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1、 Warmly welcome to our class ! Class 2, Grade 1 - Qin Baoyin Language points for readingKey Structures:1. .strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggle for the past five decades. ( line 3 ).解析解析非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句. . 先行词是先行词是Chinese farmers, 指指人人, , 关系关系代代词词w

2、hom 在从句中做介词宾在从句中做介词宾语语, , 介词前置介词前置, , 介词与从句动词构成搭配介词与从句动词构成搭配 struggle for sb.归纳归纳介词介词+ +关系代词关系代词介词介词+ whom(人人)介词介词+ which(物物)2. in 1973, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. (line 5).解析解析限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句。先行词是先行词是rice, 指指物物, , 关系代词关系代词 that 代替先行词代替

3、先行词 rice,在从句中作,在从句中作主语。主语。归纳归纳先行词是先行词是物,用关系代词物,用关系代词 that/which来引导定语从句来引导定语从句即学即练即学即练:1. The old people, _were very excited by our visit, told us their personal stories.(段考题段考题) 考点考点考查非限制性定语从句考查非限制性定语从句解析先行词为解析先行词为The old people, 是人,是人,用用关系代词关系代词who来引导来引导从句从句。主主语语。who2. That is one thing makes me pr

4、oud of. (改错改错) (2 2,3 3班上周的学生作文班上周的学生作文)考点考点考查限制性定语从句考查限制性定语从句解析先行词为解析先行词为one thing, 是物,是物,用用关系代关系代词词which/that来引导来引导从句从句。但作。但作主主语语不能省略,不能省略,作宾语可省略。作宾语可省略。which/that即学即练即学即练:3. The man, whom you just talked was a friend of mine.(改错改错)考点考点考查非限制性定语从句考查非限制性定语从句解析先行词为解析先行词为the man,被关系代词被关系代词whom代替在从句中作代

5、替在从句中作talk with 的宾语的宾语, , 介词介词with 可以放在关系代词之前可以放在关系代词之前, , with whomwith即学即练即学即练:4. Gun control is a subject , _Americans have argued for a long time. 考点考点考查非限制性定语从句考查非限制性定语从句解析解析先行词是先行词是a subject, 指物指物, , 关系关系代代词词在从句中做介词的宾语在从句中做介词的宾语, , 介词前置介词前置, , 介词与从介词与从句动词构成搭配句动词构成搭配argue about sth.about which即

6、学即练即学即练:5. He was educated at the local high school, after that he went on to Beijing University. (改错改错) 考点考点考查非限制性定语从句考查非限制性定语从句解析解析after which为为 “介词介词+ +关系代词关系代词”结构结构, , 引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句, , which指代整指代整个主句的内容。个主句的内容。which拓展提升拓展提升:6. She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met bef

7、ore.考点考点考查定语从句中的非限制性定语从句。考查定语从句中的非限制性定语从句。解析解析表示表示 “部分的词语部分的词语+ +of+ +关系代词关系代词” 在非限制性定语从句指人只能用在非限制性定语从句指人只能用whom。whomKey Structures:1. Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice. ( line 4 ).解析解析what 引导的引导的名词从句中的宾语从句名词从句中的宾语从句. . 归纳归纳 主语从句主语从句(subject clause)宾语从句宾语从句(object clause)表语从句表语从句(

8、predicative clause)同位语语从句同位语语从句(appositive clause) 名词从句名词从句(Noun clauses)即学即练即学即练:1. Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, “Thats where I was born.”考点考点考考查查名词性从句中的表语从句名词性从句中的表语从句解析解析本句是名词性从句中本句是名词性从句中,where引导的表语从引导的表语从句。本句中的关键词是句。本句中的关键词是the hospital,表示的是地点。表示的是地点。2. Exactly when the potato was

9、introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565.考点考点考查名词性从句中的主语从句。考查名词性从句中的主语从句。解析解析此处此处when引导主语从句并在从句中作状语。引导主语从句并在从句中作状语。3. We promise whoever attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.考点考点考查名词性从句中的宾语从句。考查名词性从句中的宾语从句。解析解析whoever 引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句,在句中作主语。

10、在句中作主语。4. Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking can lead to many diseases.考点考点考查名词性从句中的同位语从句。考查名词性从句中的同位语从句。解析解析用后面的句子来解释说明前面名词(用后面的句子来解释说明前面名词( evidence )的内容。)的内容。拓展提升拓展提升:1. The road is covered with snow. I cant understand _they insist on going by motorbike. 考点考点考查名词性从句中的宾语从句。考查名词性从

