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1、 1:教学设计封面 组 别: 高中组 设计主题:高三课文整合复习记叙文读写课 姓 名:洪跃琼 学 校:晋江市第一中学 性 别:_女_ 职 称:_中学一级_ 教 龄:_12_ 指导老师姓名 曾佩云 单位 晋江一中 2:教学设计模板 教学设计内容 设计主题 高三课文整合复习记叙文读写课 北师大版模块三 Unit7 Culture Corner Zheng He and His Seven Voyages Unit8 Lesson3 Marco Polo and His Travels 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本课主要把两篇文本特征,主题意义相似的课文整合在一起复习,旨在引导学生构建整合化、

2、结构化的人物描写知识梳理并进行输出表达;培养学生的文体意识,引导学生从宏观上把握文章写作特点,推断写作意图,分析、概括人物描写的脉络条理框架;并以人物的行动描写为载体,从微观上分析、推断、概括人物的不同身份及个性特征,提升学生的思维品质;通过两篇文本的比较分析学习, 进一步概括两位历史人物的相同之处, 进而引导学生评价 (what have you learnt from them?)并体会 What is your understanding of exploration? 鼓励学生表达自己的见解,对话自己的思想,以唤起共鸣。 希望学生通过本课学习,认识到不管在学习上,还是生活上,我们都应该

3、勇敢地去探索,努力培养良好的个性特征,多做好事;学会向别人学习,特别是要向来自不同文化背景的人学习,同时,能够意识到我们的一生其实就是一场探索,要学会充分利用每一天积极,勇敢地去探索。 本节课以英语学科核心素养的相关论述为理论依据。英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力,思维品质、文化品格和学习能力。英语学习是学生主动建构意义的过程,在这一过程中,学生以主题意义探究为目的,以语篇为载体,在理解与表达的语言实践活动中,融合知识学习和技能发展,通过感知、预测、获取、分析、概括、比较、评价、创新等思维活动,建构结构化知识,在分析问题和解决问题的过程中,发展思维品质,形成文化理解,学会学习,塑造正确的人生观和

4、价值观,促进英语学科素养的形成与发展。思维品质是核心素养的重要组成部分,包括抽象概括能力、分析逻辑关系能力、批判能力、理性表达能力等。 2.教学背景分析 教学内容分析: 北师大版必修三 Unit7 Culture Corner Zheng He and His Seven Voyages 和 Unit8 Lesson3 Marco Polo and His Travels 这两篇课文文本特征相似,语言朴实,自然实用。文章结构清楚,事件发展脉络清晰,都是按照时间顺序来写的。都是记叙文,一篇是写中国的探险家,航海家郑和,另一篇是写西方的马可波罗, 主题都是 “exploration” , 都有涉及

5、到中西方文化交流的历史, 文本内涵丰富,具有育人价值,有利于培养具有中国情怀、国际视野、跨文化沟通能力的人。 学生情况分析: 教学对象为高三新接班的实验班学生。学生有较好的自主学习能力,有一定的逻辑思维能力、分析能力和表达能力。 (一)学生学习准备 课前,学生读过了这两篇课文,学习过了老师引导他们分类整理的描写人的形容词(包括褒义和贬义的)。提前分好组(6 个人为一组),并选好小组长,小老师。 (二)学生学习需要 1)、学生有一定的信息提取能力,但文体意识较弱,缺乏宏观上把握文本结构脉络的能力,以及文本的深层次挖掘能力; 2)、对人物描写的知识储备较碎片化 基于对教学内容和学情的分析,本课做出

6、如下定位: 从语言能力上,整合文本,重点复习描述人物性格特征的形容词以及人物的身份 such as character words-brave, generous, determined, .;identity words-official, merchant, sailor, explorer. ;同时复习一些常用的句型表达,如:1. so. that. 2. As a ., he was.because. 3. who/that 定语从句 4. not only.but also. ,并运用这些语言知识有效地传递信息。 从主题意义上,分析、推断、概括历史人物的多种身份及个性特征; 从思维品

7、质上,侧重帮助学生进行基于事实信息的综合概括;培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力; 从文化品格上,组织学生通过比较,概括两位历史人物的共同点,弘扬两位中西方探险家的探索精神,学习他们的家国情怀,学习他们身上的优良品质,完善自己的品格。 3.教学目标分析 Learning objectives: In this class, we will read two articles, one about Zheng He and his seven voyages and the other about Marco Polo and his travels. 1. learn about how the

