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1、The Bluest Eye(Excerpts) by Toni Morrison Guide to Reading When we discuss contemporary American literature, it is impossible not to mention the name and works of Toni Morrison. A Nobel Prize winner for literature, she has written up to now seven novels, making significant contributions to the depic

2、tion of African American experience. Unlike some African American writers who expose white racism against the blacks in a direct way, Morrisons exploration tends to be introverted1, focusing on the relationships within the black community. Her novels often reveal how the dominant white culture has d

3、eprived the black people of their own cultural values and the destructive impact this cultural mutilation2has brought about among the black people. Although most of her novels are apparently set in her home town in Ohio, they not only depict the black experience in that region, but tell about shared

4、 human conditions with universal themes of love, death, 1个性内向的: 人的特征为兴趣或是盘据脑海的只有自己或是自己的想法; 害羞或是排斥; 含蓄的; 内倾的; 不爱交际的; introvert vt.使(思想)内向; 使内省 extroverted 外倾的:对其他的人或环境如与自身相反的或之外的事物感兴趣的;喜群居的或外出的: 2毁损;残缺;切断; mutilate 毁伤;使残废 Her arm was mutilated in the accident.她的胳膊在车祸中受了重伤。The pilot was mutilated in t

5、he plane crash and now has only one leg.飞行员在飞机失事事故中残废了,现在只剩下了一条腿。 破坏; 把删改得支离破碎 Youve mutilated the story by making such big changes.你作了这么大的改变,把故事弄得支离破碎了。 betrayal, and the individuals responsibility for his or her own fate. Morrisons first novel The Bluest Eye, from which the following text is taken

6、, tells the heartbreaking story of Pecola Breedlove, a vulnerable black girl, living in Lorain, Ohio, in the early 1940s. In a society where blue eyes and whiteness are equated with beauty, and therefore, goodness3and happiness while blackness is perceived4ugliness, Pecolas greatest desire is to hav

7、e blue eyes. Each night, without fail5, she prays for pretty blue eyes. She believes that having blue eyes is the key to wiping out all the unbearable miseries for her familytheir hopeless poverty, the constant fighting between the parents, the contempt of other children, etc. She imagines that with

8、 blue eyes, she will become a beautiful girl loved by everyone. In her wild6imagination Pecola feels that the color of her eyes has been finally transformed. Ironically, instead of love, what she gets in the end is the violence of her fathers rape. Rather than happiness, she sinks deeper into the ab

9、yss of misery. Her dream of finding shelter in her fantasy of whiteness mercilessly destroyed, the girl is thrown into7 madness. Following is one of the most vivid scenes in the novel. In this part the author describes a particular type of blacksbrown-skinned people. They hold 3 Goodness is the qual

10、ity of being kind, helpful, and honest. 善良 4察觉;理解;发觉; 把看作;认为 5一定,必定 I will give you a present on your birthday without fail. 你生日时我一定送你一份礼物。 6 疯狂的;胡乱的; 非常激动的; 狂妄的;不切实际的;异想天开的;不合常理的 7使(突然)陷入某一状态 themselves high above the other blacks. These sugar-brown or milk-brown girls are from better families, “go

11、 to land-grant colleges8, learn how to do the white mans work with refinement9,” marry successfully, living in their own inviolable worlds in quiet, black neighborhoods. With a certain proportion of white blood in them, they feel superior to other black people. Like the whites, they detest blackness

12、10, and project 11their hatred and contempt for it onto Negroes with darker skins. They blindly believe in the mainstream white cultural values and imitate the white middle class in every possible way. They are unable to establish healthy relationships with their own people. Geraldine is such a woma

13、n, and her son Junior is on the way of becoming one like her. Incapable of human love, Geraldine finds comfort in her cat. So when her cat is killed (by her son), she pours all her anger onto Pecola and cruelly drives the poor girl from her home. Once again, Pecola is made a victim. Yet, Geraldine,

14、who has victimized12this helpless black girl, is also a victim herselfa victim of racial prejudice that has penetrated into13 the minds of black people like her and 8 接受政府赠地的学院(或大学); land grant 政府赠予地:政府准予把公共用地用来建铁路、公路或州立大学 9 (感情、趣味、举止、言谈等的)优雅,高尚,文雅 10黑人的特征(或特性、气质) 11把(自己的感情、思想等)投射给他人 Dont project yo

15、ur guilt feelings onto me!别把你自己内疚的感情往我身上搬。 12使作牺牲;使受害,使受苦 1313 进入;(思想、感情等)深入于 These new ideas are penetrating into the minds of the younger generation.这些新思想正在渗透到年轻一代人的头脑里。 warped14their true identity. This scene is vivid and disturbing15. After reading the story the reader finds it hard to forget th

16、e characters and their fate. Realistic16details, metaphorical language and the freshest and most striking17prose all contribute to Morrisons effective exploration of complex themes through telling simple stories. Text 1. They come from Mobile18. Aiken19. From Newport News20. 14使(性格等)不正常;使乖戾;使有偏见 Yea

