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1、牛津高中英语模块七牛津高中英语模块七 Unit 1 Living with technology1.keep in touch with 与与.保持联系保持联系With mobile phones, we can keep in touch with others wherever you are. get in touch withstay in touch with lose touch with be out of touch with与与.取得取得联系联系与与.保持保持联系联系与与.失去失去联系联系与与.没有没有联系联系2.evolution 演变,发展,进化 The evolutio

2、n of video and sound devices is introduced in this chapter. The Theory of Evolution进化论evolve v.The three species evolved from a single ancestor. 3. construct vt. 制造,修筑,建造制造,修筑,建造Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries? construction n. 建造,建设,建筑物建造,建设,建筑物The new schoo

3、l is still under construction.constructive adj. 建设性的,积极的建设性的,积极的He put forward a constructive suggestion.The government is encouraging all parties to play a constructive role in the reform process.4. delayvt &vi (使)推迟,延迟使)推迟,延迟 n. 延误,延迟延误,延迟立即,毫不延迟地立即,毫不延迟地delay doing sth推迟做某事推迟做某事without delayGener

4、ally speaking, big companies dont delay paying their bills.My doctor advised me to give up smoking without delay.5. accessibleadj. 可使用的可使用的,可接触到的可接触到的,可到达的可到达的,易理解的易理解的They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities.be accessible to sb. n.accessaccessn.(接触或使用的)权利,机会,通道接触或使用的)权利,

5、机会,通道have/get access to 使用,接近,可以利用使用,接近,可以利用give access to.准许进入准许进入Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.The website also gives access to a large number of tools that can be used to analyze the data.distribute sth to. 把把分配给分配给.distribute sth among 把把在在中分发中分发6. distributevt.使分布,

6、分散,分发,分配,分销使分布,分散,分发,分配,分销This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country.They will distribute the books to the students in the flooded area. distribution n. 分发,分配,分布分发,分配,分布The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.He was in charge of the distribution of food

7、and medicine to the flood victims.percentage7.percentage n. percent百分率,百分比百分率,百分比不受数字修饰,不指不受数字修饰,不指具体的百分比,具体的百分比,通常和一个具体数字通常和一个具体数字连用,指具体的百分连用,指具体的百分比。比。 Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made. The percentage of school leavers that go to university is about five perce

8、nt.8. wind vt.&vi 上发条,缠绕,蜿蜒,曲折上发条,缠绕,蜿蜒,曲折上发条,摇动,转动,以上发条,摇动,转动,以.告终告终,The first record players had to be wound up by hand and only played records that were two minutes long.wind upwind down逐渐变慢,逐渐平静,逐渐变慢,逐渐平静,摇下(车窗玻璃等)摇下(车窗玻璃等)The government is winding down its nuclear program.Can I wind my window d

9、own? wind-wound-wound(缠绕)缠绕) wound-wounded-wounded(受伤)(受伤)9. component n. the components of a machinethe car component industry Trust is a vital component in any pose vTen men composed the committee.Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.be made up of=be composed of The committee is c

10、omposed mainly of lawyers.10. patent to apply for a patent on an inventionThe device was protected by patent.11.sceptical/skepticalI am sceptical about his chances of winning.The public remain sceptical of these claims.12.ample adj 足够的,充足的,丰裕的足够的,充足的,丰裕的There was ample time to get to the airport.Amp

11、le free parking is available.13. vote vi&vt 投票,选举,表决投票,选举,表决 n. 选票,选举,表决选票,选举,表决Well listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it.Did you vote for or against her?Parliament voted to set up an independent inquiry into the matter.14. rejectvt.拒绝拒绝接受接受,拒收,不予考虑,不予录用,拒收,不予考虑,不予录用reject an id

12、ea/ an offer/ a suggestionThe proposal was firmly rejected.Please reject the following candidates.Please reject the following candidates.The transplant was rejected by the surrounding tissue. 区别:区别: reject/refuse/decline/denyreject 强调拒不接受或不考虑没有价值或不合标准的意见,计划,强调拒不接受或不考虑没有价值或不合标准的意见,计划,请求等。其后请求等。其后跟名词或

13、代词,但不能跟不定式。跟名词或代词,但不能跟不定式。refuse 表示坚决甚至无礼貌的拒绝接受某物或做某事。此外,做表示坚决甚至无礼貌的拒绝接受某物或做某事。此外,做及物动词时,可表示拒绝给予,及物动词时,可表示拒绝给予,后可跟不定式后可跟不定式decline 指指有礼貌地拒绝或婉言谢绝邀请有礼貌地拒绝或婉言谢绝邀请,建议,帮助等。其后可,建议,帮助等。其后可跟跟名词,代词或是不定式名词,代词或是不定式deny 否认,拒绝承认或相信某个事实,否认,拒绝承认或相信某个事实,其后跟名词,代词或动名其后跟名词,代词或动名词词15. oppose vt.反对,抵制,阻挠,与反对,抵制,阻挠,与.竞争竞

