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1、656512对对; ;对抗对抗( (法律和运动用语法律和运动用语, ,常略作常略作v.v.或或vs.vs.) ) 今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。ThebigmatchtonightisEnglandversusSpain. prep prep34Jumboversusthepolice5Listenandthenanswerthequestions:1.WhoisJimmygates?Acircusowner.2.WhatdidhedecidetodolastChristmas?Totakesomepresentstoachildrenshospital.3.Whod


3、m?Apolicemandid.10.WhichwaydidhesayJimmyoughttohavedone?(Aloneasidestreet.)11.Whyshouldhehavedonethis?BecauseJumbowasholdingupthetraffic.12.WhataboutJumbo?Herefusedtomove.13.Howmanypolicemenhadtopushhim?Fifteen.8 at Christmas at Christmas 在圣诞节在圣诞节 Christmas card Christmas card 圣诞贺片圣诞贺片 Christmas Eve

4、 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夜圣诞节前夜 Christmas present Christmas present 圣诞节礼物圣诞节礼物 Christmas tree Christmas tree 圣诞树圣诞树 Father Christmas Father Christmas 圣诞老人圣诞老人圣诞节快乐圣诞节快乐Merry Merry ChristmasChristmas to you. to you. Have a good Have a good ChristmasChristmas! ! n.n.圣诞节圣诞节 910circusChristmasuChristmasDayuCh

5、ristmasEveuFatherChristmas(SantaClaus)circuss:ksn.马戏团, 杂技团a circus clowna circus clown 马戏杂技团小丑马戏杂技团小丑run a circusrun a circus 演马戏演马戏 杂技杂技 13 at present 现在现在 the present price 现价现价 for the present 暂时暂时, 暂且暂且 昨天出席会议的有多少人?昨天出席会议的有多少人? How many people were present at the meeting yesterday? 你现在的住址在哪里你现在的

6、住址在哪里? Whats your present address?n. n. 现在现在, , 礼品礼品 adj. adj. 现在的现在的, , 出席的出席的 14uHepresentedtheschoolwithalibrary.uHepresentedtheschoolwithalibrary.v. 1. 赠赠present sb. with sth.uHewasntpresentattheawardpresentation.adj. 2. 出席,出席, 在场在场beaccompaniedby附有附有, , 伴随伴随, ,在在 陪伴下陪伴下Iaccompanyyouhome.我陪你回家。我

7、陪你回家。 k kmpmpni vt.ni vt. 陪伴陪伴, , 陪同陪同, , 伴随伴随, ,给给.伴奏伴奏17 at the approach of at the approach of 在快到在快到的时候的时候 在快到中午的时候她到家了在快到中午的时候她到家了 She reached home noon.She reached home noon.approachapproach prprut vt.ut vt.向向.靠近靠近; ; 接近接近, , 走近走近181.1.表示责任、义务表示责任、义务 应该应该; ; 应当应当; ; 总应该总应该2.2.表示合适、明智等表示合适、明智等,

8、ought to have done, ought to have done 本应本应; ; 本当本当; ; 早应该早应该3. 3. 表示可能性表示可能性 大概大概 ought to do sth ought to do sth 应该做某事应该做某事You ought to have told me that You ought to have told me that yesterday. yesterday. 那件事你本应昨天就告诉我。那件事你本应昨天就告诉我。She ought to have been more careful. She ought to have been more

9、careful. 她本应该更小心才是。她本应该更小心才是。v.aux.v.aux.应该应该; ; 应当应当19n.weight重量重量loseweight减肥减肥Letmeweighit.让我称称看。让我称称看。Howmuchdoyouweigh?你有多重?你有多重?wei vt.wei vt.称称, , 称称.的重量的重量, , 估量估量.的的轻重轻重20表示“应该”和“必须”的情态助动词should,oughtto,haveto与must(1)must通常只用于_时和_时,其他时态则用haveto代替。_比_往往更强调客观的要求或外在的原因:翻译:他昨天不得不呆在家里。(因为下雨,没有办法

10、外出)_翻译:你必须做完作业才能回家。_现在现在将来将来have tomustHe had to stay at home yesterday.You must finish your homework before going home.(2)should和oughtto都可译为“_”,表示义务、责任或某个正确的行为。oughtto比should语气略_些,多用于肯定句;疑问句与否定结构则多用_。(3)should/oughtto+have+过去分词表示:过去_做(或完成)而_做(完成)的事。翻译:Youshouldhavedoneyourhomeworkearlier._在文章中找出两句相

11、似的句子并翻译:1_2_应该应该强强should应该应该没有没有你早前就应该把作业做了。(含责备)你早前就应该把作业做了。(含责备)He should have known that the police wouldhe ought to have gone along a side street II预习检测:根据句意填单词1.HedressedhimselfupasFatherC_.2.Atpresent,them_problemforhimistofindajob.3.Totellyouthetruth,Idonta_withyouatall.4.Shehasreceivedhisbir

