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1、翻译部分翻译部分n n1. 1. 翻译主要考查考生对英语的综合运用能力,包括对翻译主要考查考生对英语的综合运用能力,包括对翻译主要考查考生对英语的综合运用能力,包括对翻译主要考查考生对英语的综合运用能力,包括对语法、词汇、单词拼写等多方面的考查。而改革后的语法、词汇、单词拼写等多方面的考查。而改革后的语法、词汇、单词拼写等多方面的考查。而改革后的语法、词汇、单词拼写等多方面的考查。而改革后的四级考试中的句子翻译由英译汉改为汉译英,这无疑四级考试中的句子翻译由英译汉改为汉译英,这无疑四级考试中的句子翻译由英译汉改为汉译英,这无疑四级考试中的句子翻译由英译汉改为汉译英,这无疑又增加了解题得难度。因

2、此汉译英是改革后四级考试又增加了解题得难度。因此汉译英是改革后四级考试又增加了解题得难度。因此汉译英是改革后四级考试又增加了解题得难度。因此汉译英是改革后四级考试题型中难度相对较大的一种题型:补充英语句子,即题型中难度相对较大的一种题型:补充英语句子,即题型中难度相对较大的一种题型:补充英语句子,即题型中难度相对较大的一种题型:补充英语句子,即要求把括号中的汉语部分译成英语。如:要求把括号中的汉语部分译成英语。如:要求把括号中的汉语部分译成英语。如:要求把括号中的汉语部分译成英语。如:n n The finding of this study failed to _The finding of

3、 this study failed to _( (将人们得睡眠质量考虑在内将人们得睡眠质量考虑在内将人们得睡眠质量考虑在内将人们得睡眠质量考虑在内) )。07/607/6(take peoples take peoples sleep quality into account/considerationsleep quality into account/consideration)n n此类题型已给出一定的提示,思考的范围大大的缩小,此类题型已给出一定的提示,思考的范围大大的缩小,此类题型已给出一定的提示,思考的范围大大的缩小,此类题型已给出一定的提示,思考的范围大大的缩小,但要特别注意所

4、填内容和已给出部分是否统一。由于但要特别注意所填内容和已给出部分是否统一。由于但要特别注意所填内容和已给出部分是否统一。由于但要特别注意所填内容和已给出部分是否统一。由于该类题目大多已限定了某一句型,从某种程度来说,该类题目大多已限定了某一句型,从某种程度来说,该类题目大多已限定了某一句型,从某种程度来说,该类题目大多已限定了某一句型,从某种程度来说,又可能增加了翻译的难度。又可能增加了翻译的难度。又可能增加了翻译的难度。又可能增加了翻译的难度。n n 2. 解题技巧n n解题步骤:n n步骤一、确定句型n n步骤二、确定时态n n步骤三、确定修饰成分n n步骤四、组句n n步骤五、审校n n

5、技巧攻略技巧攻略技巧攻略技巧攻略n n一、翻译原则一、翻译原则一、翻译原则一、翻译原则n n二、翻译技巧和注意事项二、翻译技巧和注意事项二、翻译技巧和注意事项二、翻译技巧和注意事项n n1 1、确定谓语动词时要注意该动词及物和不及物的不同用法。、确定谓语动词时要注意该动词及物和不及物的不同用法。、确定谓语动词时要注意该动词及物和不及物的不同用法。、确定谓语动词时要注意该动词及物和不及物的不同用法。n n2 2、为了避免重复,再次提到名词或名词短语时可用代词、为了避免重复,再次提到名词或名词短语时可用代词、为了避免重复,再次提到名词或名词短语时可用代词、为了避免重复,再次提到名词或名词短语时可用

6、代词it it,thisthis,thatthat,thesethese,thosethose,the onethe one,the onesthe ones等代替。等代替。等代替。等代替。n n3 3、形容词短语、介词短语修饰名词或名词结构时要放在被修、形容词短语、介词短语修饰名词或名词结构时要放在被修、形容词短语、介词短语修饰名词或名词结构时要放在被修、形容词短语、介词短语修饰名词或名词结构时要放在被修饰成分之后。饰成分之后。饰成分之后。饰成分之后。n n4 4、对于选用的动词,要考虑其时态和语态,包括其分词作定、对于选用的动词,要考虑其时态和语态,包括其分词作定、对于选用的动词,要考虑其

