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1、动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态时态一般现在时The presenttense意义经常性,习惯性的动作,存在的状态,或客观事实.标志词语标志词语everydayeveryday,usuallyusually, alwaysalways,sometimessometimes,often,often,onceoncea aweekweeknownow, look, listen,look, listen,at this moment,at this moment,right nowright now,at presentat presentat that timeat that time,then

2、then,at that momentat that momenttomorrowtomorrow, soon,soon,next month/weeknext month/week,in a weekin a weektwo days later,two days later,the next weekthe next week,the following weekthe following weekyesterdayyesterday, agoago,last year/ weeklast year/ week构成主语+V 原(当主语是第三人称时,V+s 或es)主语+am/is/are+

3、doing被动语态主语am/is/are+V 过分+现在进行时现在正在发生的动作Thepresentcontinuoustense过去进行时The pastcontinuoustense一般将来时The futuretense表示在过去一个时间点或时间短中正在发生的动作表示将来某时发生的动作或情况主语+am/is/are+being+V 过分主语+ was/were主语+doingwas/were+being+V 过分主语+will/shall+V 原主语+would/should+V 原主语+V 过(V+ed, 还有一些不规则变化的动词主语+will/shall+be+V 过分主语+woul

4、d/should +be+V 过分主语was/were+V 过分+过去将来时表示从过去的某一时Thepast间看将要发生的动作future tense或存在的状态一般过去时过去某时发生的动作Thepast或情况tense现在完成时表示在过去已发生或Thepresent已完成,但与现在情perfect tense况有联系的动作或状态过去完成时表示在过去某一时刻The past或动作之前已经发生perfect tense或完成的动作(过去的过去)already, justalready, just, yetyet, 主语+have/has+主语ever,ever, recently,recentl

5、y, forforV 过分+have/has+threethreedays,days,sincesincebeen+ V 过分1998, in the past 201998, in the past 20yearsyearsby the end of lastby the end of lastyear/termyear/term主语+had + V 过分主语+had +been+ V 过分一、动词时态一、动词时态1. Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets out.(09 年上海高考)A. would s

6、ellB。 had sellC. have sellD. was selling解析 1:答案为 B.本题考查时态。根据句意:Mary 利用午饭时间去了售票处,但是所有的票都已卖完了。过去完成时表示过去某时前已发生的情况,所以 B 选项为正确答案。2。-Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?- Terry? Never! She tents and fresh air! (08 年上海高考题)A。 has hateB. hatedC. will hateD. hates解析 2:答案为 D。本题考查时态.。根据句意:你知道 Terr

7、y本周末是否会去野营? Terry? 她从不去野营!她讨厌帐篷和新鲜空气!此句中动词表示的是经常性的行为,应该选用一般现在时态。解题技巧解题技巧: :遵循时态一致。也就是说应由主句谓语的时态决定从句的谓语时态。一般原则是:1、当主句谓语使用现在时或将来时,从句的谓语根据具体情况使用任何时态。e.g. He says that he lives in Wuhan。We hope that there will be many people at your party today.2、当主句谓语使用过去时的时候,从句的谓语必须使用过去范围的时态.e。g. He said he was writin

8、g a novel。The teacher wanted to know when we would finish the experiment。He said his father had been an engineer.3、当从句表示客观事实,科学真理等时,即使主句谓语用了过去式的各种时态,从句谓语也应用一般现在时。e.g. The teacher told them the earth moves around the sun.4、从句谓语只能用虚拟语气的情况 : 利用时态一致原则确定从句动词时态时,还应注意,若主语动词是表示命令、请求、要求、建议、劝告等的动词,从句谓语只能用虚拟语气

9、,不能遵循时态一致原则.e。g。 We insisted that we do it ourselves。二、动词的语态二、动词的语态1。During the period of recent terrorist activities, peoplenot to touch any unattended bag.(09 年上海高考)A。 had always been warnedB。 were always being warnedC. are always warningD。 always warned解析 1:答案为 B。本题考查语态.根据题意:在最近这段恐怖活动期间,人们经常被告诫不要

10、去碰任何无人看管的包裹。主语 people 与谓语动词 warn 之间是被动关系,且时间状语表示过去一段时间内,所以答案为 B。2. In recent years many football club as business to make a profit。 (08 年上海高考)A. have runB. have been runC. had been runD. will run解析 2:答案为 B.本题考查语态。根据题意:近年来许多足球俱乐部的运作都已商业化,都是为了赚钱.句中的主语 football club 和谓语 run 为被动关系,且根据时间状语应该选用现在完成时态,所以答案

11、为 B。解题技巧:解题技巧:一般用于强调受者, 做题时谓语动词不再有名词或宾语.动词的语态一般不单独考,而是和时态、语气和非谓语动词一起考,只是需要注意以下考点.考点一:不能用于被动语态的动词和词组come true, consist of, take place, happen ,rise, become, occur,belong, break out, appear, arrive, die, fall, last, exist, fail,succeede。g.Great changes have taken place in my hometown.A big earthquake

12、has happened in Chile this year.考点二:下列动词的主动语态表示被动意义, 而且常与 well, quite, easily, badly 等副词连用。这些动词有 lock ( 锁 ) ; wash ( 洗 ); sell ( 卖 ); read ( 读 ); wear ( 穿 ); blame (责备);ride(乘坐); write ( 写 );e。g. Glass breaks easily。 玻璃容易破碎。The car rides smoothly. 这车走起来很稳。The case locks easily。 这箱子很好锁。The book sells well。 这本书很畅销.考点三:一些常用经典被动句型:It is said, It is reported, It is widely believed, It is expected, It is estimated,这些句子一般翻译为“据说”,“人们认为”,而 “以前人们认为” 则应该说:It was believed, It was thoughte。g。 It is widely believed the couple have left the country.



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