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1、FriendsS1E01seniorFriendsS1E01senior1. chalk n. 粉笔粉笔2. Does he eat chalk ?他吃粉笔他吃粉笔吗?3. I dont want her to go through what I went through with Carl.go through = 经历遭受,遭受,检查,翻,翻阅通通读You cant go through my stuff.go through a story1. This is not even a date. Its just two people going out to dinner and not

2、 having sex.even = 甚至甚至date = 约会;日期会;日期2. (It) Sounds like a date to me.sound v. 听起来听起来sound like 听起来像听起来像English Reading - 201805051. It matters to me!matter mtv. 有关系;有关系;要要紧A: I am sorry!B: It doesnt matter. 2. If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off.let it go 放手吧,随他吧放手吧,随他吧let it be 顺其自然其自然

3、let go of me! 放我走!放我走!1. Push her down the stairs.push sb down 代代词放中放中间2. all of my life, everyone has always told me Youre a shoe! Youre a shoe, youre a shoe, youre a shoe!. English Reading - 201805051. And today I just stopped and I said, What if I dont wanna be a shoe? Whatif I wanna be a purse,

4、Or a hat! what if 假若。将会怎么假若。将会怎么样2. No, Im not saying I want you to buy me a hat, Im saying I am a hat.Its a metaphor, Daddy!metaphor mtfn.比比喻说法法English Reading - 201805051. Grab a spoon. Do you know howlong its been since Ive grabbed a spoon? Do the words Billy, dont be a hero mean anything to you?

5、2. How long 提提问时间3. Have/has + done 现在完成在完成时态4. Grab v.拿起拿起5. Spoon n.勺子勺子1. And today I just stopped and I said, What if I dont wanna be a shoe? Whatif I wanna be a purse, Or a hat! what if 假若。将会怎么假若。将会怎么样2. No, Im not saying I want you to buy me a hat, Im saying I am a hat.Its a metaphor, Daddy!me

6、taphor mtfn.比比喻说法法English Reading - 201805051.Yknow, heres the thing. Even if I could get it together enough to ask a woman out, who am I gonna ask? 2.Here is the thing (口)是(口)是这么个事么个事3.Get it together 集中精力,使自己振集中精力,使自己振作起来作起来4.Ask sb out 邀邀请某人出去某人出去约会会English Reading - 201805051. you have it, reall

7、y, I dont want it Split it?2.You probably didnt know this, but back in high school, I had a major crush on you.Have a crush on sb 喜喜欢某人某人3. You did! Oh. I always figured you just thought I was Monicas geeky older brother.1. Split v. 分开(食物,分开(食物,东西)西)2. back in high school 原来在高中的原来在高中的时候候3. Have a cr

8、ush on sb 喜喜欢某人某人4. Figure v.推推测 认为5. geeky older brother 呆呆头呆呆脑的哥哥的哥哥English Reading - 201805051. Try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here ,but do you think it would be okay if I asked you out?2. intense ntens adj. 强强烈的;烈的;紧紧张张的的3. vulnerability ,vlnrblt n. 易易损损性;弱点性

9、;弱点4. do you think it would be okay if 如果。你如果。你觉得可以得可以吗?进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少,个个手持乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少,个个手持一把,忽闪忽闪个不停,嘴里叨叨着一把,忽闪忽闪个不停,嘴里叨叨着“ “怎么这么热怎么

10、这么热” ”,于是三五成群,聚在大树,于是三五成群,聚在大树下,或站着,或随即坐在石头上,手持那把扇子,边唠嗑边乘凉。孩子们却在周下,或站着,或随即坐在石头上,手持那把扇子,边唠嗑边乘凉。孩子们却在周围跑跑跳跳,热得满头大汗,不时听到围跑跑跳跳,热得满头大汗,不时听到“ “强子,别跑了,快来我给你扇扇强子,别跑了,快来我给你扇扇” ”。孩。孩子们才不听这一套,跑个没完,直到累气喘吁吁,这才一跑一踮地围过了,这时子们才不听这一套,跑个没完,直到累气喘吁吁,这才一跑一踮地围过了,这时母亲总是,好似生气的样子,边扇边训,母亲总是,好似生气的样子,边扇边训,“ “你看热的,跑什么?你看热的,跑什么?”

11、 ”此时这把蒲扇,此时这把蒲扇,是那么凉快,那么的温馨幸福,有母亲的味道!蒲扇是中国传统工艺品,在是那么凉快,那么的温馨幸福,有母亲的味道!蒲扇是中国传统工艺品,在我国已有三千年多年的历史。取材于棕榈树,制作简单,方便携带,且蒲扇的表我国已有三千年多年的历史。取材于棕榈树,制作简单,方便携带,且蒲扇的表面光滑,因而,古人常会在上面作画。古有棕扇、葵扇、蒲扇、蕉扇诸名,实即面光滑,因而,古人常会在上面作画。古有棕扇、葵扇、蒲扇、蕉扇诸名,实即今日的蒲扇,江浙称之为芭蕉扇。六七十年代,人们最常用的就是这种,似圆非今日的蒲扇,江浙称之为芭蕉扇。六七十年代,人们最常用的就是这种,似圆非圆,轻巧又便宜的蒲扇。蒲扇流传至今,我的记忆中,它跨越了半个世纪,圆,轻巧又便宜的蒲扇。蒲扇流传至今,我的记忆中,它跨越了半个世纪,也走过了我们的半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长也走过了我们的半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长长的时间隧道,袅长的时间隧道,袅结束



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