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1、Field and Wave Electromagnetic电磁场与电磁波电磁场与电磁波2009. 2. 23自我介绍自我介绍 姓姓 名:名: 郝宏刚郝宏刚 单单 位:光电工程学院位:光电工程学院 实验室:实验室:1311 13011311 1301 联系方式:联系方式: 1399609176813996091768 QQ:54381964 E_mail: 23History The ability of a piece of amber to attract small items after it had been rubbed was discovered by the Greeks i

2、n 600 B.C. The attractive force between a magnet and iron was noted by the Chinese in 300 B.C. In 1785, French scientist Charles Augustin de Coulomb (17361806) discovered Coulombs law, and it gives the relationship between the force experienced by two small charged objects and the distance between t

3、hem. Early in the first century, the compass was invented and it was among the four great inventions in ancient China. Thereafter, the magnetic field of the earth was discovered. 4 In 1820, Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted (17771851) discovered the magnetic field produced by an electric curre

4、nt. In the same year, French scientist Andre Marie Ampere (17751836) determined the force between two electric currents. In 1831, British scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867) discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and put forth the law of electromagnetic induction, which states that

5、 a time-varying magnetic field must give rise to an electric field. 5 In 1873, British scientist James Clerk Maxwell (18311879) postulated the displacement current, which provided the link between a time-varying electric field and a magnetic field. He put on a firm mathematical foundation the laws g

6、overning an electromagnetic field. They are known today as the famous Maxwells equations. A Great Innovation Around the end of the 19th century, Popov in Russia and Marconi in Italy invented the technology to transmit information using electro-magnetic waves. These equations state that a time-varyin

7、g electric field produces time-varying magnetic field and vice versa. Maxwell further predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, which was demonstrated in 1887 by the experiment conducted by German physicist Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (18571894).6Applications Modern wireless communications, broad

8、casting, radar, remote control, microwave sensing, wireless networks and local area networks, satellite positioning, optical communications and other information technologies, all of them use electromagnetic waves to transmit information. Electrostatic xerography, cleaning, and spraying, are all bas

9、ed on the action of electric forces. Electromagnets, maglev bearings, and maglev vehicles, all of them being based on the action of magnetic forces. 7The First HTS Maglev Vehicle Applied Superconductivity R & D Center, SWJTUStable!Stable!8A Maglev Vehicle in Shanghai9Stealth Bomber - B2 i r10Stereos

10、copic Film 11Global Positioning System GPS12教材介绍教材介绍电电磁磁场场与与电电磁磁波波(第第二二版版)/ 国国际际知知名名大大学学原原版版教材教材作者:作者:David/K.Cheng出版社:清华大学出版出版社:清华大学出版社出版日期:社出版日期:2007-07市场价:市场价: ¥65.0131 The Electromagnetic Model 2 Vector Analysis 3 Static Electric Fields 4 Solution of Electrostatic Problems 5 Steady Electric Curr

11、ents 6 Static Magnetic Fields 7 Time-Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations 8 Plane Electromagnetic Waves 9 Theory and Applications of Transmission Lines 10 Waveguides and Cavity Resonators 11 Antennas and Radiating Systems Contents14参考书目参考书目 超星数字图书馆超星数字图书馆电磁场与电磁波电磁场与电磁波周克定周克定电磁场与波电磁场与波D.D.郑钧郑钧 著著 赵姚

12、同赵姚同 黎滨洪黎滨洪 译译电磁场理论基础电磁场理论基础钟顺时钟顺时 钮茂德钮茂德工程电磁场基础工程电磁场基础( (工科类工科类) )孙敏孙敏 孙亲锡孙亲锡 叶齐政叶齐政 电磁场与电磁波电磁场与电磁波( (英文版英文版) ) 杨儒贵杨儒贵 汤姆斯汤姆斯15课程的基本要求课程的基本要求1.1.教材教材: :尽量人手一本尽量人手一本2.2.日常要求日常要求: :按时上课,不得迟到、早退、无故旷课、说话按时上课,不得迟到、早退、无故旷课、说话按时交作业,原则上不接收补交作业,即使收了也只是做登记,而不批按时交作业,原则上不接收补交作业,即使收了也只是做登记,而不批改;每次批改作业为改;每次批改作业为

