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1、目目录录 ContentsContents一、一、编制说明编制说明 Reference Reference . 2 211 编制依据 Reference.212 编制说明 Description.213 适用范围 Applicable Scope.2二、二、油漆修补工艺油漆修补工艺 Paint Repair WorkPaint Repair WorkTechniques .Techniques . 2 221 工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram (PFD).222 修补工艺 Repair Work Techniques.323 构件表面处理 Member Surface Tr

2、eatment.524 油漆修补涂装 Repairing Paint.6三、三、质量控制和质量保证措施质量控制和质量保证措施 错误!未定义书签。四、四、安保措施安保措施 Safety Measures Safety Measures .9 91一、一、编制说明编制说明 Reference Reference11 编制依据 Reference施工图纸;Drawings for Construction道康宁、东洋管理公司相关程序文件;Relevant Documents of Dow Corning and TOYO;ZJG standard for painting and protectiv

3、e coatings09.061.000 ;ZJG standard for painting and protective coatings09.061.000;钢结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50205-2001;CodeforConstruction Quality Acceptance ofSteelStructure EngineeringGB50205-2001;涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级GB8923。12 编制说明 Description本防腐油漆涂装施工方案是针对道康宁(张家港)有限公司19 万吨/年有机硅聚硅氧烷项目(二期)工程钢结构工程而编制的。This constru

4、ction scheme is compiled for Dow Corning 190kt/a Siloxane Projectin Zhangjiagang (Phase 2)13 适用范围 Applicable Scope本方案仅适用于(二期)工程Team A 区 PartAC 区钢结构工程的现场油漆修补工作。This construction scheme is applicable only for site paint repair work in steelstructure installation in Team A of Phase二、二、油漆修补工艺油漆修补工艺 Pain

5、t Repair Work Techniques21 工艺流程图 Process Flow Diagram (PFD)2confirm repairregionsinspect paint and tooltest the environmentalconditionsmember surfacetreatmentrepairing paintinspect and accept22 修补工艺 Repair Work Techniques221 确定修补范围 Confirm the Regions that Needs Repair检查构件外观,对所有在运输、倒运、现场焊接接等过程中破坏的涂层

6、用记号笔作好标记,并标记出打磨处理的范围。Check the appearance of members. Mark all the damaged coats caused duringtransportation and welding by marking pen. Highlight the area that needs grinding.222 油漆、工具进场验收 Inspection and Acceptance of Paint and Tools32221 钢结构防腐油漆、稀释剂和固化剂的品种、规格、性能应与要求相符,检查油漆产品的质量合格证明文件、 中文标志及检验报告; 本

7、工程钢结构油漆修补采用如下的油漆系统。油漆名称Name of paint环氧漆(底漆)环氧漆(中间漆)聚氨酯面漆涂装顺序Coatingsequence1st2nd3rd油漆型号Type of paintInterseal670 HSInterseal670 HSInterthane 990常规厚度Normalthickness12512560范围range100 - 150100 - 15050 - 70Inspect the category, type of paint as per drawings. Make sure the paint hasall the quality cert

8、ificates and meets the requirement of the drawings (first andsecond repair paint is 670, third repair paint is 990).2222 检查补漆所用工具是否齐全,现场补漆均为刷涂,至少要备足以下油漆补漆工具:1)砂轮机;2)钢丝刷(要求很细的钢丝刷) ;3)普通粗砂纸;4)油漆毛刷,毛刷必须为羊毛刷,且不能掉毛(应备几种规格) ;5)干净的抹布。Repair paint at site is brush work. The tool for brush must be goat hair

9、brushthat does not loss hair.2223 检查湿度计、温度计、漆膜测厚仪、带该度的玻璃量杯等各种配套仪表、器具是否齐全。Make sure hygrometer, thermometer, paint film thickness gauge and otherapparatus are ready.223 环境条件的检测 Environmental Conditions Test检测环境条件的目的是为了确保油漆修补的质量, 主要包括相对湿度、 温度、 露点温度。其各项指标条件如下:相对温度:对于 Interseal 670 HS不大于 85%,对于 Intertha

10、ne 990 不大于 80%。环境温度:不低于 5 ;4钢构件表面温度:必须高于露点温度3 以上;The purpose of the environmental conditions test is to insure the quality ofpaint repair. The indicators of the test should include the following factors:Relative humility: 85%Ambient temperature: 5 Temperature of steel member surface:3 higher than de

