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1、Unit 6 Section A The Widow Teaching Objectives: 1. to grasp the main idea and the text structure; 2. to understand the devices developing the paraphrases; 3. to master the key words and phrases and sentence patterns in the text; Importance and difficulties: 1. The whole text structure & the main ide

2、a 2. New words and key sentence patterns 3. Writing skill: presents the story through time sequence Basic materials and references: 1. new horizon college English and reference book for teaching 2. other reading materials and pictures 3. 使用多媒体演示文稿,使用电脑磁带复读机及语音教室训练听力,在网上进行教师与学生的教学互动 Lesson procedure:

3、(4 periods) Period 1 (20mins) Period 2 (3 classes) Period 3 (1 class) Period 4 (1.5 classes) Warm-up exercises Background information Detailed reading of Section A After reading activities Section B Teaching procedure: Period 1: (20mins) I. Warm-up activities 1. Why is the woman in this story in pai

4、n? 2. Where did the wife think the strange wedding guest had come from? Why did her husband not agree with her? 3. What gift did the strange wedding guest give to the new husband and wife? II. Background information 1. Elizabeth Jolly: is a famous Australian fiction writer. Her work includes 26 book

5、s: short stories, radio plays, collections and 12 novels in print since 1980. Jolly has won many writing awards. 2. Cabin Fever: the story is presented in bits and pieces as a successful woman psychologist recalls her war experiences and postwar hard times. Period 2: (3 classes) III. New vocabulary

6、and language points A. New vocabularys 1. widow n. a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again 寡妇 The widow had a hard time raising three children. 这位寡妇曾经因抚养三个孩子日子过得很艰难。 2. considerable a. fairly large 相当的 He spent considerable time on translating the novel. 他花了很多的时间翻译这部小说。 consider

7、ably ad. Much 相当地,很多 He spent considerably more time on translating the novel.s 他花了相当多的时间翻译这部小说。 3. underline vt. 1. draw a line under 划横线 Youd better underline these words and try to learn them by heart. 2. give added attention to, so as to show importance 强调;使突出 The Second World War underlined the

8、 importance of science and technology. 第二次世界大战突出了科学和技术的重要性。 4. quotation n. 1. a sentence drawn from literature or a piece taken from a work of art 语录,引语 Youve used too many quotations in your paper. 你的论文引用内容太多。 2. the price of something 报价 The letter says they havent got the quotation yet. 信上说他们还没有

9、收到报价。 5. cabin n. a small roughly built house 小屋 He lives in a cabin in the woods. 他住在树林中的小屋里。 6. album n. a book for storing photos 相册 Some people like to keep beautiful albums. 有些人喜欢收集好看的相册。 7. blur n. sth. whose shape is not clearly seen 模糊的影子 My memory of the accident is only a blur. 我对这事件的记忆一片模

10、糊。 vt. make difficult to see clearly 使模糊 Tears blurred my eyes. 眼泪模糊了我的眼睛。 8. file vi. 1). walk one behind the other 一个接一个地走 Slowly, the parents filed into the classroom and sat down. 家长们一个个慢慢地走进教室,坐了下来。 2). make a written request for a position 提出 She filed for a divorce on the grounds that he was

11、not devoted to her. 她提出离婚,理由是他对她不忠。 vt. 1). put away (papers, etc.) in order 归档 e.g. Please file those letters. 请把那些信件归档。 2). place an exhibit among the records of a court, public office, or government 提出(申请等) They tried to file a request with the authorities. 他们试图向当局提出申请。 n. 1). a store of papers o

12、n one subject 汇存的文件 2). the furniture or box for storing papers 文件夹,文件箱 3). a line of people one behind the other 纵列 9. colleague n. a fellow worker 同事 The teachers colleagues taught his classes while he was ill. 老师生病时,他的同事们替他上课。 10. cheerful a. happy 幸福的,高兴的 The child gave a cheerful cry when he sa

13、w his mother. 孩子看到母亲时高兴地叫了起来。 11. surround vt. be or go around on every side 包围 The village is surrounded by trees. 村的四周都是树木。 12. sympathize (英 sympathise) vi. (with)show feeling for another 同情 Most people sympathize with the weak. 多数人同情弱者。 13. sympathizer(英 sympathiser) n. a person who offers sympa

14、thy 同情者 Sometimes a sympathizer is one step away from a lover. 有时侯,同情者与情人仅一步之遥。 14. congratulate vt. express good luck or pleasure at someones success 祝贺 She congratulated him on the birth of his son. 她祝贺他添了儿子。 15. disappear vi. go out of sight 消失 Difficulties disappear before brave men. 困难在勇敢者面前消遁。

