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1、专八作文讲座专八作文讲座20101一一 考试大纲(新变化)考试大纲(新变化)时间:45分钟。字数:400单词。第一部分:考试概述第一部分:考试概述2二二 作文评分作文评分1.评分标准:评分标准:内容内容(content)结构结构(organization)语言语言(language)2.评分方法:整体评分法评分方法:整体评分法(global scoring)。3三命题分析命题分析1. 命题组成命题组成提供文章相关的背景和提示,给出题目或要求学生根据相关的背景和提示自拟题目对文章结构提出要求,包括在引言部分点题,在正文部分用相关细节论述,在结尾部分做自然概括。说明评分标准.42009年写作真题:

2、年写作真题:Are dialects just as acceptable in public places?Instruction:Mandarin, or putonghua, is the standard service sector language in China. However lately some employees of a metropolis subway company start using dialects to cater to the requirements of people from different areas in order to rende

3、r better service. Opponents sees the countering effects of such movement to the national policy of promoting mandarin across China. Write in 400 words your opinion and support your argument and bring your essay to a natural conclusion. 52008年写作真题年写作真题Inafewmonthstimeyouaregoingtograduatefromuniversi

4、ty.Howdoyouthinkyourcollegeyearshavepreparedyouforyourfuturelife?Writeanessayofabout400wordsonthefollowingtopic:What I have learned from years at universityInthefirstpartofyouressayyoushouldstateclearlyyourmainargument,andinthesecondpartyoushouldsupportyourargumentwithappropriatedetails.Inthelastpar

5、tyoushouldbringwhatyouhavewrittentoanaturalconclusionormakeasummary.Marks will be awarded for content, organizations, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.62007年写作真题年写作真题Somepeoplethinkthatfinancialdisparityaffectsfriendship.Whatdoyouthi

6、nk?Writeanessayofabout400words.Inthefirstpartofyouressayyoushouldstateclearlyyourmainargument,andinthesecondpartyoushouldsupportyouropinionwithappropriatedetails.Inthelastpartyoushouldbringwhatyouhavewrittentoanaturalconclusionorasummary.You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.Markswil

7、lbeawardedforcontent,organizations,grammarandappropriateness.Failuretofollowtheaboveinstructionsmayresultinalossofmarks.7Part VI Writing (45 MIN) Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer, once said, “We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide (so) that what makes us significa

8、nt is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambit

9、ion is about.” Do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: Ambition In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your opinion in response to Epsteins view, and in the second part you should support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part

10、 you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organizations, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.2006年写作试题年写作试题82.命题范围命题范围1)论说文结构,即

11、说明文和议论文论说文结构,即说明文和议论文(expository writing and argumentation)。2)应与学生的知识结构相适应应与学生的知识结构相适应. 2009年:年:Are dialects just as acceptable in public places? 2008年:年:What I have learned from years at university2007年:自拟,谈谈贫富差距是否影响友谊年:自拟,谈谈贫富差距是否影响友谊. 2006年:年:On Ambition2005年:自拟,谈谈你对面试的看法。年:自拟,谈谈你对面试的看法。2004年:年:S

12、hould University Students Go in for Business?2003年:自拟,与以前时代的人相比,讨论当今中国的年轻人是否更年:自拟,与以前时代的人相比,讨论当今中国的年轻人是否更以自我为中心,缺乏同情心。以自我为中心,缺乏同情心。2002年:年:The Most Important Personality of a University Student2001年:补充题目年:补充题目The Impact of the Internet on_ .2000年:年:Education as a Lifelong Process1999年:年:Competition

13、or Cooperation1998年:年:One Major Problem in the Process of Urbanization1997年:年:Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Harvesting the Rewards1996年:年:In Support of Dormitory Policy9 命题范围命题范围社会热点问题社会热点问题包括就业、环境、能源、媒体、交通、婚姻、伪劣商品、包括就业、环境、能源、媒体、交通、婚姻、伪劣商品、犯罪等。犯罪等。学校生活学校生活学习方法、课堂活动、体育、人际关系、讲座、军训等。学习方法、课堂活动、

