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1、Chapter 11 Leadership11.1 Definition the ability & process to influence a group toward the achievement of goals not all leaders are managers;nor,for that matter,are all managers leaders1感谢你的观看2019年8月7Difference between management & leadershipattitudes towards goals: Managers tend to adopt impersonal

2、,leaders take a personal & active. Work view:an enabling process involving -,temperamentally disposed to seek out risk & danger. Prefer to work with people,concerned with ideasmanagement coping with complexity,leader coping with change,developing a vision of the future; most firms are underled & ove

3、rmanaged2感谢你的观看2019年8月7Transition in leadership theories What makes an effective leaderthe 1st approach sought to find universal personality traits that leaders had to some great degree than nonleadersexplain leadership in terms of the behavior a person engaged in “false starts” based on their erron

4、eous conceptionContingency models to explain the inadequacies of previous leadershipattempting to identify the set of traits that people implicitly refer to as a leader 3感谢你的观看2019年8月711. 2 Trait theories 1930s by psychologistsTheories seeking personality,social,physical, or intellectual traits diff

5、erentiating leaders from nonleadersIdentify traits consistently associated with leader: ambition & energy,the desire to lead,honesty & integrity, self-confidence, intelligence,job-related knowledgeisolating traits resulted in dead ends,4 reason: overlooks the needs of followers;fails to clarify the

6、relative importance;doesnt separate cause from effect;ignore situational factors4感谢你的观看2019年8月7Chapter 11 Leadership11.3 Behavioral theories the late 1940s-mid-1960s Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders trait research were successful,then leader is basical

7、ly inborn, would have provided a basis for selecting the right “leader” behavior theories were valid,we could teach people to be leaders,training 5感谢你的观看2019年8月71.Ohio State studies in the late 1940sIdentify independent dimensions of leader behavior. beginning with over 1000 dimensionsinitiating str

8、ucture:the extent to which a leader is likely to define & structure his role & those of subordinates in the search for goal attainment; high on it lead to greater rates of grievances, absenteeism,& turnover & lower levels of job satisfaction for workers performing routine tasks. consideration: -have

9、 job relationships characterized by mutual trust,respect for subordinates ideas,& regard for their feelings. Negatively related to performance ratings of the leader by his superior “high-high” leader tended to achieve high performance & satisfaction more frequently than those; 6感谢你的观看2019年8月72. Univ

10、ersity of Michigan studiesEmployee-oriented leader:emphasizes interpersonal relationsproduction-oriented:emphasizes technical or task aspects of the jobEmployee-oriented leaders were associated with higher group productivity & higher job satisfaction.7感谢你的观看2019年8月73.The managerial grid Blake & Mout

11、onA 9-by-9 matrix outlining 81 different stylesconcern for people, production9 possible positions along each axismanagers perform best under a 9,9 style; 9,1 authority style;1,9 country club style8感谢你的观看2019年8月74. Scandinavian studies Finland & SwedenBasic premise:in changing world,effective leaders

12、 would exhibit development-oriented behavior3rd separate dimension: values experimentation,seeking new ideas,& generating & implementing change.Went back & look at the original Ohio data, - wasnt critical in those days; positive evident in 1990s dynamic environment.9感谢你的观看2019年8月7Chapter 11 Leadersh

13、ip11.4 Contingency theories leadership effectiveness was dependent on the situation,isolate those critical situational factors-moderate variables10感谢你的观看2019年8月71.Fiedler Model least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaireIdentifying leadership style:LPC score-relationship, task oriented; 16% mid. R

14、ange 1200 groupsDefining the situation: leader-member relation:confidence,trust,respect in task structure:degree job assignments are procedurized position power:degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as-Matching leaders & situation:favorable I,II,iii,Vii,Viii; change the leader t

15、o fit the situation; change the situation to fit the leader11感谢你的观看2019年8月71.(2)Cognitive resource theory update in 1987A theory of leadership stating that a leader obtains effective group performance by,1st, making effective plans,decisions,& strategies;2nd, communicating them through directive beh

16、aviorhow stress & Cognitive resource such as intelligence, experience play a role on leadership effectiveness;3 prediction: directive behavior result in good performance only if it linked with high intelligence in a supportive, nonstressful environment; in highly stressful situations, job experience