7、时态和语态,包括其分词作定、对于选用的动词,要考虑其时态和语态,包括其分词作定语和状语的情况。语和状语的情况。语和状语的情况。语和状语的情况。n n5 5、记住一个简单句中,只能有一个真正的谓语,当给出的汉、记住一个简单句中,只能有一个真正的谓语,当给出的汉、记住一个简单句中,只能有一个真正的谓语,当给出的汉、记住一个简单句中,只能有一个真正的谓语,当给出的汉语句子有逗号连接两个或两个以上的句子时,分析其逻辑关语句子有逗号连接两个或两个以上的句子时,分析其逻辑关语句子有逗号连接两个或两个以上的句子时,分析其逻辑关语句子有逗号连接两个或两个以上的句子时,分析其逻辑关系,弄清哪部分是主句,哪部分是

8、从句或者是用来充当修饰系,弄清哪部分是主句,哪部分是从句或者是用来充当修饰系,弄清哪部分是主句,哪部分是从句或者是用来充当修饰系,弄清哪部分是主句,哪部分是从句或者是用来充当修饰成分(状语、定语等),并考虑使用相应的连接词。成分(状语、定语等),并考虑使用相应的连接词。成分(状语、定语等),并考虑使用相应的连接词。成分(状语、定语等),并考虑使用相应的连接词。n n(如果我们早点出发),we wouldnt be walking in the rain.n nIf we had set out earliern nIt would be dangerous_n n(司机酒后在高速公路上开车).

9、n nFor drivers to drive on expressways after drinkingn n四、真题练习及讲解四、真题练习及讲解四、真题练习及讲解四、真题练习及讲解; ;n n(04(04年年年年6 6月月月月) )n n1 .1 . I am sure he will pass this exam_(I am sure he will pass this exam_(要是他多加注要是他多加注要是他多加注要是他多加注意的话意的话意的话意的话) .) .n nif only he would pay more attention to itif only he would p

10、ay more attention to itn n2 .2 . The young man was_(The young man was_(被指控偷了钱被指控偷了钱被指控偷了钱被指控偷了钱) ) . .n n accused of stealing the money/charged with stealing the moneyaccused of stealing the money/charged with stealing the moneyn n3 .3 . The room is in a terrible mess; it_(The room is in a terrible

11、mess; it_(不可能打扫过不可能打扫过不可能打扫过不可能打扫过) ) . .n ncant/couldnt have been cleanedcant/couldnt have been cleanedn n4 .4 . Not until the game had begun_(Not until the game had begun_(他才到达运动场他才到达运动场他才到达运动场他才到达运动场) ) . .n ndid he arrive at the sports grounddid he arrive at the sports groundn n5 .5 . You may ke

12、ep the book a further week_(You may keep the book a further week_(倘若没有其他倘若没有其他倘若没有其他倘若没有其他人需要用的话人需要用的话人需要用的话人需要用的话) ) . .n nif no one else requires/needs itif no one else requires/needs itn n(0505年年年年1 1月)月)月)月)n n1 . It _(1 . It _(肯定下雨了肯定下雨了肯定下雨了肯定下雨了)last night !The road is still )last night !The

13、road is still wet.wet.n nmust have been raining/must have rainedmust have been raining/must have rainedn n2. Only after I found out the truth_(2. Only after I found out the truth_(我才意识到我才意识到我才意识到我才意识到他是无辜的他是无辜的他是无辜的他是无辜的) . ) . n ndid I realize he was innocentdid I realize he was innocentn n3 . Come

14、 and see you teacher_(3 . Come and see you teacher_(无论何时你方便无论何时你方便无论何时你方便无论何时你方便) ) . .n nwhenever you are convenient whenever you are convenient n n4 . It is difficult for him to_(4 . It is difficult for him to_(适应这里的生活适应这里的生活适应这里的生活适应这里的生活) . ) . n nget used to the life here/ adapt himself to the

