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1、Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。有志者事竟成。Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。Where there is smoke, there is fire. 无风不起浪。无风不起浪。 Take the essence, discard the dregs. 取其精华,去其糟粕。取其精华,去其糟粕。 一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 根据所给的词性和词义写出下列单词。根据所给的词性和词义写出下列单词。 1_hju:mEhju:mE n. 幽默幽默2_ di5pre

2、st5prest adj. 沮丧的沮丧的3_ 5bRtEm5bRtEm n. 底部;底部;4_ Es5tCniFEs5tCniF vt. 使惊讶使惊讶 5_ 5mauW7ful5mauW7ful n. 满口满口 6_ 7entE5tein7entE5tein vt. 使欢乐使欢乐7_pE5tIkjJlElIpE5tIkjJlElI adv. 特特别地别地 humourdepressedbottomastonishmouthfulentertainparticularly be particular about 对对挑剔挑剔的,的,in particular 尤其,特别尤其,特别(=partic

3、ularly, especially)depressionat the bottom of astonished/astonishment a mouthful of /a handful ofentertainmenthumorous/humorist9. _ humlis adj. 无家可归的无家可归的10. _ ,uvkm v. 克服克服11_ Wru(:)5autWru(:)5aut prep. 遍遍及及 12_ 5fC:tFEni5fC:tFEnit adj. 幸运幸运的的 13. _ kEnvinskEnvins vt.使信服使信服14_5feiljE5feiljE n. 失败;失

4、失败;失败败15_5snEJstC:m5snEJstC:m n. 暴风雪暴风雪throughoutfortunate convincefailure snowstormmisfortune /unfortunatelyhomelessovercomeconvince sb. to do / convince sb. of sth.be caught in snowstormthroughout the world get over homesick adj. 思乡的思乡的16_ di5rektdi5rekt v. 导演导演17_ aut5stAndiNaut5stAndiN adj. 杰出杰出

5、的的18_ wC:n-5autwC:n-5aut adj. 磨破磨破的的19_ vB:stvB:st adj. 巨大的巨大的direct outstandingworn-out vast indirect / director/directiona band director a film director the Director of the CIA He took a direct flight to New York. (美国美国)中央情报局局长中央情报局局长 乐队指挥乐队指挥电影导演电影导演他直飞纽约。他直飞纽约。a vast desert / vast sea二、单词运用二、单词运

6、用 1. Today the Chinese teacher began the class with an amusing _ show .2. I kept a diary at times when there was something _ to keep down.3. The class were cheered up by her _ performance.4We like to stay with him, for hes a man with a pretty _ of humour.5. The woman sat there, _ (chew) a piece of g

7、um.slideparticularoutstandingsensechewing 幻灯片幻灯片7. She _it to me so as not to be heard by others.8. It will do you good to have plenty of _ (boil) water every day.9. We really had pity on the poor _ girl and took her to our house.10. Cold-blooded animals will sleep _ the winter without eating anythi

8、ng. throughout whispered boiled homeless 三、词语派生三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. As a result of their impatience , that plan ended in _ (fail).2. _ (fortune), we two were selected for the Olympic torture bearers in Guangdong.3. Besides the point, the accident happened for some other _ (direct)

9、 reasons.4. You are expected to spend an _ (entertain) evening in this place of public _ (entertain).failure Fortunately indirect entertainment entertaining6. I wondered all the time why mother had never thrown away those clothes already _ (wear) out.7. Im so full I cant have another _ (mouth).8. Sh

10、e _ (joy) playing the piano every day, for it is a great _ (enjoy) to her.9. He was _ (sense) of the trouble he had caused.10. Mobil phones may not work so well in _ (mountain) areas.worn mouthful enjoy sensible enjoyment mountainous 一件令人愉快的事一件令人愉快的事 be sensible of 意识到意识到 1对对满足满足(意意) _ 2在整个亚洲在整个亚洲 _

