人教版七年级上册英语课件 Unit2 Period 4 Section B (3a-Self Check)

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《人教版七年级上册英语课件 Unit2 Period 4 Section B (3a-Self Check)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级上册英语课件 Unit2 Period 4 Section B (3a-Self Check)(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period 4 Section B (3a - Self Check)人教版七年级上Unit 2 This is my sister.习题链接1234词汇拓展5brotherfathergrandfatherfamiliesthese; thatdaughterunclepicture; photos678答案呈现温馨提示:点击进入讲评习题链接12345678910familyThosegrandparentssondaughtersThesemotherauntsWhobrother课文精华写必有法作文答案呈现词汇拓展1. sister n. 姐; 妹_n. 兄; 弟 2. mother

2、n. 母亲; 妈妈_n. 父亲; 爸爸 3. grandmother n. (外) 祖母; 奶奶; 外婆; 姥姥(对应词) _n. (外) 祖父; 爷爷; 外公; 姥爷 4. family n. 家; 家庭_(复数) brotherfathergrandfatherfamilies词汇拓展5. those pron. 那些_(对应词) pron. 这些 _(单数) pron. 那个 6. son n. 儿子_(对应词) n. 女儿 7. aunt n. 姑母; 姨母; 伯母; 婶母; 舅母_ (对应词) n. 舅父; 叔父; 伯父; 姑父; 姨父 8. photo n. 照片_(近义词) n.

3、 图画; 照片_(复数) thesethatdaughterunclepicturephotos课文精华根根据据短短文文内内容容和和所所给给的的汉汉语语或或首首字字母母提提示示, 在在空空白处写出正确的单词白处写出正确的单词, 每空限填一词每空限填一词 Hello! I am Wang Jun. Here is a photo of my _1(家 庭 ). _2(那 些 ) are my _3(祖父母). They have a _4(儿子) and two _5 (女儿). familyThosegrandparentssondaughters课文精华_6(这些) are my fathe

4、r and my m 7. They are my two_8(姑姑). W 9 is the boy? Oh, he is my _10(哥哥). Theseotherauntshobrother写必有法一、话题分析一、话题分析本单元写作要求运用所学词汇简单介绍各个家庭成员的名字以及他们之间的关系。 写必有法二、写作二、写作方法方法“总分总”法介绍家庭。 1. “总”总体介绍家庭成员, 引入话题。 2. “分”分述各家庭成员的情况。 3. “总”对家庭进行评价或表达感情。 写必有法三、素材积累三、素材积累1. 介绍家庭类作文常用词汇: family, sister, brother, par

5、ents, grandparents, daughter, son, those, these, they, here, photo, picture, of 写必有法2. 介绍家庭类作文常用句型: Here is a photo of my family. This/That is my These/Those are my He/She is my They are my 写必有法四、写作任务四、写作任务假设你是Sonia, 你的美国笔友Mary想了解你的家庭成员情况, 你打算给她寄一张你的全家福。请根据图片内容写一封信, 介绍一下你的家庭成员。要求: 50词左右。 写必有法五、写作模板五、写作模板写必有法六、满分作文六、满分作文_Dear Mary, Here is a photo of my family. This is my grandfather and that is my grandmother. These are my parents. The girls are my sister and me. Who are the two boys? They are my brothers. I have a happy family and I love it very much. Yours, Sonia



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