15、life hereget used to the life here/ adapt himself to the life heren n5 . I do not mind your delaying making the 5 . I do not mind your delaying making the decision_(decision_(只要不算太晚只要不算太晚只要不算太晚只要不算太晚) . ) . n n as long as it is not too late as long as it is not too laten n(0505年年年年6 6月)月)月)月)n n1. I

16、 hurried to the post office_(1. I hurried to the post office_(不料已经关门了不料已经关门了不料已经关门了不料已经关门了) .) .n nonly to find it closed/ only to find that it was closedonly to find it closed/ only to find that it was closedn n2. He made full preparation for the experiment_(2. He made full preparation for the expe

17、riment_(以便实以便实验能顺利进行验能顺利进行) ) . .n nso that it could be conducted/ carried out/ performed smoothlyso that it could be conducted/ carried out/ performed smoothlyn n3. _(3. _(尽量避免提及这个敏感话题尽量避免提及这个敏感话题尽量避免提及这个敏感话题尽量避免提及这个敏感话题) lest he be offended.) lest he be offended.n nTry to avoid mentioning this sen

18、sitive subject/ topic Try to avoid mentioning this sensitive subject/ topic n n4. She _(4. She _(对我们的警告充耳不闻对我们的警告充耳不闻对我们的警告充耳不闻对我们的警告充耳不闻)and got lost.)and got lost.n nturned a deaf ear to our warningsturned a deaf ear to our warningsn n5. _(5. _(听到他告诉我的消息听到他告诉我的消息听到他告诉我的消息听到他告诉我的消息) ), I could not

19、help I could not help laughing.laughing.n nOn/Upon hearing/ As soon as I heard the news he told me On/Upon hearing/ As soon as I heard the news he told me n n(05(05年年年年1212月月月月) )n n1. The more preparation you do now,_(1. The more preparation you do now,_(你就越不会紧你就越不会紧你就越不会紧你就越不会紧张张张张)before the exam

20、 .)before the exam .n nthe less nervous you will be/feelthe less nervous you will be/feeln n2. You _(2. You _(本该一言不发就离开家的本该一言不发就离开家的本该一言不发就离开家的本该一言不发就离开家的) );your parents your parents worried a lot about you .worried a lot about you .n nshouldnt have left home without a word/ saying anythingshouldnt

21、 have left home without a word/ saying anythingn n3. But for the English exam ,I_(3. But for the English exam ,I_(就去听音乐会了就去听音乐会了就去听音乐会了就去听音乐会了)last )last Sunday .Sunday .n nwould have gone to the concertwould have gone to the concertn n4. Being somewhat shortsighted, she _(4. Being somewhat shortsig

22、hted, she _(有盯着人看的习惯有盯着人看的习惯有盯着人看的习惯有盯着人看的习惯 ) .) .n nhas the habit of gazing at/staring at people has the habit of gazing at/staring at people n n5. _5. _(遵守规定很必要)(遵守规定很必要)(遵守规定很必要)(遵守规定很必要)for the visitors to the tourist for the visitors to the tourist spots .spots .n nIts really/ absolutely neces

23、sary to comply with/ follow the Its really/ absolutely necessary to comply with/ follow the regulation.regulation.n n(0606年年年年6 6月)月)月)月)n n1. The substance does not dissolve in water_(1. The substance does not dissolve in water_(不管是否加不管是否加不管是否加不管是否加热热热热) . ) . n nwhether it is heated or notwhether

24、it is heated or notn n2. Not only _(2. Not only _(他向我收费过高他向我收费过高他向我收费过高他向我收费过高) ),but he did not do a but he did not do a good repair job either . good repair job either . n ndid he charge me too much/ did he overcharge medid he charge me too much/ did he overcharge men n3. You losses in trade this

25、year are nothing_(3. You losses in trade this year are nothing_(与我的相与我的相与我的相与我的相比比比比) . ) . n ncompared with mine/ in comparison with minecompared with mine/ in comparison with minen n4. On average ,it is said, visitors spend only _4. On average ,it is said, visitors spend only _(一半的钱)(一半的钱)(一半的钱)(一