11、 3战胜困难战胜困难 _ 4挑出;辩别出挑出;辩别出_ 5一条丧家狗一条丧家狗 _ 6撞上;遇上撞上;遇上_ 7突出的成就突出的成就_ 8幽默感幽默感 _a sense of humour be content withthroughout Asiaovercome difficultiespick out a homeless dogknock intooutstanding achievements9badly off _10in particular _11cut off _12star in _13in search of _14be born in poverty _15be set

12、 in _16go camping _穷的穷的; 缺少的缺少的特别特别; 尤其是尤其是切断切断; 断绝断绝主演主演寻找寻找; 寻求寻求 出身贫寒出身贫寒以以为背景为背景野营野营五、词组运用五、词组运用 词组填空词组填空 根据句子提供的语境根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。1. She canbe so popular at all; I dont even know what movies she has _.2. Before _, you must get everything needed ready.

13、3. To be honest, I enjoy reading the stories and novels written by the big man _.in particularstarred ingoing camping翻译填空翻译填空 从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。4. 完成这样巨大的工程完成这样巨大的工程, 我们常要克服某些艰难困苦。我们常要克服某些艰难困苦。In doing so great a project, we had to_ at times. 5在人潮的广场上,我好容易才发现他。在人潮的广场上,我好容易才发现他。In

14、 the crowed square , I had a hard time _ him _.6. 这部电影是以二十世纪这部电影是以二十世纪60年代美国黑人的年代美国黑人的 会状况为背景写的。会状况为背景写的。The film _ the socialconditions of the black of America inthe1960s.was set inovercome some difficultiespickingup句子翻译句子翻译7浏览刚完成的那本书浏览刚完成的那本书, 她自感满意。她自感满意。_8他四周看,在找什么。他四周看,在找什么。_9顾着思考问题,他差点撞上路边的停车。

15、顾着思考问题,他差点撞上路边的停车。_10据说这部电影当时有一部分由于某种原因被剪切了。据说这部电影当时有一部分由于某种原因被剪切了。_It is said that one part of the film had to be cut off for some reason. She read through her newly-finished book and was content with herself.He looked around in search of something.Lost in thought, he nearly knocked into a car park

16、ed aside.六、语法填空六、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。The film is set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century 1._ gold was discovered and thousands of people rushed 2._ in search of it. In the film, Chaplin a

17、nd his friend are in California, too. Their job is “panning for gold”. They wash sand 3. _the river in a pan of water, and expect 4._ ( pick) up gold, but they when there from to pick have not been fortunate to find 5._. Instead, they 6._(catch) on the edge of a mountain in a snowstorm in a small wo

18、oden house, 7._they have nothing to eat. They are so hungry that they have to boil a pair of leather shoes in a pan and eat it. Chaplin sits down 8._ the table with his plate and 9._ (drink) cup. He makes his eating seem 10._it were one of the best meals he has ever had!How hungry would you have to

19、be to eat a shoe?any were caught where at drinking as if 1. 刘翔是当今成就卓越刘翔是当今成就卓越,享名世界的田径运动员。享名世界的田径运动员。 (outstanding;throughout)2. 2001年他荣获全运会年他荣获全运会110米栏冠军,米栏冠军,2002年年 幸运获得亚运会冠军。(幸运获得亚运会冠军。(fortunate)3. 刘翔不满足已取得的成绩刘翔不满足已取得的成绩,他坚持训练他坚持训练,克服克服 难和伤痛难和伤痛,努力争取更大进步。努力争取更大进步。 (be content with;overcome)4. 刘翔

20、有着积极刘翔有着积极,坚定坚定,自信的个人品质自信的个人品质,他总是他总是 良好的心态面对成功与失败而不断使自己良好的心态面对成功与失败而不断使自己 具有成就感。(具有成就感。(failure;sense)5. 2004年年,在父母的支持和教练的指导下在父母的支持和教练的指导下, 刘翔刘翔 勇夺得勇夺得110米栏世界冠军和奥运会冠军米栏世界冠军和奥运会冠军,实现实现 了他的梦想和为祖国争得了荣誉。了他的梦想和为祖国争得了荣誉。 (direct;support;honour)One possible versionAs is well known,Liu Qiang is now an outs