15、 16. depart vi. leave; go away 离开 When will the plane depart? 飞机何时飞走? Our tour departs from Shanghai. 我们的旅游线路从上海开始。 17. loan vt. lend 借给,贷给 The bank was unwilling to loan him that quantity of money. 那家银行不肯贷那么多款给他。 n. quantity of money lent 贷款 He got a loan of $1,000,000 from the bank. 他从银行得到了一百万美元的贷

16、款。 18. lodge n. a small house 小屋 He lived in a lodge by the river. 他住在河边的一个小屋里。 vi. stay somewhere and pay rent 住宿;投宿 We lodged in a small hotel on our trip. 旅途中我们住在一家小旅馆里。 19. recall vt. Remember 回忆,回想 Im sorry, I dont recall your name. 对不起,我记不起你的名字了。 20. convey vt. make known; communicate; express

17、 传达 The word home conveys a feeling of welcome and comfort. 家这个字给人一种亲切、舒适的感觉。 The Russian song conveyed the feeling of sadness for the missing loved one. 那首俄罗斯歌曲表达了思念亲人的忧伤心情。 21. respond vi. (to)answer 回答;反应 Please respond to the question. 请回答这个问题。 When people ask us questions we usually respond to

18、their questions by trying to answer them. 当人们问我们问题时,我们通常用回答来对问题作出反应。 22. scan vt. look at closely, examine with care 仔细察看;扫描 The mother scanned the sons face to see if he was telling the truth. 母亲扫视儿子的脸,想看看他是否说了真话。 23. bulletin n. a short official report 公告; 简明新闻 The TV programme was interrupted by

19、a news bulletin. 电视节目中间插播了简明新闻。 24. grand a. 1. highest or very high in status 高级的,大的 grand jury 大陪审团 2. splendid; good 好的,妙的 have a grand time 过得愉快 25. knit v. make (clothes, etc.) by forming a network of threads with long needles 编织 Women are good at knitting. 女人善编织。 26. glove n. a covering with f

20、ingers for the hand 手套 a pair of gloves 一副手套 27. peculiar a. 1. strange; not usual 奇怪的 The football player has got a peculiar, childlike face. 这位足球运动员长着一张奇特的、孩子般的脸。 I saw a peculiar thing today; a dog was walking down the street wearing a red hat! 今天我看到一件怪事;一条狗戴着顶红帽子在街上走。 2. special 特别的 The book has

21、 a peculiar value; it belonged to George Washington. 这本书有特别的价值;他的主人是乔治华盛顿。 28. peculiarly ad. 1. strangely 奇怪地 Peculiarly, he never asked his father to help him. 奇怪的是,他从不叫他父亲帮忙。 2. especially 特别地 This question is peculiarly difficult. 这个问题特别难。 29. assert vt. declare forcefully 断言;主张 Sandys mother as

22、serts that its not healthy to eat standing up. 桑迪的母亲断言,站着吃饭不卫生。 30. responsibility n. duty; condition or quality of being mature and willing to do ones duty 责任, 责任心 Taking care of a family is a big responsibility. 关爱家人,责任重大。 31. restrain vt. prevent from doing something; hold back 抑制 The boy could n

23、ot restrain his curiosity to open the letter. 男孩抑制不住好奇心,想拆开信看。 32. anniversary n. a day that is an exact number of years after something happened 周年(纪念日) Today we are here to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the founding of our university. 今天,我们在这里庆祝我校建校 105 周年。 33. curiosity n. an eager desire to

24、 know 好奇 The little boy satisfies his curiosity about animals by visiting the zoo every week. 这小孩每周都去动物园,以此来满足他对动物的好奇心。 34. regarding prep. concerning; about 有关 He wrote an article regarding the future of life on the earth. 他写了一篇关于地球上未来生命的文章。 35. accidental a. happening by chance 意外的 Breaking the di

25、sh was accidental; he didnt mean to do it. 打破碗是件意外的事,他不是有意的。 Our accidental meeting led to our becoming friends. 我们的意外相逢使我们成为朋友。 36. accidentally ad. by accident 意外地 He accidentally met a friend of his when shopping yesterday. 他昨天买东西时偶然遇到了他的一位朋友。 37. mission n. the action of sending or the fact of b