14、体育、人际关系、讲座、军训等。科技科技电脑、克隆、空间科学、交通工具、海洋资源、能源利用电脑、克隆、空间科学、交通工具、海洋资源、能源利用等。等。个人兴趣个人兴趣业余爱好、生活方式、时尚、旅行等。业余爱好、生活方式、时尚、旅行等。青少年问题青少年问题代沟、吸烟、理想、职业、减负等。代沟、吸烟、理想、职业、减负等。10第二部分第二部分 专八作文应试秘笈专八作文应试秘笈一一.高效审题高效审题二、整理思路,写出论点句或主旨句二、整理思路,写出论点句或主旨句 (a thesis statement)论点句论点句=文章要讨论的主题文章要讨论的主题+作者对主题的态度或看法作者对主题的态度或看法1.Watc

15、hing TV has become the best alternative course for childrens education.2.In American today, it seems as if people dont care about honest and lawful behavior any more. 3.Not jut empty stories, fairy tales shed light on the psychology of young children.4.But whatever the advantages of the package tour

16、, I like traveling alone with the family or friends.5.But I argue that euthanasia, even if voluntary, should not be legalized.11一个好的论点句不仅要表达作者的态度,还需要一个好的论点句不仅要表达作者的态度,还需要根据要求对题目的范围进行控制和确定。根据要求对题目的范围进行控制和确定。 Whatever pressures, academic or professional, experienced by students, cheating on the exam i

17、s not allowed. Academic and professional pressures make it understandable that cheating on the exam is widespread on the campus today. (sympathetic) Cheating on the exam is popular on the campus today because of academic and professional pressures. (mutual attitude)12三、列好作文提纲三、列好作文提纲lTopic outlineTi

18、tle:TheAdvantagesofTakingaPart-timeJob1. Introduction:Therearemanyadvantagesoftakingapart-timejobforcollegestudents.(Thesisstatement)II. Theadvantagesoftakingapart-timejobA.BeingeconomicallyindependentB.HavingmoresocialexperienceC.BeinghelpfultotheiracademicstudiesIII. Conclusion:Beingbeneficialtoth

19、ecollegestudents13lSentence OutlineTitle: The Advantages of Taking a Part-time Job 1. Introduction: There are many advantages of taking a part-time job for college students. (Thesis statement)II. Taking a part-time job can do college students a lot good.A. College students can be economically indepe

20、ndent by taking a part-time job.B. College students can gain more social experience by taking a part-time job.C. College students can improve their academic studies by taking a part-time job.III. Conclusion: Taking a part-time job is beneficial to the college students14la rough outline (简易提纲)(简易提纲)E

21、xample: Thesis statement: Going to college is expensive.Tuition and other fees Books and suppliesTransportation costs15四、写好引言段四、写好引言段1.故事法故事法Last Sunday, I went to our teachers department at 10 oclock in the evening. I was so amazing when I found her six-year-old daughter still doing her homework. S

22、he was so sleepy that she couldnt open her eyes. In spite of that, she didnt dare to sleep for she would be punished by the teacher if she didnt finish her homework. Looking at her, dont you think it is of great necessity for the school to reduce homework? (Should Schoolchildrens Homework be Reduced

23、?)162.惊语法惊语法Each year thousands upon thousands of graduates flood the job market, waving their college diplomas and certificates, expecting better jobs in their majors, only to be frustrated and disappointed Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?173。引语法。引语法“A


25、andhisdestiny;andambitiondecidesonesdestiny.184问题法问题法WhyhaveIchosentoattendcollege?Isthefour-yearacademiclifeworthwhile?Afterponderingthesequestionsonmanyoccasions,IhavefinallyreachedtheconclusionthatcollegeeducationissomethingItrulywanttodoanditisworthwhile.195 数据法数据法AccordingtoarecentsurveybyChina



