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1、Intercultural Communication跨文化交际跨文化交际I. What is intercultural communication (IC)?Communication:交际、交流、传通、传播、沟通、通讯、传达、传报、联络A: face-to-face interactionB: nonverbal communicationIntercultural Communication (IC):A: IC is interaction between members of differing cultures (Sitaram & Cogdell, 1976). B: IC i

2、s the art of understanding and being understood by the audience of another culture (Sitatam, 1970). C: IC is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event (Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter & Lisa A. Stefani, 1998).C

3、ulture:As early as 1952, Kroeber (克罗伯) and Kluckhohn (克拉克洪) listed 164 definitions of culture that they found in the anthropology literature.Estimated by 戚雨村戚雨村,there are at least 250 definitions of culture.Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and co

4、mmunication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.Concepts Related to ICA: Cross-cultural communication: This term implies a comparison of some phenomenon across cultures. (For example if we examine the use of self-disclosure in

5、Japan and Germany, we are making a cross-cultural comparison. If we look at how Japanese use self-disclosure when communicating with Germans and how Germans use self-disclosure when communicating with Japanese, we are looking at intercultural communication. )B: Intracultural communication: communica

6、tion between people from the same culture.C: International communication: This term is distinctly different from IC in that it is interaction between political structures or nations, often carried on by representatives of those nations (Sitaram, 1970).D: Interpersonal Communication: Communication be

7、tween peopleE: Interracial Communication: It occurs when the source and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races.F: Interethnic Communication: Ethnic groups usually form their own communities in a country or culture.II. The history of the study of ICA: The publication of Edward Hall

8、s 霍尔霍尔The Silent Language 无声的语言无声的语言in 1959 symbolizes the beginning of the study of IC.B: Three classic works of the field of IC: Edward Halls (1959) The Silent Language Robert Olivers (1962) Culture and Communication A. Smiths (1966) Communication and CultureC: Two international organizations rela

9、ting to ICThe Society for Intercultural Education, Training and ResearchThe International Association for Intercultural Communication StudiesIII. Plan for the courseThe first 3 lectures are concerned with attitudes. These lectures include opinion surveys and other activities to give the students a c

10、hance to explore and perhaps change attitudes so they are better prepared to communicate with people across cultures.The next 3 lectures (the 4th ,5th and 6th lectures)are about what usually happens when Chinese and westerners first meet. It covers guest/host relationships, the fears and uncertainti

11、es that accompany the first contact, and some differences in the meaning of friendship.The 7th, 8th and 9th lectures are about non-verbal aspects of communication.Objectives:Understand the relation between language and culture.Establish an awareness of and a right attitude toward cultural difference

12、s. Gain more knowledge about the cultures of English speaking countries.Compare and analyze the differences between Chinese and Western culturesLearn cross-cultural communication skills and strategies.Increase your cultural awarenessIncrease your sensitivity toPeopleSituationsSimilarities and differ

13、encesExpand the concept of culture beyond the idea of national cultureWork on problems of generalization and prejudiceBuild on what you already know about how to communicateDevelop ICC - Intercultural communication competenceKnowledge of social groups in your own country and other countriesAttitude

14、of openness about other cultures and peopleAbility to gain new knowledge and to act on that knowledgeKnowledge of processes and ability to use that knowledgeHow to communicate not just how to speak the target languageMeeting, greeting, starting a conversationExpressing agreement and disagreementAski

15、ng for informationWorking with others Class Activities:Discussion, group discussion,debateOral presentation, group presentationRole playVideo watching, written or oral reportReadingResearch (personal or team work) Evaluation:Attendance and class performance (30%)Mid-term test (30%)Final test (40%)Re

16、quirements:Be active: active listening active reading active thinking active talking active practicing Textbook 许力生,2004, 跨文化交际英语教程。上海:上海外语教育出版社。 Reference Books1. Davis, Linell . 2001. Doing CultureCross-Cultural Communication in Action. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2. Gudy

17、kunst, William B. & Young Yun Kim. 1997. Communicating With StrangersAn Approach To Intercultural Communication. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, INC.3. Samovar, Larry A., Porter, Richard E. & Stefani, Lisa A. 2000. Communication Between Cultures (Third edition). Beijing: Foreign Laugnage Teachi

18、ng and Research Press.4. Scollon, Ron & Scollon, Suzanne Wong. 2000. Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.5. 宋莉,2004,跨文化交际导论。哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社。6. 胡文仲,1999,跨文化交际学概论。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。7. 胡文仲,1988,跨文化交际与英语学习。上海:上海译文出版社。8.胡文仲,1990,跨文化交际学选读。湖南:

19、湖南教育出版社。9.胡文仲,1997,文化与交际。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 10.贾玉新,1997,跨文化交际学。上海:上海外语教育出版社。11.林大津,1996,跨文化交际研究与英美人交往指南。福建:福建人民出版社。12.王宏印,1996,跨文化传通如何与外国人交往。北京:北京语言学院出版社。13.顾嘉祖,2000,跨文化交际外国语言文学中的隐蔽文化。南京:南京师范大学出版社。14.高一虹,2000,语言文化差异的认识与超越。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 15.李杰群,2002,非言语交际概论。北京:北京大学出版社。16.邓炎昌,刘润清,1995,语言与文化英汉语言文化对比。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。17.马勒茨克著,潘亚玲译,2001,跨文化交流不同文化的人与人之间的交往。北京:北京大学出版社。18.姚君伟,张向阳,张伊娜主编,2002,跨文化语境下的外语教学。徐州:中国矿业大学出版社。



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