17、rs of living alone may warp ones personality.长期的孤身生活会使人的性格变得乖戾。 15Something that is disturbing makes you feel worried or upset 令人不安的,使内心不平静的 16 You say that a painting, story, or movie is realistic when the people and things in it are like people and things in real life. 逼真的 17Something that is stri

18、king is very noticeable or unusual. 显著的; 不同寻常的; 突出的, 鲜明的, 引人注目的; 给人深刻印象的 18墨比尔:亚拉巴马州西南的一座城市,在长约 61 公里(38英里)的墨比尔河 口处,位于墨西哥湾的一个海湾 墨尔比湾 的北海岸。约设立于 1710 年,该市在 1813 年为美国军队夺取前曾被法、英和西班牙拥有。在墨比尔湾战役(1864年 8 月)中,海军上将大卫法拉革特击溃了一支邦联军舰队主力并确保联邦对该地区的控制。人口 196,278 19在南卡罗莱纳西部 20纽波特纽斯:美国弗吉尼亚东南的独立城市,位于詹姆斯河口的汉普顿海峡外侧, 诺福克西

19、北偏北。 1620 年有人定居。19 世纪 80 年代由于造船工业的兴起而羸得了经济上的重要地位。人口 170,045 From Marietta21. From Meridian. And the sounds of these places in their mouths make you think of love. When you ask them where they are from, they tilt their heads and say Mobile and you think youve been kissed. They say Aiken and you see a

20、 white butterfly glance off22 a fence with a torn wing. They say Nagadoches and you want to say Yes, I will. You dont know what these towns are like, but you love what happens to the air when they open their lips and let the names ease out. 2. Meridian. The sound of it opens the windows of a room li

21、ke the first four notes23of a hymn. Few people can say the names of their home towns with such sly24 affection. Perhaps because they dont have home towns, just places where they were born. But these girls soak up25 the juice26of their home towns, and it never leaves them. They are thin27brown girls

22、who have looked long at hollyhocks28 in the backyards of 21玛利埃塔:美国乔治亚州西北部的一座城市,位于亚特兰大的西北方,是一个发展有飞机工业的居民区。人口 44,129 22 斜飞,掠过;擦过 23音符:以其形状并以其在谱表上的位置表示一定间高的符号 24 Lacking or marked by a lack of candor.虚伪的:缺乏诚实的或表明缺乏诚意的 25吸收,吸取;soak【非正式用语】 吸收:精神上的吸收或接受,尤其是急切地或轻易地 26A substance or quality that imparts ide

23、ntity and vitality; essence 精髓:赋予特性或增添活力的物质或性质 27淡的;浅的 a thin color 浅色 28蜀葵:一种原产于中东地区的(蜀葵 蜀葵属) 高大植物,因长有大而多色的亮丽花束而被广泛培植。 Meridian, Mobile, Aiken, and Baton Rouge29. And like hollyhocks they are narrow, tall, and still. Their roots are deep, their stalks are firm30, and only the top blossom nods31in t

24、he wind. They have the eyes of people who can tell what time it is by the color of the sky. Such girls live in quiet black neighborhoods where everybody is gainfully employed. Where there are porch swings32hanging from chains. Where the grass is cut with a scythe33, where rooster combs34 and sunflow

25、ers grow in the yards, and pots of bleeding heart35, ivy36, and mother-in-law tongue37line the steps and windowsills. Such girls 29巴吞鲁日:美国路易斯安那州的首府,位于该州的中部偏东南,密西西比河上峭壁的东南中心部。此地有许多著名的南北战争前建筑。人口 219,531 30健壮的:表明身体的健康状态和健康组织的机能 31sway gently back and forth, as is in a nodding motion上下摆动:弯曲上下来回移动或垂下,如在风

26、中的花朵 the flowers were nodding in the breeze 32 秋千:用绳子吊着的椅子,人可以坐在上面前后摆动作为消遣 33长柄大镰刀:有一个长长的、弯曲单刃刀片和一个长长的、弯曲柄的镰刀,用于割草或收割 34 =cockscomb 鸡冠花:一种一年生植物(鸡冠花 青葙属) ,因有艳丽的扇形或羽毛状红色或黄色花束而广泛栽培 35荷包牡丹:一种多年生荷包牡丹属 草本植物,尤指东半球 悦目的荷包牡丹, 开鲜艳的粉色到红色,有时白色的心形花朵,花蔟呈拱形 36常春藤:常春藤 属中的一种木质的、攀援的或拖曳的常绿植物,原产于欧洲,尤指 洋常春藤 ,有掌状的裂叶、根生的幼茎

27、和伞形花序的绿色小花 37 花叶万年青 have bought watermelon and snap beans38 from the fruit mans wagon. They have put in the window the cardboard sign39 that has a pound measure40printed41on each of three edges-10 lbs., 25 lbs., 50 no ice on the fourth. These particular brown girls from Mobile and Aiken are not like