26、半的钱)in a day in Leeds as in London . in a day in Leeds as in London . n nhalf as much (money)half as much (money)n n5. By contrast, American mothers were more likely_(5. By contrast, American mothers were more likely_(把孩把孩把孩把孩子的成功归因于子的成功归因于子的成功归因于子的成功归因于)natural talent . )natural talent . n nto attr

27、ibute/ owe their childrens success to to attribute/ owe their childrens success to n n 0606年年年年6 6月月月月n n1. Having spent some time in the city ,he had no trouble_1. Having spent some time in the city ,he had no trouble_( (找到去历史博物馆的路找到去历史博物馆的路找到去历史博物馆的路找到去历史博物馆的路) .) .n n(in) finding the way to the h

28、istory museum(in) finding the way to the history museumn n2. _(2. _(为了挣钱供我上学为了挣钱供我上学为了挣钱供我上学为了挣钱供我上学) ),mother often takes on more mother often takes on more work than in good for her . work than in good for her . n nIn order to finance my education/ raise money to support my In order to finance my

29、education/ raise money to support my educationeducationn n3. The professor required that _(3. The professor required that _(我们交研究报告我们交研究报告我们交研究报告我们交研究报告)by )by Wednesday .Wednesday .n nwe (should) hand in our research reportwe (should) hand in our research reportn n4. The more you explain,_(4. The m

30、ore you explain,_(我越糊涂我越糊涂我越糊涂我越糊涂) .) .n nthe more confused I am/ feelthe more confused I am/ feeln n5. Though a skilled worker,_(5. Though a skilled worker,_(他被公司解雇了他被公司解雇了他被公司解雇了他被公司解雇了)last week )last week because of the economic crisis .because of the economic crisis .n nhe was fired/ dismissed

31、/ discharged by the companyhe was fired/ dismissed/ discharged by the companyn n0606年年年年1212月月月月n n 1. 1. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to _easy to _(适应不同文化中的生活(适应不同文化中的生活(适应不同文化中的生活(适应不同文化中的生活) ). . n nadapt ones

32、elf to life/ living in different culturesadapt oneself to life/ living in different culturesn n2. 2. Since my childhood I have found that Since my childhood I have found that n n( (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力) ) . . n nnothing is more attractive to me than readingnothing

33、 is more attractive to me than readingn n3. 3. The victim_( The victim_( 本来会有机会活下来本来会有机会活下来本来会有机会活下来本来会有机会活下来) if he had ) if he had been taken to hospital in time been taken to hospital in time . . n nwould have had a chance to survive/ of survivalwould have had a chance to survive/ of survivaln n4

34、. 4. Some psychologists claim that people _(Some psychologists claim that people _(出门在出门在出门在出门在外时可能会感到孤独外时可能会感到孤独外时可能会感到孤独外时可能会感到孤独) ) . . n nmight feel lonely when they are far from home/ when they are might feel lonely when they are far from home/ when they are travelingtravelingn n5. 5. The natio

35、nThe nations population continues to rise_(s population continues to rise_(以以以以每年每年每年每年12001200万人的速度万人的速度万人的速度万人的速度) ) . . n nat a speed/ rate of 12 million per/ every yearat a speed/ rate of 12 million per/ every yearn n0707年年年年6 6月月月月n n1. 1. The finding of this study failed to _(The finding of th

36、is study failed to _(将人们的将人们的将人们的将人们的睡眠质量考率在内睡眠质量考率在内睡眠质量考率在内睡眠质量考率在内) ) . . n ntake peoples sleep quality into account/ considerationtake peoples sleep quality into account/ considerationn n2. 2. The prevention and treatment of AIDS is _(The prevention and treatment of AIDS is _(我我我我们可以合作的领域们可以合作的领

37、域们可以合作的领域们可以合作的领域) ) . . n nthe field where/ in which we can cooperate the field where/ in which we can cooperate n n3. 3. Because of the leg injury, the athlete _(Because of the leg injury, the athlete _(决定退决定退决定退决定退出比赛出比赛出比赛出比赛) ) . . n ndecided to quit the matchdecided to quit the matchn n4. 4. T