21、tanding track and field sports athlete popular throughout the world. Fortunately, he took first place in 110-metre hurdle in the National Games of 2001, and in 2002, he won the champion in 110-metre hurdle in the Asian Games. However, instead of being content with these , he has been training hard a

22、nd overcoming various difficulties to make even greater progress. It is believed that, with thepersonal qualities of beingpositive, determined andconfident, Liu Qiang always hasa good state of mind for anysuccess or failure, which has helped him get the sense ofachievement every time. And, as an ast

23、onishing result, in2004 Liu Qiang, supported byhis parents and directed by hiscoach, eventually won the worldchampion and the champion inthe Olympic Games, and this isboth his expected dream and agreat honor for the country. content n. 内容内容; 容纳的东西容纳的东西 kntent adj. 满足的;满意的满足的;满意的 vt. 使满足使满足Her answer

24、 seemed to content him. 她的回答好像令他满意。她的回答好像令他满意。sth. content sb. 使某人满意使某人满意be content to do sth. 某人愿意某人愿意/满意做某事满意做某事be content with 对对感到满意感到满意/满足满足content oneself with 使自己满足于使自己满足于1. 他对自己的工作很满意。他对自己的工作很满意。2. 她似乎很满意与他生活在一起她似乎很满意与他生活在一起。3. 给我看看你手提箱里的东西。给我看看你手提箱里的东西。 He was content with his work.She seem

25、s content to live with him.Show me the contents of yoursuitcase. be content with 对对满意满意比较比较 be satisfied with = be content with=be pleased with be content to do sth.= be willing to do sth. 提醒提醒 在汉语中的在汉语中的“对对”,很难在英语中找,很难在英语中找到到 对应翻译,如:对应翻译,如:(1)be angry with sb .对某人发火对某人发火(2)be hard on sb.对某人苛刻对某人苛刻h

26、ave an influence on sb=have an effect on sb. = have an impact on sb.对对有影响有影响(4)offer sb congratulations on sth. 对对某事祝某事祝贺贺(5)be strict with sb 对某人严格对某人严格(6)be strict in sth. 对某事严格对某事严格(7)be pleased with /at /by 对对.满意满意(8)be busy with sth. 忙于做某事忙于做某事(9)be surprised at=be astonished at = be amazed at

27、对对感到惊奇感到惊奇(10)be terrified at =be frightened at 对对感到害怕感到害怕astonish vt. 使惊讶使惊讶 adj. _ n. _His behavior _ everyone present. 他的行为让在场的每个人都感到很吃惊。他的行为让在场的每个人都感到很吃惊。astonish sb with sth 用用让让某人吃惊某人吃惊be astonished at sth / to do sth 对对感感到吃惊到吃惊to ones _=to the astonishment of sb 让某人吃惊的是让某人吃惊的是astonished/ asto

28、nishingastonishmentastonishedastonishment1. 他在这个活动中的良好表现让我们都他在这个活动中的良好表现让我们都 感到很吃惊。感到很吃惊。He really _all of us _the good performance on the show. 2. 父母对孩子们的表演感到很吃惊。父母对孩子们的表演感到很吃惊。 The parents were astonished at their childrens performance. astonishedwithamaze 使惊异,困惑使惊异,困惑 (含含“惊叹,佩服惊叹,佩服 之意,语气强之意,语气强)

29、astonish 使人大吃一惊使人大吃一惊surprise 出乎意外地惊讶出乎意外地惊讶 (语气最弱语气最弱)amazement/ amazedamazing / be amazed at surprised / surprising to ones surprise a surprised look3. entertain vt. & vi.使欢乐;款待使欢乐;款待运用运用 用用entertain及其适当形式填空。及其适当形式填空。(1)A teacher should _ as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要能引起学生的兴趣。教师不仅要教书,也要能引起学生的兴趣。(2)T

30、his is an _ story. 这是一个有趣的故事。这是一个有趣的故事。(3)A cinema is a place of _. 电影院是公众娱乐场所。电影院是公众娱乐场所。entertain entertaining entertainment fortune n. 命运,财富命运,财富 fortunate adj. 幸运的幸运的,侥幸的侥幸的 be fortunate to do = be lucky to do 幸运的做某事幸运的做某事1. 这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友。这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友。2. 我很幸运有健康的身体。我很幸运有健康的身体。3. 他

