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1、钻石diamondChinese name: 金刚石金刚石English name: DiamondChemical ingredients:99.98%的碳(C60) Properties: is the highest natural mineral hardness and brittleness is high, and collision will break. Based on the ancient Greek Adamant, meaning is hard, shall not be infringed substance, is recognized as the king

2、 of precious stones. The diamond. That is, the diamond is actually a density quite high carbon crystals.The main producing area:: the main producing area is diamond Australia, Botswana, Canada, Zimbabwe, namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Siberia;。At present the worlds main diamond cut grinding center h

3、as: Antwerp, tel aviv, New York, USA, in mumbai, India, Thailand .安特卫普有世界钻石之都的美誉,全世界钻石交易有一半左右在这里完成,“安特卫普切工”是完美切工的代名词红宝石红宝石:English name for Ruby, derived from Latin, meaning is red. Belong to the family of corundum mineral, third party of crystal. Because its composition containing cr in red to pink

4、, the higher the content is more bright-coloured color. The most popular of blood-red ruby people cherish, commonly known as doves red blood.红宝石的英文名称为红宝石的英文名称为Ruby,源自,源自拉丁文拉丁文,意思是意思是红色红色。属于。属于刚玉刚玉族矿物,族矿物,三方晶系三方晶系。因其成分中含铬而呈红到因其成分中含铬而呈红到粉红色粉红色,含量越,含量越高高颜色颜色越鲜艳。血红色的红宝石最受人们越鲜艳。血红色的红宝石最受人们珍爱,俗称珍爱,俗称“鸽血红鸽

5、血红”。 水晶水晶(Quartz Crystal) is a colorless transparent large Quartz Crystal mineral. It is the main chemical composition of sio2. Patent for SiO2. Crystal shows colorless, purple, yellow, green and smoked, etc.水晶是一种无色透明的大型石英结水晶是一种无色透明的大型石英结晶体晶体矿矿物。它的主要化学成份为物。它的主要化学成份为SiO2SiO2。水晶呈无。水晶呈无色、紫色、黄色、绿色及烟色等。色

6、、紫色、黄色、绿色及烟色等。玻璃光玻璃光泽泽。透明至半透明。硬度。透明至半透明。硬度7 7。性脆。无。性脆。无解理解理。水晶密度:水晶密度:2.562.562.662.66克克/ /立方厘米。水晶立方厘米。水晶折射率折射率:1.5441.5441.5531.553,几乎不超出此范,几乎不超出此范围。水晶色散:围。水晶色散:0.0130.013。水晶熔点为。水晶熔点为17131713。Crystal of ornamental into three types: one is the ShuiJingJing cluster, two it is crystal hole, three is i

7、nclusions crystal水晶观赏石的分为三大类:一是水晶水晶观赏石的分为三大类:一是水晶晶簇,二是水晶洞,三是包裹体水晶晶簇,二是水晶洞,三是包裹体水晶Sapphire English name for Sapphire, comes from Latin Spphins, meaning is blue. Belong to the family of corundum mineral, third party of crystal. The world of gem outside of ruby gems of all kinds will level are called c

8、orundum sapphire。蓝宝石英文名称为蓝宝石英文名称为Sapphire,源于,源于拉丁文拉丁文Spphins,意思是蓝色。属于刚玉族,意思是蓝色。属于刚玉族矿物矿物,三方晶系。宝石界将三方晶系。宝石界将红宝石红宝石之外的各色宝之外的各色宝石级刚玉都称为蓝宝石石级刚玉都称为蓝宝石 。The origin of the sapphire in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Laos, Cambodia, China hainan, one of the most rare origin should belong to the Kashmir reg

9、ion of sapphire, and myanmar is now waiting for the most local produce sapphire.蓝宝石的产地在泰国、斯里兰卡、马达加斯加、老挝、中国海南,其中最稀有的产地是克什米尔地区,缅甸是现今出产上等蓝宝石最多的地方。The worlds largest Star sapphire is Star of India , weighs 563 carats. The six shoot stars perfectly, and few defects, although not enough color gorgeous, but also is really curiosities. Gem on the back of most of the same on the star. 世界上最大的星光蓝宝石是世界上最大的星光蓝宝石是“印度之星印度之星”(Star of India),重),重563克拉。其六射克拉。其六射星光完美无缺,而且瑕疵极少,虽然色泽星光完美无缺,而且瑕疵极少,虽然色泽不够艳丽,但是也确实不失为稀世珍宝。不够艳丽,但是也确实不失为稀世珍宝。宝石的背面也呈现着几乎同样的星光。宝石的背面也呈现着几乎同样的星光。



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