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1、ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNMobile phone revolutionMobile phone revolution Phone is small but the impact caused great。More than 2 billion global mobile phone has changed peoples way of life.All functions are put into the phone to the carrying. As can be seen from the text, AT & T and Motorola war b

2、etween the companies resulted in phone revolution.The first mobile phones produced in 1937, it is mainly used for military war. For example, when World War II, a huge body of telephone inter-speaking mainly for the soldiers.After 1945, cellular mobile phones there, it is mainly used in cars. The mai

3、n drawback is the frequency of small and easily engaged. Although the high cost but very popular. The first portable cellular mobile phones come out in 1973. AT & T and Motorola invested a lot of money for Research on cellular mobile phones.AMS test well, the number of hand-held mobile phone calls i

4、s 100 times higher than the car phone. FCC plans to release cellular phones to the public. 1996, Motorola designed a new mobile phone. It set off a popular new mobile phone design revolution. Mobile phone revolutionMobile phone revolution It opened a cell phone text messages beginning of the new fea

5、tures the 21st century,. Phone is convenient and has a lot of problems such as a cell phone, people are rude on the phone . The emergence of smart phone make mobile phone like a computer.After the mobile phone can watch TV, listen to music and so on. With the development of technology, mobile phones

6、 will incorporate more features. Future technological advances will lead the mobile phone. Future mobile phones may become a part of the body. For example, someone has to plug the headset in your ear. Future of mobile body information can be collected. When you are sick you can use these information

7、 to the doctor. Device may also have something to integrate purse. Such as Japan has begun to accept mobile phone consumption. As can be seen , mobile phone is the second letter of the deepest human medium. To meet human needs in terms of mobile phone is the most user-friendly equipment.World Exposi

8、tion 万国博览会万国博览会 World Expo is a government organization or by the host country commissioned by the Government departments concerned have held great influence and a long history of international Expo activities. It has gone through over a hundred years of history, original artwork and traditional cra

9、fts show Lord, then gradually turned into meta-science and technology and industrial technology exhibition, a breeding industry professionals and the general public a rare place for elementary education .万国博览会是一项由主办国政府组织或政万国博览会是一项由主办国政府组织或政府委托有关部门举办的有较大影响和悠久府委托有关部门举办的有较大影响和悠久历史的国际性博览活动。它已经历了百余历史的国际性

10、博览活动。它已经历了百余年的历史,最初以美术品和传统工艺品的年的历史,最初以美术品和传统工艺品的展示主为,后来逐渐变为荟萃科学技术与展示主为,后来逐渐变为荟萃科学技术与产业技术的展览会,成为培育产业人才和产业技术的展览会,成为培育产业人才和一般市民的启蒙教育不可多得的场所。一般市民的启蒙教育不可多得的场所。The 41st World Exposition held in Shanghai China in 20102010年第年第41届万国博览会在中国上海举行届万国博览会在中国上海举行 Ulm Hochschule fur Gestallung乌尔姆造型学院乌尔姆造型学院Ulm Hochsc

11、hule fur Gestallung is the worlds most influential design school 1950s to the 1960s. It is the second Bauhaus art and design world, after a further milestone in the history of education. It laid the art and design more associated scientific basis for the extensive involvement of art and design opens

12、 the way for industrial production.乌尔姆造型学院是乌尔姆造型学院是20 世纪五六十年代世世纪五六十年代世界上影响最大的设计学校,是继包豪斯之界上影响最大的设计学校,是继包豪斯之后世界艺术设计教育史上的又一个里程碑。后世界艺术设计教育史上的又一个里程碑。它奠定了艺术设计更多的和科学相联系的它奠定了艺术设计更多的和科学相联系的基础,为艺术设计广泛地介入工业生产开基础,为艺术设计广泛地介入工业生产开辟了道路。辟了道路。 Ulm Hochschule fur Gestallung is most important School of Design in post-

13、war German.乌尔姆造型学院是战後德国最重要的设计学院乌尔姆造型学院是战後德国最重要的设计学院Registation of Design 外观设计专利外观设计专利It refers to a product shape, pattern, color, or their combination to make an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application of the new design. Design is the design of industrial products but also industria