26、eing sent on some special work or service 使命,任务 He was sent on a mission to France by his government. 他受政府委派出使法国。 B: Phrases and Expressions: 1. share with give a part of (something) to (someone else) 分享 Ill share my apple with you, if youll give me half of your cake. 你把你的蛋糕给我一半,我就和你分享我的苹果。 2. be a

27、part of one of the pieces, sections or segments that something is made up of 一部分 The best part of his job is all the travel it includes. 他的工作大部分是东奔西跑,到处出差。 3. fill with (cause to) become full of 充满 His eyes filled with tears as he looked with love at her. 他深情地看着她,眼眶里充满了泪水。 The box was filled with gi

28、fts. 盒子里装满了礼物。 4. define as state the meaning of (something such as a word) as being (something)界定,定义为 We can define a radical as someone who has very different opinions. 我们可以把激进派界定为观点极端的人。 5. mistake for think wrongly that (someone or something) is (someone or something else) 误当作 Do not mistake sym

29、pathy for love. 莫将同情当作爱情。 6. fill ones need satisfy ones need 满足需要 Teachers should try to fill students needs. 教师应该尽力满足学生的需要。 7. bring up mention or introduce (a subject) 提起 He said he would bring up the question of the loan at the meeting. 他说他会在会上提出贷款问题。 8. save from keep (something or someone) fro

30、m (danger, being destroyed, etc.); make safe from danger or being destroyed 保留;抢救;免于 He was happy to learn that his village was saved from the great flood. 得知家乡幸免于这场大水,他很高兴。 C. Language Points 1. Alone now, the widow reads considerably. (Para. 1) Meaning: The widow now lives alone and, therefore, re

31、ads much because she has much time for herself. Notice that the word alone can be used both as an adjective and adverb: widow: n. woman whose husband has died and who has not married again The short story is about a widow on her dying bed who recalled her life. 这部短篇小说描写一位寡妇临终前回顾自己的一生。 Cf. widower :

32、man whose wife has died and who has not married again 鳏夫 Please notice that one can speak of a mans widow: Margaret is Johns widow. But if the woman dies first, one does not say John is Margarets widower, but only John is a widower. considerably: ad. much, a great deal She is considerably more tired

33、 from doing exercises. 她做练习做得相当累。 considerable: a. a lot of Considerable experience is required to become a general in the army. 要成为一名将军,需要相当的经验。 For most people, it takes considerable effort to learn a long poem by heart. 对于大多数人来说,背诵一首长诗需要下很大的气力。 2. She used to underline favorite passages to share

34、with her husband. (Para. 1) Meaning: In the past she often drew lines under passages she liked best so that she could remember them with her husband. underline: vt. 1) draw a line under 划横线 The teacher told the students to underline the new words in the text. 老师要学生在课文中的生词下面划上横线。 2) give added attent

35、ion to, so as to show importance 强调;使突出 His leaving underlined his negative attitude toward the evening party. 他的离席说明他不喜欢这个晚会。 share with: give part of what you have to sb. When the flood destroyed our house, our neighbors shared their house and food with us. 洪水摧毁了我家的房屋之后,邻居们让我们住到他们的房子里,并在他们家里吃饭。 3.

36、 Now, in a notebook, she stores quotations like this one from Elizabeth Jolleys Cabin Fever. (Para. 1) Meaning: Now in a notebook she keeps quotations such as this one that is from Elizabeth Jolleys novel Cabin Fever. quotation: n. 1. a sentence drawn from literature or a piece taken from a work of

37、art Its not good to use too many quotations in a paper. 论文里引用内容太多不好。 It seems that the quotations you have here do not help your major point. 你在这里的引文对说明你的主要观点似乎没有什么作用。 quotation mark 引号 2. the price of something 报价 He gave me a quotation which was too high for a new house. 他给了我新房子的报价,可报价太高。 4. I exp

38、erience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband. (Para. 1) Meaning: Again I deeply feel the strong desire to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband. Please notice that the i

39、nfinitive phrases-to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband-modify the word wish. experience: 1) vt. feel, live through She experienced pain in thinking of her husband who had passed away years ago. 她丈夫于几年前去世, 她经历了一段思念亡夫的悲痛过程。 2) n. (i) (uncountable)

40、 knowledge gained by practice He has plenty of teaching experience. 他很有教学经验。 (ii) (countable) something that happens to Travelling experiences by bike are quite exciting. 骑自行车旅行是一种令人兴奋的体验。 a part of: one of the pieces, sections or segments that it is made of Respect is a very important part of any r

