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1、Unit7 Will people have robots? Section B 1a-1e Teaching Material Analysis Teaching Material Analysis Section B部分将section A部分“谈论未来的世界”的话题拓展到“谈论未来个人生活”的话题。 1a-1e 是听说拓展板块。1a-1b 是听前活动,目的是复习和学习一些关于职业、交通和居住场所的词汇。 1c-1d是听力步骤,听力内容是两人闲聊,男孩向女孩介绍自己现在、过去的生活,并预测未来生活。 对话中复现了1a中呈现的词汇,该听力材料分现在、过去和将来三段,旨在让学生复习一般现在时和

2、一般过去时,并通过对比的方式进一步学习一般将来时的使用。1c让学生将三幅图与三段对话匹配,是通过听获取听力内容大意。1d让学生补全听力中出现的八个句子,分别是主人公对现在和过去的陈述,以及对未来的预测,是通过听获取细节信息。 该活动通过让学生填出句子中的关键词,引导他们对比三种时态中最关键的部分。1e是听后口语输出活动,要求学生两人一组分角色表演听力对话,将三种时态的问句和答语融会贯通,以达到灵活运用的目的。例如:Where do you live? Where did you live? Where will you live? Teaching Material Analysis Mora

3、l Ability Knowledge Knowledge Objectives ? New Words: astronaut, apartment, rocket, space, space station ? Sentences pattern: Teaching 1.What will the future be like? Material 2.Cities will be more polluted . And there will Analysis be more fewer trees. 3.Will there be world peace? Yes, I hope so. 4

4、.Will people use money in 100 years? Knowledge Objectives No, they wont. Moral Ability Knowledge Ability Objectives Speaking using the target languages Listening for some words Ability Objectives Moral Ability Knowledge Moral Objectives 1.Develop students confidence for the future Moral 2.Guide them

5、 to work together actively and train the spirits of team-work . Ability Knowledge Moral Objectives Teaching Material Analysis Key Points: 1.Master the key words; 2. Master the target language Difficult Points: Making predictions about future lives using target language. Students Analysis students of

6、 八年级学生逻辑思维能力,抽象思维能Grade 8 力有了一定的发展;认知水平有了很大程度的提高,这为学生进行有效学习本Students Analysis 课奠定了认知能力的基础。通过本课时的小组合作和有效探究学习,学生对一般现在时,一般过去时和一般将来时就会有更好的理解。 Teaching Methods & Learning Strategies Teaching Methods & Learning Strategies Teaching Methods: Communicative teaching method; Task-based language teaching approa

7、ch Learning Strategies: Cooperative learning; Individual learning Teaching Aids Multimedia Teaching Aids Teaching Procedure Teaching Procedure Preparation Presentation Practice Consolidation Teaching Summary and homework Procedure Review Tell something about the future with more , less or fewer . Th

8、ere will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea. There will be more cities because people will build more buildings in the country. People will have more free time because there will be less things to do. Lead-in What do you want to be in the future? I will be a pilot. W

9、here will you live? I will live in a high building. How will you go to work? I will go to work by e-bike. I will be an astronaut. I will live in other planet. I will work on the space station. Preparation Presentation Practice Consolidation Summary and homework Teaching Procedure Presentation New Wo

10、rds space station rockets astronaut e.g. An astronaut takes the rockets to the space station. 宇航员乘火箭去空间站。宇航员乘火箭去空间站。 space n. 太空;空间太空;空间 e.g. Man is weightless in space . 人在太空中会失重。人在太空中会失重。 apartment n. 公寓;套房公寓;套房 e.g. Do you live in a house or an apartment ? 你住在房子里还是公寓里?你住在房子里还是公寓里? Finish 1a. Writ

11、e each word in the correct column below. astronaut house apartment train rocket space station computer programmer Jobs astronaut computer programmer Transportation Places to live train rocket house apartment space station Listening Practice Finish 1b Think of other words and write them in the chart

12、in 1a. (P 52) Jobs Transportation Places to live Driver Bike Production Pilot Ship Engineer Subway Village Tall building Teaching Procedure Preparation Presentation Practice Consolidation Summary and homework Teaching Procedure Practice Finish 1C Listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the pictures 1-3. 2

13、3 1 Finish 1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box. (P 52) live 1. I _ in an apartment across the street from here. 2. I _ near here. work am 3. I _ a computer programmer. lived 4. We _ in a house in the country. took 5. I _ the train to school. will be 6. I _ an astron

14、aut. 7. I _ rockets to the moon. will fly 8. I _ on a space station. will live Preparation Presentation Practice Consolidation Summary and homework Teaching Procedure Consolidation Finish 1e Student A is Alexis and Student B is Joe. Talk about Joes life now, 10 years ago and 10 years from now. (P 52

15、) I live in an apartment. Where do you live? I lived in a house in the country. Where did you live ten years ago? I will live in the space station. Where will you live in ten years? Preparation Presentation Practice Consolidation Summary and homework Teaching Procedure Summary 1. live in an apartmen

16、t 2. fly rockets to the moon 3. live on a space station 4. I will be an astronaut. 5. I will fly rockets to the moon. 6. I will live on a space station. Summary and homework homework Learn the new words and phrases by heart. Make a dialogue to talk about your life five years ago and five years from

17、now. Finish the exercises in Learning English . Preview the passage on page 53. Blackboard Design Blackboard Design astronaut rocket space space station apartment I will be an astronaut. I will fly rockets to the moon. I will live on a space station Teaching Reflection : 1.教学活动始终遵循任务型教学的教学理念,以学生为学习的主体,以任务为中心,在运用语言完成任务的过程中来学习,体会和掌握语言。 2.自始自终贯穿了以交际为目的的原则(在做中学,在学中用)。 3.在教学过程中,关注学生的生活实际和生活体验,让其贴近实际,贴近生活,贴近时代,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与,体验,亲身实践,独立思考,合作探究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。



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