31、很幸运有一份好的工作。他很幸运有一份好的工作。 Hes fortunate to have a good job.The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a close friend.Im fortunate to have good health.fortune n. 命运,运气,机会;财富命运,运气,机会;财富She has the good fortune to be free fromillness. 她运气好,没得病。她运气好,没得病。He made a fortune by selling houses. 他靠卖房子发

32、了财。他靠卖房子发了财。make a / ones fortune 发财发财be in good / bad fortune 运气好(坏)运气好(坏)fortune -fortunate (adj.) fortunately (adv.) _ (adv.)(2)luck - lucky (adj.) /_(adv.) - unluckily (adv.) luckilyunfortunatelypick out 挑出;辨别出;挑出;辨别出; 看清楚,弄懂看清楚,弄懂Please help me pick out the good apples in the basket. 请帮我从篮子里把好苹

33、果挑出来。请帮我从篮子里把好苹果挑出来。 pick up 拾起,(偶然)得到;拾起,(偶然)得到; (车(车/船)中途搭(人),学会船)中途搭(人),学会 收听节目;恢复健康收听节目;恢复健康 pick at 指责指责pick on 选中;挑出选中;挑出 1.He _ French while he was staying in Paris.2. Please _ the books that youd like to read. 3. He is always _ others instead of himself.4. Can you _ your sister in this crowd

34、? 5. The car stopped to _me_ . picked uppick outpicking atpick outpickup6. Its necessary to use a short wave radio _ the programmes. 7. Youll soon _ health if you manage to have a good rest.to pick up pick up pick up health 恢复健康恢复健康cut off 中断(电话等),剥夺,打断某人说话,中断(电话等),剥夺,打断某人说话, 切断,剪掉,砍掉,割掉,切断,剪掉,砍掉,割掉

35、, 切切断断的(来)路,使的(来)路,使与世隔绝与世隔绝 He had his fingers cut off in anaccident at work. 他在一次工伤中切断了手指。他在一次工伤中切断了手指。We were cut off in the middle of our conversation. 我们的电话打了一半就断线了。我们的电话打了一半就断线了。The expedition team was cut off from its base. 这个考察探险队与基地失去了联系。这个考察探险队与基地失去了联系。(1)cut sb _ 打伤打伤(2)cut sth _切碎,剁碎切碎,剁

36、碎(3)cut_删除,突然熄火,剪下删除,突然熄火,剪下(4)cut _on sb /sth 插嘴,打断插嘴,打断(讲话)(讲话)(5)cut sth _ to 消减,减少到消减,减少到(6)cut sb_杀死某人杀死某人 up up outindowndown一一 单词拼写与完形单词拼写与完形1.occasion 2. mess 3. performer 4.gesture 5.ordinary 6.failure 7.content 8. outstanding 9. amusing 10. overcome 11. astonishing 12. Unfortunately 13. bo

37、red 14. chewing 15. entertaining二二 1. up to now 2. be content with 3. pick out 4. cut off 5. star in 6. at a time 7. in particular 8. worn-out 9. in search of 10. be convinced of 三、三、1.has starred in 2.cut off 3.was convinced of 4.entertain with 5. was astonished to 6. pick up 7. directed to 8. play

38、ing on words 9. slid into 10. burst into四、句子翻译四、句子翻译1. Up to now / So far, I have finished two-thirds of the work.2. As time went by, he began to realize that he should have studied hard. 3. Not that I dislike the job, but that I am not fit for it.五、语法填空五、语法填空1. likely 2. yourselves 3. are left 4. a 5. best 6. on 7. in 8. When 9. it 10. themon the left / right 在左边在左边/在右边在右边 toast n. 吐司;烤面包片吐司;烤面包片 /祝酒祝酒;敬酒敬酒 I now give the toast to bride and groom. 我现在向新娘新郎举杯祝贺。我现在向新娘新郎举杯祝贺。



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