41、elationship. 相互尊重是人际关系中一个重要的方面。 5. So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears. (Para. 1) Notice that this is an inverted sentence. The usual or common order of it is: This wish is so intense that if I write the word husband on a piece of pap

42、er, my eyes fill with tears. intense: very great; very strong (this is a word learned in Unit 5 B.) Intense pain can mean serious damage. 有剧痛说明伤得很重。 I cannot stand the intense heat here. 我受不了这里的酷热。 fill with: (cause to) become full with Mother filled my plate with food. 母亲在我盘子里放满了食物。 6. We begin wit

43、h a worn wedding album. (Para. 3) Meaning: Let us begin our story with a worn wedding album. begin with: start (something) with (something) Let us begin our discussion with a quotation. 让我们用一条语录来开始我们的讨论。 Notice that the word worn in the sentence suggests that the following story took place many year

44、s ago. 7. In the first picture, the bride and groom are facing, with uncertain smiles, a church filled with relatives and friends. (Para. 3) Meaning: In the first picture, the bride and groom with uncertain smiles are facing a full church crowded with relatives and friends. Also notice that the phra

45、se with uncertain smiles shows that the couple were not confident or sure. Their strained smiles show they are not certain about this marriage. As you read on, youll learn that the couples mothers and some relatives were not happy with the marriage. 8. The bride did not wear glasses that day, so eve

46、rything was a blur of candlelight and faces. (Para. 3) Meaning: The bride was short-sighted and without glasses she could not see things clearly. blur: 1) n. something whose shape is not clearly seen The widows memory of the accident that took place on the wedding day is only a blur. 这位寡妇对婚礼那天发生的事的记

47、忆只是一片模糊。 2) v. make difficult to see clearly In the worn wedding album the first picture of the bride and groom is blurred. 在那本破旧的婚礼相册里,第一张新娘和新郎的合照已经模糊不清了。 9. They walked to the back of the church and stood at the door as their guests filed past. (Para. 4) Meaning: They walked to the back of the chu

48、rch and stood at the door as their guests walked by them in a line. file: vi. 1) walk one behind the other 一个接一个地走 The students filed into the meeting hall.学生一个个走进会议大厅。 About 10,000 people a day filed past Tiananmen Square during the celebration period. 2) make a written request for a position 提出 I

49、hope you have filed for safety insurance. 我希望你已参加了安全保险。 vt. 1) put away (papers, etc.) in order 归档 Please file these tape recordings. 请把这些磁带录音归档。 2) place an exhibit among the records of a court, public office, or government 向. 提出(申请等) They tried to file a request with the authorities. 他们试图向当局提出请求。

50、10. From colleagues and old schoolmates came cheerful good wishes clothed in friendly jokes. (Para. 4) Meaning: Colleagues and old schoolmates greeted the couple happily with good wishes that were expressed in friendly jokes. Please notice that the sentence is inverted. The usual or common order of

51、the sentence is: Cheerful good wishes clothed in friendly jokes came from colleagues and old schoolmates. colleague: n. fellow worker He told the story to one of his colleagues who told it to a news writer. 他把这事告诉了他的一位同事,而这位同事又把这事告诉一个新闻记者。 cheerful: a. happy The child gave a cheerful cry when he saw

52、 his mother. 孩子看到母亲时高兴地叫了起来。 11. One sat in a car, crying; another stood surrounded by. (Para. 4) surround: vt. be or go around on every side The film star was surrounded by news writers. 这位电影明星被新闻记者围住了。 For two months the city was surrounded by enemy forces, and no supplies could be brought in. 这座城

53、市被敌人围困了两个月,任何供应都不能送进城。 12. .by sympathizers offering pity. (Para. 4) sympathizer: n. a person who offers sympathy Some people are in doubt about sympathizers. 有些人对同情者有怀疑。 Their opinion about the environment does not have many sympathizers. sympathize: vi. show sympathy We sympathize with him when he

54、 lost his job. 我们同情他,因为他失业了。 13. The last person to approach the couple was a short, elderly woman who smiled as she congratulated them-not by name but as wife and husband. (Para. 5) Meaning: The last person to get close to greet the couple was a short, old woman. When she greeted them, she smiled a

55、nd simply called them wife and husband. congratulate: vt. express good luck or pleasure at (someones) success She congratulated him on winning a prize. 她祝贺他得了奖。 14. Then quickly, for such a short, portly, elderly person, she disappeared. (Para. 7) Meaning: Although she was short, over-weight and old

