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3、读出来是否流畅,是否合乎句法,单词拼写是否有误,单词形式是否正确等,发现问题及时纠正。42017年人教版中考英语总复习1一、从方框内选词并用其适当形式完成短文填空。A(2015,资阳)a,great,see,knock,then,him,window,of,no,ifThere was a small boy on a farm.He had to get up before the sunrise every morning to start his work on the farm.At sunrise he could 1._ a house with golden windows fa

4、r away from the farm.He thought how 2._ it would be to live there!He then promised to 3._ “Someday I will go there and see that wonderful place.”4_ one morning he got a chance.He took a sandwich and started walking to the house with the golden windows.seegreathimselfThen52017年人教版中考英语总复习1He walked 5.

5、_ long time and in the afternoon he got close to the house.But he saw 6._ golden windows.There was a very old house.He went to the door and 7._.A small boy 8._ his age opened the door.He asked him 9._ he knew where the house with the golden windows was.The boy said “Sure I know!” and invited him to

6、sit in front of the door. As he sat there he looked back where he just came.He saw the sunset(日落) made the 10._ of his home golden.anoknockedofifwindows62017年人教版中考英语总复习1B(2015,江西)another,carry,control,have,life,well,tree,so,usual,wildAnimals are important in Indian culture and are treated in a speci

7、al way.For example,a lot of elephants arent 1. ,they are domesticated(驯养)They arent kept as pets,but as working animals.Every working elephant 2._ its own keeper.An elephant and its keeper meet for the first time when they are both young, and they grow up together.In fact, their relationship continu

8、es for the rest of the elephants 3._ perhaps 40 years.Lots of elephants work in the forest,moving heavy 4._ when they are cut down.Some give rides to tourists,or 5._ people during celebrations and festivals.Keepers take excellent care of their elephants,feeding them 6.well and giving them a bath at

9、the end of the working day.wildhaslifetreescarry72017年人教版中考英语总复习17_ special animal in India is the cow.Cows are protected animals,8._ they arent kept on farms or killed for food,although people do use their milk.So in India you can often see cows walking around towns and cities,and nobody tries 9._

10、them.If they sit down in the middle of the road,people 10._ drive around them! Do you think its interesting?Anothersoto controlusually82017年人教版中考英语总复习1C(2015,泰安)do,advantage,two,work,from,them,when,even,reach,differentIn China,very few children make pocket money.However,in western countries,most kid

11、s make pocket money by 1. They make money in many 2._ ways.When kids are very young,their parents help them sell the fruit 3._ their own trees to neighbors.Kids may also help parents 4._ housework to make money at home.When they 5._ sixteen,they can make money by sending newspapers or by 6._ in fast

12、 food restaurants,especially during the summer holidays.themselvesdifferentfromdoreachworking92017年人教版中考英语总复习1There are many 7._ of making pocket money by kids themselves.First of all, they learn the value of money by working hard.8. ,they learn to manage money to buy things they need or want,such a

13、s books,pencils,movies and 9._ clothes they like.Third,they learn to deal with the daily life problems by helping their parents or others.Making pocket money is helpful for children 10._ they grow up.That is why parents encourage their kids to earn pocket money.advantagesSecondevenwhen102017年人教版中考英语

14、总复习1D(2015,杭州)sweet,plant,she,child,run,high,sit,feel,day,noticeOne day,I took my two kids to the local playground.As soon as we got there,my daughter 1._ to the swing(秋千) and asked for a push.When I was helping my daughter.I 2._ another girl trying to make her own swing go high by herself.Her old g

15、randmother was 3._ on the chair nearby and smiled at me.rannoticedsitting112017年人教版中考英语总复习1I gave my daughter one big push and then walked towards the little girl.I asked if she wanted me to give 4._ a push.She smiled and said“Yes”For the next two hours, I pushed the swings, and played with my two 5

16、._ and the little girl.When we went home,I was very tired.But my heart was flying much 6._ than the swings.One day two years later,after a 7._ work.I was a little tired.But I needed to pick up my kids before going home.While I was waiting outside the school gate,a little girl came over and smiled 8.

