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1、八年级(下)Units 78第13讲1deep(adj.)deeper(比较级)deepest(最高级)深的;最深的deeply(adv.)深深地;深刻地2Asia(n.)Asian(adj.&n.)亚洲(人)的;亚洲人3tour(n.)tourists(n.)旅行者;观光者4protect(v.)protection(n.)保护;保卫5wide(adj.)widely(adv.)广泛地;普遍地6achieve(v.)achievement(n.)成就;成绩【高频】achievements(pl.)7include(v.)including(prep.)包括;包含【高频】8succeed(v.


3、.)南方的16laugh(v.)laugher(n.)笑;笑声17beauty(n.)beautiful(adj.)漂亮的beautifully(adv.)漂亮地18introduce(v.)introduction(n.)介绍1take in 吸入;吞入(体内)2in the face of 面对(问题、困难等)3even thougheven if 即使;虽然4at birth出生时5up to 到达(某数量、程度等);不多于6walk into 走路时撞着7fall over 绊倒8cut down 砍倒9full of满是的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的10ever since 自从11

4、hurry up 赶快;急忙(做某事)12each other/one another互相;彼此13belong to 属于14more than 超出15millions of 上百万的1中国是世界上人口最多的国家。China has _ _ population in the world.2关于今天的长城之旅,请随意向我提问吧。_ _ to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour.3据我所知,再没有像它这样大的人造物体了。_ _ _ _ _,there are no other manmade objects as big as this.4它也

5、显示了人类有时能比自然的力量更强大。It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the _ _ _5在中国和其他国家的动物园或研究中心生活着另外大约300只大熊猫。Another 300 _ _ live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.the biggestFeel freeAs far as I knowforces of natureor so6这头大象比这只大熊猫重许多倍。This elephant weighs _ _ _ _ thi

6、s panda.7还有谁在我的岛上?_ _ is on my island?8她逐渐意识到,事实上她是多么想念他们所有的人。She _ _ _ how much she actually missed all of them.9加思是美国历史上最成功的音乐人之一。Garth is _ _ the _ _ musicians in American history.10你已经决定写哪本书了吗?_ you _ which book to write about yet?many times more thanWho elsecame to realizeone ofmost successfulH

7、avedecidedpopulation【典例在线】More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.超过四分之三的人口是中国人。What is the population of Wenzhou?温州的人口有多少?【拓展精析】population指人口总数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,但当population前有分数、百分数等修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。population还可以被large/big/small修饰,表示“人口众多或稀少”,但不被many/few修饰。询问人口多少的常用句型:What is the populati

8、on of.?注意:many/few可修饰people。how many people意为“多少人”。What is the population of Hangzhou?How many people are there in Hangzhou?杭州有多少人?【活学活用】1)Which city has _ population,Shanghai,Hong Kong or Qingdao?Shanghai,of course.Athe smallest Bthe leastCthe most Dthe largestDprotect【典例在线】Therere fewer animals.It

9、s important for us to protect them.动物们越来越少,对于我们来说保护它们很重要。He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。【拓展精析】protect动词,意为“保护;防护”,常用于短语protect.from/against.中,意为“保护使不受”。【活学活用】2)How can we protect ourselves _ the earthquake?We should stay calm first.AwithBabout Cf

10、or DfromDabroad【典例在线】He wants his son to study abroad one day.他想让他的儿子有朝一日出国留学。He was famous both at home and abroad.他享誉国内外。【拓展精析】abroad (in or to a foreign country)副词,意为“在国外;到国外”。常见搭配有:study abroad/go abroad for study“出国留学”;at home and abroad“在国内外”。【注意】abroad是副词,不是名词,因此不能与in,to,at等介词连用;其前也不加冠词。【活学活用

11、】3)Wheres Peter?He _Ahas gone to abroad Bhas been abroadChas gone abroad Dhas been to abroadCweigh【典例在线】How much did you weigh last time?你上次体重是多少?Weigh this package for me,please.请给我称一下这个包裹。It is about 20 kilos in weight.这东西重约20千克。My mother is trying to lose weight.我妈妈正在设法减肥。【拓展精析】weigh可作不及物动词,意为“重量

