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1、莱芜二中莱芜二中高绍英高绍英健康胜于财富健康胜于财富Health is better than wealth. Module1:Our body and Healthy Habits1.教学内容::introduction ,vocabulary and reading 2.教学重点和难点 : a.)学会关于生活习惯,饮食起居,健身运动 和疾病症状的英语表达,培养勤锻炼,保健康的意识和习惯。 b.)培养阅读能力3.教学方法:互动式,讨论式,任务型Our body and healthy habitsIf we want to make our body strong we must haved

2、entist diet fat fit flu (influenza ) get/catch a cold health rare toothache unhealthy wealthyCan you tell me which of them are connected with illness?flu get/catch a cold toothache unhealthytoothache:tooth+acheheadache /stomachache /backache /earache .1.I sometimes get colds and flu2.I eat at least

3、three portions of fruit and vegetables a day.3.I eat fish once a week or more 4.I take at least two hours exercise a week 5.I dont eat much fat ,for example ,fatty meat6.I eat a lot of sweet things ,for example ,chocolate7.I rarely get toothache8.Im quite fitMeans that your body and even mental stat

4、e is affected by the type of food you eat.If you eat lots of sweets andcakes you may be soft (温和的)in character as well as fat;if you eat lots of meat you may be aggressive (攻击性的)and tough(强硬的)Because:(人如其食)You are what you eat. (a proverb)1.Healthy mind in a healthy body 2.Early to bed ,early to ris

5、e makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise3.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.健全的精神寓于健康的身体一天一苹果,不用请医生早睡早起,使人健康、富裕和聪颖4.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻Can you think of any Chinese proverbs connected with health?1.病从口入病从口入:2.饭后百步走,活到九十九。饭后百步走,活到九十九。 3.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝病来如山倒,病去如抽丝Di

6、seases come on horseback, but go away on foot. A close mouth catches no fliesAfter supper walk a mile. In our real life how should we keep healthy?(Zhou Kai)2.Read Zhou Kai 1 and answer some questions1.look at these words:anxious break(an arm ) captain fever injure injury pain painful normal sweets1

7、.Why is ZhouKais mother anxious?2.What does she think will happy?3.What does she ask him to do ?Because he is going out to play football in the rain without a jacketShe thinks he will catch a bad cold(get ill)She asks him to at least wear a jacket. When zhoukais mother saw him _ the front door _a ja

8、cket_,she _him anxiously.Because Zhoukai wanted to play _,but it was _.She was afraid that zhou kai might _,so she asked him to _go and get his jacket.And Zhoukai did _he was told.Fill in the blanks with proper wordsheading towardswithoutoneyedfootballrainingcatch a bad coldat leastasRead zhoukai2 a

9、nd answer the question :In your opinion ,does zhoukai have a healthy lifestyle?Write three or four sentences saying why or why not.1.His mother makes sure they.and 2.He has fish about 3.He doesnt eat muchId rather eat 4.He takes a lot of he is crazy about .So he is quite healthy and rarely gets cold

10、s1.Zhou kai went to play football without a jacket on at last.2 He is crazy about football.3.He rarely gets colds,but last winter he got flu.4 He is too heavy ,so he has to diet.5. Zhou kai didnt have a bad cold last week 6.He lives near the sea and he often has fish7.Zhokai often eat sweets ,becaus

11、e he has a sweet tooth.Say True or False to the following statements:FTFFFTFComplete these sentences using one of the words and Expressions from the passage .you may need to change the form of the word or expression1.do you think that a _arm is very painful?2.when was the last time you had a bad_?3.

12、I have a friend who often _because she wants to be thinner4.I hurt my leg while while playing football .Because of this _,I had to miss school for a week.5._is an illness in which you get a cold and a fever.6.if you exercise a lot and eat well ,then you are probably very_.brokencolddietsinjuryFluhealthyWrite a composition about your lifestyle.Homework



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