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1、我看到的交通事故英语作文附中文翻译精选七篇 我看到的交通事故英语作文篇 1 Yesterday I saw a car accident when I went to school.It was early in the morning. I got to the gate of my school. Suddenly, I heard the sound of car breaking and screaming.Then, I saw a little boy fall down.The car driver got off his car immediately and checked

2、out the little boys situation.Luckily, the boy was not serious and he could stand up under the help of driver.But the driver also decided to send him to hospital and made sure he is OK.I must be more careful ever after. 昨天,我在上学途中目睹了一次车祸。早上,当我走到学校门口时,突然听到急刹车的声音和尖叫声。然后,我看到一个小男孩跌倒了。司机马上下车查看小男孩的情况。万幸的是,

3、小男孩并无大碍,司机把他扶了起来。但是司机还是决定送小男孩去医院检查,确保他没事。以后我要更小心才行。 我看到的交通事故英语作文篇 2 On Sunday May 6th, the day morning, I walk to the center of street post office post. At the post office near the crossroads, I saw an unbelievable thing, a taxi after running the red light green with a white car collision. It was ni

4、ne forty now, many passers-by in the crowd, and soon the110 call,120emergency telephone. For a while, the police, the driver of the car was slightly wounded on admission, taxi driver and was taken to the police station processing. 上个星期天是五月六日,那天的上午,我走着去中心街的邮局寄信。在邮局附近十字路口,我看见了一件不可思议的事,一绿色出租车闯红灯后与一白色轿车

5、相撞。那时是九点四十分,很多路人都在围观,并且很快拨打了 110、120 紧急电话。一会儿,警察来了,轿车司机受轻伤入院,出租车及司机被带往警察局处理。 我看到的交通事故英语作文篇 3 Yesterday afternoon I went to see a friend by bike. Have a crossroads, met a red light. I want to wait for the green light out of the car and in the past. At that time, a young man with a pair of glasses fro

6、m behind to ride to come over. He quickly, to stop to buy side also to continue to ride. Suddenly came from the right road in a car, the young man didnt pay attention to, suddenly bumped into the car. The young man had a fall, broken hand, glasses are broken. Everyone to help him pick up the car, bi

7、ke driver is out of the car to see him. See what he also confiscated, everyone is relieved. Some of the reasons for accidents, but do not obey the traffic rules is one of the important reasons. The accident is because the young man riding fast, do not obey the traffic rules. For you and others safet

8、y, please obey the traffic rules 昨天下午我骑车去看一个朋友。 起到一个十字路口, 遇上了红灯。我下了车,想等绿灯亮了在过去。这时候,一个戴眼镜的小伙子从后边骑过来。他气得很快,到了十字路口也买停车,还继续往前边骑。忽然从右边路口开过来一辆汽车,小伙子没注意,一下子撞到了汽车上。小伙子摔了一跤,手摔破了,眼镜也摔碎了。大家赶快帮他扶起车,骑车司机也下车来看他。看到他也没收什么伤,大家都放心了。 发生交通事故的原因很多, 但是不遵守交通规则是其中一个重要原因。这起事故就是因为小伙子骑快车,不遵守交通规则造成的。 “为了你和他人的安全,请遵守交通规则” 我看到的交通

9、事故英语作文篇 4 In recent years, traffic accidents occur frequently, in the final analysis is the traffic safety consciousness is poor. I saw a bus beside us event, hope everybody can abide by the traffic safety, otherwise consequence is unimaginable. That is fifth grade a noon, the sun baked the earth cr

10、azy, waiting for the bus at the station I 9 on a crowded bus, standing in the doorway. There is a, get off at the next stop, together, are in disarray. Many protesters in the bus, the driver cant see the rearview mirror, the car started, a teenager wearing a white coat, suddenly found himself arrive

11、d, so three steps and two steps to the door, the car has been slowly moving, he jumped without hesitation, at the moment, the door closed crashed with a clash, the young mans half of the body was stuck, he struggled hard, head and body out, one foot has been caught in the door, another foot caught i

12、n the wheel, in this way, he pulled up a dozen meters. Was shocking scene frighten meng I just think of the shout stop. After you get off, tragically, white dress stained with blood, hands, feet, and are broken, more terrible is the other foot caught in the wheel, to get half a day to pull out, the

13、driver immediately called 120. Traffic safety in our midst, and each of us is closely linked. Persons life is short, let us always remember the lessons of the blood, cherish life, abide by the traffic safety, do a civilized citizen, in this way, the traffic accident will be more and more far from us

