Unit1lesson1 (2)

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1、My math teacher is very smart.My English teacher has a kind heart.My P.E. teacher is very strong.My music teacher sings nice songs.They help us learn. They help us play.When school is over, I want to stay.He is tall.He is short.他很高。他很高。他很矮。他很矮。Whats he like?He is a strong man.他是一个他是一个强壮的强壮的男人。男人。Wha

2、ts he like?My math teacher is thin.我的数学老师我的数学老师瘦瘦的瘦瘦的。 Whats he like?她是她是年老的年老的。She is old.She is young .她是她是年轻的年轻的。Whats she like?Clown 小丑小丑滑稽的Whats he like?He is funny.他是滑稽可笑的。My grandma is kind.我的奶奶很和蔼我的奶奶很和蔼。和蔼的Whats she like?滑稽可笑的滑稽可笑的Game: What does it mean ?高的高的强壮的强壮的瘦的瘦的年轻的年轻的年老的年老的和蔼的和蔼的矮的矮

3、的年老的年老的高的高的年轻的年轻的和蔼的和蔼的矮的矮的瘦的瘦的滑稽可笑的滑稽可笑的强壮的强壮的Have a try !Look at the picture and finish the sentencesLook at the picture and finish the sentencesoldtallshortthinstrong0105A:Whos your art teacher?B:Mr. Hu. / Hes Mr. Hu.A:Whats he like?B:Hes thin and short.谁是你的美术老师?谁是你的美术老师? Translation胡老师。胡老师。/ 他是胡

4、老师。他是胡老师。他长什么样?他长什么样?他又瘦又矮。他又瘦又矮。A:Whos he?B:Hes.A:Whats he like?B:Hes .supermanstrongsupermanA:Whos he?B:HesA:Whats he like?B:Hes.WukongthinlWhos your Chinese/English/math teacher? Miss lWhats she/he like ? She/He is (tall, thin, strong, short, funny)Ask and answer(俩人一组问答俩人一组问答)补全对话我最行。补全对话我最行。l1.J

5、ohn: _ Amy: Mr. Hu.A: Whos your science teacher?B: Whats your science teacher?C: Whoses your science teacher?2. Mike:_ BaiLing: Shes young and pretty.A: Whats he like?B: Whats your mother?C: Whats she like?3. ChenJie:_ Sarah: He is our English teacher.A: Whats that man?B: Whats he like?C: Whos that

6、man?Summary lWords : young funny strong tall kind old short thinlSentences : Whos your art teacher? Mr Tang. Whats he/she like? Hes short and thin.Homework1.Copy the new words in vocabulary3.32.Copy the key sentences in A lets learn 1.13.Listen to the tape and remember the sentences in lets chant.Cl

7、ass is over! Goodbye, boys and girls!We are a big family.学生老师一家亲!学生老师一家亲!I wish we could have a good time this term.希望我们一起度过美好的一学期!希望我们一起度过美好的一学期!Whats he like?art teachertall strongChinese teacherold thinHe is .Whos this man?He is .The whole classA:Whos your English teacher?B: Miss Zhang./Shes Miss Zhang.A: Whats she/he like?B:Shes 或或 Hes.



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