13、1/31/3以上,以上,1/21/2以下的作业。以下的作业。 * *按学校规定作业或到课率少于按学校规定作业或到课率少于1/31/3者,取消考试资格(补考也没有资格者,取消考试资格(补考也没有资格含重修)含重修)3.3.考试考试: :英文出题,统一命题,统一判卷,统一划线英文出题,统一命题,统一判卷,统一划线( (包括重修学生包括重修学生) )闭卷闭卷 2 2小时小时 平时成绩平时成绩3030卷面成绩卷面成绩70% 70% 4.4.辅导时间:周三辅导时间:周三 下午下午 1515:00-1700-17:0000 地点:地点:13011301, 1311131116教学总结:教学总结:初考:初考

14、:178人,人,25人不及格,人不及格, 其中重修其中重修10人,人, 30-20分分7人,人, 20-10分分4人,人, 10分以下分以下9人。人。补考:补考: 其中通过其中通过3人,人, 20-10分分3人,人, 10分以下分以下9人,人, 缺考缺考6人。人。只要认真学习,别担心,通过不成问题!满足?只要认真学习,别担心,通过不成问题!满足?17学习方法学习方法(1)(1)试试英文教材吧!试试英文教材吧!(2)(2)理解、记忆、多做练习!理解、记忆、多做练习! (3)(3)端正态度,知难而进!端正态度,知难而进!Crematorium!挑战一下自己,努力吧,朋友们!挑战一下自己,努力吧,朋

15、友们!181. Introduction2. Vector Addition and Subtraction3. Products of Vectors4. Orthogonal Coordinate Systems 5. Integrals Containing Vector Functions6. Gradient of a Scalar Field7. Divergence of a Vector Field 8. Divergence Theorem9. Curl of a Vector Field10. Stokess Theorem11. Two Null Identities12

16、. Helmholtzs Theorem Chapter 2Vector Analysis19Main topic1. Scalar and Vector2. Vector Addition and Subtraction3. Products of Vectors201. Scalar and Vector A scalar is completely specified by its magnitude, such as charge, current and energy. The specification of a vector requires both a magnitude a

17、nd a direction, such as electric and magnetic field intensities.Magnitude, Unity vector212. Vector Addition and Subtraction1). By the parallelogram rule: The resultant C is the diagonal vector of the parallelogram formed by A and B drawn from the same point.2). By the head-to-tail rule: The head of

18、A connects to the tail of B. The sum C is the vector drawn from the tail of A to the head of B; A, B, and C form a triangle.22Vector subtraction can be defined in terms of vector addition in the following way:23The vector addition obeys the commutative and associative laws.3. Products of Vectors3.1

19、scalar multiplication 243.2 scalar or dot product The dot product of two vectors (1) is less than or equal to the product of their magnitudes; (2) can be either a positive or a negative quantity, depending on whether the angle between them is smaller or larger than /2 radians (90); (3) is equal to t

20、he product of the magnitude of one vector and the projection of the other vector upon the first one; and (4) is zero when the vectors are perpendicular to each other.25Two equal vectors dot product:The dot product is commutative and distributive laws.Question:263.3 vector or cross product The vector

21、 of cross product of two vectors A and B is a vector perpendicular to the plane containing A and B; its magnitude is ABsin , where is the smaller angle between A and B, and its direction follows that of the thumb of the right hand when the fingers rotate from A to B through the angle (the right-hand

22、 rule).273.4 product of three vectorsScalar triple product :Note the cyclic permutation of the order of the three vectors A, B, C.28Vector triple product :The equation is known as the “back-cab” rule.Division by a vector is not defined, and expressions such as k/A and B/A are meaningless.29summary1. Scalar and Vector2. Vector Addition and Subtraction3. Products of Vectorsparallelogram rule and head-to-tail rule30homeworkThank you! Bye-bye!答疑安排答疑安排时间:周三时间:周三 下午下午 15:0017:00地点:地点:1301, 1311031



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