17、_ at me.She gave me a big hug(拥抱)before catching her school bus.As I watched her running away,I didnt 9._ tired anymore.herchildrenhigherdayssweetlyfeel122017年人教版中考英语总复习1In life,the love we give others will find its way back to us.It may travel from heart to heart or it may blossom(开花)in the heart w

18、hich it was 10. _in.The love we share,the kindness we give,and the happiness we create will always come back to us with a pleasant surprise.planted 132017年人教版中考英语总复习1beautiful二、根据首字母提示写单词完成短文填空。A(2015,盐城)English people like DIY.A lot of people always spend their holiday making their homes more 1. If

19、 there is anything that needs repairing or decorating around their homes,such as 2._ the walls or putting in a new shower,they will do the jobs themselves.They 3._ DIY experience with their friends.More and more people show an 4._ in DIY.Sometimes people also DIY in order to 5._ money.They are tryin

20、g to find ways to make their house better when they cant 6._ the cost.So,it is not surprising that DIY is very popular.paintingshareinterestsaveafford142017年人教版中考英语总复习1DIY can be difficult.People often find it not 7._ to build a piece of furniture because they cant understand the instructions well.S

21、ometimes the instructions are simple and clear,but the furniture 8._ is difficult to build.DIY can also be 9. People should learn much about DIY work before doing it.Unluckily,many people dont care about that.So they may be in danger.It is 10._ that in just one year thousands of people were hurt whi

22、le doing DIY in the UK,including those who fell off ladders.easyitselfdifferentreported152017年人教版中考英语总复习1B(2015,天津)In the town of Lampang in northern Thailand,there is an unusual group of musicians.They play many different 1._ of musiceverything from traditional Thai songs to music by Beethoven.Both

23、 children and adults love this group.What makes them so 2. ?Is it their music?Their looks?Yes,its both of the things,but its 3._ something else:theyre elephants.kindspopularalso162017年人教版中考英语总复习1These musical elephants started at the TECC(泰 国 大 象 保 护 中 心 )in Lampang.The TECC protects elephants.It te

24、aches people to understand and love them.And, like many zoos 4._ the world, the TECC encourages elephants to paint.Richard Lair 5._ for the TECC.He loves his job there and knows a lot about elephants.He says some of the animals paintings are very good.But,in fact,elephants 6._ better than they see.A

25、nd so he had an idea: if elephants are 7._ and they have good hearing,maybe they can play music.To test his idea, Lair and a friend started the Thai Elephant Orchestra.During a performance(表演),the elephants play a number of 8. _,including the drums and the xylophone(木琴)aroundworkshearsmartinstrument

26、s172017年人教版中考英语总复习1But can elephants really make music properly?Yes,says Lair.They are very creative.Humans 9._ the animals to play,but the elephants make their own songs; they dont just copy their trainers 10._ other people.There are new CDs of the groups music which make money for the TECC.And the

27、 music these artists create is pretty amazing.encourageor182017年人教版中考英语总复习1C(2015,襄阳)If you lose 12 times,will you just give up?Dale Carnegie,a pioneer in public speaking and selfdevelopment,kept 1. And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.Carnegie was born in 1888 in a poor farmi

28、ng family in the central United States.The boy didnt see a train 2._ he was 12 years old.In his teens,he had to get up at 4 am.every day to milk the cows in his family.When Carnegie first entered college,he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary looks.His mother 3._ him: “Why not try to b

29、e better in other things 4. of just dress and good looks?”tryinguntilencouragedinstead 192017年人教版中考英语总复习1Carnegie tried to be more 5._ in college.He joined the debate(辩论) team.But one after another, he lost 12 times.The young man was 6._ in himself.He said later that he thought of killing himself af

30、ter so many failures(失败)But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside.His hard work brought good results at last.In 1906,Carnegie won a famous speech 7._ and became widely known.activedisappointedcompetition202017年人教版中考英语总复习1The young man made his own words come true: “8._ t

31、hat you will succeed,and you will.” In order to 9._ his success,Carnegie opened schools and wrote books.His bestsellers(畅销书) 10._How to Win Friends and Influence People and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.More than 50 million copies of his books have been printed in 38 11._. They are still hel

32、ping people on the road to success.Believeshareinclude languages212017年人教版中考英语总复习1D(2015,呼和浩特)In a town in France,there was a farmer who lived alone.Every day he 1._ a pound of butter to his neighbour,who was a baker.One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see 2._ he was getting a pound.Aft

33、er he weighed it,he found that he wasnt.The baker then took the farmer to the judge(法官)The judge wanted to know the farmers ways to weigh the butter.The farmer replied,“ Im so 3._ that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it.4. ,I do have a kind of scale (天平)” The judge asked,“Then 5.

34、_ do you weigh the butter?” The farmer replied,“Before the baker started buying butter from me,I had bought bread from him.So now every time when I 6._ home the bread from the baker,I put it on the scale and give him the butter of the same 7._.”sold ifpoorHoweverhowbringweight222017年人教版中考英语总复习1We al

35、ways get back what we give to others.Whenever you take action,ask yourself this question,“Am I honest?”Honesty or dishonesty can become a habit.Some dishonest people can lie 8._ a red face.Others lie so 9._ that they do not even know what the truth is any more.But who is it bad for?In fact,those who

36、 lie will hurt 10._ by their own dishonest behaviour.withoutmuchthemselves232017年人教版中考英语总复习1三、根据汉语写单词完成短文填空。A(2015,温州)Jean Nicole is a yard sale lover.She appears almost in every yard sale.She doesnt want to 1. (错过) any chance to buy good things,because they are much 2. (便宜的) than those in shops.She