28、 some of their sisters. They are not fretful42, nervous, or shrill43; they do not have lovely black necks that stretch as though against an invisible collar44; their eyes do not bite. These sugar-brown Mobile girls move through the streets without a stir. They are as sweet and plain as butter cake45

29、. Slim46 ankles; long, narrow feet. They wash themselves with orange-colored Lifebuoy soap, dust47themselves with Cashmere Bouquet talc48, clean their teeth with salt on a piece of rag, soften their skin with Jergens 38食荚菜豆:一种线状豆类,因其脆嫩的可食性豆子而种植;四季豆,菜豆 39牌,标牌,指示牌;招牌 40计量标准;计量单位 41 To write (something

30、) in characters similar to those commonly used in print.书写:以类似于通常使用的印刷字体的写(东西) 42If someone is fretful, they behave in a way that shows that they are worried or unhappy about something. 烦躁不安的 43 喧闹的,充满尖叫声的,以尖叫声为特色的; 过度的,无节制的 44衣领; 颈圈,项链,项饰 45奶油蛋糕 46细长的,修长的,苗条的;纤细的 47撒(粉等);把(粉末等)撒于上面,播撒,喷撒;喷洒 48滑石粉;爽

31、身粉亦作 talcum powder Lotion49. They smell like wood, newspapers, and vanilla50. They straighten their hair with Dixie Peach51, and part it on the side. At night they curl it in paper from brown bags52, tie a print scarf around their heads, and sleep with hands folded across their stomachs. They do not

32、 drink, smoke, or swear, and they still call sex53nookey54. They sing second soprano55in the choir, and although their voices are clear and steady, they are never picked to solo. They are in the second row, white blouses starched56, blue skirts almost purple from ironing. 3. They go to land-grant co

33、lleges57, normal schools, and learn how to do the white mans work with refinement: home economics58 to prepare his food; teacher education to instruct black children in obedience; music to soothe the weary master and 49护肤液 50 香草,香子兰:兰花科中各种各样香子兰 属的美洲热带藤本植物中的一种,尤其是扁叶香子兰,因其可提取调味剂的细长心皮而培育 51 Dixie Peach

34、 Hair Pomade(润发脂;润发油) was a popular pomade in the USA from World War II through the 1960s with teenage boys. 52棕色食品纸袋 53性交,性行为 54 Nooky= nookie:slang for sexual intercourse【粗俗俚语】性交, 交配,性交时的女性 55女高音声部 56浆硬(衣服等) 57(以开授有关农业和机械技术课程为条件而)接受政府拨赠土地的学院(或大学) 58 复数,用作单数或复数 家政学; 家政学指导(或实践) entertain his blunted

35、59soul. Here they learn the rest of the lesson begun in those soft60 houses with porch swings and pots of bleeding heart: how to behave. The careful development of thrift, patience, high61morals, and good manners. In short, how to get rid of the funkiness62. The dreadful funkiness of 59 Blunt:To mak

36、e less effective; weaken 使迟钝;使减弱 blunting the criticism with a smile 用微笑冲淡批评 60安稳的;舒适的 61 (性格、品质等)高尚的,崇高的,高洁的 62 “Funkiness” is obviously an important word in our text. It is repeated three times in the next sentence, and the word “funk” is capitalized in Para. 4. Yet, it is hard to explain the exac

37、t meaning of this term, and even harder to find a single Chinese equivalent for it. “Funky” has several meanings. It is associated with a jazz style having an earthy quality derived from early blues or gospel music. It may mean unconventional, eccentric, offbeat, etc. It also may mean very emotional

38、, informal, relaxed, casual, etc. Funk is associated with spontaneity and sensuality. A number of Chinese terms may be applied to describe “funky”:自然原始的,朴实的,本性的,感官的,非传统的,奇特的,无拘束的,非正式的,即兴的,随意的,朴实无华的, 质朴无华的, 胆战心惊的, 惊恐的;恐慌的; 害怕的; 有恶臭的, 刺鼻的; 有霉臭味的; 感人的(音乐);古怪的; 时髦的; etc. When asked which words in the En

39、glish language are the most difficult to define precisely, a lexicographer would surely mention funky. The meaning of funky seems well captured by Geneva Smitherman in Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America, where she states that funky means “related to the blue notes or blue mood creat

40、ed in jazz, blues, and soul music passion, the funkiness of nature, the funkiness of generally, down-to-earth soulfully expressed sounds; by extension related to the real nitty-gritty or fundamental essence of life, soul to the max.”Be that as it may, funky is first recorded in 1784 in a reference t

41、o musty, old, moldy cheese. Funky then developed the sense “smelling strong or bad,” which could be used to describe body odor. But funky was applied to jazz, tooa usage explained in 1959 by one F. Newton in Jazz Scene : “Critics are on the search for something a little more like the old, original,

42、passion-laden blues: the trade-name which has been suggested for it is funky(literally: smelly, . symbolizing the return from the upper atmosphere to the physical, down-to-earth reality).” Funky comes from the earlier noun funk, which meant “a strong smell or stink.” This noun can probably be traced

