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1、课前预习及检测课前预习及检测 1.(背诵(背诵,同伴检查)规则动词的过去式、过去分词同伴检查)规则动词的过去式、过去分词规律及易错词:规律及易错词:1)一般情况在动词原形后加一般情况在动词原形后加-ed:stay-stayed, enjoyed, rained, waited2)以不发音以不发音e结尾的加结尾的加-d: lie(撒谎)撒谎)-lied-lied3)以辅音加以辅音加y结尾的,去结尾的,去y变变i加加-ed: tidy-tidied, study-studied4) 双写末尾辅音字母,再加双写末尾辅音字母,再加-ed: stop-stopped, drop-dropped, pre

2、fer-preferred2.(巧记)不规则动词的过去式、过(巧记)不规则动词的过去式、过去分词:去分词:1.AAA :bet(打赌), cost(花费,值.钱), cut(剪、切、砍), hit(打), hurt(伤) let(让,)put(放), set(设置,制定,落下),read, spread(传播)规律:大多数以 “t”结尾的动词属AAA 但:beat-beat-beaten (AAB) sit-sat-sat(ABB) eat-ate-eaten (ABC)需牢记2. AAB: beat-beat-beaten3.ABB:sit-sat; bring-brought-brough

3、t;build-built-built; burn-burned(burnt);buy-bought; catch;caught; digdug; feedfed;4. ABA: becomebecamebecome;comecamecome ,run-ran-run5.ABC:bewasbeen; begin-began-begun; break-broke-broken; choose-chose-chosen; draw-drew-drawn; drink-drank-drunk; 中考语法专项复习被动语态Try our best, and we are sure to be succe

4、ssful! 学习目标:学习目标:1.掌握被动语态的含义,构成和用法掌握被动语态的含义,构成和用法(重点)(重点)2.掌握主动句变被动句规律,牢记特例。掌握主动句变被动句规律,牢记特例。(难点)(难点)3.学会脑中构图(系统掌握被动语态的中考学会脑中构图(系统掌握被动语态的中考考点),学会合作共赢考点),学会合作共赢观察:观察:We speak English everyday.English is spoken by us everyday.被动语态的含义:语态是动词的一被动语态的含义:语态是动词的一种形式。种形式。主动语态主动语态表示表示主语主语是动作是动作的的执行者。被动语态表示执行者。

5、被动语态表示主语是动主语是动作的作的承受者承受者.构成:构成:1. be +P.P.( 过去分词)过去分词)注意:注意:be随着主语人称、时态、和数随着主语人称、时态、和数的变化而变化。的变化而变化。He made the kite.The kite was made by him.Many people speak English .English is spoken by many people .时态时态被动语态构成被动语态构成一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时一般将来时一般将来时am/is/are +donewas/were+donewill be + done情态动词情态动词(

6、can,may,must )+be+ done重点(自主背诵)过去将来时过去将来时现在完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时would be+ donehave/has been+ donehad been+ done现在进行时现在进行时过去进行时过去进行时 was/were being + doneam/is/are being+ done难点被动语态的用法被动语态的用法1. 不知道动作的执行者是谁。不知道动作的执行者是谁。这块手表是中国制造的。This watch is made in China.2. 没有必要指出动作的执行者没有必要指出动作的执行者每年都应该种更多的树。More tree

7、s should be planted every year.3. 需要强调动作的承受者。需要强调动作的承受者。世界上越来越多的人说汉语。世界上越来越多的人说汉语。Chinese is spoken by more and more people in the world.4. 句子的主语是动作的承受者句子的主语是动作的承受者。许多房屋被冲走了。许多房屋被冲走了。Many houses were washed away by the flood.5、汉语中含有、汉语中含有“据说据说”、“据报道据报道”、“有有人说人说”、“大家说大家说”等时。例如:等时。例如: It is said that

8、one day he climbed to the top of a house It was reported that her mother died of cancer.众所周知众所周知 It is well known that 据推测说据推测说 It is supposed that 6. want/need/require+doing =want/need/require+to be done 例:My bike needs repairing. =My bike needs to be repaired. 我的自行车需要修理。7. 在be well worth doing(很值得

9、干某事)中,doing表被动意义。例:This book is well worth reading.A traffic accident _(happen) just now.happened2. 连系动词连系动词(Link.v.) 如:如:be, look, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, turn, becomePeking Opera _ (sound) beautiful.sounds3. 当动词表示当动词表示事物的自然属性事物的自然属性的时候的时候:The pen _ (write) very fast.writesThis kind o

10、f sweater _ (sell) well. sells1. 不及物动词不及物动词(vi.) 如如:happen, take place, appear, disapear, 不用被动语态的动词不用被动语态的动词:主动语态变为被动语态的规律 :1 . 主动句中的宾语变成被动句的主语 .2 . 主动句中的谓语动词变成被动句的 be + 过去分词 .3 . 主动句中的主语变成被动句 by 的宾语 , 放在谓语动词后面 . 如果不强调动作执行者时 , by 短语可省略 .4.其余成分不变。 People speak English all over the world . English is

11、spoken by people all over the world .1.They make shoes in that factory.主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语Shoes are made (by them) in that factory.一般现在时:一般现在时:S(主语)主语)+am/is /are +过去分词过去分词2. They bought ten computers last term Ten computers were bought (by them) last term.一般过去时:一般过去时:S+was/were +过去分词过去分词4.They will

12、finish the work in ten days.The work will be finished (by them)in ten days.一般将来时:一般将来时:S+ will+be+过去分词过去分词3Amy can take good care of Gina Gina can be taken good care of by Amy.情态动词:情态动词:S+ can/may/must/should + be+过去分词过去分词7I was doing my homework at 8:00 last night My homework was being done (by me)

