高三英语 unit1单词课件 人教版

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1、Unit 1 wordsbeardmustache紧的,密封的,紧贴的,简洁的,绷紧的紧的,密封的,紧贴的,简洁的,绷紧的Eg:air tight watertight container rope 1. I dont like a coat. 2. He has a plan.tighten vttight adjedition n 版本,版次版本,版次editor n 编辑编辑edit v 编辑编辑Three Gorges Damvt. & vi vt. & vi (A) (A) 结束结束结束结束, , 完结完结完结完结; ; 使终止使终止使终止使终止, by / with, by / w

2、ith 1 He concluded his speech with some 1 He concluded his speech with some amusing facts. amusing facts. 2 The book concluded with a happy ending. 2 The book concluded with a happy ending. (B) vt. (B) vt. 下结论下结论下结论下结论, , 称称称称 ( (不能用进行时不能用进行时不能用进行时不能用进行时) ) The police concluded that he was the The p

3、olice concluded that he was the criminal of the murder. criminal of the murder. 警察认定他是这件凶杀警察认定他是这件凶杀警察认定他是这件凶杀警察认定他是这件凶杀案件的罪犯。案件的罪犯。案件的罪犯。案件的罪犯。conclude(C). (最后最后)决定决定(为为)+to-v+that1 He concluded that he would wait a little longer.2 He concluded to quit on pay day.他决定在发薪水这天辞职。他决定在发薪水这天辞职。conclusion

4、n. (A) 结论结论, 决定决定1 arrive at / come to / draw / reach /make a conclusion2 a reasonable conclusion 合理的结论合理的结论 (B) 结束结束,结尾结尾 1come to a conclusion 结束结束 2bring to a conclusion 使使结束结束 3 in conclusion = lastly 最后最后,总之总之 eg; In conclusion I d like to say that you did it very well.hire vt/vi (同同) employ /

5、take on, (反反) dismiss / fire ;Wed better hire a car for the weekend. 我们最我们最好租一辆汽车在周末用。好租一辆汽车在周末用。Why dont you hire out your spare room to other people, and earn some money?“ 你为什你为什么不把空闲的房间租给别人来赚些钱么不把空闲的房间租给别人来赚些钱?hire 短期,租借短期,租借rent 较长期租用或出租房屋,土地等较长期租用或出租房屋,土地等employ主要指人的雇用主要指人的雇用 employee employer

6、send in 1. 请人进来请人进来 2. 提交,寄送某处进行处理提交,寄送某处进行处理Eg: 1. send him in at once. 2. send in your report 3. He sent in 2 pictures to an art exhibition. 4 send in ones jacket 辞职辞职Send for 派人请派人请 send off 出发出发 (A) put down = write down (A) put down = write down 写下写下写下写下, , 纪录纪录纪录纪录, ,登记登记登记登记 1 I set down ever

7、ything that happened then. 2 I have set down the key points of the meeting.(B)(B) “ “放下放下放下放下”, (”, (驾驶员驾驶员驾驶员驾驶员) )停车停车停车停车( (让乘客让乘客让乘客让乘客) )下车下车下车下车 1 Set down your heavy bag and have a rest.2 The bus sets the children down just outside the school gate.注意下列注意下列注意下列注意下列 set set 短语:短语:短语:短语:set abou

8、t (doing) sth. 着手着手着手着手( (做做做做) )某事某事某事某事 go about; set out to do 开始干开始干开始干开始干set off / out 出发出发出发出发set aside 存储存储存储存储put awayput away;不理会;搁置;不理会;搁置;不理会;搁置;不理会;搁置;set foot in / on 踏上踏上踏上踏上set fire to sth. / set sth. on fire 放火烧放火烧放火烧放火烧 set up 成立;建造成立;建造成立;建造成立;建造be set in 以以以以为背景为背景为背景为背景set back 退

9、步退步退步退步; ; 挫折挫折挫折挫折; ; 阻碍阻碍阻碍阻碍; ; 使倒退使倒退使倒退使倒退set downfade vi. 1. 凋谢凋谢, 枯萎枯萎 The flowers faded for lack of water. 2. (颜色颜色) 褪去褪去 The color fades when exposed to light. 3. (声音等声音等) 变微弱变微弱;(光等光等) 变暗淡变暗淡; (+away) The sound of the footsteps faded away. vt. 使褪色使褪色 Sunshine faded the curtains.短语:短语:短语:短语