43、 back to the Latin word, “smoke.” 当被问及英语中最难准确定义的是哪些词时,词典编纂者肯定会提到 funky 这个词。 Funky 的含义似乎被热纳瓦史密斯曼在 语言和证明: 美国黑人语言一节中解释得很清楚,她认为 funky 指“主要在爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲、灵乐这些发自灵魂深处的音乐中创造出的音符式的忧郁; 由此延伸为与生命本质精髓有关的,表现美国黑人及其文化特点到极致的。”Funky 最早可能被记录于 1784 年,用于指发霉的、过期的奶酪。 后来,funky 引申到这层意思“闻起来强烈或有异味的,” 可以用来形容身体的气味。但 funky 也用于指爵士乐方面

44、, 这种用法于 1959 年在一位名叫 F牛顿的人的书爵士舞台 中有所解释: “批评家们正在找一种有些更象原始的、激情洋溢的老布鲁斯歌曲一样的东西: 用来表现后的词就是有气息的 (字面意义: 有气味的,也就是说,从高高在上的格调降回到自然而率直的风格) 。” Funky 一词来自较早出现的名词 funk, 意为“一种刺鼻的气味或臭味”。 这个词可能可追溯到拉丁词fumus, “烟” the wide range of human emotions. 4. Wherever it erupts, this Funk, they wipe it away; where it crusts, the

45、y dissolve it; wherever it drips, flowers, or clings, they find it and fight it until it dies. They fight this battle all the way to the grave. The laugh that is a little too loud; the enunciation a little too round; the gesture a little too generous. They hold their behind in for fear of a sway too

46、 free; when they wear lipstick, they never cover the entire mouth for fear of lips too thick, and they worry, worry, worry about the edges of their hair. 5. They never seem to have boyfriends, but they always marry. Certain men watch them, without seeming to, and know that if such a girl is in his h

47、ouse, he will sleep on sheets boiled63white, hung out to dry on juniper64bushes, and pressed flat with a heavy iron. There will be pretty paper flowers decorating the picture of his mother, a large Bible in the front room65. They feel secure. They know their work clothes will be mended, washed, and

48、ironed on Monday, that their Sunday shirts will billow66on hangers from the door jamb67, stiffly starched68and white. They look at her hands and know what she will do with biscuit dough; they smell the coffee and the fried 63boil 用煮沸方法为消毒(或净化) 64杜松:任何一种桧 属的常青乔木或灌木,有针状或鳞状的尖叶和气味芳香、色泽蓝灰、形状象浆果、含种子的球果 65

49、 前屋;尤指起居室 66 To swell out or bulge 膨胀或隆起;鼓起,扬起 sheets billowing in the breeze.床单被微风吹开 67 边框;门侧柱;jamb 门窗的侧柱 68 给上浆,使浆硬 Starch my shirts collar, please.请把我的衬衣领浆硬。 ham; see the white, smoky grits69 with a dollop70of butter on top. Her hips assure them that she will bear children easily and painlessly.

50、And they are right. 6. What they do not know is that this plain brown girl will build her nest stick71by stick, make it her own inviolable world, and stand guard72 over its every plant, weed, and doily73, even against him. In silence will she return the lamp to where she put it in the first place; r

51、emove the dishes from the table as soon as the last bite is taken; wipe the doorknob after a greasy hand has touched it. A sidelong74look will be enough to tell him to smoke on the back porch75. Children will sense instantly that they cannot come into her yard to retrieve 76a ball. But the men do no

52、t know these things. Nor do they know that she will give him her body sparingly77and partially. He must enter her surreptitiously78, lifting the hem79 of her nightgown only to her navel. He must rest his weight on his elbows when they make love, ostensibly to avoid hurting her breasts but actually t

53、o keep her 69 Grit 美国黑人俚语食物 70 (粘土、奶油等的)一块, 一团 71树枝,枝条;枯枝 72守卫,守护 73(碗、碟等底下的)小布垫,小纸垫 74指向一边的;斜向一侧的 a sidelong glance 斜视的一瞥 75后沿 76重获; 收回; 找回 He retrieved the important letter from the waste paper basket. 他从废纸篓里找回了那封重要的信。 77 sparing 有节制的,有保留的;谨慎的 78偷偷地;秘密地;不正当地 79 (布、窗帘、帷幕、衣服等的)边、缘,贴边;摆,下脚;褶边,褶缝,缀缝 f

54、rom having to touch or feel too much of him. While he moves inside her, she will wonder why they didnt put the necessary but private parts of the body in some more convenient place -like the armpit, for example, or the palm of the hand. Someplace one could get to easily, and quickly, without undress

55、ing. She stiffens when she feels one of her paper curlers80coming undone from the activity of love; imprints81in her mind which one it is that is coming loose so she can quickly secure82it once he is through. She hopes he will not sweat- the damp may get into her hair; and that she will remain dry b

56、etween her legs-she hates the glucking83sound they make when she is moist. When she senses some spasm about to grip him, she will make rapid movements with her hips, press her fingernails into his back, suck in her breath, and pretend she is having an orgasm. She might wonder again, for the six hund