12、是;重”。weigh还可作及物动词,意为“称;称的重量”。weigh的名词形式为weight,意为“重量”。【活学活用】4)He _ (weight) only 70 kilos now after taking a balanced diet.(2014,鄂州)weighsinclude【典例在线】The price includes both your shirt and your trousers.这个价格包含了你的衬衫和裤子。There are 50 students in my class,including me.包括我在内我们班有50名学生。There are 50 studen

13、ts in my class,me included.包括我在内我们班有50名学生。【拓展精析】include作动词,意为“包括;包含”。including作介词,意为“包括;包括在内”,它和其后的名词、代词一起构成介宾短语。included作形容词,意为“包括的;包含在内的”,常作后置定语。【活学活用】5)Twenty people went to his house for his birthday party,_ me.Aincluding BincludeCincluded Dto includeAbelong to【典例在线】The bicycle belongs to Amy.Th

14、e bicycle is Amys.这辆自行车是埃米的。【拓展精析】belong to意为“属于;归所有”,其中belong属于不及物动词,常与介词to连用。后接代词作宾语时,要用宾格形式(不可用物主代词);后接名词时,也不能用所有格。belong to sb.be ones“属于某人的”,ones是物主代词,也可用名词所有格形式。【活学活用】6)The book belongs to me.(同义句转换)The book _ _7)Are these books _?No,they are not mine.They belong to _.Ayour;her Byours;herCyou;

15、hers Dyours;sheBis mineThis elephant weighs many times more than this panda.这头大象比这只熊猫重许多倍。【典例在线】This hall is four times bigger than my classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大四倍。Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。The hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。There are four times mor

16、e books in our library than in yours.我们图书馆的藏书数量比你们图书馆的多四倍。There is three times as much water in this cup as in that one.这个杯子里的水是那个杯子里的三倍。【拓展精析】倍数的表达用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,有以下三个句型:倍数形容词/副词比较级than倍数as形容词/副词as倍数the size/height/weight/length.of用名词表示,“量”的倍数时,有以下两个句型:倍数more名词than倍数as many/much名词其他as【活学活用】1)We have

17、 two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _ we speak.Aas twice much as Btwice as much asCas much as twice Das much twice asBScientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests.科学家们说如今生活在森林里的熊猫不足2,000只。【典例在线】There is a truck collecting rubbish outside.外面有一辆卡车正在收垃圾。【拓展精析】“Th

18、ere be名词(短语)doing sth.”意为“有某人或某物在做某事”。【活学活用】2)Listen!There _ someone _ at the door.It must be your sister.(2015,青岛)Ais;knocking Bis;knockCare;knocking Dare;knockAListening to The Toms is a good way to wake up.听汤姆乐队的音乐是醒来的一个好方法。【典例在线】Eating too much isnt good for you.吃得太多对你没有好处。He often listens to mu

19、sic.他经常听音乐。Dont listen to them!别听他们的话!【拓展精析】listening to The Toms是动名词短语在句中作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。listen to为固定短语,意为“听”。listen为不及物动词,接宾语时需要介词to。【活学活用】3)Our English teacher often says to us,“_ English well is very important.”ALearn BLearningCLearned DTo learningBdie from与die of【典例在线】His father died from an

20、accident.他父亲死于一次事故。He died of a strange illness.他死于一种怪病。【拓展精析】die from指由于外部或不注意的原因而死,原因常来自外部,后常加名词。die of指死于疾病、衰老、饥饿等,原因多来自内部,后加名词。当表示因病而死亡时,二者可互换使用。【活学活用】1)Do you know that Mr.Zhang passed _ last week?Yes.He died _ illness.Aaway;of Bon;fromCby;with Doff;asA一、根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。1Whats the _ of your to

21、wn?Its about three thousand.2Its very important for us to _ the environment.3Can you _ yourself to us?Sure!My name is Ann and I come from England.4They are going to travel across the Pacific Ocean by _5He never gives up his dream.He works hard every day to _ it.populationprotectintroduceshipachieve二