28、文部分The body1。写好正文各个段落的主题句2充分的展开段落。展开方式:举例法、分类法、比较对照法、因果法、定义法。段落的组织方式:emphaticorder(orderofsignificance)重要性递增法3注意段落之间及句子之间的衔接。23TransitionalExpressionsTo show addition:again, and, also, besides, equally important, first (second, etc.), further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last but n

29、ot leastTo give examples: for example, for instance, in fact, specifically, that is, to illustrate, as an illustration, in other words, such as, namely moreover, next, too , more importantly, 24TransitionalExpressionsTo compare:also,inthesamemanner,likewise,similarlyTo contrast:although,andyet,atthe

30、sametime,but,despite,eventhough,however,incontrast,inspiteof,nevertheless,onthecontrary,ontheotherhand,still,though,yet25TransitionalExpressionsTo summarize or conclude:allinall,inconclusion,inotherwords,inshort,insummary,onthewhole,thatis,therefore,tosumupTo show time:after,afterward,as,aslongas,as

31、soonas,atlast,before,during,earlier,finally,formerly,immediately,later,meanwhile,next,since,shortly,subsequently,then,thereafter,until,when,while26TransitionalExpressionsTo show place or direction:above,below,beyond,close,elsewhere,fartheron,here,nearby,opposite,totheleft(north,etc.)To indicate logi

32、cal relationship (to show cause and effect):accordingly,asaresult,because,consequently,forthisreason,hence,if,otherwise,since,so,then,therefore,thus27六六写好结尾部分写好结尾部分结尾部分应该写得简洁明确、发人深省,突出强调文章的主旨。避免在结尾部分提出新的未加说明或论证的主题281复述式However,inmyopinion,Iwouldratherplaceconfidenceinthefirstplace.Butwhy?Tosumup,Iwa

33、nttosay,beingconfidentisnotaclichbutanongoingtaskforeverypotentialwinner.(2002The Most Important Personal Quality of a University student)29(2003)Love, and Then Be LovedWiththedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology,remarkablechangeshavetakenplaceinourlife.Somechangesaregoodwhileothersarenot.Oneoftheseunw




37、behealthilybroughtup.(提出建议)(The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Tutoring)324警示式If we dont ease our school childrens burden now, just imagine what would become of our children in a few years: their eyes short-sighted, their backs hunched, they are nothing but book worms (指出后果指出后果)。Therefore,

38、easing our childrens burden is not only a necessity, but a must. (Ease Burden of Our School Children)33Some problems in writing a conclusion1) Shout empty slogansDoitnow!Noelectricity,nopower,noworld,nofuture,nohumanbeings!2) Show ones determinationImdeterminedtoovercomeanydifficultiesandstudyEnglis

39、hbetterinthefuture!Imustdomybesttomakeourcitygreener!) Give a simple summarySo,Ithinkthatmakingourcitygreenerisveryimportant.Therefore,noelectricityshouldbewasted.34 七:用地道语言写地道作文七:用地道语言写地道作文1)选择词化度高的表达方式)选择词化度高的表达方式词化是指一个短语或句子在使用过程中逐渐凝固成一个词或词项,如“enjoy”一词,所表达的意义是“享受的乐趣”。这种用一个词表达一个短语的含义的表达法叫做综合型表达法,相反




43、gealonewontbringpeoplegoodresults.变人称主语句为非人称主语句的策略通常有以下几种:变人称主语句为非人称主语句的策略通常有以下几种:(1)选用无生命事物做主语。例如:The forty years,1840-80,broughtalmosttenmillionmigrantstoAmerica.The thick carpetkilledthesoundofmyfootsteps.Beijinghaswitnessedmanygreathistoricalevents.37(2)用“it”做形式主语Itisnotourviewthatthesubstanceor

