 1.we live in the same block and 2.both of us go in for football.One aftern

35、oon on 3.our way home,we were about to say goodbye to each 4.other when we heard a loud shout behind 5.us .As we looked around to see what had happened,we found a middle-aged woman lying on the ground,bleeding.We realized that 6.she had been knocked down by the black car in front of her.We hurried t

36、o help 7.her ,but a man with dark glasses came over and tried to prevent Henry and 8.me from getting closer to the wounded woman.So we got very angry with 9.him .How could 10.he stop us from helping a dying woman?The man asked us to turn around and we were surprised to see a man carrying a video camera on the shoulder.They were just shooting a film.



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