14、l style.对产品的形状、图案、色彩或者其结合所做出的富对产品的形状、图案、色彩或者其结合所做出的富有美感并适于工业上应用的新设计。外观设计是指有美感并适于工业上应用的新设计。外观设计是指工业品的外观设计,也就是工业品的式样。工业品的外观设计,也就是工业品的式样。This product has been applied for the Registation of Design certificate这个这个产产品已经申请了外观专利设计证书品已经申请了外观专利设计证书 Micro-Architecture微建筑风格微建筑风格 Micro-Architecture is Art deco

15、in an extreme doctrine of the development, extensive use of bright colors and geometric designs, decorative motives, coupled with luxurious materials such as gold, silver, etc.。“微建筑风格微建筑风格”是装饰主义的的一个比是装饰主义的的一个比较极端化的发展,大量采用艳丽的色彩和较极端化的发展,大量采用艳丽的色彩和几何图案为装饰动机,加上华贵的材料,几何图案为装饰动机,加上华贵的材料,比如金、银等等。比如金、银等等。 Mi

16、cro architecture are used in small products. Such as: tea, coffee, glassware, stationery, cutlery tools, ceramics, lamps, clocks, jewelry, etc.“微建筑风格微建筑风格”主要主要应用应用在小产品上。如:茶具、咖啡具、玻璃器皿、文在小产品上。如:茶具、咖啡具、玻璃器皿、文具、刀叉具、陶瓷器、灯具、钟表、首饰等等具、刀叉具、陶瓷器、灯具、钟表、首饰等等 Micro-Electronics 微电子风格微电子风格It is because the technolo

17、gy to the electronic age, resulting in a large number of new electronic products with new technologies resulting from the emergence of new design areas. Focus on the design features, ergonomics, materials science, display technologies and unified policy-based technology and a concentrated expression

18、 of the new products out to achieve good function and form.它是因为技术发展到电子时代,造成大量新的它是因为技术发展到电子时代,造成大量新的采用新一代的大规模集成电路晶片的电子产品采用新一代的大规模集成电路晶片的电子产品涌现而导致的新的设计范畴,重点在于如何把涌现而导致的新的设计范畴,重点在于如何把设计功能、人体工程学、材料科学、显示技术设计功能、人体工程学、材料科学、显示技术和策型化技术统一,在新产品上集中体现出来,和策型化技术统一,在新产品上集中体现出来,达到良好的功能和形式效果。达到良好的功能和形式效果。 Micro-Electr

19、onics began to popular in 1980s.20世纪世纪80年代,微电子风格兴起年代,微电子风格兴起 Late Moddernism晚期现代主义晚期现代主义Late modernist ideas and forms of the modern to the extreme, exaggerated image of the building structure and technology, strive to make the building has a sense of entertainment or aesthetic pleasure,晚期现代主义把现代派的观

20、念及形式推向晚期现代主义把现代派的观念及形式推向极端、夸张建筑物的结构与技术形象、力极端、夸张建筑物的结构与技术形象、力求使建筑具有娱乐感或有审美的愉悦,求使建筑具有娱乐感或有审美的愉悦, Late Moddernism is one of the two field of Western architectural thought creating after the 1960s,晚期现代主义晚期现代主义20世纪世纪60年代以后西方建筑领域出现的两大创作思潮之一年代以后西方建筑领域出现的两大创作思潮之一futurism 未来主义未来主义It emphasizes modern technol

21、ogy and industrial traffic to change the peoples material life, the human spiritual life must change. It believed that the development of technology has changed peoples time and space concepts.强调近代的科技和工业交通改变了人的物强调近代的科技和工业交通改变了人的物质生活方式,人类的精神生活也必须随之质生活方式,人类的精神生活也必须随之改变。他认为科技的发展改变了人的时空改变。他认为科技的发展改变了人的时