37、 is interested in almost everything,such as gloves,old 3. (硬币),paintings,tables and so on.Everybody 4. (呼,称呼) her “Lady Yardsale.”lost/misscheapercoinscalled242017年人教版中考英语总复习1Two weeks 5. (以前),after Jean came back from a yard slae,she 6. _(进入) her store room.She was surprised to find that she had bo

38、ught so many things.Jean counted them and made a 7. (清单)“Oh,dear!I cant believe it.There are seven bicycles,8. (九) armchairs,and fifteen cameras.And they havent been used even once.” She checked the numbers 9. (再一次)It made her mad.“How silly I am!”She thought.“I can no longer go to yard sales 10. (除

39、非) I hold my own one to sell these things out.But will anyone buy them?”agoenteredlistnineagainunless252017年人教版中考英语总复习1B(2015,台州)Life as ChopsticksRight now,more and more people are digging into their food with 1. _(二) sticks which are called chopsticks.Even people eating with knives and 2. (餐叉) beg

40、in to love them.Whats so special about them?Because they have deep influence in many peoples ways of life.Simplicity.Theres 3. (几乎不) anything simpler than chopsticks.With new technology developing every day,there is 4. (仍然) something that has just one usesimply to eat.Also the chopsticks dont 5. (花费

41、) much.In real life,we dont need to keep improving things all the time.twoforkshardlystillcost262017年人教版中考英语总复习1Aim.When using chopsticks,you can not pick up everything in one go.Know what you want and just do it.Sometimes,a little bit of focus makes the difference 6. (在之间) failure and success.Pract

42、ice.Using chopsticks doesnt come naturally.You have to learn to use them and practice it.Most would 7. (同意) that theres no better way than to practice.In real life,you may have many things you want to do,but it will just be a 8. (梦想) if you dont try doing it.betweenagreedream272017年人教版中考英语总复习1Slowin

43、g down.A healthy way to eat is to eat with chopsticks.It slows you down and it 9. (允许) your stomach to tell your brain you are full before you overeat.In our life,we sometimes need slow down to have time to think,to realize that were actually full and dont have to rush full 10. _(速度) through life.al

44、lowsspeed282017年人教版中考英语总复习1四、根据短文内容写单词完成短文填空。A(2015,广东)The Great Wall is known as the eighth wonder of the world.Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come to visit this place of 1._ in China.Last Saturday I went to the Great Wall 2._ some of my friends.It was a sunny day.On our w

45、ay up,we saw many volunteers keeping working in the sun.They helped the elders with their bags,3._ photos for some tourists and answered peoples questions.Though they were very 4. ,they didnt stop to have a rest.We were deeply moved when we saw this.interestwithtooktired292017年人教版中考英语总复习1Just at tha

46、t moment,we saw 5._ little boy standing alone and crying.We went over and asked what 6._ to him.From his answer we knew that he couldnt find his mother.We told him not to 7._ about it and then we tried to get in touch with his mother with the phone number he gave us.Twenty minutes 8. ,his mother tur

47、ned up.When she saw her son,she was very excited and thanked 9._ with tears in her eyes.That day we not only enjoyed the beauty of the Great Wall,but also felt the warmth of the society.10._ everyone can reach out a helping hand to others,the world will be more and more harmonious(和谐的)ahappenedworry

48、laterusIf302017年人教版中考英语总复习1B(2015,重庆)Life is filled with regrets(遗憾)Anyone around you will have no difficulty 1._ telling his regrets.As we get older,we look back and wish that we had made better choices.What can we do to avoid future regrets?Make better plansIf you start to do something,you need to

49、 make a plan before doing it.The earlier,the 2. You will know what comes first and what comes last.Youll also know what you should do and what you shouldnt do.3._ changes happen,you can have more time to deal with them.inbetterWhenever312017年人教版中考英语总复习1Live a more active lifeYou can go around more o

50、ften.More outdoor activities can keep 4._ relaxed and active.You also need to be kind.“Thank you” can bring a smile to someones face.Learn to say “sorry” and dont be angry with others.Find the right friendA friend may make your life and he or she can break your life as well.So you 5._ to think twice

51、 when you choose a friend.Good friends will always better your ideas.When you get into trouble,ask others for 6. That little help may get you good results.yououghthelp322017年人教版中考英语总复习1Never fear failureEverybody fails.Even the greatest person failed.We should not fear failure,because failure is not the 7._ of the road.We must take failure as a chance to learn and improve ourselves.Life is good.We dont have to live in our past,but we do hope that we can plan better,8._ better,and work better when we have the chance to do so.endlive332017年人教版中考英语总复习1



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