44、thetoneofhisremarksthismorningwillcontributetocreatingalastingpeaceintheMiddleEast.(3)使用被动语态Notonlypolitenessbutanattitudeofreverenceisdemanded inchurch.Careshould be taken toseethattheletterisproperlyaddressed.(4)用名词化做主语Thedoctorsextremelyquick arrivalanduncommonlycarefulexamination ofthepatientbro


46、ationandcompetenceoftheconstructionworkers.39(1)Ineconomicdevelopment,wemustcontrolourpopulation,conserveournaturalresourcesandprotectourenvironment.改进:Greatimportancemustbeattachedtopopulation control,the conservation of resources and environmental protectionineconomicgrowth.(2)Ifwedontrecognizethe


48、traitsshallnotbean obstacle to our contact and cooperation.404)使用突显顺序(salientorder)组织语句英汉两种语言在信息编排顺序上存在较明显的差异,一般来讲,英语的信息排列是从未知到已知,从重要到次要。而汉语则是从已知到末知,从次要到重要。英语在叙事与表态的关系上是先表态后叙事,在分析与结论的关系上是先结论后分析,在推论与假设的关系上是先假设后推论,在原因与结果的关系上是先结果后原因。也就是说,说话人在说话前先把要表达的信息组织一下,一般强调什么,就先说出,即把最重要的事,如态度、观点、结论放在句首先说出,开门见山,一语道

49、破。然后再把理由、事实、条件、原因、例证等一步步交代,一条条补述,形成一条头短尾长的线性链。而汉语则相反,其线性序列的展开好比是画龙点睛,先把外围的环境与衬托,如条件、实事、道理一一交待周到,最后点出话语的信息中心,下结论,表态度。水到渠成,给人以“豁然开朗”的感觉(蔡基刚,424) 41(1)Inthefactory,allpeoplefromthecadrestotheworkersarepassionatelydedicatedtotheirwork.Thismadeadeepimpressiononme.改进:Iwasdeeplyimpressedbythepassionatededi


51、ofthreeorfourgenerationsliveunderthesameroof,theyareastonished.改进:TheyareastonishedtohearinChina,throughoutmostofitshistory,extendedfamiliesofthreeorfourgenerationsliveunderthesameroof.42八八 检查检查检查标题。检查标题。()所有字母全部大写,如:()所有字母全部大写,如:COMPETITION OR CO-OPERATION()标题第一个单词的首字母需大写,其后的单()标题第一个单词的首字母需大写,其后的单词

52、实词大写,虚词不大写,如:词实词大写,虚词不大写,如:In Support of Dormitory Policy检查检查introduction有没有有没有Thesis Statement; Body 中的每一个段是否有中的每一个段是否有Topic Sentence; 文章是否统一、连贯。文章是否统一、连贯。检查单词拼写、固定搭配、句型等。检查单词拼写、固定搭配、句型等。43常见的语法错误:1. Comma splices 误用逗号连接句。误用逗号连接句。Mario told everyone in the room to be quiet, his favorite show was on

53、. 1) 分句各自独立成句,变成两个简单句分句各自独立成句,变成两个简单句Mario told everyone in the room. His favorite show was on. 2)用逗号加并列连词连接,变成一个并列句。用逗号加并列连词连接,变成一个并列句。(fan boys: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) I turned to the want ads, but I knew my dream job wouldnt be listed.Linda was very sleepy, for she stayed awake last nig

54、ht.The canoe touched bottom, so Dave pushed it toward deeper water.443)用分号或加连接副词变成并列句。用分号或加连接副词变成并列句。Semicolon alone:Mariotoldeveryoneintheroomtobequiet;hisfavoriteshowwason.Semicolon with a connective adverb: Mariosfavoriteshowwason;therefore,hetoldeveryoneintheroomtobequiet.A list of common connec

55、tive adverbs: however;nevertheless;ontheotherhand;instead;meanwhile;otherwise;indeed;inaddition;also;moreover;furthermore;asaresult;thus;consequently;therefore;accordingly.454)变成从句Mario told everyone in the room to be quiet because his favorite show was on.2.Run-onsentencesMario told everyone in the