57、redth time, what it would be like to have that feeling while her husbands penis is inside her. The closest thing to it was the time she was walking down the street and her napkin84slipped free of her sanitary belt85. It moved gently between her legs as she walked. Gently, ever so gently. And then a

58、slight and distinctly delicious sensation collected in her crotch86. As the delight grew, she had to stop in the street, hold her 80卷发夹 81使铭记于心 82把(某物)弄牢固;把扎紧 83 Gluck or glug is the light repetitive gurgling sound of liquid being poured from a bottle 84卫生棉,卫生巾 85月经带,卫生带 86 (人体)两腿分叉处,胯部;(树的)丫叉 thigh

59、s together to contain it. That must be what it is like, she thinks, but it never happens while he is inside her. When he withdraws, she pulls her nightgown down, slips out of the bed and into the bathroom with relief. 7. Occasionally some living thing will engage87her affections. A cat, perhaps, who

60、 will love her order88, precision89, and constancy90; who will be as clean and quiet as she is. The cat will settle quietly on the windowsill and caress her with his eyes. She can hold him in her arms, letting his back paws struggle for footing on her breast and his forepaws cling to91 her shoulder.

61、 She can rub the smooth fur and feel the unresisting flesh underneath. At her gentlest touch he will preen92, stretch, and open his mouth. And she will accept the strangely pleasant sensation that comes when he writhes beneath her hand and flattens his eyes with a surfeit93of sensual delight. When s

62、he stands cooking at the table, he will circle about her shanks94, and the trill95of his fur spirals up her legs to her thighs, to make her fingers tremble a little in the pie dough. 8. Or, as she sits reading the Uplifting96Thoughts in 87 吸引或引起(注意、兴趣等);引起的注意(或兴趣、好感等);抓牢 88 有条理,整齐 89 严谨;刻板; 严格;细致 90

63、 坚定不移;恒久不变 91紧紧抓住 92 (鸟)用嘴整理羽毛;(兽)用嘴(或舌)整理皮毛 93 过量,过度 94 小腿;腿部 95 颤动;颤声 96令人振奋的;使人开心的; uplift 提高:在社会地位,文The Liberty Magazine, the cat will jump into her lap97. She will fondle that soft hill of hair and let the warmth of the animals body seep98over and into the deeply private areas of her lap. Somet

64、imes the magazine drops, and she opens her legs just a little, and the two of them will be still together, perhaps shifting a little together, sleeping a little together, until four oclock, when the intruder comes home from work vaguely anxious about whats for dinner. 9. The cat will always know tha

65、t he is first in her affections. Even after she bears a child. For she does bear a child-easily, and painlessly. But only one. A son. Named Junior. 10. One such girl from Mobile, or Meridian, or Aiken who did not sweat in her armpits nor between her thighs, who smelled of wood and vanilla, who had m

66、ade souffls99 in the Home Economics Department, moved with her husband, Louis, to Lorain, Ohio. Her name was Geraldine. There she built her nest, ironed shirts, potted100bleeding hearts, played with her cat, and birthed101Louis Junior. 11. Geraldine did not allow her baby, Junior, to cry. 化,道德水准或状况方

67、面提高; 振奋:精神或感情振奋;使得意,激动 97 (坐时的)大腿前部; 膝: 处于坐姿的人从腰到膝盖的大腿正面部位 98弥漫,扩大:慢慢地进入、出来或逐渐地扩散 99蛋奶酥:一种松软蓬松的烤制点心,用蛋黄以及打稠的蛋白再加上其他各种不同的配料制成,用作一道主菜或者加甜之后用作甜点心 100把(植物)栽种(或移植)在花盆里 101生育(孩子) As long as his needs were physical102, she could meet them-comfort and satiety103. He was always brushed, bathed, oiled, and sh

68、od. Geraldine did not talk to him, coo104 to him, or indulge105him in kissing bouts106, but she saw that every other desire was fulfilled. It was not long before the child discovered the difference in his mothers behavior107to himself and the cat. As he grew older, he learned how to direct his hatre

69、d of his mother to the cat, and spent some happy moments watching it suffer. The cat survived, because Geraldine was seldom away from home, and could effectively soothe108the animal when Junior abused him. 12. Geraldine, Louis, Junior, and the cat lived next to the playground of Washington Irving Sc

70、hool. Junior considered the playground his own, and the schoolchildren coveted109 his freedom to sleep late, go home for lunch, and dominate the playground after school. He hated to see the swings, slides, monkey bars110, and seesaws empty and tried to get kids to 102 物理的;身体的;物质的 103 满足,饱足 104 (鸽等)咕

71、咕地叫; 温柔亲切地说; 低声细语地谈(情话) 105放纵(感情、欲望等);使沉溺于;肆意从事; 纵容,放任,迁就 106一回,一阵,一场,一段,一次 107 (待人接物的)态度 108使(某人,其神经,其情绪)平静, 安慰, 使(痛苦,疼痛)缓和或减轻 109企图占有 (别人东西) , 贪求, 垂涎, 觊觎, 渴望 (after, for 110(美)供儿童攀爬游戏的猴架;(英)健身房的攀架 stick around111 as long as possible. White kids; his mother did not like him to play with niggers. Sh