22、空观念,旧的文化已失去价值,美学观念也观念,旧的文化已失去价值,美学观念也大大改变了大大改变了Marinetti sDeclaration on the establishment and futuristic marks the birth of Futurism published in the Le Figaro in February 1909马里内蒂于马里内蒂于1909年年2月在费加罗报上发表的未来主义的创立和宣言月在费加罗报上发表的未来主义的创立和宣言标志着未来主义的诞生标志着未来主义的诞生Aesthetic movement唯美主义运动唯美主义运动Perfectionism is

23、 the late 19th century British art and literature in the field of a loosely organized movement of anti-social是于是于19世纪后期出现在英国艺术和文学世纪后期出现在英国艺术和文学领域中的一场组织松散的反社会的运动领域中的一场组织松散的反社会的运动Aesthetic movement occurred in the late Victorian era to the end of Oscar Wilde was arrested for the signs.唯美主义运动发生于维多利亚时代晚

24、期结束唯美主义运动发生于维多利亚时代晚期结束,以奥斯卡以奥斯卡王尔德被捕为王尔德被捕为结束结束标标志。志。Renaissance文艺复兴文艺复兴The emerging bourgeoisie in the revival of Greek and Roman culture goes under the name of the carry forward from the movement of bourgeois ideology and culture正在形成中的资产阶级在复兴希腊罗马正在形成中的资产阶级在复兴希腊罗马古典文化的名义下发起的弘扬资产阶级古典文化的名义下发起的弘扬资产阶级思

25、想和文化的运动思想和文化的运动Renaissance art and the pursuit of realistic human emotions文艺复兴时期的艺术创作追寻现实主义和人类的情感文艺复兴时期的艺术创作追寻现实主义和人类的情感 Character Design 文字设计文字设计 Character Design is to enhance the effectiveness of visual communication to improve work force demands, as a forum to give an important component of the

26、aesthetic value of the technology文字设计是增强视觉传达效果,提高作品的文字设计是增强视觉传达效果,提高作品的诉求力,赋予作版面审美价值的一种重要构诉求力,赋予作版面审美价值的一种重要构成技术成技术 Character Design is subject to the work style characteristics文字的设计要服从于作品的风格特征文字的设计要服从于作品的风格特征Vienna Secession 维也纳分离派维也纳分离派Break with the traditional aesthetics and formal academic art

27、parted ways, it is claimed to Secession. Its slogan is Art in the Age - Art deserves to be free.与传统的美学观决裂、与正统的学院派与传统的美学观决裂、与正统的学院派艺术分道扬镳艺术分道扬镳,故自称分离派。其口号故自称分离派。其口号是是“为时代的艺术为时代的艺术-艺术应得的自由艺术应得的自由”。 Austria Vienna Secession appeared in Austria 18971897年在奥地利首都年在奥地利首都,维也纳维也纳分离派产生。分离派产生。aperance 外观外观The s

28、hape and contour of products产品的外形及轮廓产品的外形及轮廓The aperance products is so pretty.这个产品的外观很漂亮这个产品的外观很漂亮Without Thought无意识设计无意识设计“Intuitive design” it into the unconscious behavior visible thing. It focuses on the details and emotions又称又称“直觉设计直觉设计”它将无意识行为转化它将无意识行为转化为可见之物,旨在关注细节,关注情感。为可见之物,旨在关注细节,关注情感。Nao

29、to Fukasawa proposed the Without Thought firstly深泽直人首先提出了无意识设计深泽直人首先提出了无意识设计Muji无印良品无印良品Muji is a Japanese grocery brand in Italy for the Japanese brand logo without a good product. The main product categories to daily necessities. Product focus on simple, simple, environmentally friendly, people-or

30、iented and other concepts.无印良品是一个日本杂货品牌,在日文无印良品是一个日本杂货品牌,在日文中意为无品牌标志的好产品。产品类别中意为无品牌标志的好产品。产品类别以日常用品为主。产品注重纯朴、简洁、以日常用品为主。产品注重纯朴、简洁、环保、以人为本等理念。环保、以人为本等理念。Muji advocates the natural, simple, rustic way of life无印良品倡导的自然、简约、质朴的生活方式。无印良品倡导的自然、简约、质朴的生活方式。 Toy Design玩具设计玩具设计Designing anything to create happ

