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1、第二部分第二部分 专题训练专题训练专题一专题一 听力听力题型分析题型分析解题技巧解题技巧真题分析真题分析 听力理解主要分为四大题型: A. A.听单句话听单句话 此题型要求考生学会捕捉录音中的“关键词”,然后将其转化为图片中的内容,进而 “识图、辨图”。从命题规律来看,人物的判断、行为的判断、地点、天气、交通工具、日期、时间等是历年中考的热点和重点。 题型分析题型分析B.B.听对话听对话这种题型大致分为两大类。一类是小对话理解,即听一段对话回答1个问题。这类对话通常只有2-3句,所传达的信息量比较少,相对容易些。另一类是中长对话理解,即听一段对话回答2-3个问题,这类对话通常有4-8句,所包含

2、的信息量比较大,理解起来要困难些。从历年的试题来看,时间、地点、人物、职业、喜好、价钱 (数字)、日期、星期、交通方式、事物描述、 食物、行为判断都是考查热点,尤其是时间、地点、职业、喜好、日期、星期,几乎是每年必考内容,考生平时要多加留意。 题型分析题型分析 题型分析题型分析 C. 听独白听独白 从近几年的考题来看,多以记叙文为主,说明文稍有出现,话题都比较贴近生活。从题目的设置来看,以时间、地点、事物判断等细节理解题和推理判断题为主。原因的判定、星期、日期、行为的判断、交通方式等是重点与热点。 D. 听填信息听填信息 数字是每年必考的内容,时间、地点、人物、日常行为动词、表示情感的形容词等

3、是考查的热点,主要范围是大纲中要求的 “四会” 词汇,没有难词与偏词。 解题技巧解题技巧 1. 览览 听前快速浏览试题,根据题目和上下文预测录音内容,并对问题的答案作出大胆的猜测。做到 “心中有数”,提高捕捉信息的准确度。 2. 听听 听力测试的时间是预先设定的,因此,要培养抢记内容的能力,如五个要素的内容 (即who,when,what,where,why等)。听时要集中精力,捕捉关键信息。对于第一遍没有听清楚的,应适当地做上记号,在听第二遍时着重听清楚疑点、难点。 解题技巧解题技巧 3. 思思 即思考,要开动脑筋,理解所听内容,找到录音内容与问题的内在联系,确定正确答案。 4. 写写 即书

4、写答案,要力求工整,切不可马虎潦草。 真题分析真题分析2016广广东省省 一、听力理解 A. 听单句话 根据句子内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每小题听一遍。 ( ) 1. Where is the chair?真题分析真题分析录音:I can see a chair in the middle of the small room.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于 “方位介词” 的。听录音时,抓取关键信息 “in the middle of” 即可。难度容易。 ( ) 2. What is the shape of Amys balloon?真题

5、分析真题分析录音:The balloon Amy is holding is in the shape of a star.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于 “图形表达” 的。听录音时,抓取关键信息 “star” 即可。难度适中。 ( ) 3. Which bedtime story does the mans son like best?真题分析真题分析录音:The bedtime story my son likes best is a tale called Three Pigs.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于 “动物名称” 的。听录音时,抓取关键信息 “pig” 即可。难度容易。 ( )

6、 4. Who is Peters brother?真题分析真题分析录音:Peters brother is the little boy fishing alone by the riverside.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于 “活动” 的。听录音时,抓取关键信息 “fishing” 即可。难度容易。 ( ) 5. What was Jason wearing when the man saw him?真题分析真题分析录音:It was quite cold yesterday, but Jason was wearing a T-shirt when I saw him.解析:观察三个

7、选项可知,是关于 “服装” 的。听录音时,抓取关键信息 “T-shirt” 即可。难度容易。答好 “听单句话” 的主要方法是:仔细观察每题所提供的图画的内容,找出三个选项的不同点,弄清楚图中的人物、事件、背景及行为等。如果图画里面有文字,也要把文字内容的意思弄清楚。在听的过程中,要尽快抓住材料中的关键词或短语,把图片内容和录音内容联系起来,确定答案。真题分析真题分析 真题分析真题分析B听对话 回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上的对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。( ) 6. How far away is it to