14、争Father does not oppose the idea at all.I opposed going shopping in working time.be opposed to 反对反对Our members are definitely opposed to the idea of moving abroad.as opposed to(表对比表对比) 而,相对于而,相对于This exercise develops skills as opposed to strength.opponent 对手,竞争者对手,竞争者a political opponent opposite a

15、dj . 相反的,对面的,对立的相反的,对面的,对立的 n . 对立面,反义词对立面,反义词 Prep. 在在.的对面的对面He is considerate;his wife is just the opposite.opposition n. 反对,对抗反对,对抗in opposition to sth. 反对某事反对某事We found ourselves in opposition to our friends on this issue.16.circumstance n.条件,环境,状况条件,环境,状况 (常用复数形式)(常用复数形式)In /under . circumstanc

16、es 在在.情况下情况下In /under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不在任何情况下都不Under no circumstances shall we give up our hope.17.sacrifice vt 牺牲,献出牺牲,献出 n. 牺牲,舍弃,祭品牺牲,舍弃,祭品sacrifice.for . 为为.牺牲牺牲.sacrifice.to do sth 牺牲牺牲.做某事做某事make sacrifices 做出牺牲做出牺牲at the sacrifice of 以牺牲以牺牲.为代价为代价You dont have to promote economic grow

17、th at the sacrifice of environmental protection. 18. rid vt.摆脱,去除,丢弃摆脱,去除,丢弃Further measures are taken to rid our streets of crime.He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret.rid .of. 使使.摆脱摆脱.,使使.免除免除.get rid of 摆脱,除掉摆脱,除掉I cant get rid of this headache.Try to get rid of your visitors befor

18、e I arrive.1. 我们已有数年未与我们已有数年未与Rogers联系了。联系了。We _ with Rogers for years.2. 尽快与他取得联系。尽快与他取得联系。_ him soon, please.用用touch的适当形式完成句子:的适当形式完成句子:have been out of touchGet in touch with1. 我们决定把假期推迟到下个月。我们决定把假期推迟到下个月。We decided to _ our holiday until next month.2. 我们必须马上离开。我们必须马上离开。We must leave _.3. 飞机起飞推迟了

19、两个小时。飞机起飞推迟了两个小时。There was _ two hours before the plane took off.用用delay的适当形式完成句子:的适当形式完成句子:delay (going on)without delaya delay of1. 这种信息不是很容易得到的。这种信息不是很容易得到的。Such information is not really _.2. 你很容易接近她。你很容易接近她。You can easily get _ her.用用accessible的适当形式完成句子:的适当形式完成句子:accessibleaccess to1. 在战争中,所有的食

20、品都按计划分配。在战争中,所有的食品都按计划分配。During the war, all foods _ in a planned way.2. 这种海豚广泛分布在世界各地。这种海豚广泛分布在世界各地。This species of dolphin _ the world.用用distribute的适当形式完成句子:的适当形式完成句子:were distributedis widely distributed throughout1. Thirty _ of the farmland has been planted to oil crops.2. A high _ of the female

21、 staff are part-time workers.用用percent和和percentage填空:填空:percentpercentage1. 所有窗的玻璃都摇上了吗?所有窗的玻璃都摇上了吗?_ all the windows _?2. 如果大家都同意,我们就结束讨论吧。如果大家都同意,我们就结束讨论吧。If we all agree, lets _ the _ her.用用wind的适当形式完成句子:的适当形式完成句子:Are wound up wind up discussion1. 显而易见,手机当下十分流行。显而易见,手机当下十分流行。_ mobile phones are q

22、uite popular nowadays.2. 很明显,这位年轻人缺乏工作经验。很明显,这位年轻人缺乏工作经验。It is obvious that the young man is _ working experience.完成句子:完成句子:It is obvious/ clear thatlacking in /short of1. 我们将听取双方的辩论,然后投票表决。我们将听取双方的辩论,然后投票表决。Well listen to the arguments on both sides and then _ it.完成句子:完成句子:vote on1. 我反对你单独去那儿。我反对你单

23、独去那儿。I _ there alone.2. 爱与恨是相对立的。爱与恨是相对立的。Love _ hate.完成句子:完成句子:oppose you/ your goingis opposed to1. I tried various ways to _ (驱除厨房中的苍蝇驱除厨房中的苍蝇).2. 现在我已经还清债务了。现在我已经还清债务了。I _ debt now.完成句子:完成句子:rid the kitchen of fliesam rid of1. Please telephone me every few days, and in that way we can _ each oth

24、er.A. make friends with B. keep in touch withC. get in touch with D. lose touch with2. Before liberation the laboring people had no _ to education.A. access B. approachC. entrance D. admission单项选择:单项选择:3. Because of the financial crisis this year, the company decided not to _ dividends (红利红利) to its

25、 shareholders.A. vary B. disturbC. distribute D. contribute4. _ is the percentage of the population who own their own homes?A. How B. WhatC. How much D. How many单项选择:单项选择:5. They delayed _ the sports meeting.A. to hold B. to haveC. holding D. taking place6. The river _ its way between the two mountains.A. follows B. windsC. flows D. gets单项选择:单项选择:



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