56、, the woman disappeared all of a sudden. for: prep. despite For all his faults, we like him still. 尽管他有错误,我们还是喜欢他。 For all your explanations, I understand no better than before. 尽管你作了解释,我还是不明白。 Please notice that for in this sense is usually followed by the word all. disappear: vi. go out of sight T

57、he sun disappeared behind the clouds. 太阳躲进了云层里。 The man disappeared the same day the crime was committed; no one could find him. 发生犯罪的那一天,那人消失了,没有人能找到他。 The money disappeared from the bank; no one knew who took it. 那笔钱从银行里消失了,没有人知道是谁拿的。 15. With money loaned by the grooms brother, they could afford

58、a honeymoon at a state-park lodge. (Para. 8) Meaning: Because they borrowed some money from the grooms brother, they were able to have a honeymoon at a state-park lodge. loan: vt. lend / n. a quantity of money loaned He wants to start a new company with a loan of $100,000 from the bank. 他想用从银行得到的十万美

59、元的贷款来开办一家新公司。 lodge: n. a small house The old man lived in a lodge in the woods. 这老人住在树林里的一间小屋里。 lodge: vi. stay somewhere and pay rent All the travelers lodged in a three-star hotel. 所有的旅客都住在一家三星级饭店里。 16. Sitting before a great oak fire, they recalled the events of the day, especially the strange m

60、essage conveyed by Aunt Esther Gubbins. (Para. 8) Meaning: Sitting in front of a great oak fire, they reviewed what had happened on the day of their wedding, especially wondering about the meaning of Aunt Esther Gubbinss words. recall: vt. remember convey: vt. make known, communicate, express Please

61、 convey my best wishes to your parents. 请向你父母转达我最美好的祝愿。 Very fine shades of meaning cannot easily be conveyed with a limited word bank. 细微的意思不能用几个字就轻而易举地表达清楚。 17. Or was she just an old woman who liked weddings and scanned for announcements in church bulletins? (Para. 11) Meaning: Or was she just an

62、 old woman who liked weddings and looked for announcements in church bulletins? scan: vt. look at closely, examine with care He scanned the field for the figure of his mother. 他扫视田野,想看到他母亲的身影。 18. Peculiarly, neither ever asked Whose job is this? or asserted That is not my responsibility! (Para. 13)

63、 Meaning: Strangely, neither the husband nor the wife asked Whose job is this? or declared forcefully That is not my responsibility! Notice that this sentence describes the couple as caring and helpful to each other as they did not give their responsibilities to the other. peculiarly: ad. 1) strange

64、ly Please seize the man. He has been hanging around my store all day and acting peculiarly. 2) especially This book is peculiarly difficult. 这本书特别难。 assert: vt. declare forcefully responsibility: n. duty; condition or quality of being mature I take full responsibility for this action. 我对这次行动负全部责任。 I

65、V. Text Analysis 1. Main idea of the text: The quotations taken from Cabin Fever bring the widow back in time to her wedding day and married life, which was as happy and peaceful as a strange woman predicted at the wedding ceremony. The widows mind slipped back to her wedding ceremony at which she a

66、nd her husband received a strange word gift which had a magic power. The message her husband left her showed that their “aunt”s prophecy had come true-they worked hard and loved each other and that was why the widow stored the painful quotation. 2. Division of the text: Part(Para.1-2) The quotations

67、 the widow stores in a notebook remind her of the painful memory of her late husband. Part(Para.3-15) The widows mind slipped back to her wedding ceremony at which she and her husband received a strange word gift which had a magic power. Part(Para.16-19) The message her husband left her showed that

68、their “aunt”s prophecy had come true-they worked hard and loved each other and that was why the widow stored the painful quotation. 3. Devices for developing the text: 1)Device for developing Part I Quotation (引言法) Now, in a notebook, she stores quotations like this one from Elizabeth Jolleys Cabin

69、Fever: “ I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband. So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears.”(Para. 1) 2)Devices for developing Part: A. Flashback (倒叙

70、法) Now: We begin with a worn wedding album. In the first picture, the bride and groom are facing, with uncertain smiles, a church filled with relatives and friends. Past: From“The bride did not wear glasses that day. (Para. 3)”to Para.15 B. Sequence of time & space(时空法) Time Signals: now (L.7), that

71、 day(L.9), as (L .10), then (L.25), Soon (L.26), With the passage of the time and the birth of grandchildren (L.35), occasionally (L.43) Space Signals: in the first picture (L.7), a church (L.8), to the back of the church (L.10), at the door (L.10), in a borrowed car (L.26), a state-park lodge (L.43

