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1、二二. 副词副词1.副词分类副词分类2.副词的用法副词的用法3.副词的比较级和最高级副词的比较级和最高级4.特殊副词用法特殊副词用法5.易混副词辨析易混副词辨析1. 副词分类副词分类1.时间副词时间副词( now, then, soon, early, ago)2.频度副词频度副词( usually, never, sometimes)3.地点副词地点副词( here, home, near, above)4.方式副词方式副词(quickly, hard, suddenly)5.程度副词程度副词( much, almost, very, hardly)6.疑问副词疑问副词( when, whe

2、re, how, why)7.关系副词关系副词(when, where, why)8.连接副词连接副词(why, how, if, whether, when)2.副词的用法副词的用法1.副词作状语副词作状语Mary is a very bright girl.You can speak English quite well.Obviously theres much to do.2.副词的用法副词的用法2. 副词作表语副词作表语Class is over.They will be back in five days time.How long have you been here?2.副词的

3、用法副词的用法3. 副词作定语副词作定语The desk there is not high enough.On my way home, I came across an old friend of mine.3.副词的比较级和最高级副词的比较级和最高级副词的比较级和最高级和形容词相似,副词的比较级和最高级和形容词相似,但但副词最高级前经常省去副词最高级前经常省去the.He works much harder than his brother.Li Lei jumps (the) highest among his classmates.She runs (the) fastest of

4、the four.4.特殊副词用法特殊副词用法1.Enough 的用法的用法Enough 修饰形容词或别的副词时必须修饰形容词或别的副词时必须放在所修饰词的词后放在所修饰词的词后He is old enough to join the army.如果是名词,位置可前可后如果是名词,位置可前可后I have got enough books.=I have got books enough.翻译句子翻译句子他已经足够大了能够自己照顾自己了他已经足够大了能够自己照顾自己了他有足够的理由让你信服他有足够的理由让你信服He is old enough to take care of himself.H

5、e has enough reasons to make you convinced.4.特殊副词用法特殊副词用法2. tooto表示表示“太太而不能而不能”My mother is getting too old to travel.He is too young to understand it.翻译句子翻译句子这个箱子太重了以至于搬不动这个箱子太重了以至于搬不动这个孩子太小还不能上学这个孩子太小还不能上学The box is too heavy to move.The child is too young to go to school.4.特殊副词用法特殊副词用法3. sothat和和

6、suchthat区别区别 如此以至于如此以至于The box is so heavy that I cant move it.He is such an honest boy that he never tells lies.4.特殊副词用法特殊副词用法4. Very和和much 区别区别Very 修饰修饰形容词和副词的形容词和副词的原级原级.He works very hard.Much修饰修饰形容词和副词的形容词和副词的比较级比较级.He works much harder than before.5.易混副词辨析易混副词辨析1.Ago和和before2.Also, too和和either

7、3.Already, yet和和stillAgo和和before1.He got to the place one month _.2._ 1998, he had finished writing that book.3.That was over 20 years _, but Tom remembered it clearly.4.It will be 5 months _ we meet again. agoBeforeagobeforeAlso, too和和either1.Mary wont go and Peter wont go _.2.I didnt sing that son

8、g _.3.He sings and _ paints sometimes.4.He comes from Japan, me _.eithereitheralsotooAlready, yet和和still1.The tea is already cold.2.The tea is still hot.3.Is the tea cold yet?茶茶已经已经凉了凉了.茶茶还是还是热的热的.茶茶已经已经冷了吗冷了吗?Fill in the blank.1.I have _known that.2.Is your grandfather _living?3.Have you finished _? No, not _.alreadystillyetyet



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