8、the bank? A. About 300 meters away. B. About 400 meters away. C. About 500 meters away.录音:M: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the nearest bank? W: Go down the street, and turn left at the second crossing. Its about 400 meters away.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于 “距离” 的,三个选项的不同点在于300,400还是500。听录音时抓取关键信息 “400

9、meters” 即可。难度容易。 真题分析真题分析真题分析真题分析听第二段对话,回答第7小题。( ) 7. Why does the man look tired? A. He went to bed late. B. He got up very early. C. He played football for long.录音:M: I got up at half past four in the early morning to watch a football match. W: No wonder you look tired. Youre so crazy.解析:观察三个选项可知,

10、是关于 “活动” 的,三个选项的不同点在于went to bed,got up,还是played football。 其中选项C为干扰项,因听力材料既出现got up,也出现football,部分考生未能对材料作出正确的判断而出现误选。难度适中。真题分析真题分析听第三段对话,回答第8小题。( ) 8. What kind of bus would the man like to drive? A. A city bus. B. A tourist bus. C. A school bus.录音:W: Would you like to drive a city bus or a tourist

11、 bus? M: Well, Id like a job as a school bus driver if possible. I love kids. W: OK, please fill in this form.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于 “交通工具” 的。听录音时抓取关键信息 “a school bus” 即可。难度容易。 真题分析真题分析听第四段对话,回答第9小题。( ) 9. Where is the man? A. At a restaurant. B. At the dentists. C. At a police station.录音:W: Good morning,

12、sir.Whats the matter with you? M: One of my teeth hurts a lot. I cant even eat today. W: Open your mouth and let me have a look.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于 “地点” 的,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “my teeth hurts” 即可。难度适中。听第五段对话,回答第10小题。( ) 10. When should the passengers board the plane? A. Before 7:40. B. Before 8:00. C. Before 8:2

13、0.录音:M: Excuse me. Here is my boarding card. W: Sorry, sir. You cant board the plane now. M: Why not? Its only 7:50.The plane takes off at 8 oclock. W: Thats right. But we stop boarding twenty minutes before the plane takes off.解析:观察三个选项可知,是关于“时间”的,听录音时,要抓取两个关键信息 “The plane takes off at 8 oclock.” 及

14、 “we stop boarding twenty minutes before the plane takes off”,然后把题干与听力材料联系起来才能得出答案。难度偏难。 真题分析真题分析听第六段对话,回答第1112 小题。( ) 11. What are the two speakers doing now? A. Making a phone call. B. Doing some shopping. C. Listening to a concert.( ) 12. How long will the yard sale last? A. 4 hours. B. 5 hours.

15、C. 7 hours 真题分析真题分析录音:W: Hello, Lily speaking.M: Hello, Lily. This is Jimmy. Are you free this Sunday? Lets go to the yard sale on East Street.W: I will go to the concert in the park with Linda in the morning. How about the afternoon?M: I think its OK. The sale will be from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.W:

16、Then pick me up at one oclock, will you?M: Sure. 真题分析真题分析解析:11.观察三个选项可知,是关于“活动”的,听录音时,抓取关键信息“Lily speaking”“This is Jimmy.” 即可。难度容易。12.观察三个选项可知,是关于“时间”的,听录音时,要抓取关键信息“The sale will be from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.”,并与题干“多长时间”联系起来,再用简单的数学计算才能得出答案。难度偏难。 真题分析真题分析听第七段对话,回答第1315 小题。( ) 13. Why did the woman

17、 come back to the bookstore? A. She left her bag in the store. B. She forgot to pay for the books. C. She got the wrong bag with her.( ) 14. How many books did the woman buy? A. One. B. Four. C. Six.( ) 15. What did the man do at last? A. He paid for the books for the woman. B. He changed the bag fo

18、r the woman. C. He returned the bag to the woman. 真题分析真题分析录音:M: Excuse me, Madam. I see youre back again. What can I do for you?W: I bought some books here half an hour ago, but I forgot to take my bag with me.M: Whats inside your bag?W: Nothing much. The four books I bought, a small watch and six p

19、ostcards.M: Is your bag black and white with a picture of tiny sheep on it?W: Thats right.M: Good. Here is your bag. 真题分析真题分析解析:13. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “活动” 的,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “I forgot to take my bag with me.” 即可。难度适中。14. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “数量” 的,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “The four books I bought” 即可。难度适中。15. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “行为” 的