72、e had explained to him the difference between colored people and niggers. They were easily identifiable. Colored people were neat and quiet; niggers were dirty and loud. He belonged to the former group-he wore white shirts and blue trousers; his hair was cut as close to his scalp as possible to avoi

73、d any suggestion112of wool113, the part114was etched115into 111 = stick about 留下,呆在某地方 112微量,细微的迹象 113 (短而粗的)卷发, 短而厚的卷发 114 The line where the hair on the head is parted. 分缝,分发线:头发分开处的一条缝;美国英语(头发的)分缝;头路(=英国英语 parting) 115 “Hair Transplant patient had swear word etched into his scalp for 19 years” Da

74、rren Hope now 40 got his hair transplant done when he was 21 but little did he know that the Surgeon left two inch capital letters that read W*R etched into his scalp. He still cannot believe for 19 years he had that word in the back of his head, and he never knew about it. At the age of 21 Darren w

75、as losing a lot of hair and then he got a hair transplant done at a London clinic after spending 7,000. Recently when he was playing cricket, his team mate started laughing at him. When he asked them the reason he came to know about the bald truth the back of his head had the W*R word that was about

76、 5 inch long. Darren never noticed it because ever since he got the follicle transplant done he always kept his hair long. Last summer he decided to get a low shave done and that surfaced the hidden word. his hair by the barber. In winter his mother put Jergens Lotion on his face to keep the skin fr

77、om becoming ashen116. Even though he was light-skinned, it was possible to ash117. The line118between colored and nigger was not always clear; subtle and telltale119signs120threatened to erode121it, and the watch had to be constant. 13. Junior used to long to play with the black boys. More than anyt

78、hing in the world he wanted to play King of the Mountain and have them push him down the mound of dirt and roll over him. He wanted to feel their hardness pressing on him, smell their wild blackness, and say Fuck you with that lovely casualness122. He wanted to sit with them on curbstones123and comp

79、are The worst part is that he cannot do anything about it except to keep his hair long enough to hide the matter. The area from where the hairs were removed will never grow back, this means the swear word is permanent. He said “I didnt have a fallout with anyone at the clinic. I was very young and I

80、 think the surgeon was just having a bad day and Ive suffered because of it.” He added Id love to sue the surgeon but the clinic has closed down. 116像灰的,尤指在颜色上;苍白的 A face ashen with grief一张因悲伤而苍白的脸 117木灰的银灰色,淡灰色;(脸色等)死般的苍白,死灰色,灰白 118分线;区分;界限 119搬弄是非的;泄露机密的;暴露内情的;说明问题的 120迹象 121 (逐渐)毁坏,损害,削弱;使变坏;使腐烂;

81、使消失 122漫不经心;随便 123 (街道或人行道的)路缘石 the sharpness of jackknives124, the distance and arcs of spitting. In the toilet he wanted to share with them the laurels125of being able to pee far and long. Bay Boy and P. L. had at one time been his idols. Gradually he came to agree with his mother that neither Bay

82、 Boy nor P. L. was good enough for him. He played only with Ralph Nisensky, who was two years younger, wore glasses, and didnt want to do anything. More and more Junior enjoyed bullying girls. It was easy making them scream and run. How he laughed when they fell down and their bloomers126 showed. Wh

83、en they got up, their faces red and crinkled, it made him feel good. The nigger girls he did not pick on127 very much. They usually traveled in packs128, and once when he threw a stone at some of them, they chased, caught, and beat him witless. He lied to his mother, saying Bay Boy did it. His mothe

84、r was very upset. His father just kept on reading the Lorain Journal. 14. When the mood struck129him, he would call a child passing by to come play on the swings or the seesaw. If the child wouldnt, or did and left too soon, Junior threw gravel at him. He became a very good shot. 15. Alternately bor

85、ed and frightened at home, the 124 (随身携带的)大折刀 125(象征荣誉的)桂冠; 用作复数名声;荣誉,光荣 126 女式短灯笼裤:以前妇女在体育运动时所穿的、膝部束紧的宽松女裤, 女式短灯笼内裤,女孩子们类似样式的内衣裤; 扎口女内裤 127嘲笑,欺侮; (作挨骂或受罚对象)挑中(某人); 口语老是挑剔(某人);捉弄(某人);惹恼;责怪(某人) 128【狩猎】一群(猎犬、野兽等) 129使突然充满(一种强烈的感情); 打动; 感动; 给以印象, 使想起 playground was his joy. On a day when he had been es

86、pecially idle, he saw a very black girl taking a shortcut through the playground. She kept her head down as she walked. He had seen her many times before, standing alone, always alone, at recess130. Nobody ever played with her. Probably, he thought, because she was ugly. 16. Now Junior called to her

87、. Hey! What are you doing walking through my yard 17. The girl stopped. 18. Nobody can come through this yard less I say so. 19. This aint your yard. Its the schools. 20. But Im in charge of it. 21. The girl started to walk away. 22. Wait. Junior walked toward her. You can play in it if you want to.

