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1、Lesson89 For sale待售believe may how long since why sell because retire cost poundworthpenny 因为本课单词太多,我们先讲一半单词和一半课文过去式和过去分词(believed,believed)I believe you. Do you believe me?believe + (that) 从句(宾语从句)I believe that I am right .我相信我是对的。他认为他没迟到。He believes that he is not late.belief n. 信仰New words1 beli

2、eve bili:v v.相信,认为may +v.原形,用于表示请求,允许我可以进来吗?May I come in ?我可以问你一个问题吗?May I ask you a question?回答:Yes, of course you can .No ,you cant ./You d better not .表示可能性:It may rain.Linda isnt at home. She may go to shool. New words2.may mei (用于请求许可)可以完成时的标志词How long _ he _ (be) there ?就时间段提问She has studied

3、for an hour.(就划线部分提问)How long has she studied ?how old / how far / how tall / how many / how much 7.How long have you lived here ?你已经在这住了多久了?New words3. how long 多长(时间)hasbeen完成时的标志词since + 时间点,用在句尾。since 7 years agosince 1 oclocksince Januarysince 1998I lived here since 1998.(改错)have lived New word

4、s4. since sins prep.自从特殊疑问词用于句首就原因提问,用because回答。Why was he in the garden ?他为什么在花园里?你昨天为什么没来参加聚会?Why didnt you come to the party ?因为我有很多作业要做。Because I had a lot of homework to do .New words5. why wai adv.为什么过去式和过去分词(sold-sold)He wants to sell his car.sale n.出售for sale待售on sale打折出售反义词:Buysell sth to s

5、b/ sell sb sthsalesman 推销员sales manager 销售经理6. sell sel v.卖,出售New words用来回答why的问题Why didnt you come to school yesterday ?Because I was ill .because 和so不能同时使用Because I was ill, so I didnt come to school yesterday .(错)I was ill, so I didnt come to school yesterday .(对)Because I was ill, I didnt come t

6、o school yesterday .(对)New words7. because bikz conj.因为Listen to the TETV and answer the question:Why couldnt Nigel decide?Because his wife has the last word. How long has the owner lived in this house?How much does the house cost?Why does he want to sell it? I believe that the house is for sale.Tha

7、ts right.Good afternoon1.Good afternoon .下午好。答语:Good afternoon .2.believe (that) +宾语从句for sale 出售、待售这个房子出售。This house is for sale.3.Thats right .那是对的。TextYes, of course. Come in.4.May I have a look at it ,please ?请问我可以看看房子吗?May I + v.原 ? 表示请求 5.Yes , of course .是的,当然了。否定回答:No ,you cant ./You d bette

8、r not .6.Come in.进来 。TextFill in the blanks.Good _ .I _ that this house is _.That is _ . _ I _ a look at it ,please ?Yes , of _._ in . afternoonbelievefor salerightMayhavecourseCome8.Ive lived here for twenty years.我已经在这住了20年了。for + 时间段完成时的标志词,用于句尾。He_ (sleep) for two hours .How long _ she_ (do) her

9、 homework?(30 minutes )She has done her homework _ 30 minutes live-lived-livedTexthas slepthasdoneforTwenty years! Thats a long time.Twenty years! Thats a long time.Yes, I ve been here since 1976.9.Twenty years !10.Thats a long time.20年! 那是很长的时间。time当时间讲,不可数当次数讲,可数11.Yes , I ve been here since 1976.

10、I ve = I have been是be的过去分词Text Then why do you want to sell it?Because Ive just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country.那么你为什么想卖它呢?因为我刚刚退休了。我想在农村买个小房子。want to do sth.想要做某事He wants _ (sweep) the floor.sell sb. sth.=sell sth. to sb.卖给某人某物那个男人卖个我一只狗。That man sold me a dog.他已经把房子卖了。He has so

11、ld his house.in the country在农村用why问,用because答Textto sleepbecause of+n./pron.because +a sentence 1 She was late _ she forgot the meeting. 2 _ the weather, I did not go to the park.1 because 2 because ofHes going to retire soon from the sea. 不久他将退休,结束其航海生涯。The ladies retired, and the gentlemen went on

12、 drinking and chatting.女士们离席退出,先生们则继续喝酒聊天。retirement n. 退休New words8. retire ritai v.退休物做主语sth. cost 钱-某物值多少钱The coat costs $30.How much does this house cost?cost (cost-cost) -AAANew words9. cost kst v.花费C-poundspenny peni n.便士Cpenceone pound= one hundred penceNew words10. pound paund n.英镑物体的真正实际价值

13、prep. 相当于价值,值钱How much is the necklace worth?every penny of it 一分钱一分货This coat is worth every penny of it.cost是指得到一件东西所花费的钱,其真正的价值可能低于或高于所要的价,这种价格主要是指商店内的标价或货主索要的价格。worth主要是指某物的本身价值。New words11. worth w: prep.值钱b_ l_ e_ e m_ _ h_ w l_ ng s_ n_ _ wh_ s_ ll b_ c_ _ se r_ t_ _ e c_ st po_ ndw_ _thp _ n

14、_ y Fill in the blanks How much does this house cost?how many+ C pl.how much + U how much就价格提问 how much 多少或多少钱多少或多少钱 how many多少多少1 How much 2 cases 3 How much1_ is the car?2 How many _ ( case) do you have?3 _ water is there in the glass?Text问数量问数量 How much does this house cost?询问价格的句子:How much is/ar

15、e ?How much does/do cost ?68,500怎么读?Sixty-eight thousand five hundred poundsTextThats a lot of money. 1 The book is worth _( read). 2 The house is _ ( worth) $30,3000.1 reading 2 worthbe worth n. be worth doingThats a lot of money.Its worth every penny of it .money -UIts worth every penny of it .物有所

16、值。TextThats a lot of money.Its worth every penny of it .Well, I like the house but I cant decide yet. My wife must see it first.decide 1.decide sth 2.decide to do sth Bob decided to study Japanese. decision n. make a decision做决定first 首先,第一TextWell, I like the house but I cant decide yet. My wife must see it first. Women always have the last word. Women always have the last word. have the last word decide everything at last



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