22、、根据句意及汉语提示补全下列单词。6They have decided to make use of the latest _ (科技)7The _(政府) is going to build a road through the mountains.8More and more young people choose to study _ (在国外)9Youd better go out to enjoy the beauties of _ (大自然) in spring.10The computer plays an important role in _ (现代的) life.techn

23、ologygovernmentabroadnaturemodern三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。11有一些学生在操场上打篮球。There _ some students _ basketball on the playground.12据我所知,他将离开半年。_ _ _ _ _,he will be away for half a year.13她是亚洲最成功的歌手之一。She is one of the _ _ _ in Asia.14自从她离开学校,我就没收到过她的信。_ _ she left school,I havent heard from her.15我的花园是你的花园的三倍大。M

24、y garden is _ _ _ than yours.areplayingAs far as I knowmost successful singersEver sincethree times larger四、单项选择。16Climbing hills _ good for our health.Aare Bis Cwas Dwere17I work in the library.My duties (责任) _ cleaning desks and tidying books.Aprovide BdevelopCinclude Dbegin18The history proves th

25、ose islands belong _ China.Ato Bat Con DatBCA19_ the population of China?About 1.4 billion.Everyone knows China has the _ population in the world.AWhat are;most BWhat is;largestCHow many are;most DHow many are;largest20The box _ about 50 kilos.Its so heavy.Let me help you carry it.Aleads Bhas Cweigh

26、s DgoesBC话题环境保护一、本话题的常用表达1Its our duty to save water/protect our environment.2To cut down air pollution,we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.3We cant live without water.4Something must be done to stop the pollution.5We should plant more and more trees around us.6Remember to throw rubb

27、ish in the cans and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone.7Everyone should play a part in cleaning up the river.8I used to be able to see stars in the sky.9I believe if everyone tries his best to protect the environment,the world will become much more beautiful.10Our actions can make a

28、 difference and lead to a better future.参考谚语1Ill air slays sooner than the sword.污浊的空气杀人比刀还快。2When the wells dry,we know the worth of water.井枯方知水珍贵。二、佳句欣赏与模仿1Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo.【spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事】我们应该每天花两小时清理河流。We should spend two h

29、ours cleaning up the river every day.2As_far_as_I_know,there are no manmade objects as big as this.【as far as I know就我所知】就我所知,中国缺乏水资源。As far as I know,we are short of water in China.3 The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give_up_trying to achieve our dreams.【give up doing sth.放

30、弃做某事】我们从未放弃拯救地球。We never give up saving the earth.4Not_only_can the art bring happiness to others,but_also it shows that even cold,hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.【not only.but also.不但而且;not only放句首时,其所引导的分句要用倒装部分】我们不但要多种植树木,而且要节约用纸。Not only should we plant more trees,

31、but also we should save paper.【写作范例】节约资源,保护环境。从我们身边的小事做起,假设你是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,请以“My Lowcarbon Life”为题,写一篇短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。提示:1.每天步行上学;2离开教室时,关掉电灯、电扇、电视等;3不用水时,记住关水龙头,循环使用水;4充分使用纸张;5不使用塑料袋。参考词汇:on foot,turn off,tap,reuse,make full use of,plastic bag要求:1.词数:80个单词左右;2不得出现真实的考生姓名、学校等信息;3文章内容可涉及所给提示内容,并可适当

32、发挥,但请不要逐条翻译。【参考范文】My Lowcarbon LifeIts our duty to protect the environment.The environment is becoming worse and worse.We must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment.First,we should go to school on foot and tell our parents to walk to work instead of driving cars.Second,we sho

33、uld save water and electricity by turning off the taps,fans,TV sets and lights in time when we dont use them.Whats more,water should be reused.Third,it is good to make full use of paper.We should use both sides of the paper.By doing this,we can save many trees.At last,remember to go shopping with a basket or a cloth bag rather than plastic bags.I believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things.Lower carbon,happier life.Lets take action.



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