56、 room to be quiet his favorite show was on.463.DanglingModifiersWhilereadingthenewspaper,mydogsatwithmeonthefrontsteps.Afterfinishinghisspeech,theaudiencewasinvitedtoaskquestionsTodowellinsports,atrainingschedulemustbefollowed.Standingbythewindow,theparkoppositeourhouseisinfullview.Fromattendingclas




60、andIshowedtheguardafakeID.Thesalesclerkwasneitherpolitenordidsheworkefficiently.506.Fragment Iwontleavethehouse.UntilIhearfromyou.BecauseIamexhausted.Ihurriedbackhome.Charlesmakesyousmile.Whenyouaresad.Heboughtausedcar.Inspiteofmywarning.Wesatbacktowatchthemovie.Notexpectinganythingspecial.Tooursurp


62、rexample,seeingthenewmoviesfirst.Electronicdeviceskeepgettingsmaller.Suchasvideocamerasandcellphones.Somearesotinytheylookliketoys.Alicelovedgettingweddingpresents.Buthatedwritingthank-younotes.527)Subject-Verb agreement Theteacher,accompaniedbyherstudents,attendtheconference.EitherthePresidentorthe


64、udylearnasmuchknowledgeaspossiblesothatwecanbefullypreparedforthefuture.Knowingpotentialeffectofeatingfatmeat,peoplenowchoosetoeatthinmeat.Thelevelofpeopleslifehavebeenrapidlyimproved.54第三部分:专八作文体裁分析第三部分:专八作文体裁分析一一 比较性说明文比较性说明文(Comparison-and-Contrast essay)1.整体比(blockpattern):先叙述事物A的全部特点A1A2A3,然后再叙

65、述事物B的特点B1B2B32.交叉比(point-by-pointpattern)如 : Explain what you feel are the maindifferences between high school andcollege.55BlockPatternIntroduction:ThesisStatementIhaveattendedbothhighschoolandcollege,andfeelqualifiedtopointoutthemajordifferencesbetweenthem.BodySubjectOnehighschoolrulesandregulatio


67、eenthem.BodyPointOnerulesandregulationsHighschoolCollegePointTwoscheduleandcourseselectionhighschoolcollegePointThreeteachingtechniqueshighschoolcollegeConclusion57Love,andThenBeLovedWith the development of science and technology, remarkable changes have taken place in our life. Some changes are goo

68、d while others are not. One of these unwelcome changes is that individualism has come to be accepted among young people. Young people today are in general more self-centered and unsympathetic than older generations although many young people dont see this way. To start with, most, if not all, young

69、people today are self-centered and indifferent to others. It is a common scene in students dormitories. Some student cheerfully talks to his friend on the phone at midnight or at noon when his roommates are trying hard to sleep. In order to live more comfortably and conveniently, some students rent

70、houses outside campus or buy mobile phones little realizing how hard their parents may be working to support their higher education. In contrast to that, the older generation is self-sacrificed. A suitable case in point is my mother. My mother passed away several years ago. Like her generation, she

71、had a congenial relationship with the elderly and all her neighbors because of her considerateness.Another notable characteristic of todays young people is that they are unsympathetic to others. In public buses, there are usually some seats intended for the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled and

72、the pregnant. But many young people simply take these seats when its possible while an elderly man is standing pitifully beside them. Some of them even show no regards for their parents. In sharp contrast, our caring parents always pay attention to our needs and those of others. My parents used to t

73、ell me that self-sacrifice is a blessing in disguise and one will be loved only if he loves others. Thats way I draw such a conclusion that young people today are more self-centered and unsympathetic than older generations. Its necessary for us young people to learn from them: love and then be loved

74、. After all, individualism can only be permitted without the sacrifice of others. (point-by-point pattern)583. 类比类比(analogy)是一种特殊的比较类型。是一种特殊的比较类型。1997年:即把学习和种庄稼进行比较年:即把学习和种庄稼进行比较Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Harvesting the Rewards The academic process of a student in university shares many