8、 articles develop. 2. analyze a persons characteristics and identity from his deeds and review some related expressions, such as character words-brave, generous, determined, . identity words-official, merchant, sailor, explorer. and some sentence patterns. 3. write a short speech on the reading mate

9、rials. 4. realize the importance of brave explorations and building positive character 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:分析、推断、概括历史人物的多种身份及个性特征 教学难点:对比,分析,概括两位历史人物的共同点,弘扬他们的探索精神,学习他们身上的优良品质,并写一份相关的演讲稿。 教学方式:本节课主要采用的是自主学习和拼图合作探究学习的教学方式。全班分成八大组,四大组读马可波罗的课文,四大组读郑和的课文;一组 6 个人,两两拼图阅读段落及拼图段落写作,教师在本课中扮演引导者和帮助者的角色,伴随学生的探究过程

10、。 5.教学过程设计 StepI: Pre-reading: Predict-Look at the two titles and guess what kind of text they belong to. A.Narration 记叙文 B.Practical writing 应用文 C.Argumentation 议论文 D.Expository writing 说明文 设计意图:启发学生的思维,培养学生的标题意识以及通过标题预测文章体裁的能力,关注文体,培养学生文体意识,提升思维品质 StepII: Read the texts quickly and do the followin

11、g tasks. 1. How are the texts organized? A. In the order of time B. In the order of space 2. What are their writing purpose? 3. Break down the passages into three parts and use one word to summarise each part. (Mark each paragraph using numbers, like 1,2,) Purpose: Admiration of a historical person

12、Part1: Background Characteristics Part2: Deeds Part3: Evaluation From his deeds, we can analyse what he was and what characteristics he had. 设计意图:通过略读,培养学生从宏观上迅速把握语篇体裁的基本结构、逻辑关系,写作特点以及写作意图;通过提炼段落关键词,培养学生的分析概括能力。 StepIII: Careful reading of Para2 of Marco Polo: try to find some deeds, and summarise w

13、hat Marco Polo was and what characteristics he had. What he was characteristics His deeds A translator Easy-going; friendly serve in his court do many important tasks across the country Make up some sentences to describe Marco according to the mind map above, using these sentence patterns. 1. so. th

14、at. 2. As a ., he was.because. 3. who/that 定语从句 4. not only.but also. For example: He was so reliable that he was sent to do many important tasks across the country. 设计意图:通过细读,培养学生获取相关信息的能力,并以人物的行动描写为载体,从微观上分析、推断、概括人物的不同身份及个性特征,培养学生的思维品质;为接下来的小组拼图合作学习做好铺垫;同时复习描写人物身份,个性特征的词汇及相关的句型表达,并用这些新概念来描述马可波罗,培养

15、学生的语言建构能力及表达能力,为接下来的输出表达搭好语言支架。 StepIV: Practice 1. jigsaw reading and summarise what he was and what characteristics he had according to some deeds. (具体思维导图见学生学案,另附-教师分享思维导图答案) For Zheng Hes admirers group: two students analyse paragraph 2; two students analyse paragraph 3; and two students analyse

16、 paragraph 4; For Marco Polos admirers group: two students analyse paragraph 3; two students analyse paragraph 4; and two students analyse paragraph 5; After analysis, share your ideas in your group and then group leaders come to the blackboard to draw a mind map to sum up what he was and what chara

17、cteristics he had;then I will hand out my answers for them to refer to, after that, the little teachers in Zheng Hes group go to Marco Polos group to teach them what you learnt and vice versa. 设计意图:小组拼图合作学习的目的是为了提高学生获取信息的效率,学会分享,学会把自己所学的知识传递给别人,培养学生的学习能力;通过表格式思维导图的形式,把文字信息视觉化和条理化,培养学生基于事实信息的综合概括能力,发

18、散思维能力以及分析逻辑关系的能力,为接下来的观察,比较分析两个历史人物的共同点做好铺垫,也为最后的输出表达搭好支架。 2. Group discussion What did they have in common?(学生口头分享答案) 学生回答后,老师分享自己的观点 They were pioneers. They were superb explorers. They had many outstanding abilities and played different roles well. They possessed many good characteristics . They