20、,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “Good. Here is your bag.” 即可。难度适中。 真题分析真题分析 真题分析真题分析答好 “听对话” 的主要方法是:1. 听录音前先快速浏览所给的选项,通过分析比较,从而预测对话的中心内容。2. 在听懂大意的同时,捕捉关键信息,必要时要做些记录,尤其是有关数字的,以作为判断的依据。3. 听完对话录音后要善于就对话中的各种已知信息相互间的联系进行合理的推测和判断,理解特定情景中对话的语义,通过分析处理,排除干扰项,进行合理取舍,选定正确答案。 真题分析真题分析C听独白请根据所听内容,在每小题所给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡

21、上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。独白听两遍。( ) 16. Jack went to see Kung Fu Panda 3 . A. last Sunday morning B. last Sunday afternoon C. last Sunday evening 真题分析真题分析( ) 17. Jack saw a bird on his way to the cinema. A. black B. brown C. blue( ) 18. There was something wrong with the birds . A. left leg B. left foot C. left

22、wing( ) 19. To save the bird, Jack took it to . A. a pet hospital B. his home C. the zoo( ) 20. There were steps of treatment for the bird. A. two B. three C. four 真题分析真题分析录音:Jack is a 15-year-old boy. He is a bird lover, and he always likes to do something for the birds. Last Sunday afternoon, he w

23、anted to see Kung Fu Panda 3.On his way to the cinema, a blue bird suddenly fell off a tree on the side of the street. It tried to fly away, but failed. Jack stopped, and went up to see what was happening. After looking over the bird, he found something wrong with its left wing. It needed help. But

24、Jack didnt have any medicine with him at that time. He had to take the bird home at once. As soon as he got home, Jack cleaned the wound with some water. Then he put some medicine on the wound. After everything was done, Jack left the bird at home and went to the cinema. Although he missed the begin

25、ning of the film, he was happy because he saved a bird. 真题分析真题分析解析:16. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “时间” 的,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “Last Sunday afternoon, he wanted to see Kung Fu Panda 3.” 即可。难度容易。17. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “颜色” 的,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “a blue bird suddenly fell off a tree on the side of the street” 即可。难度容易。18. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “身体部

26、位” 的,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “he found something wrong with its left wing” 即可。难度适中。 真题分析真题分析19. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “地点” 的,听录音时,抓取关键信息 “He had to take the bird home at once.” 即可。难度适中。20. 观察三个选项可知,是关于 “数量” 的,听录音时,要抓取关键信息 “Jack cleaned the wound with some water. Then he put some medicine on the wound.”,这对于大部分考生来说,难度偏难。

27、真题分析真题分析答好“听独白”主要方法是:1.捕捉信息,预测文章听录音前快速浏览题干和选项,将捕捉到的信息,通过分析、推理,推测文章可能涉及的内容,进一步预测问题可能从哪几方面提出,这样就可以做到带着问题去听录音,减少盲目性。 真题分析真题分析2.边听边记,简要记录听第一遍录音时,有目的地用眼睛扫描题干,借助所给的材料进一步理解录音内容,边听边记,对于关键词做简要记录,边记边初选答案,对于没有听清楚的,适当做上记号。3.联想推理,复查验证听第二遍录音时通过听看结合,根据对录音内容的理解,结合所记录的有关信息对各题干作出正确的判定。选定答案后,还要逐题复查验证,以减少错误。 真题分析真题分析 真

28、题分析真题分析D. 听填信息 你将听到的是有关骑车上班日的广播节目,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并请将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。录音:Youre now listening to FM 108.3.This is our 7 oclock evening program World Today. In todays program were going to talk about Bike to Work Day in the United States. In many cities across the country, May 20th is Bike to

29、Work Day. The day encourages people to try bicycling to work instead of driving a car or taking a bus. Biking has become more and more popular now. According to a website report on cycling, the number of bikers in the United States has grown by 61%. Bike riding is good for your health. Recent resear

30、ch says that three hours of biking a week can help people keep fit. It is cheaper than other kinds of transportation and it is also good for the environment. Get on your bicycle and hit the road now! To create a cleaner world, lets also bike to work!真题分析真题分析解析:听录音前浏览表格的标题可以看出,短文介绍的是一则电台节目。其中第21题与“节目