75、similarities with the process of farming, which is characterized by the process of sowing the seeds, nurturing growth and harvesting the rewards. Like a farmer, who get good harvest if he spends more time and energy on farming, a college student will surely achieve more in study if he could put more

76、 effort in it. Sowing the seeds is the first basic step of farming. A successful farming depends on high-quality seeds. Similarly, obtaining knowledge is a basic step for a students academic success. As a college student, he should make use of their precious life in school, attending lectures in sch

77、ool and listening to the teacher, a person who sows the seeds, carefully. Those who skip class or idle away their time, dancing, playing cards or playing computer games, fail to sow any seeds for their future.59 Second, nurturing growth is equally important for a good harvest. Once the seeds have be

78、en sowed, the farmer has to irrigate them, improve the soil, and provide proper pesticide before they grow mature. Similarly, a student, who just gains knowledge passively, does not really possess it. The application of proper methods in study and constant speculation on it will make his study more

79、efficient. Besides, certain practice of the knowledge could help him testify what he has learned in book and change him from bookworm to person who could make contribution to the society with the knowledge gained in school. Having sowed the seeds, nurtured the growth of the crops, the farmer is clos

80、e to a good harvest. In the same way, having gained much knowledge in school and put knowledge into practice, college students have made good preparation for their academic success. Hardworking farmers reap a good harvest, while diligent students will get a great reward for the efforts they put into

81、 their study. 60二、阐述性说明文二、阐述性说明文 (Deductive Essay)Introduction:StatethePhenomenonandgivethethesisstatementBody:Analyzethesignificance(ornegativeconsequence)Point1Point11Conclusion:Suggestionsorwarnings61 On Ambition Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that

82、 decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes me

83、aningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life. First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. Your choice procu

84、res you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered” and became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton

85、, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature. 62 In the second place, ambition can bring ones potentials to the full. Ambition

86、may well serve as a catalyst activating ones dormant potentials. Without ambition ones potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano. A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller. It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a wel

87、l-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon. Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction. If wrongly directed, ones ambition may bring havoc on him a

88、nd others. Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whatever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland. However, his ambi

89、tion was materialized by the murder of King Duncan. Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom. 63 To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves. A poet says: life can be bad; lif

90、e can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad; life can even be painful. In my minds eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition.64三、解释性说明文(Cause-and-EffectEssay)1解释原因的基本结构Introducti



93、on:Suggestions67Notes:1. 避免武断的观点Violence on television is the cause of todays growing criminal violence(“maybe”,“isacontributingfactor,”“isoneofthereasons”,or“isamajorcause.”)2. Avoidoversimplificationofcauses(内在和外在原因;主观和客观原因)2001:TheImpactoftheInternetonEducationIntroduction:互联网对教育影响最大。Body:Effect1

94、互联网是对传统教育的一次革命。Effect11互联网是一个很方便的信息源。Effect111互联网教育很经济,既省钱又省时。Conclusion:再一次重申互联网对教育影响最大。68四、议论文(argumentation)(一)写好文章开头1)论点明确I know cooperation is very important, but at the same time I also agree that there would be no progress in human civilization without competition.Although cooperation is impo

95、rtant, I still firmly believe that competition is more important because692.Acknowledgingotherviewpointsa.在论点句中直接摆明不同的观点。While local TV newscasts can provide a valuable community resource, too often such programs provide mere entertainment at the expense of solid news.b.用几句话概括不同观点的内容,然后摆出作者支持的那个观点70

96、There are two opposite views on university students trying their hand at business. One is that ding business helps to adapt better to society after graduation, while the other ways it might occupy too much of the students time and energy which, in turn, has a negative impact on their academic study.