11、句中的宾语从句。解析解析根据句意。冰雪封路根据句意。冰雪封路, , 而他们还坚持而他们还坚持乘摩托车乘摩托车, , “我我”不能明白的显然是原因不能明白的显然是原因, , 因此因此用用 “why ” why2. What they have done make all of us happy. (改错改错) (2 2,3 3班上周的学生作文班上周的学生作文)考点考点考查名词性从句中的主语从句。考查名词性从句中的主语从句。解析解析由由what引导的主语从句引导的主语从句作主语作主语,谓语谓语动词用单数。动词用单数。makes3. Along with the letter was his pro

12、mise _he would visit me this coming Christmas.考点考点考查名词性从句中的同位语从句。考查名词性从句中的同位语从句。解析解析由句子结构可以看出由句子结构可以看出promise后的从句非常后的从句非常完整完整, , 不缺少任何句子成份;由题意可知该从句用以不缺少任何句子成份;由题意可知该从句用以说明说明promise的内容的内容, , 所以可判断出是一个同位语从所以可判断出是一个同位语从句句, , 故引导词要用故引导词要用that。但不作任何成分。但不作任何成分。 that4. See the flags on top of the building?

13、 That was which we did this morning.(改错改错) 考点考点考查名词性从句中的表语从句。考查名词性从句中的表语从句。解析解析由句中句子结构可知由句中句子结构可知, , 此处缺一表语从此处缺一表语从句引导词句引导词, , 而且要在句中作而且要在句中作did的宾语的宾语, , 因为因为which在名词从句中不作任何成分,在名词从句中不作任何成分,故只有故只有what符合要求。符合要求。what Key Structures: 1. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20% more o

14、f. ( line 6 ).考点考点考查形式宾语。考查形式宾语。解析解析有动词也有动词也有有adj。it 作作形式宾语,真形式宾语,真 正的宾语是正的宾语是“不定式不定式”。 归纳归纳形式宾语结构:形式宾语结构: 1). V +it + adj/n for sb to do sth 2). V +it +(adj/n)+ that/when/if .即学即练即学即练:1. Children find interesting to play computer games. (改错改错) (2,32,3班上周的学生作文班上周的学生作文)考点考点考查形式宾语。考查形式宾语。解析解析有动词也有动词也有

15、有adj。缺缺it 作作形式宾语。形式宾语。it即学即练即学即练:1. We think _ our duty to pay taxes to our government.考点考点考查形式宾语。考查形式宾语。解析解析有有动词动词也也有有n。缺缺it 作作形式宾语形式宾语. it拓展提升拓展提升:1. I hate when people talk with their mouths full. (改错改错) 2. Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. 考点考点考查形式宾语中。考查形式宾语中

16、。it 特殊用法。特殊用法。 解析解析英语中英语中like, love, hate等等动词后面不能直动词后面不能直接带宾语从句接带宾语从句, , 通常在这些动词后面加通常在这些动词后面加it, , 然后带相应然后带相应的从句。的从句。it没有具体所指,但是也没有具体所指,但是也不能省略不能省略。 it itKey Structures: 1. Now more than 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain. ( line 7 )考点考点考查过去分词考查过去分词短语短语作后置定语。作后置定语

17、。解析解析用过去分词短语在句中做后置定语用过去分词短语在句中做后置定语饰饰其前面的其前面的the rice,相当于一个定语从,相当于一个定语从即:即:which/that is produced in。即学即练即学即练:1. There have been several new events_ (add) to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.考点考点考查考查的是的是过去过去分词短语做分词短语做后置后置定语的用法。定语的用法。解析解析add与与new events之间为动宾关系之间为动宾关系, , 故用故用过去分词短语在句中做过去

18、分词短语在句中做后置后置定语来修饰定语来修饰events。相相当于一个定语从句当于一个定语从句:which/that are added to.。added即学即练即学即练:2. So far nobody has claimed the money discovering in the library. (改错改错) 考点考点考查考查的是非谓语动词中的是非谓语动词中的过去的过去分词做分词做后置后置定语的用法。定语的用法。解析解析该空在句中作后置定语修饰该空在句中作后置定语修饰the money, , 根据根据the money与与discover的被动关系的被动关系, ,用过去分用过去分词短

19、语在句中做词短语在句中做后置后置定语来修饰定语来修饰the money , ,相当于相当于一个定语从句一个定语从句; ; which/that is discovered in 。discoveredKey Phrases:1. “.的其中的其中/当中一个当中一个” one of + n (pl) 1). He is one of the best students in our class. 2). One of the best students in our class is coming to see me next week.拓展拓展:1. Charles Darwin is con

20、sidered one of the greatest biologist. (改错改错) (段考题段考题)2. He is the only one of the boys who_ willing to do the work. 3. He is one of the boys who_ willing to do the work. biologistsisare考点考点考查考查定语从句中主语一致问题。定语从句中主语一致问题。解析解析在在“one of + +复数名词复数名词+ +定语从句定语从句”的的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用复数复数;在;在“the