31、名称”有关,第22题与“时间”有关,要求填写月份,第23题应该是填 “描述性的形容词”,且与 become more and more 搭配,第24题与“数字”有关,而第25题,从前面的help people (do sth.) 来看,应该是填“动词短语”。因此,在听第一遍录音时,要注意锁定与问题相关的关键信息:如听到“This is our 7 oclock evening program World Today.”时,就要立即反应是第21题的信息,并快速写下“World Today”,这道题设计是有点灵活性,考生需要反应快,且要注意节目名称的首字母要大写。同样的,第22题的关键信息是 “M

32、ay 20th is Bike to Work Day.”,故记下“May”。 真题分析真题分析第23题的关键信息是“Biking has become more and more popular now.”,故记下 “popular”。第24题的关键信息是“the number of bikers in the United States has grown by 61%”,故记下“61%”。第25题的关键信息是“Recent research says that three hours of biking a week can help people keep fit.”,故记下“keep

33、 fit”。当听第二遍时,要进一步确认所听信息的正确性,听完后,将正确的答案填写在答题卡上,注意单词拼写和大小写。 真题分析真题分析答好“听填信息”要记住了以下的几个原则:1.顺序原则。出于对难度因素的考虑,此题型通常是按顺序出题的,只要考生按考题的顺序,一一等待并捕捉相关的信息并答题便可。2.格式统一原则。考生答题前应注意观察表格已提供的信息,上下相关信息的格式。答题后更应认真检查所填内容是否符合格式:单词首字母是否需要大写;是否加上相应的冠词;动词词组是否统一用不定式或动名词;数字前是否需要加上No.;价格前或后是否加上或dollar;时间后是否需要加a.m.或p.m.等。3.语法精确原则

34、。不要犯语法上的小错误,如名词的单复数、动词的第三人称单数及过去式、过去分词等,导致失去宝贵的0.5分。 真题分析真题分析4.绝不留空原则。如果答案需要两、三个单词,你只会其中的一个,也一定要写上这一个;如果对答案的某个单词拼写没有十分把握,也应填上;如果要求填的单词突然忘记了,但想到一个近义词,也应填上近义词。因为即使不完全正确,但若基本上表达了所需要的信息,照样给分。5.单词过关原则。此题型经常会考到考生对大纲词汇的拼写是否正确,而这类词汇都是一些最基本的日常词汇,包括数字、人名、国家、职业、学科、爱好、活动、时间、地点等。重点掌握以下常考词汇。常考人名:Mary,John,Tom,Dav

35、id,Jack,James,Susan,Smith,Brown,Green,Black,White,King 真题分析真题分析学科:English,math,music,science,physics, art,Chinese,geography,history月份:January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December星期:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday时间:second,minute,quart

36、er,hour,day,week,month,year,season,spring,summer,autumn,winter,in the morning/afternoon/evening国家:Australia,Canada,France,Japan,England,America,China 真题分析真题分析城市:Sydney,Paris,Tokyo,London,New York,Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Hong Kong天气:weather,sunny,rainy,snowy,windy, cloudy,warm,heavy rain颜色:green,w

37、hite,black,brown,yellow,blue,orange,red职业:doctor,scientist,singer,dentist,policeman,cook,soldier,shop assistant,waiter,bank clerk,nurse,student,teacher动物:tiger,lion,elephant,monkey,giraffe,dolphin,penguin,koala,rabbit 真题分析真题分析服装:clothes,shirt,skirt,sweater,socks,shoes,trousers,pants,jacket,coat地点:mu

38、seum,cinema,park,hospital,restaurant,hotel,post office,airport,station,gym,library,garden,supermarket,kitchen,bookstore,church,playground交通:by bus/train/bike/plane/taxi/subway,on foot,walk货币:dollar(s),yuan,pound(s),¥, 真题分析真题分析体育:basketball,swimming,football,volleyball,baseball,tennis,badminton,ping-

39、pong,running,surfing,skating,jumping食物与饮料:hamburger,sandwich,bread,milk, pork,beef,chicken,rice,vegetable,coffee,wine,drink,juice序数词:first,second,third,twelfth等形容词:interesting,interested,difficult,relaxing,relaxed,surprising,surprised,exciting,excited, careful,friendly,hard-working,honest,kind-hearted,happy,angry等 真题分析真题分析



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