Appendix 5Proverbs

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《Appendix 5Proverbs》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Appendix 5Proverbs(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ProverbsProverbs义务教育教科书小学五年级英语上册义务教育教科书小学五年级英语上册单位:云南师范大学附属世纪金源学校单位:云南师范大学附属世纪金源学校执教老师:沈莹执教老师:沈莹WorldReadingDayWorldReadingDay4.234.23ProverbsProverbsTask:Findmoreproverbs.2.Canyoufindtheproverbs?1.Whatcanyousee?3.Couldyouguesstheproverbs?You cant judge a book by its cover.You cant judge a book by i

2、ts cover.不能以貌取人不能以貌取人。Youcantjudgeby.你不能通过封面来判断一本书。你不能通过封面来判断一本书。You cant judge a man by his looks.You cant judge an elephant by its weight .You cant judge a box by its cover .You cant judge a dog by its barking.You cant judge a woman by her clothes .imitationimitation(仿仿写)AnappleadAnappleadayaykeep

3、sthedoctorawkeepsthedoctorawayay. . 每天一个苹果,医生远离我。每天一个苹果,医生远离我。eiHaste makes waste.欲速则不达。Small rain lays great dust.小雨能压滚滚尘。No pain,no gain.一分耕耘一分收获。Donttroubletroublesuntiltroubletroublesyou.不要自不要自寻烦恼。Whethertheweatherbecoldorhot.Wellweathertheweatherwhetherwelikeitornot.Fewfreefruitfliesflyfromflam


5、绕口令绕口令Eastorwest,homeisbest.Eastorwest,homeisbest.东好西好,不如家好。东好西好,不如家好。East or west, home is best. or, is best .Easy come , easy e , go. No leave, no tree.No, no . Like ,like . Reading makes a full man. Reading makes a man. 修辞手法:比修辞手法:比喻、拟人、人、对偶、押韵、重复等偶、押韵、重复等Like father, like son.In a large house, l

6、ived a lazy young man. He woke up in the afternoon, had his dinner and then slept in bed again. One day, his mother asked the young man, “Dont sleep in the bed all day . The sun is shining. Your friends are busy .They work all the time. Why are you so lazy?” In a large house, lived a lazy young man.

7、 One day, the young man woke up in the afternoon, he had bread for dinner and then slept in the bed again. His mother asked him to get up, she said, “Dont sleep in the bed all day . The sun is shining. Your friends are busy .They work all the time. Why are you so lazy?” The young man said, “Every mo

8、rning, when I wake up, two friends talk in my ears. One friend is Hard Work and the other is Laziness.” “Hard Work says, “Wake up! Time is passing, dont waste time by sleeping, to do everything you can. ”But Laziness says, “Why are you hurry to wake up? Sleep some more. Time is enough. Enjoy yoursel

9、f.”He continued, “I listen to my friends talk . I must think about the question for a long time. So I have to sleep in the bed.” wherewhyhowwhatwhowhenhis mother asked him to get upin a large houseone daya lazy young man and his motherlisten to his friends talk sleep in the bedExtensive reading 泛泛读W

10、hat information can you get? Intensivereading精精读key words:shining 发光的waste 浪费continue 继续lazinessn.懒惰have to 不得不lazyadj.懒惰的In a large house, lived a lazy young man. One day, the young man woke up in the afternoon, he had bread for dinner and then slept in the bed again. His mother asked him to get up

11、, she said, “Dont sleep in the bed all day . The sun is shining. Your friends are busy .They work all the time. Why are you so lazy?” The young man said, “Every morning, when I wake up, two friends talk in my ears. One friend is Hard Work and the other is Laziness.” “Hard Work says, “Wake up! Time i

12、s passing, dont waste time by sleeping, to do everything you can. ”But Laziness says, “Why are you hurry to wake up? Sleep some more. Time is enough. Enjoy yourself.”He continued, “I listen to my friends talk . I must think about the question for a long time. So I have to sleep in the bed.” Question

13、:Whats the difference between his two friendstalk?Hard Work Lazinesswake upsleep some moreTime is passing .Time is do everything you canenjoy yourselfyoung manPost-reading(1) If you were the young man, which friend can you choose? (2) Why do you choose this one?(3) Could you say some prove

14、rbs about the story?Forthehard-working,Forthehard-working,aweekhassevendays;aweekhassevendays;Forthelazy,seventomorrows.Forthelazy,seventomorrows.勤奋的人,一个星期有七天;勤奋的人,一个星期有七天;懒惰的人,一个星期有七个明天。懒惰的人,一个星期有七个明天。One day a tiger asked a cat to see how his house was built. After some hours, the little cat came

15、back and said, “Oh, your house is very big, tall and beautiful. ” The tiger is happy. Then he asked an elephant to see the house. But when the elephant came back, he said, “ Mr. Tiger, your house is beautiful, but it is too small. ”The tiger was very angry when he heard it. “Why are the cats and the

16、 elephants answers not the same? He said, “Maybe someone tells lies.”Just at the moment, a fox came out, he asked the tiger to go to see the house by himself.After the tiger saw the house, he is clear. Their answers were all right. He said, “To see with ones own eyes is more important than only to h

17、ear others. ”1.The cat said the tigers house was very big, tall and old. ( ) 2.The elephant said the house is nice, but it is too small.( ) 3.The cats and the elephants answers are different.( ) 5.The fox asked the tiger to go to see the house . ( ) 6.The tiger thought their answers werent all right

18、. .( ) 4.The fox said, “Maybe someone tells lies.”( ) F F T TF F TTF F T TTorFhappyclearangry( )( )( )Emotion:Toseewithonesowneyesismoreimportantthanonlytohearothers.Seeingisbelieving.Seeingisbelieving.眼见为实。眼见为实。Ancient Chinese proverb Ancient Chinese proverb StoriesStories 中中国国古古代代谚谚语语故故事事Chen Yaoz

19、i was a civil official in Song Dynasty, he loved archery very much, and was good at it.One day he was practicing in the ground, because he hit the target, he became very happy. Looking around, he found an old man who sells oil standing there and he is not amazed. He is angry and asked him, “Do you a

20、lso know archery? Am I smart?” The old man took out a gourd, and then he began to pour the oil into the gourd through the hole in the coin without wetting the coin. The old man said “This is only practice makes perfect, nothing so smart.” Chen Yaozi felt ashamed. Could you tell us the proverb of the

21、 story?Practicemakesperfect.Practicemakesperfect.熟能生巧。熟能生巧。Nothingisimpossibletoawillingheart.Behindbadluckcomesgoodluck.塞翁失塞翁失马, ,焉知非福。焉知非福。 有志者,事竟成。有志者,事竟成。Manyalittlemakesamickle.积少成多。少成多。Anidleyouth,aneedyage.少壮不努力,老大徒少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。悲。AllroadsleadtoRome.条条大路通条条大路通罗马。Truthsandroseshavethornsbesideth

22、em.真理和玫瑰真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。身旁都有刺。Godhelpsthosewhohelpthemselves.自助者天助。自助者天助。Find more proverbs!Goodgoodstudy,daydayup.Studyhardandmakeprogresseveryday.llProverbsProverbsItisnevertoooldtolearn.Itisnevertoooldtolearn.活到老活到老,学到老学到老。Homework:3.To read books as more as you can!1.Find more proverbs and apply them to your life and study.2. Write some sentences about proverbs by imitation(仿写).



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