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1、课 题 Unit 7 What are the twelve animals? Lesson 24 课 时 第 2 课时 教学目标 通过对话的学习 1. 理解对话内容, 了解 Yangyang 所表述的十二生肖的来源, 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话; 2. 能认读和运用本课说学单词choose、decide、start 描述十二生肖顺序。 3. 了解十二生肖的故事,能主动谈论和传播生肖文化。 情感目标 鼓励学生多了解中国文化元素。 课前准备 课本、ppt 教学重难点 教学重点: 1. 学习询问 12 生肖的顺序,以及询问某事物的顺序及其简单应答 Which animal was the fi

2、rst of the twelve? It was the rat. 2. 认读和运用单词 order, choose, decide, start描述 12 生肖顺序的故事。 3. 学习对话,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 教学难点: 1. 运用 Which is/ was the first of 询问某事的顺序及其简单应答it is/ was叙述 12 生肖的传说故事。 教 学 过 程 复 备 (一)课前预习,质疑启思 学生小组内交流自己所搜集到的关于十二生肖来历的故事 【目的意图:通过学生小组内交流,为对话的学习、理解奠定基础,便于学生理解对话内容】 (二)热身复习,巩固基础(约 5

3、 分钟) T: What else do you want to know about the birth-year animals? Ss: Try to say T: Try to fill in the blanks rat tiger dragon sheep rooster 【目的意图:做教学前的前测,了解学生的兴趣点,并引出对话内容】 (三)、创设情境、自探静思 T: You want to something about Chinese birth-year animals, how about Sara, what does she want to know? Lets gue

4、ss. Ss: Try to guess. 破疑解惑、交流导思 1. 新授课 1).To learn the dialogue T: Now, lets listen what Sara wants to know. Ss: Read the dialogue silently and underline what does Sara want to know about Chinese birth-year animals? T: Read the dialogue in pairs and show it 2).To read the dialogue 2 小组活动,合作辩思。 T: Th

5、ere are some questions, work it in groups. 1) Who was Jade Emperor? 2) What did Jade Emperor do? 3) Why did Jad Emperor hold a swimming race? Ss: Think it over in group. Ss: Try to say. 【目的意图:小组活动,练习回答问题,帮助学生理解 Yangyang 所描述的关于十二生肖来历的故事。 】 2.积极评价、训练深思 T:Lets listen, look and learn. Try to divide the words in groups September, spring, Sunday, rat, January, math, rooster, English, MondOctober, Saturday, summer, Chinese, month day Birth-year animal season Which is the first of the Ss: work in groups 训练提升、延展拓思 1.学习小结。 2.当堂测试。 完成 Listen and match 3.布置作业: 1) 读熟对话 2)读一读有关十二生肖来历的故事 板书设计 课后反思



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