97、 In my opinion, as long as we can successfully strike a balance between doing business and studying, the advantages of the former is more obvious71Nowadays, interview is frequently used by employers as one of the preferable means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many ar

98、guments for or against it as a selection procedure. Some people regard it as a good way to select employees in a short time while others think it not proper to decide on a person just by the simple means of interview. Both of them have some truth. But in my opinion, it is an efficient way to recruit

99、 a prospective employee. (Interview: An Effective Way to Recruit Employees)7209:Are dialects just as acceptable in public places?Recently,ChinasStateAdministrationofRadioFilmandTelevision(SARFT)banneddomesticradioandTVstationsfromtranslatingforeignradioandTVprogrammesintoanylocaldialect.Accordingtot



102、、由易至难743.论证方法:立论运用充分有力的论据来证实自己论点的正确性。驳论运用充分有力的论据来驳斥错误的或反动的言论。4.推理方式:归纳论证演绎论证类比论证(三)写好文章结尾(三)写好文章结尾75议论文的两种模式Pattern 1Paragraph1.Introduction(issue/problemandyourthesis)Paragraph2Reason1.Paragraph3Reason2Paragraph4Reason3Paragraph5Refutation.Rebutyouropponentsmostimportantreason.Paragraph6.Conclusion

103、(summarize,demandaction,suggestasolution,orpredictanoutcome)76Pattern 2Paragraph1 Introduction(theissue/problemandyourthesis)Paragraph2 Opponentsargument1withyourrefutation.Paragraph3Opponentsargument2withyourrefutation.Paragraph4Opponentsargument3withyourrefutationParagraph5Conclusion772009年:年:Are

104、dialects just as acceptable in public places?2007年年: 自拟自拟,谈谈贫富差距是否影响友谊谈谈贫富差距是否影响友谊 2005年:自拟,谈谈你对面试的看法。年:自拟,谈谈你对面试的看法。2004年:年:Should University Students Go in for Business?2002年:年:The Most Important Personality of a University Student1999年:年:Competition or Cooperation1998年:年:One Major Problem in the

105、Process of Urbanization1996年:年:In Support of Dormitory Policy78 (2005年)年)Interview: An Effective Way to Recruit EmployeesNowadays, interview is frequently used by employers as one of the preferable means to recruit prospective employees. (事实描写)As a result, there have been many arguments for or again

106、st it as a selection procedure. Some people regard it as a good way to select employees in a short time while others think it not proper to decide on a person just by the simple means of interview.(不同观点的陈述)Both of them have some truth. But in my opinion, it is an efficient way to recruit a prospecti

107、ve employee. (论点句) First of all, interview serves as an efficient way to examine if a person has the qualities that are needed for modern competition or for a certain company. In interview, one needs to present the best part of oneself to the interviewers. If the interviewee is well prepared and has

108、 a knowledgeable mind, he or she should show it plainly to the interviewers. The key point for the interviewee on this occasion is to be quick-minded and resourceful. Certainly one will come across some tough questions from the interviewers. What the latter expects is a witty even humorous answer. W

109、hat is more, in an interview, facing a group of interviewers, who will make a decision on the interviewee fate, the interviewee has to remain calm which is an essential quality for modern competition.79 Secondly, interview embodies fairnessthe principle of modern society. During an interview, all in

110、terviewees will face the same conditions, such as the same place, the same time; they will face the same interviewers and questions of similar difficulties. The outstanding candidate has to surpass all the other interviewees in answering ail sorts of questions and it mainly depends on his or her own

111、 ability. And the judgment is not made by one interviewer but usually by a group of interviewers, which is more objective and democratic. Thirdly, interview offers a broader scope of selection for both the interviewers and interviewees. A company that needs to remit employees can hold a big intervie

112、w to select their most ideal employees they expect from many applicants. The interviewees on the other hand, can attend several interviews to find the most appropriate companies in which they wish to work and develop. Thus interview is really a important bridge in the process of job hunting. To sum

113、up, interview has many advantages to cater for modern society. Thanks to the interview, both companies and interviewees can make their best choices.80(2007)Financial Disparity: Not a Barrier for FriendshipWiththedevelopmentofmarketeconomyinChinaarisetheincomegapsbetweenpeopleworkingindifferentfields