21、(only) one of + +复数名词复数名词+ +定语从句定语从句”的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用单数单数。2. “把把.当作看当作看; ;把把.看成看成.” consider. (as).=consider. (to be) +n/adj. = regard. as. = treat. as. = think. as.=look on . as. 拓展拓展:consider to do sth“认为认为.; .; 以为以为.” doing sth“考虑做考虑做.;想做;想做.”即学即练即学即练:1. They are considering _ (go

22、) to Nanning for the Spring Festival. 2. He always considers himself _excellent student in his class.going an3. “在过去的五十年在过去的五十年” for the past five decades.1). .strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades. ( line 3 ).2). Over the

23、 past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming.(p14. line 1)3). With the help of high technology, more and more new substances have been discovered in the past few years.4). The country life he was used to has changed greatly since 2014.总结归类:总结归类:1).现在完成时现在完成时 + ove

24、r/in/for the past /last + time 2).现在完成时现在完成时 + recently / lately / since/since then Key Structures:1. Born in 1930, Yuan Longping graduated form Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.05湖南_inawhiteuniform,helooksmorelikeacookthanadoctor.A.DressedB.TodressC.DressingD.Havingdressed答案A考点考查非谓语动词。解析本题考查非


26、态。1. Finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.1. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.即学即练即学即练:1. My mother took me _ (see) the doctor.(段考题段考题) 2. Some audience were watching the president _(give) a speech on TV.3. They walked out angrily,_ (lea

27、ve) the food unfinished.to seegiveleaving4. More importantly, his story encouraged a lot of people _ (take) a positive attitude towards life.5. (know)_ the foreign language is very important for everyone who wants to go abroad for further study.to takeknowing即学即练即学即练:1. Only in this way I do a bette

28、r job in my study in high spirits.(改错)(改错)2. Not until I came home last night Mum go to bed.(改错)(改错)3. Only when you can find peace in your heart you keep good relationships with others.改错)改错)can/willdidcan/will即学即练即学即练:1. _(Do) exercise is good for your health.2. Take exercise makes me even more he

29、althier so that I wont be ill very often. (改错改错)DoingTakingKey Phrases:1. Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming.观察与发现观察与发现 (2014四川卷)4. I now, we have raised 50.000 pounds for the poor children. _ is quite unexpected.A. that B. which C. who D. it观察与归

30、纳观察与归纳:1. -Tony , why are your eyes red ? -I _(cut) up peppers for the last five minutes . (20142014江西卷江西卷, 24 , 24 )2. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances_ (discover) in the past years.3. Tom _ (work) in the library every night over the last three months. (2012(2012北京卷北京卷

31、,23),23)have been cuttinghave been discoveredhas worked即学即练即学即练:4. The country life he was used to change greatly since 2014.(改错改错)5. Up to now, the program saves thousands of children who would otherwise have died. .(改错改错) has changedhas saved总结归类:总结归类:1). over/in/for the past / last + time + 现在完成时

32、现在完成时2). recently / lately / since then + 现在完成时现在完成时即学即练即学即练:1. “You cant catch me!” Janet shouted, _(run) away.2. When_ (offer) help, one often says “Thank you. ” or “ It s kind of you. ” runningoffered3. _(separate) from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals

33、not found in any other country in the world. 4. There have been several new events_ (add) to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Having been separatedaddedKey Structures:1. Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her in

34、to medical school.动名词短语作主语动名词短语作主语不带不带“to”的的不定式作宾补不定式作宾补宾语从句宾语从句定语从句定语从句2. What made her succeed later on was the kindness and considerationshe showed to her patients.What 引导的主语从句作主语引导的主语从句作主语定语从句定语从句即学即练即学即练:1. The boy was made _ (clean) the widows as a punishment.2. What I want most _(be) money.to

35、 clean is(2014四川卷)4. I now, we have raised 50.000 pounds for the poor children. _ is quite unexpected.A. that B. which C. who D. itKey Structures:.Mr Adams, if youd mind us asking a few questions.动名词的复合结构:动名词的复合结构: “adj性物主代词性物主代词/ /名词的所有格名词的所有格+ + 动名词动名词”注意:注意:在口语中,动名词的复合结构作宾语时,在口语中,动名词的复合结构作宾语时,可用可

36、用名词的普通格,或代词的宾格名词的普通格,或代词的宾格;但在句首;但在句首作主语,则不行。作主语,则不行。【直通高考直通高考】 I can hardly imagine Peter_ (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days.sailingKey Structures:The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which account for my appearance.【拓展拓展】 表示表示“许多,大量许多,大量”的其他结构的其他结构 1) a large amount of amounts of a great/good deal of 2) many a/an a good /great many a good/large number of+un.+cn.



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