17、 is positive related with performance; the intellectual ability correlate with performance in nonstressful situations12感谢你的观看2019年8月72.Hersey & Blanchards situational theoryA contingency theory focusing on followers readinessreadiness: the extent to which people have the ability & willingness to acc

18、omplish a specific task 4 stages R1.unable & unwilling;R2. unable but willing;R3. able but unwilling;R4. able & willingleadership behaviors: telling(high task-low relationship)- R1; selling(high-high)- R2;participating(low-high)- R3; delegating(low-low)- R4task-able;relationship-willing13感谢你的观看2019年

19、8月73.Leader-member exchange theoryLMX: leaders create in-group & out-group, & subordinate with in-group status will have higher performance ratings,less turnover,& greater satisfaction with their superiorthe leader implicitly categorizes the subordinate as an in- & out-group & that relationship is r

20、elatively stable over time; similar personal characteristicsgenerally supportive14感谢你的观看2019年8月74. Path-goal theory by Robert HouseThe term path-goal is derived from the belief that effective leaders clarify the path to help their followers get the achievement of their work goals easilythe theory th

21、at a leaders behavior is acceptable to subordinate insofar as they view it as a source of either immediate or future satisfaction4 leadership behaviors: directive leader-task;supportive-consideration;participative-consulting;achievement-oriented-set challenging goals leader behaviors is ineffective

22、when it is redundant15感谢你的观看2019年8月74. Path-goal theory2 classes of situational variables: environmental factors outside the control of ;(complement) part of the personal characteristics of the subordinate (interpretation)Directive leads to greater satisfaction for ambiguous or stressful task; when

23、there is substantive conflict within; fits one with an external locus of control; is likely to be viewed as redundant by skilled subordinates. Supportive results in high performance & satisfaction for structured tasks; fits clear,bureaucratic formal authority relationships. participative fits one wi

24、th an internal locus of control. achievement-oriented increase ones expectancies leading high performance for ambiguous task16感谢你的观看2019年8月75.Leader-participation model in 1973,by Victor Vroom & Phillip YettonA leadership theory providing a set of rules to determine the form & amount of participativ

25、e D-M situationally5 behavior feasible in given situation: Autocratic I,II (information); Consultative I,II (share problem collective); & Group QR Quality Requirement; CR Commitment R; LI Leader Information; ST Problem Structure; CP Commitment Probability;GC Goal Congruence; CO Subordinate Conflict;

26、 SI Subordinate Information; TC Time Constraint; GD Geographical Dispersion; MT Motivation-Time; MD Motivation-Development17感谢你的观看2019年8月76.Irrelevant leadershipIn many situations,whatever behaviors leaders exhibit are irrelevantcertain individual,job,& organizational variables act as substitutes or

27、 neutralizers18感谢你的观看2019年8月7Chapter 11 Leadership11.5 Recent approaches19感谢你的观看2019年8月71.Attribution theory attempting to make sense out of cause-effect relationshipPropose that leadership is merely an attribution that people make about other individualscharacterize leaders as having such traits as

28、 intelligence,outgoing personality,strong verbal skills,aggressiveness,understanding, & industriousnessuse leadership to explain organizational outcome; under the extreme conditions20感谢你的观看2019年8月72.Charismatic leadership extension of attribution theory Followers make attributions of heroic or extra

29、ordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviorsidentify personal characteristics of the charismatic leader: extremely high confidence,a vision, ability to articulate the vision, strong convictions in the vision,behavior out of ordinary,being a change agent,environmental sensitivity

30、. When the followers task has an ideological component21感谢你的观看2019年8月73. Transactional , Transformational leaderTransactional leader:guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying roles & task requirement Transformational leader:provide individualized considera

31、tion & intellectual stimulation,& who pocess charismaTransformational leader get high appraisal,strongly related to lower rates of absenteeism, high productivity, high job satisfaction22感谢你的观看2019年8月711.6 Contemporary issuesGender:do male & female lead different-similarity outweigh the differenceleading through empowerment-coachingeffective followership:self-manage;commit to a purpose outside;building competence;courageous, honesty,& crediblenational cultureBiological roots for leadership23感谢你的观看2019年8月7



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