114、:someearngoodmoney;somemakeendsmeet;someothersliveonnarrowmeans.Ontopofmanysocialproblemsthisfinancialdisparitymaycause,thereisaclaimthatitaffectsfriendship.The assumption seems reasonable, but we may find it does not really hold water by taking a close look into the subject.81 First of all, true an

115、d lasting friendship is built on common values, pursuits, or hobbies rather than similar incomes. Friends are those who agree with your life views and stick to the same principles, those who encourage you when you lack confidence in meeting challenges and pursuing your dream, or those who share your

116、 interests and appreciate your tastes. Indeed, what strengthens the emotional bonds between you and your pals is not the same amount of wealth but spiritual commonalities. Of course, with similar financial backgrounds, you will probably know better about each others life style, but the difference in

117、 this aspect will not matter if you are mutually appreciated, needed and trusted. The friendship between Marx and Engels-the two German revolutionists-is a case in point. The former was often in debt while the later was well-off; yet the same socialist dream drew them together and made them forever

118、friends. 82 Moreover, financial disparity between friends does not cause trouble because each of them usually lives a self-reliant life. Different from a married couple who have common properties, budget and spend their income together, even very close friends live on their own finances. For instanc

119、e, though we exchange ideas with and confide secrets to our friends, we will never rely on them for a comfortable life, no matter how rich they are. Admittedly, there are times when we may go out for fun or to dinner together with friends; however, whether they are richer or poorer than us, we can d

120、efinitely find a place suitable for all rather than one beyond somebodys means.83 It is claimed that people with different financial backgrounds have different social contacts and accordingly, as friends, will get estranged sooner or later. It is true in some cases, but bosom friends(知己知己) are not t

121、hose who you get in touch with everyday;instead,theyarethosewholendtheirhandstoyouwhenyoufallintotrouble,justastheoldsayinggoes,afriendinneedisfriendindeed.Hence,despitetheirdistinctmateriallife,thericherandthepoorercanretaintheirfriendshipaslongastheystillcareabouteachother,understandandsupporteach

122、other.(反驳法)84 To sum up, financial disparity will not affect friendship when people have common spiritual pursuits, lead an independent life and stand by each other for better or worse(无论好坏). It might be quite safe to say that money is not the barrier but the touchstone of real friendship.8509:Are d

123、ialects just as acceptable in public places? Recently, Chinas State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT) banned domestic radio and TV stations from translating foreign radio and TV programmes into any local dialect. According to the SARFT such dialect translation is of great damage fo

124、r the national initiative to promote Mandarin all over the country. Therefore, foreign programmes that have been translated into dialects must be eliminated from television and radio as soon as possible. As a result, the opinion on this prohibition varys from person to person. Some people support th

125、is prohibition. While others express their concerns about this prohibition. These people who express their concern about this prohibition believe that the dialects still enjoy good popularity all over the country. The dialects do make unique role and should be toleratedfor existence in public places

126、.First of all, it is a kind of culture instead of a tool for communication. It is the messenger of its respective culture. If the dialect is totally eliminate from our life, the culture will be damaged and our life will be a little bit boring.86 Secondly, dailects can enrich the content of Mandarian

127、 and give a long-term development of Mandarian. The dialect in Northeast China also brings a lot of fun and happiness to the Chinese in recent years through the television and the internet. Such a cultural phenomenon represents the audience an attitude to local dialects which cater to the taste of t

128、he majority.Third, dialect is alsp the only way of communication to some undereducated local people. If local dialects are fobbiden in the public places, they can not communicate.Therefore, I safely come to the conclusion that local dialects should be tolerated in public places for its unique role w

129、hich Mandarian can not replace. We should guartee its existance because dialects stand for our culture. From a long-term perspective, dialects should not and would not be prohibited. There is no need for any purposeful and deliberate attempt to protect dialects. Just let dialects take their natural







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