38、o make donations or for more information, To make donations or for more information, please_(please_(按以下地址和我们联系按以下地址和我们联系按以下地址和我们联系按以下地址和我们联系) ) . . n ncontact/ get in touch with us at the following addresscontact/ get in touch with us at the following addressn n5. 5. Please come here at ten tomorro

39、w morning _Please come here at ten tomorrow morning _( (如果你方便的话如果你方便的话如果你方便的话如果你方便的话) ) . . n nif it is convenient for you/ at your convenientif it is convenient for you/ at your convenientn n0707年年年年1212月月月月 n n1. 1. _ (_ (多亏了一系列的新发明),多亏了一系列的新发明),多亏了一系列的新发明),多亏了一系列的新发明),doctors can treat this docto

40、rs can treat this disease successfully. disease successfully. n nOwing to/ Thanks to a series of new inventionsOwing to/ Thanks to a series of new inventionsn n2. 2.In my sixties, one change I notice is that _ (.In my sixties, one change I notice is that _ (我比以前我比以前我比以前我比以前更容易累了更容易累了更容易累了更容易累了) )。n

41、n I am apt to/ inclined to be/ feel more easily tired than beforeI am apt to/ inclined to be/ feel more easily tired than beforen n3. 3. I am going to pursue this course, _ (I am going to pursue this course, _ (无论我要作出什么无论我要作出什么无论我要作出什么无论我要作出什么样的牺牲)样的牺牲)样的牺牲)样的牺牲). . n nno matter what/ whatever sacri

42、fices I will makeno matter what/ whatever sacrifices I will maken n4. 4. I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because _ (store because _ (它更加方便和省时)它更加方便和省时)它更加方便和省时)它更加方便和省时). . n nthe latter is more convenient an

43、d timesavingthe latter is more convenient and timesavingn n5. 5. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life is Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life is _ (_ (是用他们能够借到多少来是用他们能够借到多少来是用他们能够借到多少来是用他们能够借到多少来 衡量的)衡量的)衡量的)衡量的), not how much , not how much they can earn. the

44、y can earn. n nis weighed/ measured upon/ by how much they can borrow is weighed/ measured upon/ by how much they can borrow n n五、专项训练五、专项训练五、专项训练五、专项训练n n1 . With the improvement of our living standards, 1 . With the improvement of our living standards, people are _(people are _(越来越重视健康了越来越重视健康了越来越

45、重视健康了越来越重视健康了) .) .n nattaching more and more importance to their attaching more and more importance to their healthhealthn n2 . The improvement of the equipment 2 . The improvement of the equipment _(_(带来很高的利润带来很高的利润带来很高的利润带来很高的利润) .) .n nhas brought a lot of profitshas brought a lot of profitsn n3

46、 . He finally realized _(3 . He finally realized _(他们应当采他们应当采他们应当采他们应当采取有效措施来应付这个局面取有效措施来应付这个局面取有效措施来应付这个局面取有效措施来应付这个局面) .) .n n that they should take effective measures to cope that they should take effective measures to cope with/ deal with/ tackle the situationwith/ deal with/ tackle the situatio

47、nn n4 . We are getting more and more nervous_(随着考试周的临近随着考试周的临近) .n nas the exam week approaches/ draws near or: with the approaching of the exam weekn n5 .(撒谎有什么用呢)(撒谎有什么用呢),if she has learned everything.n nWhats the good of lyingn n6 . _(为了身体的健康为了身体的健康),measures are being taken to control and preve

48、nt pollution.n nFor/ For the sake of peoples healthn n 7 . Some developing countries cannot even support 7 . Some developing countries cannot even support their present populations, their present populations, n n_(_(更不用说将来过多的人口了更不用说将来过多的人口了更不用说将来过多的人口了更不用说将来过多的人口了) )。n nlet alone/ much less/ to say

49、nothing of the let alone/ much less/ to say nothing of the overpopulation of the futureoverpopulation of the futuren n8. Only by being in good shape_(8. Only by being in good shape_(一个人才一个人才一个人才一个人才可能去学习、工作、享受可能去学习、工作、享受可能去学习、工作、享受可能去学习、工作、享受) )。n ncan one expect to study, work and enjoy himselfcan