72、), before a great oak fire (L.27), from work (L.41), home (L.41) 3) Devices for developing Part III: A. Flashback (倒叙法) Past: One evening her husband had fallen asleep while reading a spy novel. She wrote a note on the envelope and left it on his book: “Husband, I have gone next door to help Mrs. No

73、rton with her sick children.” (Para. 18) The next morning she saw he had written below her message: “Wife, I missed you. You thought I was asleep, but I was just resting my eyes and thinking about that peculiar woman who talked to us in church a long time ago. ”(Para. 19) B. Quotation (引言法) The next

74、 morning she saw he had written below her message: “ Wife, I missed you. You thought I was asleep, but I was just resting my eyes and thinking about that peculiar woman who talked to us in church a long time ago. It has always seemed to me that she was the wrong shape for a heavenly messenger. Anywa

75、y, its time to stop wondering whether she came from heaven or a nearby town. What matters is this: whoever she was, Aunt Esther Gubbins was right.”(Para. 19) V. Assignments: 1. Finish the exercises in Section A. 2. Prepare for Section B. Period 3: (1 class) After Reading activities 1. Discussion Wor

76、k in small groups and discuss the following questions. 1) What does the last sentence of the third paragraph suggest about the woman? 2) In what sense was Aunt Esther right? 2. Explain the exercises in Section A. (40mins) Period 4: (1.5 classes) Section B: The Trashman I. vocabulary 1. wicked a. 1.

77、very severe; serious 严重的 I have a wicked toothache. 我牙痛得厉害。 2. morally wrong or bad; evil 坏的 He has got a wicked mind. 他良心不好。 wickedly ad.: badly; seriously 厉害地 My head aches wickedly. 我头痛得厉害。 2. tremble vi.:shake uncontrollably 颤抖 The man trembled with anger. 那人气得打抖。 3. head v.:1. move 移动,走 He is h

78、eading to the library. 他朝图书馆走去。 2. lead 带领 The research was done by a group of scientists headed by John. 这项研究是由一个以约翰为首的科学家小组完成的。 4. image .form a mental picture; see in the mind 想象, 设想 Try to image being on the moon. 试想一下在月球上会是怎么个样子。 It is hard to image a society without law. 很难设想一个没有法律的社会。 n. a co

79、py of object(s)or event(s) ; mental picture of an object or event 图像; 印象; 想象 I cannot make an image of that old novel in my mind. 那本旧小说在我脑子里已没有什么印象了。 5. dump vt. drop carelessly 倒,倾 The truck backed up to the hole and dumped the trash in it.卡车倒开到洞边,将垃圾倒进洞里。 n.:a place for dumping waste 垃圾场 6. route

80、n. a way from one place to another 路 Ill take the shortest route if there is any.如有捷径的话,我也想走。 7. greenhouse n. a glass building for growing plants 温室 A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather. 所谓温室就是玻璃建筑,里面培植一些需要保护以免受坏天气侵袭的植物。 8. civilize (英

81、 civilise) vt. bring from a lower stage of development to a very developed stage of social organization 使文明,使开化 They hope to civilize all the natives in the distant area. 他们希望使边远地区所有的老百姓都能接受文明。 9. register vt.:1. make known; show; record 显示,表明 The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the Richter scal

82、e. 地震为里氏五点三级。 The workers stopped work to register that they were not happy with the managers. 2. write in a list or record 登记 Please ask the secretary to register the names of the new members. 请叫秘书把新会员的名字登记下来。 10. response n.:1. a reply 回答,答复 I asked him a question but he made no response. 我问了他一个问题

83、,但他没有反应。 2. (to) an action done in answer 反应,响应 There has been a very positive response to online learning. 对网络课程的反映十分热烈。 11. retreat vi.:1) move back, especially when forced 后退 I saw him retreating from the room. 我看见他从房间里退出来。 2) escape 逃离 A brave man will not retreat from the real world. 勇敢的人不逃避现实。

84、 12. indoor ad. (-s) inside a building 在室内,在户内 Tennis is a sport we sometimes play indoors. 网球这种运动我们有时也在室内进行。 a. which is inside a building (在)室内的, (在)户内的 We play many sports indoors, but baseball is not an indoor sport. 许多运动在室内进行,但是垒球不是一项室内运动。 13. deaf: a. 1. unable to hear at all or hear well 聋的 I

85、t is difficult to communicate with my grandmother because she is deaf. 与祖母交流很困难,因为她耳聋. 2. unwilling to hear or listen 不愿听的, 装聋的 My parents turned a deaf ear to my requests for money. 我向父母要钱, 他们置之不理. 14. rage vi. talk with severe anger 愤然地说 He is on the phone again, raging about the horrible way his