11、w-point temperature.2.2.4 特别要求:在下列环境条件,涂装施工应停止进行。构件表面温度不高于环境空气露点温度3 C,或者相对湿度大于85%;空气温度低于 5 C;当开始涂覆两个小时内有肯定的不良天气变化时;当因下雨、冷凝、霜冻等天气条件下,在构件表面形成潮气层时;当涂装施工环境光照有效发光流量低于500Lux 时。23 构件表面处理 Member Surface Treatment231 构件表面处理主要是清理构件表面的污物,打磨修补部位。对于焊缝或油漆损坏较严重的部位,应用动力砂纸片和砂纸片打磨至钢构件金属表面,使该区域粗糙度达到St3级标准(非常彻底的手工和动力工具

12、除锈) 。Member surface treatment mainly includes removing of the dirt on the surface,grinding of repaired area to ST3 level (use sand paper to make sure there is certainroughness)。232 对于龟裂的涂层,需将龟裂处涂层彻底打磨掉,并达到规定的粗糙度要求后再进行油漆的修补。233 对于轻微损伤的涂层,不需打磨太深,只需进行适度打磨即可进行修补,修补可直接用 Interthane 990 面漆。For cracked and

13、slightly scratched coats, do not grind too hard. Only grind tothe base coat for repairing. Use finishing coat 990 to finish.234 修补的区域不宜太小,要与原有涂层有3050 的搭接,要求打磨成一定的坡度,以保证修补涂层与原涂层平缓过度;The repairing area should not be too small. There should have 3050mm adjoiningarea with the pre-existing coat. The grin

14、ding should have some gradient to insure500the repaired coat connects well with the pre-existing coat.24 油漆修补涂装 Repairing Paint油漆修补需在白天或有充分照明的环境下进行。被修补涂层及基层的表面应干燥,无任何污染物(用干净的抹布充分擦净) 。241 Interseal 670 HS油漆的涂装油漆 A、B 组份的调配必须依说明书进行。稀释剂的用量根据现场实际情况确定,通常不需要加稀释剂,只有当油漆太稠刷不开时才少量加入,应严格控制,最大用量不超过5%。严禁任意加入稀释剂。T

15、he blending of each paint group should follow the instruction. The quantityof diluents should be determined according to the temperature and coating conditions,yet no more than 5%.在 Interseal 670 HS底漆涂装后,待其硬干后(Interseal 670 HS涂层在 10C 时完全干燥需要 32 小时以上)再进行 Interseal 670 HS中间漆的涂装;Paint Intergrad 670 HS

16、when the Intergrad 670 HS painting is dry (which needs32 hours at 10C)Interseal 670 HS 底漆涂层硬干后需用漆膜测厚仪进行测试,当漆膜厚度达到规定厚度后,需对上道漆层进行适当打磨,方可进行下道涂层的涂装施工。Commence coat painting when thecoat of the previous procedure is dry and thethickness is acceptable (inspection instrument: paint film thickness gauge)不同温

17、度条件下 Intergrad 670 HS重涂间隔时间自重涂间隔 Re-coat by self温度 temp表干 Touch Dry硬干 Hard Dry最小 Min.101525408 小时 hrs7 小时 hrs5 小时 hrs2 小时 hrs32 小时 hrs26 小时 hrs18 小时 hrs6 小时 hrs32 小时 hrs26 小时 hrs18 小时 hrs6 小时 hrs最大 Max.无 Extended无 Extended无 Extended无 Extended底漆和中间漆的漆膜厚度如达不到,应按规定的程序再次进行 Intergrad 670 HS 油漆的涂刷。242 Int

18、erthane 990面漆的涂装6面漆的施工应在底漆、 中间漆修补结束, 并对上道涂层表面做彻底清洁, 去除漆膜表面的灰尘、油污等杂物,以及漆雾、流挂和刷痕后,才允许进行。油漆 A、 B 组份的调配必须依说明书进行。 稀释剂 GTA733 的加入量应根据天气和设备的状况进行调整,一般在 510%左右。严禁任意加入稀释剂。对于 Interthane 990,相对湿度要求不大于80%。不同温度条件下 Interthane 990 表干、硬干和覆涂间隔时间重涂间隔 Re-coat by self温度 temp表干 Touch Dry硬干 Hard Dry最小 Min.51525405hrs25hrs

19、15hrs1hrs24hrs10 小时 hrs6 小时 hrs3hrs24hrs10 小时 hrs6 小时 hrs3hrs最大 Max.无 Extended无 Extended无 Extended无 ExtendedInterthane 990 面漆硬干后对漆膜厚度进行测试,应达到 5070um。如达不到,应用砂纸适当打磨后再次涂刷Interthane 990 一遍。三、三、质量控制和质量保证措施质量控制和质量保证措施31 为确保涂装质量,油漆的调配必须由专人进行,严格依说明书进行调配;配比如下:The blending of paints should be done by designat

