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1、Unit 2 词组和句子 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 1. Im going to the South Hill for my holiday. 我要去南山度假。 2. I have been there before. 我以前去过那里。 3. Can I join you (in going to the South Hill)? 我可以加入你 (去南山) 吗? 4. get all my things 拿我所有的东西 5. I dont think itll be a holiday for me. 我觉得这对我来说不是个假期。 6. Whats s

2、pecial about it? 这有什么特别的? * 认识以下世界名胜 the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔(意大利) the Little Mermaid 小美人鱼(丹麦) the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像(美国) Tower Bridge 塔桥(英国) Reading 7. a trip to Hong Kong 香港之行 8. miss you so much 非常想念你 9. My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for two days. 我父母和我到香港已两天了。 10. have a fan

3、tastic time 度过一段美妙的时光 11. spend the whole day at Disneyland 在迪斯尼乐园渡过一整天 12. have fun on Space Mountainan indoor roller coaster in the dark 玩“太空山” 一个室内的在黑暗中的过山车玩得很开心 13. move at high speed 以高速运行 14. We were screaming and laughing through the ride.在整个行程中我们一直尖叫和大笑。 15. hurry to a restaurant to have a q

4、uick meal 匆忙去一家餐馆去吃一顿简餐 16. On the way, we met some Disney cartoon characters, such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse. 在路上,我们遇到了一些迪斯尼卡通人物,比如白雪公主和米老鼠。 17. Everybody got excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon. 当下午晚些时候一队迪斯尼人物的游行开始时,每个人都变得激动起来。 18. I ran after them and coul

5、dnt stop taking photos. 我追着他们并不断拍照。 19. The 4-D film was like magic. 4D 电影就像魔法。 20. smell the apple pie and feel the wind 闻到苹果派的味道并感觉到风 21. buy a couple of key rings for classmates 给我的同学买一些钥匙环 22. At the end of the day, we watched the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. 在那天结束时,我们在睡美人城堡前观赏了

6、烟火。 23. The castle looked bright and beautiful under the fireworks.城堡在烟火的照耀下明亮又美丽。 24. Where did you go during your stay there? 在你待在那儿的时候你去了哪里? Grammar 25. My Cousin has been to Xian twice. 我表弟去过西安两次。 26. My parents have gone to Xian and they will stay there for a week. 我父母去西安了,他们将在那儿待两周。 27. be wit

7、h us at the party 在聚会上和我们一起 28. He has gone to Tianjin to attend a meeting. 他已去了天津去参加一个会议。 29. play on the sand 在沙子上玩 30. Theyll be back tomorrow afternoon. = Theyll return tomorrow afternoon. 他们后天回来。 31. arrive in Hong Kong on the first day of the winter 寒假第一天到达香港 32. The dolphin show has been on f

8、or about half an hour. 海豚表演已开始了约半个小时。 Integrated skills 33. Chinese gardens 中国园林 34. places of natural beauty 自然风景区 35. seaside cities 海滨城市 36. Simon loves water sports, such as sailing. Simon 喜爱水上运动,比如帆板。 37. You can go there in any season except winter. 除了冬天,你可以在任何季节去那儿。 38. The views there in win

9、ter may be wonderful. 在冬天那里的景色可能会很棒。 39. Its dangerous to climb the mountains or hills on cold and snowy days. 在寒冷而又下雪的日子里爬大小山脉是很危险的。 40. The best time to go there is in spring or autumn. 去那里的最佳时间是春天或秋天。 41. There may be some rain, but the weather is usually nice at the time of year. 那儿可能有雨,但每年的这个时候

10、天气通常很好。 42. Do you have any plans for the May Day holiday? 你五一节有什么计划吗? 43. My dad has been to Chengdu on business twice. 我爸爸曾去成都出差两次。 44. take a direct flight to Chengdu 坐直达成都的航班 45. By the way, how long does it take to fly to Chengdu? 顺便问一下,坐飞机去成都要多久? 46. check it for you with my dad 和我爸爸帮你查一下 Stud

11、y skills & Task 47. write about an experience or event 写一次经历或事件 48. organize our ideas using the following five main points 用下面的 5 个要点组织我们的想法 49. give details to support the main points 用细节支持主要要点 50. take as an example 以为例 51. go fishing by the lake 在湖边钓鱼 52. On the third day, we visited another famous theme park in Hong KongOcean Park. 在第三天,我们游玩了另一个著名的主题公园海洋公园。 53. She bought a lot of presents for our relatives and her friends. 她给我们的亲戚和她的朋友买了很多礼物。 54. I hope I can visit it again some day. 我希望有一天我能再次游玩这里。



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