88、 Whats your name 23. Pecola. I dont want to play. 24. Come on. Im not going to bother you. 25. I got to go home. 26. Say, you want to see something I got something to show you. 27. No. What is it 28. Come on in my house. See, I live right there. Come on. Ill show you. 29. Show me what 30. Some kitte

89、ns. We got some kittens. You can have one if you want. 31. Real kittens 32. Yeah. Come on. 33. He pulled gently at her dress. Pecola began to move toward his house. When he knew she had agreed, Junior ran ahead excitedly, stopping only to yell back at her to come on. He held the door open for her, s

90、miling 130休息,在休息时间 his encouragement. Pecola climbed the porch stairs and hesitated there, afraid to follow him. The house looked dark. Junior said, Theres nobody here. My mas gone out, and my fathers at work. Dont you want to see the kittens 34. Junior turned on the lights. Pecola stepped inside th

91、e door. How beautiful, she thought. What a beautiful house. There was a big red-and-gold Bible on the dining-room table. Little lace doilies131 were everywhere-on arms and backs of chairs, in the center of a large dining table, on little tables. Potted plants were on all the windowsills. A color pic

92、ture of Jesus Christ hung on a wall with the prettiest paper flowers fastened on the frame. She wanted to see everything slowly, slowly. But Junior kept saying, Hey, you. Come on. Come on. He pulled her into another room, even more beautiful than the first. More doilies, a big lamp with green-and-go

93、ld base and white shade. There was even a rug on the floor, with enormous dark-red flowers. She was deep in admiration of the flowers when Junior said, Here! Pecola turned. Here is your kitten! he screeched132. And he threw a big black cat right in her face. She sucked in her breath in fear and surp

94、rise and felt fur in her mouth. The cat clawed133her face and chest in an effort to right134itself, then leaped nimbly135to the floor. 35. Junior was laughing and running around the room 131通花碟巾 132尖叫;发出尖利刺耳的声音(或喊声) 133 (用爪或钳)抓,挖,撕,爬 134 恢复平衡:恢复直立的或正确的位置 135 敏捷地;机敏地 clutching his stomach delightedly

95、. Pecola touched the scratched136 place on her face and felt tears coming. When she started toward the doorway, Junior leaped in front of her. 36. You cant get out. Youre my prisoner, he said. His eyes were merry but hard137. 37. You let me go. 38. No! He pushed her down, ran out the door that separ

96、ated the rooms, and held it shut with his hands. Pecolas banging on the door increased his gasping138, high-pitched139 laughter. 39. The tears came fast, and she held her face in her hands. When something soft and furry moved around her ankles, she jumped, and saw it was the cat. He wound himself in

97、 and about her legs. Momentarily distracted from her fear, she squatted down to touch him, her hands wet from the tears. The cat rubbed up against her knee. He was black all over, deep140silky141black, and his eyes, pointing down toward his nose, were bluish green. The light made them shine like blu

98、e ice. Pecola rubbed the cats head; he whined142, his tongue flicking143with pleasure. The blue eyes in the black face held144her. 136抓破,抓伤;划破,划伤 137冷酷的,无情的;含有敌意的,不友好的 138 喘气的;痉挛的 139 声调高的;尖声的 140 (颜色)浓(厚)的,深(暗)的 141 丝一样的, 象绸一样的; 光滑的; 有光泽的 142 发出哀鸣声 143 轻打;轻弹;轻拂 144 To retain the attention or intere

99、st of:保持注意,有的兴趣:The storyteller held the crowd spellbound. 那个讲故事的人使观众听得入迷了。Televised sports 40. Junior, curious at not hearing her sobs, opened the door, and saw her squatting down rubbing the cats back. He saw the cat stretching its head and flattening its eyes. He had seen that expression many tim

100、es as the animal responded to his mothers touch. 41. Gimme my cat! His voice broke. With a movement both awkward and sure he snatched the cat by one of its hind legs and began to swing it around his head in a circle. 42. Stop that! Pecola was screaming. The cats free paws were stiffened, ready to gr

101、ab anything to restore balance, its mouth wide, its eyes blue streaks145of horror146. 43. Still screaming, Pecola reached for Juniors hand. She heard her dress rip147under her arm. Junior tried to push her away, but she grabbed the arm which was swinging the cat. They both fell, and in falling, Juni

102、or let go the cat, which, having been released in mid-motion, was thrown full force against the window. It slithered148down and fell on the radiator149 behind the sofa. Except for a few shudders150, it was still. There was only the slightest smell of singed151fur. 44. Geraldine opened the door. 45.

