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1、The Principle of Automatic Control 自动控制原理 Department of Automation NUST南京理工大学自动化系2003年8月References (参考教材)Richard C.Dorf and Robert H.Bishop. Modern Control Systems. 9th edition, Science Press.G C.Goodwin and S F.Graebe. Control System Design. Tsinghua University Press.胡寿松主编. 自动控制原理(第3版). 北京:国防工业出版社,

2、1994薛定宇著. 控制系统计算机辅助设计- MATLAB语言. 北京:清华大学出版社. 1996Significance(课程意义)Control engineering is an exciting and challenging field.It is a multidisciplinary subject, and a core course in the engineering curriculum.It is widely applied to the field of industry and agriculture ,even to the sociological, biol

3、ogical, ecological and economic systems.It is especially used in high-technology areas such as spacecraft control system. Bilingual Course(双语课程) Language: Both English and ChineseEmphasis :Content,such as basic concept and basic principle of automatic controlGrasp or enrich major terminologyImprove

4、the ability to read speciality references or materials The Excitement of Control EngineeringControl Engineering is present in virtually all modern engineering systemsControl is a key technology with respect to: increased productivity improved performance or product quality waste and emission minimiz

5、ation environmental protection higher safetyControl is a multidisciplinary subject sensors actuators communications computing architectures and interfacing algorithms Control design aims to achieve a desired level of performance in the face of disturbances and uncertaintyCh1 Introduction to Control

6、systemBasic Concept of Control SystemHistory and Development of Automatic ControlThe Principle of Feedback ControlBasic Forms of Control SystemBasic Components of Closed-loop system Basic Requirements (Performance)Classification of Control SystemExamples of Modern Control SystemSimulation with MATLA

7、B(CSCAD)1.1 Basic Concept of Control SystemA Control System is an interconnection of components forming a system configuration that will provide a desired system response.The basis for system analysis and design is linear system theory.Process or plant to be controlled can be represented by cause-ef

8、fect relationship. process input output Open-loop Control System An open-loop Control System utilizes an actuating device to control the process directly without using feedback. as shown in Fig.1.2(page 2) Closed-loop Control SystemA closed-loop control system uses a measurement of the output and fe

9、edback of this signal to compare it with the desired output(reference or command). as shown in Fig.1.3(page 3)1.2 History and Development of Automatic Controlfascinating history date back to 300 B.C, such as float regulator mechanism and water clockJames Watts flyball governor in1769J.C. Maxwell for

10、mulates a mathematical model for a governor controlHenry Ford s assembly line for automobile production in 1913H.W.Bode analyzes feedback amplifiers at Bell Telephone Lab in 1927 auto-pilots, gun-positioning systems,radar antenna control system and other military systems in World War IIState-variabl

11、e models and optimal control developed in 1960s-1970s (space age)Robust control widely studied in 1980sIntelligent control etc.Development of Control TheoryCybernetics (1948) classic control modern control large-scale system control robust and intelligent controlsee some other materials:control_hist

12、ory1.3 The Principle of Feedback ControlFeedback concept is the foundation for control system analysis and designFeedback control system is to control the process by using the difference between the output and reference inputNegative feedback (refer to P7)Positive feedback 1.4 Basic Forms of Control

13、 Systemopen-loop control systemclosed-loop control systemcomposite control systemFeedback control+ feedforward control 1.5 Basic Components of Closed-loop systemSignal generatormeasurement elements or sensorscomparison elementsamplifier elementsactuatorcontroller or compensator 1.6 Basic Requirement

14、s (Performance)Stabilityquickness or rapidness Accuracy 1.7 Classification of Control SystemOpen-loop and closed-loop systemLinear and nonlinear systemTime-variant and time-invariant systemcontinuous-time and discrete-time system 1.8 Examples of Modern Control SystemSpeed control systemauto-pilot sy

15、stem of aircraftgun-positioning serve systemprocess control system other examples:(refer to P9-15) 1.9 Simulation with MATLAB(CSCAD) 控制系统计算机辅助设计(Computer-Aided Control System Design, 简称为CACSD)。随着控制理论的迅速发展,控制性能的要求越来越高,控制对象和算法越复杂,对其进行分析和设计就越困难。传统的计算方法和运算工具难以达到预期的效果,加之近30年计算机技术的飞速发展,就产生了CACSD技术。系统仿真:系统

16、仿真:广义上讲,为了系统的分析和设计,首先建立系统的模型,然后在模型上进行实验这一过程就称为系统仿真。根据模型的种类不同,系统仿真可分为三种: 物理仿真(实物,如飞机风洞实验)真实直观;投资大、周期长,试验受限制 数字仿真(基于系统数学模型的仿真)经济、方便、灵活;真实性要依赖模型 物理-数学仿真(半实物仿真,如飞机、导弹等运动体的转台实验) 本课程涉及的是数字仿真(或称计算机仿真),仿真应包含两个过程:建立模型及模型试验。计算机仿真包含三要素:系统、模型与计算机;与之相联系的三个基本活动:模型建立、仿真模型建立及仿真试验。它们之间的关系可由图表示: 系 统 模型建立 仿真实验 仿真模型建立

17、模 型 计算机图1 计算机仿真的基本要素与基本活动系统仿真语言MATLAB MATLAB软件环境是美国New Mexico大学的Cleve Moler博士首创的,全名为: MATrix LABoratory(矩阵实验室)。它是由20世纪七八十年代流行的LINPACK(线性代数计算)和ESPACK(特征值计算)软件包基础上发展而来。最早的MATLAB版本在DOS环境下运行,使用不够方便。现在的MATLAB6.0在Windows环境下运行,充分利用了Windows环境的交互性、多任务和图形功能,建立了用C语言编写的一种专用语言。 MATLAB语言不仅使矩阵运算、数值运算变得极为简单,而且还配备了各

18、种功能强大的专用工具箱,如控制系统工具箱(Control systems toolbox),此外还有:系统辨识工具箱(System identification toolbox),信号处理工具箱(Signal processing toolbox ),鲁棒控制工具箱(Robust control toolbox) ,模糊控制工具箱(Fuzzy control toolbox) ,神经网络工具箱(Neural networks toolbox) 、小波分析工具箱(Wavelet toolbox)等。SummaryOpen-loop and closed-loop control systemfeedback mechanismcontrol system design processTwo tasks: analysis and designAssignment(课后作业)Review Ch1 (P1-24)P1.2 P1.11



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