31、iness,spread happiness,bring happiness.设计任何设计任何创造幸福创造幸福 、传播幸福传播幸福、带来带来幸福的任何东西幸福的任何东西Tom is a Toy Designer汤姆是一名玩具设计师汤姆是一名玩具设计师Pattern 纹样纹样 Jacquard fabric patterns. Main themes are divided into natural scenery and a variety of geometric shapes (including variant text, etc.). there are realistic, impr

32、essionistic, deformation and other performance practices提花织物上的花纹图案。主要题材分为提花织物上的花纹图案。主要题材分为自然景物和各种几何图形(包括变体文自然景物和各种几何图形(包括变体文字等)两大类,有写实、写意、变形等字等)两大类,有写实、写意、变形等表现手法表现手法Patterns on the cloth is very beautiful这块布料上的纹样很漂亮这块布料上的纹样很漂亮Stage Design舞台设计舞台设计Stage design is a space provided for the performers,

33、it can make the audience focus on the actors performances and get a good viewing舞台设计是为演员表演提供的空间,它舞台设计是为演员表演提供的空间,它可以使观众的注意力集中于演员的表演可以使观众的注意力集中于演员的表演并获得理想的观赏效果并获得理想的观赏效果Stage design is a huge art project舞台设计是一门庞大的艺术工程舞台设计是一门庞大的艺术工程Object Color物体色物体色 It is an object the eyes see color, it is the objec

34、t presented in the different lights with different colors. Light the role and characteristics of the object is to form the color of the two essential conditions是眼睛看到的物体的颜色是眼睛看到的物体的颜色,是物体在不是物体在不同光源下呈现的不同色彩同光源下呈现的不同色彩.光的作用与光的作用与物体的特性是构成物体色的两个不可或物体的特性是构成物体色的两个不可或缺的条件缺的条件. Object color is reflected or t

35、ransmitted by an object物体色是光被物体反射或透射的颜色物体色是光被物体反射或透射的颜色 Achromatic Colors无彩色无彩色 Achromatic Colors is the addition of color than other colors, such as gold, silver, black, white, gray.无彩色指除了彩色以外的其它颜色,常无彩色指除了彩色以外的其它颜色,常见的有金、银、黑、白、灰。见的有金、银、黑、白、灰。 Achromatic Colors changes in brightness from 0 to 100, w

36、hile the saturation is very small close to 0.无彩色的无彩色的明度从明度从0变化到变化到100,而彩度很小接近于,而彩度很小接近于0。 Inorganic Materials无机材料无机材料Inorganic material is made from inorganic material alone or mixed with other materials 无机材料是由无机物单独或混合其他物无机材料是由无机物单独或混合其他物质制成的材料质制成的材料Stage design is a huge art project舞台设计是一门庞大的艺术工程舞台

37、设计是一门庞大的艺术工程 Glass Ceramics微晶玻璃微晶玻璃(CRYSTOE and NEOPARIES), also known as jade ceramic or ceramic glass. it is a new building materials又称微晶玉石或陶瓷玻璃。是综合玻璃又称微晶玉石或陶瓷玻璃。是综合玻璃是一种是一种新型的建筑材料新型的建筑材料 Glass Ceramics is higher brightness than ceramic and toughness than glass微晶玻璃比陶瓷的亮度高,比玻璃韧性强微晶玻璃比陶瓷的亮度高,比玻璃韧性强M

38、ultimeter 万用表万用表A versatile, multi-range of measuring instruments, the general multimeter to measure DC current, DC voltage, AC current, AC voltage, resistance and audio level一种多功能、多量程的测量仪表,一般一种多功能、多量程的测量仪表,一般万用表可测量直流电流、直流电压、交万用表可测量直流电流、直流电压、交流电流、交流电压、电阻和音频电平流电流、交流电压、电阻和音频电平等等等等Digital Multimeter have become the mainstream replaced analog Multimeter数字式数字式万用万用表已表已经经取代模拟式取代模拟式万用表万用表成为主流成为主流



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