50、one expect to study, work and enjoy himselfn n9. We must realize that TV itself is neither good or 9. We must realize that TV itself is neither good or bad, _(bad, _(它对人和社会的价值取决于我们如何它对人和社会的价值取决于我们如何它对人和社会的价值取决于我们如何它对人和社会的价值取决于我们如何看待它看待它看待它看待它). ). n n and its value to people and society depends on h

51、ow and its value to people and society depends on how we look at itwe look at itn n10.10. The most striking difference between home life The most striking difference between home life and dormitory life isand dormitory life is_ _ (学生必须开始对(学生必须开始对自身的行为承担责任)。自身的行为承担责任)。n nthat students must begin to t

52、ake responsibility for that students must begin to take responsibility for their own behaviortheir own behaviorn n11.However,the problem of environmental pollution 11.However,the problem of environmental pollution remainsremains_(_(远远没有解决远远没有解决). ).n nfar from being solvedfar from being solvedn n12.

53、 Population explosion will12. Population explosion will_(_(进一进一步阻碍生活水平的提高步阻碍生活水平的提高). ).n nfurther hinder the improvement of living standardsfurther hinder the improvement of living standardsn n13. There is no doubt that13. There is no doubt that_(_(知识在知识在我们的人生中扮演着重要的角色我们的人生中扮演着重要的角色). ).n nknowledg

54、e plays an important role/ part in our lifeknowledge plays an important role/ part in our lifen n14. With the development of our national 14. With the development of our national economyeconomy,_(,_(所有这些问题将会逐所有这些问题将会逐步得到解决步得到解决). ).n nall these problems will be solved step by step/ all these problem

55、s will be solved step by step/ graduallygraduallyn n15. To make a wise choice15. To make a wise choice,_(,_(必须考必须考虑两个因素虑两个因素). ).n ntwo important things/ factors should be taken into two important things/ factors should be taken into account/ considerationaccount/ consideration n n16. To protect our

56、 environment16. To protect our environment,_,_( (我们应该学会妥善处理废物我们应该学会妥善处理废物). ).n nwe should learn to dispose of waste properlywe should learn to dispose of waste properlyn n17. As loyal Chinese citizens17. As loyal Chinese citizens, _(, _(我们必须我们必须对国家有强烈的责任感对国家有强烈的责任感). ).n nwe must have a strong sens

57、e of responsibility to our we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our countrycountryn n1818 Overpopulation is also a problem for Overpopulation is also a problem for developed countriesdeveloped countries_(_(因为这些国家的因为这些国家的自然资源同样有限自然资源同样有限). ).n nsince/ as /for natural resources in these co

58、untries since/ as /for natural resources in these countries are equally limitedare equally limitedn n19. Generation gap refers to _(年长的人和年轻人之间在观念、感情和兴趣方面的差异).n nthe difference in ideas, feelings, and interests between the older and younger peoplen n20. Life in the university is _(并不象我们期望的那样令人满意).n n

59、not as satisfactory as what we expectedn n21. It is time _(当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题).n nthat the authorities took proper measures/ steps to solve the traffic problemsn n22._(至于你的工作), I will discuss with you later.n nAs to / As for your workn n23. Everyone has a right _(处理他认为属于自己分内的事).n nto deal with what he

60、 thinks of as his ownn n24. The company will adapt its general plan_(以满足其迅速扩展的业务的需要).n nto meet the needs/ requirements of its rapidly expanding businessn n25. Only in this way_(你才能学好英语) .n ncan you learn English welln n26. (为了挣得额外收入),I worked as a doorman and usher at the theater.n nTo make/ earn e

61、xtra moneyn n27. Its a beautiful cottage_(离最近的海滩仅5分钟的路程).n nwhich is no more than/ only five minutes walk/ride from the nearest beach n n28.(任何人都不得入内)without permission.n nNobody can come inn n29. It is impossible for average workers_(轻松掌握那些高新技术).n nto master those high-technology skills easilyn n30