103、What is this Her voice was mild, as though asking cant hold my interest.电视播放的体育比赛不能引起我的兴趣. 145光线;闪光 146恐惧 147裂开,被撕裂 148 (蜿蜒)滑行;(发出声响地)滑动,滑下 149散热器;暖气片 150打战,战栗,抖动;震动,颤动 151singe 把.微微烧焦; 把.烤焦 a perfectly reasonable question. Who is this girl 46. She killed our cat, said Junior. Look. He pointed to th

104、e radiator, where the cat lay, its blue eyes closed, leaving only an empty152, black, and helpless face. 47. Geraldine went to the radiator and picked up the cat. He was limp in her arms, but she rubbed her face in his fur. She looked at Pecola. Saw the dirty torn dress, the plaits sticking out on h

105、er head, hair matted153where the plaits had come undone154, the muddy shoes with the wad155of gum156 peeping157out from between the cheap soles, the soiled socks, one of which had been walked down into the heel of the shoe. She saw the safety pin holding the hem158of the dress up. Up over the hump15

106、9of the cats back she looked at her. She had seen this little girl all of her life. Hanging out of windows over saloons160in Mobile, crawling over the porches of shotgun houses161 on the edge of town, sitting in bus stations holding paper bags and crying to mothers who kept saying Shet up! Hair unco

107、mbed162, dresses falling 152毫无表情的,呆板的,呆滞的;茫然的 153 mat 使(头发)缠结 154解开的,松开的 155 填充物;填塞棉;填料 156 树胶;树脂 157 隐现 158 (布、窗帘、帷幕、衣服等的)边、缘,贴边;摆,下脚;褶边,褶缝,缀缝 159 (驼)峰, 驼背, 背隆起物 160 (美国西部城镇典型的)酒店,酒吧 161 盒式房屋(两排房屋中间夹一走廊) 162蓬乱的;未梳理过的 apart163, shoes untied164and caked165with dirt. They had stared at her with great

108、uncomprehending166eyes. Eyes that questioned nothing and asked everything. Unblinking and unabashed167, they stared up at her. The end of the world lay in their eyes, and the beginning, and all the waste in between. 48. They were everywhere. They slept six in a bed, all their pee mixing together in

109、the night as they wet their beds each in his own candy-and-potato-chip dream. In the long, hot days, they idled away, picking plaster from the walls and digging into the earth with sticks. They sat in little rows on street curbs, crowded into pews168at church, taking space from the nice, neat, color

110、ed children; they clowned169on the playgrounds, broke things in dime stores, ran in front of you on the street, made ice slides on the sloped sidewalks in winter. The girls grew up knowing nothing of girdles170, and the boys announced their manhood by turning the bills171of their caps backward. Gras

111、s wouldnt grow where they lived. Flowers172died. Shades173fell down. Tin cans174 163破碎,破裂: This book was old and soon fell apart.这本书太陈旧了,很快就破碎了。 164untie 解开;松开 165 (使)结成块状,(使)结块,(使)结硬皮;(使)凝固,(使)胶凝 166不解的:不善解人意的;缺乏领悟力的 167不害臊的,泰然自若的:不窘迫的,不尴尬的,镇定的 168教堂内的靠背长凳 169 举动似小丑; 扮小丑;行为像小丑 170 束腰紧身衣;束腰带; (女子的)紧

112、身褡; 束腹:妇女的用弹力线制成的柔韧的围在腰部或臀部的内衣 171 美国口语帽舌,遮阳 172花草,开花植物 and tires blossomed175where they lived. They lived on176 cold black-eyed peas177 and orange pop178. Like flies they hovered; like flies they settled179. And this one had settled in her house. Up over the hump of the cats back she looked. 49. Ge

113、t out, she said, her voice quiet. You nasty little black bitch. Get out of my house. 50. The cat shuddered and flicked his tail. 51. Pecola backed out of the room, staring at the pretty milk-brown lady in the pretty gold-and-green house who was talking to her through the cats fur. The pretty ladys w

114、ords made the cat fur move; the breath of each word parted the fur. Pecola turned to find the front door and saw Jesus looking down at her with sad and unsurprised eyes, his long brown hair parted in the middle, the gay180paper flowers twisted181around his face. 52. Outside, the March wind blew into

115、 the rip in her dress. She held her head down against the cold. But she could not hold it low enough to avoid seeing the snowflakes falling and dying on the pavement. 173树阴; 阴凉处 174马口铁罐头盒; 食品罐头 175繁盛,兴旺,旺盛;产生,展露,出现,变得明显 176以为主食;以为规定的饮食 177= cowpea 豇豆: 一种一年生非洲豆科植物 (豇豆属 豇豆) ,广泛种植于温带地区,可以食用、作为饲料及改良土壤; 茎蔓生,叶子由三个菱形小叶合成,花淡紫色。果实为圆筒形长荚果,种子呈肾脏形。嫩荚是普通的蔬菜 178 汽水; 有气的瓶装饮料(汽水、啤酒等) 179 落下;栖息 The insect settled on a leaf.一只昆虫落在一片树叶上。 180 (色彩等)明快的,鲜艳的,五光十色的 181绕,卷:把(葡萄藤或绳子等)缠绕某物



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