86、boss treats him. n.:(sudden feeling of) radical anger 狂怒 He felt a sense of rage about what the press reported. 对于报界的报道,他很震怒。 15. graduate v. complete ones studies and receive a certificate or diploma 毕业 He graduated in English language and literature from London University. 他毕业于伦敦大学英语语言文学专业。 16. fo

87、lk n. ones relatives 亲戚 You can refer to your close family, especially your mother and father, as your folks. a. of or having to do with the common people, their beliefs, stories, customs, and the like 民间的,民俗的 folk culture 民俗文化 folk music 民间音乐 folk dance 民间舞蹈 folk art 民间艺术 17. boast vi. speak too pr

88、oudly of 吹嘘,吹牛 I dont like the way he boasts about his new house. 我不喜欢他吹嘘他的新房子时的那个样子。 n.:吹嘘,吹牛 I dont believe his boast that he can run faster than I can. 18. original a.:1. first, earliest 原先的,起初的 His original plan is to work as a garbageman for two weeks only. 他原先只打算当两周的垃圾工。 2. new and different 新

89、颖的,有独创性的 He is clever enough to have some original ideas. 他很聪明,常有些独创性的见解。 19. originally ad. in the beginning 最初地 The village was originally surrounded by trees of which none remain now. 原先村子四周都是树,现在这些树都不见了。 20. employment n. 1. paid work 工作,就业 He had an employment interview this morning.今天上午他去求职面试了

90、。 2. the act of employing 雇用;招聘 A large company usually requires the employment of many people. 大公司通常要雇用很多人。 21. muscle n. pieces of spring-like material in the body 肌肉 Do exercises and keep your muscles strong. 锻炼锻炼,使你的肌肉强壮起来。 22. sore a. :painful especially from a wound or hard use 痛的 My leg is st

91、ill sore from the operation. 我的腿至今还因手术而感到疼痛。 23. harm n. damage; wrong or hurt 伤害 There is no harm in writing down your name on the form. 在表格里写下你的名字不会有什么坏处。 vt hurt; cause damage to 伤害 Do not pick or harm flowers in the park. 别采摘或损伤公园里的花儿。 24. frank a. honest 诚实的,坦白的 Please be frank with me. 请坦率地跟我说

92、。 25. frankly ad. to be honest 诚实地,坦白地 Frankly, the paper is far from perfect. 说实话,这论文远远够不上完美。 26. philosopher n. :a person who studies the nature and being of existing, what is real, morals, etc. 哲学家 Its not good for a society to have more philosophers than plumbers. 一个社会里哲学家多于管道工可不是件好事。 27. theory

93、 n. general laws and methods rather than practice 理论 One good way to learn is to put theory into practice. 把理论付诸实践是一种学习的好方法。 28.economy n. the economic network of a country 经济 The economy of the country is on the rise. 这个国家的经济在上升。 29. economist n. a person who studies economics 经济学家 A society needs

94、both economists and plumbers. 一个社会既需要经济学家又需要管道工 II. Phrases and Expressions: 1. make the rounds visit a number of people or places, usually in a set order (also do or go the rounds) 串门拜访,四处走动 Whenever we go back to the place my wife was born, we always have to do the rounds of her relatives. 每次去我妻子的

95、老家,我们都得要一家一家地走亲戚。 In hospitals, night nurses are making their usual rounds. 医院里,值夜班的护士正在例行查房。 2. go with match or suit (something) 与. 相配 I dont think this type of shoes will go with your jeans. 我看这种鞋和你的牛仔裤不相配。 3. Who are you to say. ? Who are you to say I shall not enter the church? 你凭什么说我不能进教堂? 4.

96、boast about speak too proudly of (also boast of) 吹牛,吹嘘 I dont like the way he boasts about his new house. 我不喜欢他吹嘘他的新房子的那个样子。 He always boasts of his ability to make lots of money. 他老吹他赚钱的本领。 5. stay away from: keep away from; do not get close to 别靠近 Mr. John told his son to stay away from those roug

97、h boys. 约翰先生告诉他儿子别和那些粗鲁无礼的男孩们在一起。 6. stay at remain behind at 保留,待在 Ill stay at the bus stop while you go to see if there is a bus coming. 你去看看有没有车来,我就待在汽车站。 He makes up his mind to stay at the post till the end of the year. 他决定到年底再辞职。 7. contrary to completely different from 与.相反 Contrary to what t

