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1、 From Class one Grade ten美国大峡谷美国大峡谷 The Grand Canyon The First StationThe First StationThe Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles and attains a depth of over a mile.The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in the United States in the state of A

2、rizona. It is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National Park, one of the first national parks in the United States. 大峡谷大峡谷277英里长,英里长,4到到18英里宽,深英里宽,深度达到度达到1比比1英里。英里。大峡谷是刻在美国大峡谷是刻在美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多亚利桑那州科罗拉多河河上的一个陡峭的双面上的一个陡峭的双面峡谷峡谷。它主要包。它主要包含在大含在大峡谷国家公园峡谷国家公园,美国第一个国家,美国第一个国家公园之一。公园之一。Gorge:峡谷,峡Color

3、ado River:科罗拉多河Arizona:亚利桑那州Grand Canyon National Park:大峡谷国家公园The photos of The Grand CanyonGrand Canyon澳大利亚的大堡礁澳大利亚的大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef The second stationThe Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world, roughly parallel to the coast of Queensland, Australia, for almost 2,000km. Aus

4、tralia has almost 1/5th of the worlds reef area and most is located in the GBR.Washed by the warm waters of the South-West Pacific Ocean the perfect environment is created for the worlds largest system of coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef is of such pristine condition that it was listed by the Wor

5、ld Heritage Trust. 大堡礁是世界上最大的大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁珊瑚礁,大致平行至近大致平行至近2000公里的澳大利公里的澳大利亚昆亚昆士兰海岸士兰海岸。澳大利亚几乎有世界珊瑚。澳大利亚几乎有世界珊瑚礁面积的礁面积的1/5,大部分都位于大堡礁。,大部分都位于大堡礁。 由西南太平洋的海水冲刷,以及完由西南太平洋的海水冲刷,以及完美环境形成了世界上最大的珊瑚礁。美环境形成了世界上最大的珊瑚礁。因为这样的因为这样的原始状态原始状态,大堡礁被列入,大堡礁被列入了了世界遗产信托基金世界遗产信托基金以加以保护以加以保护.Coral reef:珊瑚礁:珊瑚礁Queensland:昆士兰海

6、岸:昆士兰海岸pristine condition:原始状态:原始状态World Heritage Trust:世界遗产信托基世界遗产信托基金金The photos of the Great Barrier Reef The third station好望角好望角 Cape Town “好望角好望角”的意思是的意思是“美好希望的海角美好希望的海角”,但最初却称,但最初却称“风暴角风暴角”。是。是位于非洲西南端非常著名的位于非洲西南端非常著名的岬角岬角。位于位于3421S,1830E处。但从此通处。但从此通往富庶的东方航道有望,故改称好望角。往富庶的东方航道有望,故改称好望角。 “Cape of

7、 Good Hope” means “beautiful cape of hope”, but it was initially referred as storm corners.“ It is a very famous headland in the southwestern of Africa. It is located in 34 21S, 18 30E. But the wealthy from the East waterway leading to expected, it was renamed Cape of Good Hope. Headland:岬角;岬角;Locat

8、ed :位于位于The photo of the Cape TownCape Town 拉斯维加斯拉斯维加斯 Las Vegas The forth stationShimmering from the desert haze of Nevada like a latter-day El Dorado, Las Vegas is the most dynamic, spectacular city on earth. At the start of the twentieth century, it didnt even exist; at the start of the twenty-fi

9、rst, its home to well over one million people, with enough newcomers arriving to need a new school every month. 如天多拉多内华达州沙漠的如天多拉多内华达州沙漠的阴霾阴霾闪烁闪烁,拉斯维加斯是地,拉斯维加斯是地球上最球上最有活力的有活力的、最、最壮观的壮观的城市。在城市。在20世纪初期,它甚世纪初期,它甚至不存在,在二十一世纪初至不存在,在二十一世纪初期,它是超过百万人的发源期,它是超过百万人的发源地,足够的新迁来的人数每地,足够的新迁来的人数每个月需要建一个新的学校。个月需要建一个新

10、的学校。 Shimmer:闪烁闪烁Dynamic:有活力的有活力的Spectacular:壮观的壮观的The photos of the Las Vegas The fifth stationSydneySydney is London of Australia. The Hyde Parks of city center and the Queen Victorial Building of the George street can let people experience the highest imperial atmosphere at sea mansion.The orname

11、nt of Sydney is the peculiar beauty in the city of Australia. Brick house , street that chimney stand in great numbers, especially in Luo Fu special street, and all sorts of ornaments , resident of balcony , backer of area, like the combination of lace weaves. 悉尼是澳洲的伦敦悉尼是澳洲的伦敦.乔治街的维克多利亚皇后大厦、市中心的海德公园

12、都可以让人乔治街的维克多利亚皇后大厦、市中心的海德公园都可以让人感受到在海一边的感受到在海一边的皇家皇家优雅至上的气氛。优雅至上的气氛。 悉尼的悉尼的装饰装饰美美,是澳大利亚是澳大利亚特有的特有的城市美。砖砌的房屋、烟囱林立的街道城市美。砖砌的房屋、烟囱林立的街道,尤其在尤其在罗福特街罗福特街,以及靠山地区的长屋居民阳台上的种种装饰以及靠山地区的长屋居民阳台上的种种装饰,像花边织网似的典雅的组合。像花边织网似的典雅的组合。 Imperial:皇家的;皇家的;peculiar:独具的、独特的;独具的、独特的; ornaments:装饰装饰The photos of sydneysydneyThe

13、 last stationIndia泰姬玛哈陵(泰姬玛哈陵(Taj Mahal Mausoleum),习惯上简称为泰姬陵,习惯上简称为泰姬陵,系莫卧儿帝国的沙杰汗系莫卧儿帝国的沙杰汗王王爱妃爱妃泰姬玛哈的陵墓。泰姬玛哈的陵墓。建于公元建于公元1631年,动年,动用用2万人费时万人费时22年才建年才建造完成。莫卧儿帝国也造完成。莫卧儿帝国也因如此庞大的开支(耗因如此庞大的开支(耗资资4000多万卢比)而多万卢比)而走向走向败亡败亡之路。之路。 Taj Mahal (Taj Mahal Mausoleum), usually referred to as listed. Mughal Empire

14、 between the SHA Jie Wang coalition Tajmahal Khans tomb. Built in 1631, 20,000 people spent time 22 years to complete the construction. Mughal empire because of the huge costs (cost of over 4,000 million rupees), and take the road of decline. Coalition:爱妃爱妃Decline:败亡败亡The photos ofThe photos of Indi

15、aIndia The End Thank you Acturally , its a good trip for us,isnt it? I learned a lot from this trip. Although it is a bit tired , we enjoyed it very much. If I have another chance to have a trip , I will give you another great report. I wont forget this trip , and Iwont forget you , the friends who had a wonderful trip with me . thats all thankyou from class one wanshi Z



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