19、did many good deeds They loved their countries. They both made great contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and Western countries. What have you learnt from them? (学生以书面形式在拼图写作中展示分享) What is your understanding of explorations? (学生以书面形式在拼图写作中展示分享) 设计意图: 通过两篇文本的比较分析学习, 进一步概括两位历史人物的相同之处,

20、 引导学生评价 (what have you learnt from them?) 并体会 What is your understanding of exploration? 鼓励学生表达自己的见解,对话自己的思想,以唤起共鸣,培养学生的创新思维能力。 StepV: jigsaw writing (focus on content and handwriting) 假设你是李华,你将参加主题为“Marco Polo/Zheng He in my heart”的英语演讲比赛。 请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括: 1A brief introduction of Marco Polo/Zheng

21、He; 2What you have learnt from him; 3. Your understanding of explorations 注意:1. 词数:100 词左右; 2演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,且该部分不计入总词数。 Good morning, everyone, Its my honor to stand here and give my speech. I am Li Hua . The topic of my speech is “Marco Polo/Zheng He in my heart” Thank you Requirements: Group work(5 m

22、inutes) 2 in charge of Part One 2 in charge of Part Two 2 in charge of Part Three After writing, share your part with other members to form a complete speech. Pay attention to the writing assessments(评价表格见教学评价设计),and in this class, we will first focus on content and handwriting) items Grade (by your

23、self) Grade (by group) content vivid description (identity, character,deeds) A B C A B C deep thought(2,3) A B C A B C handwriting beautiful A B C A B C Sentences recommended for your reference: He taught/instructed me to From him, I learned He made me know He helped me to have a better understandin

24、g of Now, whenever I am asked what life means to me, I will proudly answer Now, I have been fully aware of what I should do in our life. 设计意图:本环节旨在借助前面环节的写作支架的搭建,通过明确任务分工,帮助学生达到语言、思维整合输出的目的,一方面加深学生对文本的理解,另一方面达到以读促写的目的,培养学生的语言运用能力,有效地运用所学知识弘扬两位中西方探险家的探索精神,学习他们的家国情怀,学习他们身上的优良品质,完善自己的品格。 Step VI: Appre

25、ciation,assessment(focus on content and handwriting) and conclusion 学生小组拼图写作完成后,从中挑出两三篇优秀的习作(见附件),利用实物投影仪展示,并带领全班一起朗读,之后请学生结合评价标准点评,最后老师总结,启迪思想。 老师的分享: 1. What have you learnt from them? Explore bravely ; Cultivate/develop good character; Do good deeds We should seize every chance to equip ourselves

26、 to be a capable person. What really matters is our curiosity, courage and determination to do things. Being brave is the key to making a successful exploration Only when a lot of efforts, determination and time have gone into it, can success become possible. Explore more, learn more. (Learn from ot

27、hers, especially those from different cultures) A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. 领导者应该懂得选择方向,身体力行,展示自己的方法。麦斯威尔 2. Whats your understanding of explorations? Explorations have a positive effect on our growth.Our life is just like an exploration. So we should cherish

28、and make full use of everyday life to explore bravely and actively. 设计意图:当众点评,一方面能够激励学生的学习热情,提高他们的鉴赏能力,另一方面也能给其他同学一个参照的标准。最后老师总结,分享个人观点,启迪思想,提升本节课的主题内涵,达成育人的目的 Homework: Expand your writing to a complete speech. (pay attention to the writing assessment) 设计意图:课后作业是拼图写作环节的延伸,目的在于训练学生的整体输出性表达,检测反馈课堂学习情

29、况。 6.教学评价设计 评价内容: 全班分成Zheng Hes admirers 以及Marco Polos admirers两大组,评价贯穿整节课,主要评价双方学生积极回答问题的人数,以及他们所表达的内容 Assessments for group work: Zheng Hes group Marco Polos group Scores Assessments for writing: items Grade (by yourself) Grade (by group) content vivid description A B C A B C deep thought A B C A B C handwriting beautiful A B C A B C logic Proper conjunctions A B C A B C language Rich and proper A B C A B C 作文评价,课堂上主要评 content 和 handwriting 两部分;采取自评,小组评价,以及师评三者结合。 附录: 附上学生课堂上画的思维导图:



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