12、thdayp_,butshewillnotacceptit.hristmasaingreeresentNotes on the text24 the owner of the owner of 的主人的主人 我是这辆小汽车的主人。我是这辆小汽车的主人。 I am the owner of the car. I am the owner of the car. own own adj.adj. 自己的自己的 on ones own on ones own 独自独自 of ones own of ones own 属于某人自己的属于某人自己的 n.物主,所有人物主,所有人25dress up 化妆

13、,打扮dress up as 化妆成区别区别26in in 后接表示衣服或颜色的词,它所构成的后接表示衣服或颜色的词,它所构成的短语只能作短语只能作表语或定语表语或定语。 put onput on “穿上、戴上穿上、戴上”,强调,强调“穿穿”的的动作动作,后接衣服、鞋帽等。后接衣服、鞋帽等。 pull onpull on“穿上穿上”,带有,带有“匆忙匆忙”的意思的意思 . .have onhave on 穿上,表示状态(不用于进行时)穿上,表示状态(不用于进行时)dress dress 的宾语通常是人,意思是的宾语通常是人,意思是“给给穿衣穿衣服服”。dress oneselfdress on

14、eself , ,get dressedget dressed表示给自己表示给自己穿衣服。穿衣服。be dressed inbe dressed in 的意思是的意思是“穿着穿着”,表,表示示状态状态。dressdress后不加衣服后不加衣服。wearwear “穿着;戴着穿着;戴着”,表示,表示状态状态,宾语可,宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是饰物、奖章等。以是衣帽,也可以是饰物、奖章等。27adv.adv.同同一样一样prep.prep.作为,好像,如同作为,好像,如同conj.conj.当当时,随着,因为时,随着,因为28setoff=setout动身,出发动身,出发Hesetoffdownth

15、estreet.start(阅读中,常出现,也表(阅读中,常出现,也表“动身动身”)29holdhold up hold up 举起,阻挡,举起,阻挡,抢劫抢劫hold out hold out 坚持坚持hold onhold onhold the linehold the linehang on hang on hang up=ring off hang up=ring off 挂断电话挂断电话不挂断不挂断,等一会等一会301.yourrighthand.2.Canyou?Hellbebacksoon.3.Please_anotheroneminutes,thedoctoriscoming.

16、4.请不要挂断电话请不要挂断电话_5.Thethievesare_thebank.Holdupholdtheline/holdon/hangonamomentholdoutPleasedonthangup/ringoff.holdingup31thoughthoughalthoughalthough + +句子句子in spite of in spite of + +名词代词动名词名词代词动名词 32practise he had no qualificationshe had no qualifications he got the job he got the job having no

17、having no qualifications he got the job qualifications he got the job 尽管他没有资格证明,他还是尽管他没有资格证明,他还是 得到了这份工作得到了这份工作ThoughInspiteof331.Afterwardsshewassorryforwhatshehassaid.2.Letsgotothefarmfirst,andeatafterwards.soonafterwardsshortlyafterwards 不久以后不久以后adv.adv.以后,后来以后,后来34letoff宽恕宽恕letdown使失望使失望letin让让进

18、来进来注意注意let let 的被动语态的被动语态be let to dobe let to do但是通常用但是通常用be allowed to dobe allowed to do来代替来代替let let 的被动的被动 35Mymotherletmenotplaychess.被动:被动:Iwasntlettoplaychessbymymother.Iwasntallowedtoplaychessbymymother.(常用)常用)361.Listenandchoosethebestanswers.1. Jimmy Gates set off down the main street of

19、the city riding a baby _ called Jumbo. A. tiger B. elephant C. horse2. _ helped Jimmy Gates to get Jumbo off the main street. A. 15 policemen B. 15 policewomen C. 50 policemenBB372.Listenandfillintheblanks. Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some _ to a childrens hospital

20、. Dressed up as _ and accompanied by a guard of honour of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant _ Jumbo. He should have known that the police would _ allow this sort of thing. presentsFather Christmascallednever38 A policeman approached Jimmy and told h

21、im he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Though Jimmy _ to go at once, Jumbo refused to move. Fifteen policemen had to push very hard to get him off the _ street. The police had _ time, but they were most amused. Jumbo must weigh a few tons, said a policeman

22、afterwards, so it was fortunate that we didnt have to carry him. Of course, we _ arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time.agreedmaindifficultshould39SummaryAfter having decided to take some presents to a childrens hospital, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, dressed up as

23、Father Christmas and set off down the main street of the city riding an elephant called Jumbo. On being told that he was holding up the traffic, Jimmy agreed to go at once but Jumbo refused to move, so fifteen policemen had to push him off the main street. As he had a good record, however, Jumbo was not arrested.40



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