98、he wife thought, the husband did not fall asleep. 与妻子想的相反,丈夫没有睡着。 Contrary to what the fans had expected, the football team lost. Contrary to his confident hope, he failed in the exam. 与他的希望相反,他没有通过考试。 8. be in for unable to escape; be sure to get or have 免不了遭受 The weather report says we are in for

99、a storm. 天气预报说一定会有风暴。 9. look down on have a poor opinion of (someone), especially as being below ones social level; not approve of (someone or something) 蔑视;不赞成 Women have grown tired of being looked down on by bosses. 妇女已经讨厌雇主瞧不起女人了。 The school looks down on such behavior. 这所学校不赞成这种行为。 10. hold wa

100、ter be able to be proved true or brought to actual 站得住脚;可证明为真实 He suggested quite a few tips about the managers of the company, but none of them held water. 就公司的管理问题他提了好几个建议,可没一个管用。 Im sorry, but your story just doesnt hold water. 对不起,你说的并不能说明问题。 III. Language Points 1. Saturday, April 7 (Para. 1) N

101、otice that the date shows that the following is a piece of diary. Students are advised to pay close attention to the diary form, especially the tense that is used to describe the events of the day. 2. My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally tremb

102、led as I was heading to the street. (Para. 2) Meaning: Each time when I put another full barrel of trash on my shoulder, it hurt me badly, and sometimes my legs even shook as I was walking to the street. wickedly: ad. badly, very intensely My back aches wickedly. 我的背痛得厉害。 tremble: vi. shake uncontro

103、llably He trembled with fear. 他害怕得发抖。 head to: go to Which classroom are you heading to? 你到哪个教室去? 3. Dump. (Para. 3) dump: vt. drop carelessly, throw away They kept dumping their garbage in the woods until the local police came. 警察到来之前, 他们一直在往树林里倒拉圾。 The factories dumped so much waste material into

104、the rivers that the water became polluted. 这些工厂把那么多的废物排入河中,以致于河水受到了污染。 dump: n. place for dumping waste 垃圾场 4. Saturday meant most adults were at home on the route. (Para. 4) Meaning: On Saturdays I saw fewer people on the road because most adults were at home as they didnt need to go out for work.

105、5. At the sound of my greeting, she gathered her housecoat tightly about her and retreated quickly indoors. (Para. 7) Meaning: When she heard my greeting, she was in a sort of shock and pulled her housecoat tightly around her and quickly returned back into the house. 6. Steve raged spontaneously abo

106、ut these things on the long ride to the dump. (Para. 8) Meaning: Steve could not restrain him out of control anger and talked angrily about these things on the long way to the dump. rage: vi. talk with out of control anger He began to rage against his bad luck. 他开始愤愤地叙说自己的倒霉事儿。 He flew into a rage.

107、他勃然大怒。 Joans bad behavior sent her mother into a rage.琼的粗暴无礼令他母亲极为生气。 spontaneously: ad that happens in a natural way The crowd burst into cheers spontaneously at the skilled play. 由于表演精彩,人群中爆发出了喝彩声。 7. The way most people look at you, youd think a trashman was a monster. (Para. 9) Meaning: Judging

108、from the way most people look at you, you would think that a trashman was no human but a huge, ugly animal. Notice that the way introduces a clause. The way he works, youd think he is a master. 看他工作的样子,你会以为他是个专家。 8. I left this country a little cleaner than I found it this morning. (Para. 14) Meanin

109、g: When I finished my job this evening, I found the country was cleaner than it had been this morning. Notice the structure leave + n. + adj. (or -ing/-ed) I left the room clean. 我离开时房间干干净净。 I left the job not done. 我离开时工作没做完。 I left him waiting at the station. 我把他丢在车站等侯。 Please compare this with wh

110、at you have learned about my HIV test results returned positive in Passage B, Unit 5. 9. He might have gone a step further and called for respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise, theyll both leave garbage behind. (Para. 15) Meaning; He might have gone on to demand that the societ

111、y respect both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise it will live in garbage. call for: demand, ask for Bad managing calls for a change. 管理这么差,必须有所改变。 The thiefs actions called for a heavy punishment, and the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison. 那个小偷的行为应予严惩,法官判了他 10 年监禁。 leave behind: forget to take The plane is about to take off, and yet I left my ticket behind. 飞机就要起飞了,可我却忘了带机票。 IV. Assignment: 1. Read para46 in Section A aloud until you can say them from memory. 2. Writing



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