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1、The Introduction to Group 16SunshineTeam团队介绍Catalog Characteristics of Group Date of Group Plan of Group Development Goals of Group Team Members EndSunshineTeam团队介绍目录 小组特点 小组资料 小组规划 小组发展目标 小组成员 结束SunshineTeam团队介绍Characteristics of Group Unit as one Up-and-coming Be brave to self expression Serious a

2、nd responsible Helpful and kind The most important-just like sunshineSunshineTeam团队介绍小组特点 团结一致 积极向上 勇于表现自我 认真负责 乐于助人与善良 最重要的是-我们就像阳光一样SunshineTeam团队介绍Plan of Group Hello,everyoneWe are pleased to learn in a class with you and we are happy to have a wonderful English-Cissy,to teach us English.So we b

3、elieve that we will fall in love with English under Cissyguidance .Well,we are Group 16,the sunshine team.Our team members are Yuying Zou,Linxia Liu,Xiaoying Liu,Jiayan Zhong,Yingying Li.We hope that all of us can be this kind of girl just like sunshine shines in everyones heartto light your life an

4、d warm your heart.Our team slogan is “Just Do It!” So our team tenet is “If we are going to do something ,we must do our best to do,Or ,Dont do it!SunshineTeam团队介绍小组资料大家好,很高兴能和大家在同一个班集体学习,也很高兴能有一个如此厉害的老师-Cissy,能够教我们英语,所以我相信,在Cissy的引导下,最终我们会爱上英语的。恩,我们是16组,阳光队。我们小组成员分别是:邹聿颖,刘琳霞,刘小英,钟嘉妍,李迎盈。我们希望我们小组每个成

5、员都能成为像阳光一般的女孩,能点亮你们的人生,温暖你们的内心。我们小组口号是:去做吧!所以我们的宗旨是:要做就做到最好,要么就不做。SunshineTeam团队介绍小组成员集体照SunshineTeam团队介绍Development Goals of Group Problem1: We are not positive enough in class.2: We are weak in English listening and speaking.3: We spend litte time in studying English everyday.Solution1:We struggle

6、 to improve our listening and speaking abilities ,which can make us communicate with other easier.Besides,we will use Chinese-English dictionary and E-dictionary to look up new words more frequently so that we can command their usages and use every word correctly.2、 Our team will regularly organize

7、some activities around English and take active part in the activities held by our college,by doing this ,we can know more about western culture that can open our horizon as well as improve our speaking ability.3、 We desire for creating a harmonious atmosphere and make sure our team develop better an

8、d better,so, for every task,every member would like to take active actions as well as come up with some good ideas 4、 Its important for every member to look for some beneficial movies,music,articles after class,with the purpose of sharing our own perspective with each other and promoting our friends

9、hip SunshineTeam团队介绍小组发展规划问题1:我们不够积极。2:我们听说能力较为薄弱。3:我们每天花在英语上的时间很少。解决办法1.努力提高自己的听说能力,可以用英语流利自如地沟通;多使用英汉词典和电子词典,查找单词的详细用法,更准确地运用每一个单词。2.团队平时会通过定期开展一些英语活动和积极参加学校举办的英语活动,进一步锻炼自己的口才,也有助于了解欧美文化的特色,拓展自己的视野。3.我们希望能营造一个和谐的氛围和保证团队更好地发展,所以每一位成员都会为团队的每一个任务发挥小宇宙并付出实际行动。4、团队每一位成员在课后亦可多发掘一些有意义的英文电影,英文歌曲,英文篇章来互相分享

10、,收获彼此不同的见解,增进友谊。SunshineTeam团队介绍 Development Goals of Group Short term goals:1:We can pass the CEF-4 in the first year in high score.2: We can pass the final exam in high score.3: Our group16 can be the great group.Long term goals:1:We can pass the CEF-6 in the second or third year in high score.2:

11、We can graduate in high score.3: We can pass the postgraduate qualifying examination or have a good job or get the offer of foreign university after graduating。SunshineTeam团队介绍 短期目标:1:大一我们能高分通过英语四级考试2:我们能高分通过期末测试3:我们能成为优秀团队长期目标:1:大二或者大三我们能高分通过英语六级考试2:我们能高分顺利毕业3:我们能在毕业后或者成功考研,或者成功找到工作,或者成功被外国学校录取。Sun

12、shineTeam团队介绍 TeamMembersSunshineTeam团队介绍Name: Yuying Zou (Betty)Name: Yuying Zou (Betty)Gender: Female Gender: Female Household register: Jiangxi Zhangshu Household register: Jiangxi Zhangshu Hobby: Painting Handwriting DIY TravelingHobby: Painting Handwriting DIY TravelingProfession:human resource

13、 managementProfession:human resource managementGoals: pass the CEF-4 and CEF-6,get computer second-level Goals: pass the CEF-4 and CEF-6,get computer second-level certificate ,get driver license ,certificate ,get driver license ,get the teacher qualification certificate and Human resources get the t

14、eacher qualification certificate and Human resources management division certificate ,management division certificate ,I hope that I can study in graduate school of Jinan I hope that I can study in graduate school of Jinan University.After that ,I want to work in foreign company.University.After tha

15、t ,I want to work in foreign company.Motto:Trouble is always in troubleMotto:Trouble is always in trouble.SunshineTeam团队介绍姓名:邹聿颖性别:女籍贯:江西樟树爱好:书法绘画手工旅行专业:人力资源管理目标:过四级六级,获得计算机二级证书,驾驶证,教师资格证,人力师资格证等。能去暨大读研究生,毕业后去外企工作。信条:怕麻烦则永远麻烦SunshineTeam团队介绍Name:XiaoyingLiuGender:FemaleHouseholdregister:Sichuanzigon







22、minton,ChineseandforeigncultureGoals:TobeanexcellentmanagingdirectorofHumanResourseandtobeaexcellentjournalistMotto:AlwaystrytoadaptyourselftothechanginglifeSunshineTeam团队介绍姓名:李迎盈性别:女籍贯:广东肇庆爱好:摄影,欧美流行乐,羽毛球,中外文化.专业:人力资源管理目标:成为一名出色的人力资源管理总监.或成为一名优秀的记者.信条:总要学会配合生活中变幻莫测的节奏SunshineTeam团队介绍THE END !THANK YOU!SunshineTeam团队介绍



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