10、:fade in and out 隐隐约约隐隐约约隐隐约约隐隐约约 fade out 淡出,渐弱淡出,渐弱淡出,渐弱淡出,渐弱另外:另外:另外:另外:vi. 从视觉从视觉从视觉从视觉听觉或记忆中渐渐消失听觉或记忆中渐渐消失听觉或记忆中渐渐消失听觉或记忆中渐渐消失1 1 1 The sound of the cheering faded away in the distance. (died away)2As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness. 3 The memory of her son will never fade from

11、her mind. vt. vt. 尝试;企图;攻击;夺取尝试;企图;攻击;夺取尝试;企图;攻击;夺取尝试;企图;攻击;夺取 +to-v+v-ing1They attempted to finish the task .2They attempted the life of the king.n. n. 企图;尝试;攻击;袭击企图;尝试;攻击;袭击企图;尝试;攻击;袭击企图;尝试;攻击;袭击1 1He made an attempt on the world record.2Her attempt at poetry was a failure.3. Several attempts have

12、 been made on the presidents lifeattempt短语:短语:in an attempt to 试图试图. make an attempt to 试图,力试图,力 图,努力图,努力at the first attempt 第一次尝试第一次尝试suitable adj. 适合的;恰当的,适合的;恰当的, 适当的适当的1 He is for the position.2This toy is not suitable for young children. We need a rule that applies to everyone. apply for 申请;请求

13、申请;请求apply for a job, apply for hosting a teacherApply to for 1. He applied to the bank for a loan.Apply oneself to专心致志Students should apply themselves to their studies. inspect vt检查,视察,调查,检查,视察,调查,inspection ninspector nEg: 1Mother inspected the child hands. 2 make an inspection ofconfirm vt证明证明 确认

14、确认 confirmation n1 We must the information.2.The news ed the rumor.blankAdj.空的,空白的,空的,空白的, a form/ check/tape His memory was completely blank.During the exam my mind was a blank. n. 空白处空白处 Fill in the blanks in sciencebid-bid- bid祝 表示、 bid sb good moring2 投标、喊价He bid $5 for an old book. 3.nPark want

15、s to sell his farm, and he has already had two large bids for it. 帕克想帕克想卖掉他的农场,并且已经有两个出大价的卖掉他的农场,并且已经有两个出大价的买主。买主。fascinate vt.1. 迷住迷住,使神魂颠倒使神魂颠倒;强烈地吸引强烈地吸引(+by/with) I watched her, fascinated.The child was fascinated with his toy.2. 慑住慑住.使动弹不得使动弹不得,使呆住使呆住The snake fascinated the girl.3, fascinated-

16、 fascinating adj.burst vi. vt.(使)爆炸;破裂 The balloon burst.After ten days of rain the river burst its banks.2. 冲,闯Her door was thrust open, and Tom burst in.3. (用进行时)塞满,几乎要胀破(+with)I am bursting with pride.4. burst into 突然陷入某种状态 laughter/ tears/cheers5. burst out+doing 突然.起来(laughing、crying)underlinev

17、t.1. 在在.的下面划线的下面划线The key words are underlined.2. 强调强调;使突出使突出This example underlines the consequences of bad management.这个例子突显了管理不好的后果这个例子突显了管理不好的后果 center on/ upon/ around把当成中心或重点Their talks always center around politics.他们的谈话总是围绕着政治。 She centered her attention on her son.concentratevt.集中;聚集,集结O(+o

18、n/upon)1We must concentrate our attention on study.2Our population is concentrated in the big cities.vi. 全神贯注;专心致志于;全力以赴(+on/upon)She couldnt concentrate on a book very long.她不能长时间专心读一本书。delight n.1. 欣喜欣喜,愉快愉快UTo our delight, our football team won.She ran back home with delight.2. 乐事乐事,乐趣乐趣CHe enjoy

19、ed the delights of New Yorks night life.他喜欢纽约夜生活的乐趣。他喜欢纽约夜生活的乐趣。vt.使高兴;使愉快使高兴;使愉快The clown delighted the audience.小丑逗乐了观众。小丑逗乐了观众。The music ed the ear.vi. delight in sth/doing sth we in our game/helping others. delight to do He always s to see others in trouble. delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的高兴的,快乐的 be delig

20、hted to do with at (看见、听见而高兴看见、听见而高兴) thatIm delighted that you are back.We were delighted to read your novel.delightful adj 愉快的,快乐的愉快的,快乐的 a tripregistervt. 1. 登记,注册,申报Waldo went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.2. (仪表等)标示,指示;记录The thermometer registered 70 degrees.温度计显示七十度。vi.登记,注册I registered at a hotel near the train station.



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