14、. 近几年来, 交通事故频频发生, 归根结底是人们交通安全意识差。我就亲眼目睹了一次发生在我们身边的公交车事件, 希望大家能遵守交通安全,不然后果不堪设想。 那是五年级的一个中午,太阳疯狂的烘烤着大地,在车站等车的我挤上了一辆人山人海的 9 路车,站在了门口。到了下一站,上、下车的人挤在一起,十分混乱。车里人多喧杂,司机看不见后视镜,车启动时,一名身穿白色上衣的青年突然发现自己到站了,于是三步并两步地走向车门,车已缓缓开动,他毫不犹豫的跳了下去,就在这一瞬间,门咣当一声关上了,那位年轻人的半个身子被卡住了,他使劲挣扎,头和身子出去了,一只脚却被夹在了门里,另一个脚被夹在了车轮里,就这样,他被拖

15、了十来米。被眼前触目惊心的一幕吓蒙的我这才想起了喊停车。下车后,更是惨不忍睹雪白的衣服上沾满了鲜血,手、脚、都破了,更可怕的是另一只脚被夹在车轮里,弄了半天才拔出来,司机立刻拨打了 120 交通安全就在我们身边,和我们每个人息息相关。人的生命是短暂的,让我们永远铭记血的教训,珍惜生命,遵守交通安全法 ,做一个文明市民,这样,交通事故就会离我们越来越远。 我看到的交通事故英语作文篇 5 I broke my left leg on my way to school this morning。 I was riding across a crossroad when a car rushed ou

16、t from my fight against me。 I was riding so quicldy that I couldnt stop。 Neither could the car。 Therefore, I was knocked off my bike。 I was taken to the hospital at once。 The doctor examined me and found my leg broken。 I had to lie in bed for at least two weeks。 今天早晨上学的路上我的左腿骨折了。 我正骑着自行车过一个十字路口,突然一辆

17、轿车从我的右侧面开过来。因为骑得很快所以我停不下来。小轿车也是如此,所以我被撞倒了。我很快被送到医院。医生检查后发现我的腿骨折了。我不得不在床上躺至少两周。 我看到的交通事故英语作文篇 6 this afternoon on my way home i could see few people in the street.perhaps people preferred to stay at home because of the cold weather. so i rode very quickly when i was to cross a lane. suddenly, a bike

18、rushed out of the lane at high speed. we crashed into each other. i fell to the ground so heavily that i broke my left leg. 今天下午回家的路上,我在街上没见到几个人。也许是因为天太冷人们宁愿待在家里。所以当我横过一个胡同时我仍旧骑得非常快。突然一辆自行车高速驶出胡同,我们撞车了。我重重地摔到地上,以致于左腿骨折了。 我看到的交通事故英语作文篇 7 I happened t see a traffic accident fr the schls in ur wa t the

19、 htel. It was five thirt in the afternn, I was waling n the wa t the htel. When I gt t the zebra crssing, traffic light. S I stpped, waiting fr the vehicle thrugh the dragn. At the sae tie, heav lad truc rared t a car hit up. The results, a cars windshield is bren int pieces, the truc driver suffere

20、d a head inur. Als, the driver f the car was badl inured, and sn the 110 and 120 are t the scene, the scene f the accident prptl prcessed. Fr the cause f the accident, I thin, the driver f the truc shuld bear the respnsibilit: he shuld be in the ellw light when decelerating the vehicle; the eager t

21、vertaing. This is he bre the ccupatin drivers with basic eleents. In additin, part f the reasn fr the bad weather. Its drizzling nw, but the rad is slipper. Finall, drun driving a be an iprtant factr, but lucil, bth drivers did this accident t pa the cst f life. 我碰巧在学校看到一起交通事故。 下午五点半, 我正在街上散步。当我看到斑马线,红绿灯。我停下来,等着汽车穿过马路。 就在此时,重载卡车呼啸着往一辆轿车撞了上去。结果,轿车的挡风玻璃破成碎片,卡车司机头部受了伤,轿车司机也伤得不轻,不久 110 和 120 都到了现场,及时的对车祸现场进行了处理。 对于事故的原因,我认为,卡车司机应承担责任:他应该在黄灯时减速行驶;不该急着超车。这是他打破了职业司机的基本要素。此外,坏天气的部分原因。天正下着毛毛雨,而路很滑。最后,酒后驾驶可能是一个重要的因素, 不过幸好双方司机没有为这场车祸付出生命的代价。



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