62、.(他刚一进屋)when they started to ask him questions.n nHardly had he entered the roomn n31. It is arranged that_(护理他的伤口并把他送回家).n nshe (should) take care of his wounds and send him homen n32. (虽然我们已经取得了很大的进步),we still have a long way to go.n nAlthough we have made great progressn n33. _(根据这些数字),the crime

63、rate in the city is on the rise.n nAccording to/ In accordance with these figures n n34.34. _( _(关于事故原因关于事故原因) ),Im sure they Im sure they will make a clear investigation.will make a clear investigation.n nAs far as the cause of the accident is concerned / As As far as the cause of the accident is c

64、oncerned / As to/As for / About the cause of the accidentto/As for / About the cause of the accidentn n35. However, the limited productivity and scarce 35. However, the limited productivity and scarce resourcesresources_(_(几乎难以满足日益增几乎难以满足日益增多的人口的需求多的人口的需求). ).n ncan hardly meet the needs of the ever

65、increasing can hardly meet the needs of the everincreasing populationpopulationn n36. Despite all the advantages36. Despite all the advantages, _(, _(计算机绝计算机绝对不能替代人脑对不能替代人脑). ).n ncomputers can never take the place of human computers can never take the place of human brainsbrainsn n37. Internet secu

66、rity _(正在受到越来越多人的质疑).n nis now being questioned by more and more people n n38. (人们普遍认为)that language is developing and changing all the time.n nIt is widely believedn n39. There is no doubt that_(人们越来越重视身体健康).n npeople attach more and more importance to /pay more and more attention to healthn n40. I

67、t is widely acknowledged that40. It is widely acknowledged that_(_(计算机计算机和因特网已经成为我们社会必不可少的一部分和因特网已经成为我们社会必不可少的一部分). ).n ncomputers and Internet have become an computers and Internet have become an indispensable part of our societyindispensable part of our societyn n41. The last part of this century

68、will be41. The last part of this century will be _(_(人类未知的地方进行探险的时代人类未知的地方进行探险的时代) .) .n nan age/ era/ epoch of exploration to the places man an age/ era/ epoch of exploration to the places man has never knownhas never knownn n42. Mary _(42. Mary _(太骄傲了以致看不到自己太骄傲了以致看不到自己的缺点的缺点). ).n nis too proud to

69、 see her own shortcomingsis too proud to see her own shortcomingsn n43. We have to admit the fact that_(生命的质量和生命本身一样重要).n nthe quality of life is as important as life itselfn n44. Shortage of funds is _(当今学生面临的最大问题之一).n none of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to facen n45. Not only

70、 _(他拒绝了这份礼物), he also _(严厉批评了送礼的人).n ndid he refuse the gift ; (he) severely criticized /scolded the person who sent it/ the sendern n46. His failure in the exam_(由于上课思想不集中).n nresults from the lack of concentration in classn n47. He saved the child _(冒着自己的生命危险).n nat the risk of his own lifen n48.

71、(这名罪犯必须付出巨大的代价)as the result of his robbery.n nThe criminal must pay a heavy pricen n49. The urgency of this situation requires_(我们立刻作出决定).n nthat we (should) make an immediate decisionn n50 (正确的选择通常带来成功和幸福),a wrong one often brings about failure and disappointment.n nWhile a right choice leads to s

72、uccess and happinessn n51I have had great deal of trouble_(跟得上班上的其他同学) .n nkeeping up with the rest of the class.n n52_(我们没有人料到主席会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.n nnone of us expected the chairman to turn upn n53. A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,_(正如预料的那样).n

73、 nas was to be expectedn n54. Most doctors recognize that medicine is as much_(是一门科学,也是一门艺术).n nan art as it is a sciencen n55. Some women _(本来能够挣一份很好的工资) in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sale of the family. n ncould have made a good salary.n n56Over a third of

74、the population was estimated_(无法获得) to the health service.n nto have no accessn n57. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used_(习惯了学生迟到) his lecture.n nto students being late forn n58. The price of beer_(从50美分到4美元不等) per liter during the summer season.n nranges/varies from 50 cents to

