七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities课件1 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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1、Unit7AbilitiesIntroduceI can Wordssmoke smk v.吸烟,抽烟;还可以用作n.烟;抽烟; eg: Its against the rules of the school to smoke. 吸烟是违反校规的。 The smoke from chimney is spreading out in the sky. 烟囱冒出的烟正在空中散开。小练习:他午饭后抽一支雪茄。 _.He smoked a cigar after lunch. Wordsby the way顺便问一下,顺便说一下eg: By the way, do you live with you

2、r parents or have a place of your own? 顺便问一句,你是同父母一起生活还是自己生活?小练习:翻译句子。 顺便问一下,你住在哪里? _?By the way,where do you live?Grammar一、情态动词can/ could/ may 情态动词本身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形一起使用,给谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等。情态动词后面加动词原形。can和could都是情态动词。1.can和could都可以用来表示能力can用于现在时,could用于过去时。 eg: His grandfath

3、er is over 80 but still can read without glasses. 他爷爷八十多岁了,但还能不戴眼镜看书。 He could swim when he was eight years old. 他八岁时就会游泳了。Grammar2.can和could都还可以用来表示可能性,could表示的可能性比can更小,当谈论过去的可能性时,只能用could。 It is Sunday. Millie cant be at school. 今天是星期天,米莉不可能在学校。3.can和could都还可以用来表示请求、许可。此时could不是can的过去式,而是表示的语气比ca

4、n更委婉,常用来向老师、长辈等提出请求,can常用来向同学、朋友提出请求。 eg:Can you help me,Sam?萨姆,你能帮我一下吗?4.may用来表示请求许可时用于比较正式的场合。 eg: May I have your name,please?我可以问一下你的名字吗?DialogueMillie: What can Superman do, Simon?米莉:西蒙,超人会做什么呢?Simon: Superman can see through walls.西蒙:超人能看穿墙。Millie: How amazing! His eyes just like X-rays.米莉:多么令

5、人惊奇啊!他的眼睛就像X光射线。Simon: Yes. He can burn things with his eyes.西蒙:是的。他也能用他的眼睛燃烧东西。Millie: What a wonderful man!米莉:多么奇妙的人啊!Summarysmoke, camera, X-rayWhat a beautiful flower it is! What beautiful flowers they are! What an interesting idea he has! What interesting ideas you have! What nice music it is!

6、Exercise 1. _ I know by what time you want the project to be done? By the day after tomorrow. _ you find it on time. A. May, Can B. Must, Need C. Could, Must D. Need, Would2. Is the man over there Mr Brown? It _ him. He has gone to Brazil to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup. A. may not B. cant be C. sh

7、ouldnt D. mustnt3. _ fast you swam just now! A. How a B. What a C. What D. HowABDExercise6. It will be hot tomorrow, so we_ wear shorts.7. Last year I_ swim, but I_ swim now.8. When he was young, I never believed that he_ be a good English teacher.9. _ you help me? Yes, I_.10. My little son_ walk because he is only six months old.shouldcantCancanwillcouldntcanHomeworkDescribe your abilities using I can



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