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1、新概念英新概念英语第二册第第二册第3 3课take和和send的区别:的区别:take强调某人亲自送强调某人亲自送send则是通过第三人去送,如校车则是通过第三人去送,如校车take flowers to his wife 自己送自己送 send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送叫店里的人送类似的用法还有类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell.2. postcard n. 明信片明信片eg. Every year I can receive some postcards. name card /visiting card 名片名片 eg. Here

2、is my name card. ID card credit card cash card 身份证信用卡现金卡,储蓄卡,工资卡3spoil (spoiled,spoilt) vt.(1)弄坏,损坏,糟蹋)弄坏,损坏,糟蹋eg. The sad news spoiled our weekend. The rain spoiled the school sports.(2)宠坏,惯坏,溺爱)宠坏,惯坏,溺爱eg. Julie loves her son too much. She has spoiled him. Dont spoil your children.break:破坏,breakth

3、ewindows打破玻璃damage:破坏,程度不一定很重;被破坏的对象受损程度较小,可以修复destroy:破坏,彻底摧毁,不能修复。以上三个是指物理上的破坏,而spoil主要指精神上的4. lend (lent,lent) v. 借给,借出借给,借出 lend sth. to sb / lend sb. sth. eg. A: Can you lend me $20 please? B: Ill pay/give it back tomorrow.borrow v. 借进借进 borrow sth. from sb./borrow sth. eg. He borrowed my pen y

4、esterday. I once lent him some money.5. decision n. 决定决定 decide v. make / take a decision作出决定作出决定 eg. It was not easy for me to make this decision. I have made a decision to visit the United States after the entrance examination.decide to do sth. 6. whole adj. 整个的整个的 a whole bottle of milk 一整瓶牛奶一整瓶牛

5、奶 the whole day 整天整天 the whole worldmy whole lifetwo whole weeks 整整两星期整整两星期 all (the) day 整天整天 all the world all my lifeall two weeksNationalflagLocationItalyItalianAdviceforTravelingtoItalyCrazyforancient culture?Wow!Rome(Capital)isyourbestchoice!AllroadstoRome.Crazy for water and carnival?GotoVeni

6、ce威尼斯Crazy for sunshine and beaches?GotoSicilia!西西里岛 a post office a postcardIn foreign countries, visitors will send postcards to their friends when they travel. Lesson 3 Please send me a card.请给我寄一张明信片。请给我寄一张明信片。postcardIthoughtaboutpostcards.thinkabout=consider思考,考虑thinkof想起;记得。Eg.我想不起他的名字。Icantt

7、hinkofhisnamethinkof认为Whatdoyouthinkoftheweatherday?WhatdoyouthinkofyourEnglish?public adj.公共的;公开的;公用的In public 公开地 Eg. 公开演讲。friendly adj. 友好的 Eg. 她总是对我们很友好。She is usually very friendly to us.be friendly to sb. 对某人友好in a friendly way 以一种友好的方式OnthelastdayImadeabigdecision.Make a decision 做决定做决定下定决心下定

8、决心Make up ones mind to do sth.决定做某事决定做某事Decide to do sth.Single单一的,单身的Eg.单程票:单身汉:Iamsingle.Asingleticket.asingleman2.Ispentthewholedayinmyroom,butIdidnotwriteasinglecard!spend花(时间),度过sb.+spend+time+地点在什么地方花费/度过了多少时间eg.Ispendtenhoursintheschooleveryday.spend花费(金钱/时间)sb.+spend+money/time+onsth./(in)do

9、ingsth.eg.Icantspendanymoreonthiscar.pay付钱sb.paymoneyforsth.eg.Marypaied100$forthatphone.take花费时间sth./Ittakesb.+.time+todosth.eg.Thatproblemtakeshimthreehourstoworkout.cost花费金钱sth.+cost+sb.+moneyeg.Thebookcostsme10yuan.Phrases(短语)spoil my holidays 搅乱我的假期搅乱我的假期public gardens 公园公园a few words 几个词几个词a f

10、ew lines 几行字几行字lend me a book 借给我一本书借给我一本书think about / of 考虑考虑 send cards to my friends 寄卡片给我朋友寄卡片给我朋友made a big decision 做出重大决定做出重大决定spent the whole day 度过一整天度过一整天write a single card 写任一张卡片写任一张卡片 一般过去时。定义动词的过去式:一般过去时。定义动词的过去式:表示过去某个特定时间或某一段时间发表示过去某个特定时间或某一段时间发生的动作或情况。生的动作或情况。 We visited the school

11、 last spring. I went to school by bike when I was in middle school. China was founded in 1949. 一般过去时和一般现在时的几组差异一般过去时和一般现在时的几组差异 Her brother was a chemist.(已去世)(已去世) Her brother is a chemist.(尚健在)(尚健在) Thats all I had to say.(话已说完)(话已说完) Thats all I have to say.(言之未尽)(言之未尽) It was so nice to see you.

12、(离别时用)(离别时用) It is so nice to see you.(见面时用)(见面时用) Summarywriting.(摘要写作2)Thepostcardsalwaysspoilthewritersholidays.HespenthisholidaysinItalylastsummenr.Hethoughtaboutpostcardseveryday.Hedidntsendanycardstohisfriends.Heboughtthirty-sevencardsonthelastday.Hestayedinhisroomthewholeday.Hedidntwriteanyca

13、rds.Lets put them together and beautify it . Postcards always spoil the winters holiday. Last summer,he spent his holidays in Italy. And he thought about postcards every day. Because He didnt send any cards to his friends. He bought 37 cards on the last day. And he stayed in his room all day. But he

14、 didnt write any cards.短语(Phrases)搅乱我的假期公园几个词几行字借给我一本书考虑寄卡片给我朋友做出重大决定度过一整天写任一张卡片spoilmyholidayspublicgardensafewwordsafewlineslendmeabookthinkaboutsendcardstomyfriendsmadeabigdecisionspentthewholedaywriteasinglecard 动词带双宾语结构动词带双宾语结构He lent me a book.He lent a book to me.He sent me a card.He sent a c

15、ard to me.Please give him another chance.Please give a another chance to him.He brought his son a present.He brought a present for his son.Canyougetmeafewstamps.Canyougetafewstampsforme.Shemademeabreakfast.Shemadeabreakfastforme.Hisunclelefthimsomemoney.Hisuncleleftsomemoneytohim.Sheshowedherfriendshernewdress.Sheshowedhernewdresstoherfriends.谢谢



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