75、$4n n59.Wed like _(预订一张餐桌) five for dinner this evening.n nto reserve a table forn n60. Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_(想找麻烦). n nto make troublen n61. It may be necessary to stop_(每隔时间) in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the

76、lessons.n nat intervalsn n62. The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he _(伤害自己).n ninjure himselfn n63.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was_(忙着准备) her examination.n n busy preparing forn n64. The ships generator broke down and the pumps_(不得不用手工操作) instead

77、of mechanically.n nhad to be operated manuallyn n65. Why didnt you tell me you could me the money? I_ (本来不必从银行借钱的) .n nneednt have borrowed it from the bankn n66By the time you get to New York, I_(已经动身去) London.n nshall have left forn n67. Buying clothes_(是一件很耗时的工作), because those clothes that a per

78、son likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.n nis often a very time-consuming jobn n68. Its time_(采取措施) about the traffic problem downtown.n n something was done/some measures were takenn n69. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon_(克服了这种心理).n novercame it/got o

79、ver itn n70. Please dont stand in the kitchen, youre_(挡路了). n nin the way n n71There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone _(打扰我) that evening.n nhad interrupted men n72._(正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.n n it is because she is too inexperiencedn

80、n73.When I _(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop.n ncaught him cheating men n74. The manager would rather his daughter_(不在一个办公室内工作).n n did not work in the same officen n75. The sports meet originally due to be held last Friday_(最终因天气不好而取消了). n n was finally cal

81、led off/cancelled because of the bad weathern n76I_(将在做实验) from three to five this afternoon.n nwill be doing/conducting the experimentn n77. How close parents are to their children_(有很强的影响) the character of the children.n nhas a strong influence on n n78. But for his help, I _(我不可能这么早完成).n n would

82、not have finished so earlyn n79. His remarks left me _(想知道他的真实目的).n nwondering about his real purposen n80. Mark often_(试图逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic regulations. n nattempts to escape being finedn n81If this cant be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to_(诉助武力).n n resort to forcen n82. Th

83、e room is in a terrible mess; it _(肯定没打扫过).n ncant have been cleanedn n83. Everybody knows he_(受到了冤枉指控).n nwas wrongly accused/chargedn n84. He wears a pair of sunglasses_(惟恐被别人认出来).n n for fear that he should be recognizedn n85. She never dreams of _(被派到国外). n nbeing sent abroadn n86. If you wont a

84、gree to our plan,_(他们也不会同意).n nneither will theyn n87. I should say Henry is _(与其说是个作家不如说是) as a reporter.n n not so much a writern n88. _(信不信由你), his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.n nBelieve it or notn n89. If you dont like to swim, you _(不妨待在家里).n nmay just as well stay at hom

85、en n90. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you_(弄脏了新地毯). n nstain the new carpetn n91Frankly speaking, Id rather you _(不采取任何措施) about it for the time being.n ndidnt do anythingn n92. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_(起着不可缺少的作用) in raising children.n npla

86、y indispensable rolesn n93. John seems a nice person, _(即使这样), I dont trust him.n nEven son n94. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_(正在研制) and perfected now.n nare being developedn n95. What a lovely party! Its worth_(牢记一生). n nremembering all my lifen n96Though you stay i

87、n the sea for weeks, you will not_(失去联系) the outside world.n n lose contact with n n97. Cancer is97. Cancer is _( _(仅次于仅次于) ) heart disease as a heart disease as a cause of death.cause of death.n nsecond only tosecond only ton n98. It is a pity that we should stay at home when we 98. It is a pity th

88、at we should stay at home when we havehave _( _(这么好的天气这么好的天气). ).n nsuch fine weathersuch fine weathern n99. I would99. I would _( _(不会诉诸法律不会诉诸法律) ) a court of law if a court of law if I hadnt been so desperate.I hadnt been so desperate.n nhave never resorted to have never resorted to n n100. John cannot afford to go to the university,100. John cannot afford to go to the university, _(_(更不用说出国了更不用说出国了). ).n nnot to speak of/not to mention/let alone going abroadnot to speak of/not to mention/let alone going abroad



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