13、 at 8:00 last night.过去进行时:过去进行时: S+ was/were+being+过去分词过去分词6We have made twenty more keysTwenty more keys have been made by us.现在完成时:现在完成时: S+ have/has + been+过去分词过去分词变被动句(小组合作,总结规律)变被动句(小组合作,总结规律)1. She washes her hands before lunch .(肯定句)(肯定句) Her hands are washed before lunch .2. Do the young pio

14、neers plant trees every spring .(疑问句)(疑问句) Are trees planted by the young pioneers every spring .3. His uncle doesnt often play table tennis .(否定句)(否定句) Table tennis isnt often played by his uncle .即学即练即学即练1 . I borrowed this book from the library last week . This book was borrowed from the library

15、last week .2 . The policemen caught three thieves last night . Three thieves were caught by the policemen last night .3 . I didnt buy a dictionary . A dictionary wasnt bought by me .4 . Did you bring a raincoat ? Was a raincoat brought by you ?1 . We must take care of the books in the library . The

16、books must be taken care of in the library .2. You may find this kind of trees everywhere . This kind of trees may be found everywhere . 3 . You cant see the stars in the daytime . The stars cant be seen in the daytime .4 . Must we hand in our compositions tomorrow ? Must our compositions be handed

17、in tomorrow ?主动语态变成被动语态时要注意以下几点主动语态变成被动语态时要注意以下几点 : : 1 . 1 . 含有双宾语的主动句变成被动句时含有双宾语的主动句变成被动句时 , ,一般把间接宾语一般把间接宾语(人)变为主语(人)变为主语 . . 直接宾语直接宾语( (物)不变物)不变 如如 : : Mary gave me a pen . I was given a pen by Mary . 如果把直接宾语变为主语如果把直接宾语变为主语 , , 则在间接宾语前加则在间接宾语前加 “ to for” 如如 : : A pen was given to me by Mary .2 .

18、2 .含有复合宾语(宾语含有复合宾语(宾语+ +宾补)的主动句变为被动句时宾补)的主动句变为被动句时 , , 将其中的宾语变为主语将其中的宾语变为主语 , , 宾补不变宾补不变 . . 如如 : : We asked him to speak at the meeting . He was asked to speak at the meeting . 3 . 3 . 如果主动句中的谓语是短语动词如果主动句中的谓语是短语动词 , , 变为被动句变为被动句时时 , , 短语动词的介词或副词不可以丢掉短语动词的介词或副词不可以丢掉 . . 如如 : : They took good care of

19、 the boys . The boys were taken good care of . 4 . 4 . 四看(四看(look,see, notice , watch , )三让(三让( let , make , have) , 二听(二听(listen , hear , )一感)一感觉(觉(feel )等动词后面做宾语补足语的动词用等动词后面做宾语补足语的动词用原形时原形时, , 改成被动句时应加上改成被动句时应加上 “ to ” . 如如 : The doctor made me stay in bed for three days . I was made to stay in be

20、d for three days by the doctor .1 . He tells us a story every evening . We are told a story by him every evening . A story is told to us by him every evening .2. He bought me a new bike yesterday. I was bought a new bike yesterday. A new bike was bought for me yesterday.3 . Will he take his sister t

21、o the park ? Will his sister be taken to the park by him ?4 . He is looking for the lost key . The lost key is being looked for by him . 5. The boss made him do the heavy work. He was made to do the homework (by the boss). 6. We often hear him play the guitar. He is often heard to play the guitar语态含

22、义语态含义用法用法主动变被动主动变被动构成构成被动语态被动语态 谓动谓动 be+pp宾变主宾变主be+pp情态动词情态动词+be+_pp take place, happenfeel等系动词等系动词 宾变主宾变主被动语态 主动语态主动语态1. Large numbers of plastic bags _ (use) in the supermarkets every day.2. _ our country _(send) up another man-made satellite last year? 3. The old people must_ (speak) to politely?

23、4. Her grandma was still alive when she _ (take) to the hospital.5. English _(speak) in many counties. are usedDidsendbe spokenwas takenis spoken6. Three quarters of the worlds books _ (write) in English.8. This kind of sweater _ (sell) well.10. _ Physics _ (teach) next week?are writtensellsWillbe t

24、aught7. The pen _ (write) well.writes9.This book _ (sell) to me at the price of 5 dollars yesterday.was sold Fill in the blanks using right forms:1. All the students _(ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday.2. Are many ways _(try) to stop people from cutting down so many trees?3. What are on sho

25、w in the museum? Some photos _(take) by American children.4. This coat _(wash) well.9. Have you found your necklace _(偷) last week?6. Im often _(警告)not to copy others homework.7. He couldnt explain why dinosaurs _ (消失).8. Ill have my bike _(修理) tomorrow.5. Must the old people _(speak) to politely?10

26、. The PRC was _(成立) on October 1, 1949.were asked triedare takenwashesbe spokenwarneddisappearedmendedrepairedstolenfounded1 . He will study English well . English will be studied well by him .2 . Will you clean your classroom ? Will your classroom be cleaned by you ?3 . I wont write to my grandpa t

27、his evening . My grandpa wont be written to this evening by me .4 . The nurse will take care of the children . The children will be taken care of by the nurse .1 . We must take care of the books in the library . The books must be taken care of in the library .2. You may find this kind of trees everywhere . This kind of trees may be found everywhere . 3 . You cant see the stars in the daytime . The stars cant be seen in the daytime .4 . Must we hand in our compositions tomorrow ? Must our compositions be handed in tomorrow ?



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