20、ed person. Follow the instructionto insure the quality of painting. The ratio of blending is showed below:稀释剂名油漆名称Name ofpaint配比(体积比)volume ratio称或编号name ortype ofdiluents稀释剂用量Amount of diluentsIntergrad670 HSA 组份 (基料) : B 组份 (固化剂) =5.67:1group A(base): group B(hardener)=5.67:1GTA220通常不需要进行稀释,在油漆涂刷不

21、开时适量加入。Usually need nodiluting,5%diluentsinspecial case will help the work稀释剂加入量根据天气和设备状况进行调整,一般在510%左右。:B 组份(固化剂)=6:1InterthaneA 组份(基料)group A (base) : groupB(hardener) =6:1990GTA733Amount of diluents should be useaccordingtoweatherandcondition of equipment. Usuallyranges from5% to 10%调配技术:7先对 A 组份

22、(基料)搅拌均匀后,再加入 B 组份(固化剂)彻底搅拌。Blending technique: stir up group A, mix with group B and stir up油漆必须在其混合使用寿命时间内涂装, 一旦混合使用时间超过规定, 不得再使用,否则易产生固化不良和粘附力差等情况。油漆混合使用寿命详见下表:Only use blended paint in theirvalid period. Do not use expired paint to avoid badsolidification and poor adhesion. Refer to the followin

23、g chart forvalid period.Intergrad 670 HS 混合使用寿命Pot Life forIntergrad 670 HS温度temperature混合使用时间Pot Lifehrs105 小时 hrs153 小时 hrs252 小时 hrs401 小时 hrsInterthane 990 混合使用寿命Pot Life forInterthane990温度temperature混合使用时间Pot Lifehrs512 小时 hrs154 小时 hrs202 小时 hrs4045 分钟 min32 干膜厚度应当在每一涂层完成,干燥(硬干)后进行。33 前一工序完成,质

24、检员必须先进行自检,合格后再请求监理及管理公司油漆工程师进行复验。复验合格后再进行下道工序的施工;Only can painting procedure be commenced when the previous procedure isinspected and accepted by the paint engineer of supervising company and managementcompany.34 所有涂装工人,必须经过国际油漆公司技术人员的培训;All painters should have training by technician from Internati

25、onal PaintCompany.35 油漆涂装完成但未硬干之前,对油漆涂装区域用警界绳拉起,禁止无关人员靠近构件;Wet paint area should be separated with warning fence to stop the crossing ofirrelevant people.36 关注天气预报,精确到未来四小时之内的天气情况,油漆涂装后4h 内应避免雨淋。根据天气情况随时调整涂装计划。Pay attention to weather forecast in the coming two hours, adjust painting planaccording t

26、o weather.837 配备检测工具、器具、规范,有效控制涂装质量。检测工具报管理公司、监理工程师审查通过后方可使用,具体仪器名称数量如下:Equip with complete special detecting instruments and report to management companyand supervising company for inspection. Only use qualified instruments. Title andquantity of instruments are showed below:干膜测厚仪 Dry film thickness

27、 gauge:1 个;相对湿度计 relative humidity meter:1 个;表面温度计 surface thermometer:1 个;需要的标准、规范。38 检查要点381 表面处理检查要点清洁度、粗糙度、油污、环境条件(气温、相对湿度、表面温度、露点) 。382 施工检查要点施工设备、混合、稀释、搅拌、涂料储存、补涂、干膜厚度、环境条件。383 完工检查要点完工面漆:色泽均匀、无流挂、无漆雾、无污染。缺陷:无针孔、无气泡、无漏刷。干膜厚度:根据规定的最低/最高厚度。四、四、安保措施安保措施 Safety Measures Safety Measures41 油漆涂装现场及存放

28、仓库严禁烟火;Fire is strictly prohibited at painting area and storage area for paints.42 油漆存放仓库和存放现场必须配备灭火器;Fire-extinguisher should be equipped at the warehouse of paint.43 油漆仓库设专人管理,未经许可不得随便进入;Warehouse of paint should be managed by designated person. Only authorize personcan enter the warehouse.44 严格执行

29、道康宁工地管理要求,在打磨工作开始前办理动火许可手续,油漆涂装前办理油漆涂装许可手续;Obey the regulations of site. Apply for fire permit before hot works. Apply forpainting permit before work.945 所有涂装人员必须配戴专用的口罩,以防油漆中毒;All painters should wear special mask to prevent poisoning.46 涂装部位做好防护措施(在地面补漆时用塑料布将地面铺垫好,所有的油漆用具都放置在专用的铁皮盘内) ,以免油漆对其他构件或环境造成污染。Painting area should have protecting measures to avoid pollution to othermembers and the environment (use plastic cloth when doing painting on the ground.All painting equipment should be placed in special trays).10



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